Ultras Desert: Eva and Caleb #1

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Eva Morales
Ultras Desert: Eva and Caleb #1
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 20:04:05 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
 Eva hadn’t been to the Ultras Desert in a while, but she didn’t remember there being sandstorms like this. Something changed, and not for the better. Perhaps it was her lost ability to manipulate the winds that kept them safe on their previous expeditions. The emptiness inside her reverberated, a painful reminder of what she had lost.

But she wasn’t alone. likely struggled alongside her, fighting against the harsh gusts of wind that shot sand at them like little bullets. Hopefully, this wouldn’t deter him from further exploration. There was still much to see and be discovered beneath the hot sands of this strange place.

Eva’s emerald eyes peered through the goggles that protected them, focusing on what may be the shadow of a cave up ahead, “Let’s head that way!” her voice is muffled beneath the cloth pulled up to her nose to protect from the sting of the sand. To emphasize, she pointed towards the shadow of the cave. There, they would be able to get some relief from the storm and fortify their plan for this expedition.

03 involve dangerous sandstorms or the ability "overcoat".

13 involve quicksand, secret passages, or being buried alive.

30 encounter mummified/well-preserved bodies of megalopolans who possess notes that suggest only ultra beasts lived here.

31 discover an ancient tomb presumably created for some regal presence.

Special Hunt: For Eva to capture Pheramosa

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