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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 12th
i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
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TAG WITH @nicholas
nicholas steele
created to bear it | m
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 5:35:27 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

the sun dips below the horizon, bathing the landscape in the soft glow of twilight. nick stands before a power line that cuts through the outskirts of verdanturf town, a small crowd of disheveled utility workers behind him. his eyes, sharp behind his round glasses, narrow as he observes the nest tucked amongst the wires - a jumble of twigs and debris, home to a brood of cantankerous murkrow chicks and their mother, a large honchkrow.[break][break]

he'd received the call this morning. the power outage in the neighboring houses was caused by the nest shorting out the line. the neighborhood, usually alive with the hum of electricity, was eerily still. as a ranger, it was his duty to resolve such issues, to ensure the safety of both the wild pokemon and the town's residents.[break][break]

but as he stands there, surveying the nest, he can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the birds. though the town calls them nuisances, even they must care for their young, even they seek homes in high, dry places. do they not also have that right? do they not also deserve such amenities? must judgement be meted out to innocent creatures only trying to protect their own?[break][break]

yet, the people of the town need power to keep their lights on, their fridges running. he can't in good conscience allow the outage to persist. nick sighs, running a hand through his short, peppered hair.[break][break]

...though, is he misremembering, or is another ranger meant to assist him with this task?



- bingo: judgement



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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
117 posts
Roze Falkner DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @roze
Roze Falkner
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POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 10:26:50 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

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I stumble many times,
[break]I might just get hurt,


Whilst the man had watched carefully alongside the utility men crowding around the nestled powerline, Roze had been observing from above—admittedly a bit airheaded and having altogether forgotten to meet up with and introduce herself to her partner for this mission from Ranger HQ, riding atop a Dragonair. She'd find herself descending with the sky blue serpentine dragon after eyeing the nest of the Murkrow and Honchkrow. Much like Nicholas, the flower-adorned conservationist held the same opinion that she'd rather come to some sort of compromise, rather than force the crow pokémon to the side, to be able to help both sides.[break][break]

She'd touch down closer to the men, hoping to avoid aggravating the murder of Murkrow and needlessly stress them, smiling the best she could—still feeling rather ill since the Petalburg takeover, caught in the crossfire having failed to protect the city—she'd offered a hand to the older man, hoping to be polite and courteous, "Apologies for being late, Roze Falkner, a pleasure to be of service," she'd smiled.[break][break]

"This does seem like a bit of a difficult predicament, doesn't it?" she'd asked aloud, her brows furrowing as she'd turned back to the Murkrow nest, she'd understood why they'd chosen where they had, for her, the difficulty was trying to decide the most helpful course of action that wouldn't compromise on the pokémon's needs.



But I keep on running.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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december 12th
i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
26 posts
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TAG WITH @nicholas
nicholas steele
created to bear it | m
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 22:24:47 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

nick looks up at the sound of the approaching dragonair, and his brow creases as he recognizes the distinctive form of the sky blue serpent. it seems his partner has finally arrived. he accepts roze's handshake with a curt nod, his grip firm but brief.[break][break]

"nicholas steele, but feel free to just call me nick," he replies, his voice low and rough from disuse. "and yes, it is quite the predicament."[break][break]

he turns his gaze back to the nest, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. "the people of the town are without power, and yet..." he gestures to the honchkrow, her keen eyes scanning the area for any potential threats to her tiny, fluffy chicks huddled beneath her wings. "the murder has as much a right to occupy the space as anyone else."[break][break]

he sighs heavily, rubbing the back of his neck. "i don't know how to resolve this without causing undue harm to either side. ideally, i'd like to find a way to keep the power on while still allowing the murkrow to remain here, but..." he spreads his hands helplessly. "i'm not sure how to go about it."[break][break]

he looks to roze, a rare note of openness in his eyes. "any ideas? i feel like i might have thought about it for too long. i might be missing something."



- bingo: space



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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP