i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 18:39:48 GMT
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They sit in a corner, away from the prying eyes of their Kantonian comrades.

In one of the very few buildings to survive Petalburg's collapse, a community theater has been repurposed into a solemn mockery of a certain dance theater located in Johto's Ecruteak City. Yet the aura is different, and the scent of incenses and solemn reverence has been replaced with the drunken cheering of Kanto Rockets and dancers that could only be described as lecherous.

"They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I suppose that even a child's scribble of a masterpiece can be considered a compliment, but when does imitation devolve into such... debauchery?"

Click. Click. Click. A lighter flint is sparked multiple times against a cigarette, before finally catching a light. The admin took a deep breath of nicotine and released a plume of smoke.

The act is not out of place. Every member of Kanto's Team Rocket had been doing the same since Howard and his companion sat down. His eye flicked to her.

"They never were able to take Johto. Maybe they simply want to experience something they'd never be able to see otherwise? Even a fake can be genuine if there's nothing to compare it to."

He tapped the cigarette against the table, before turning to the older woman next to him.

"What do you think?"

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December 13
Ecruteak City
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Yotsukura Yotsugami
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 19:13:51 GMT
Yotsukura Yotsugami Avatar

--And all he receives in response is a derisive snort.

"I can't imagine why the Rainbow Pokemon has declined to show itself to them."

If a fake can truly surpass the original, then there's no point in calling it a fake anymore. There's not any difference between the two. That's why this gaudy display can only be called a fake. Painted harlots and braying cattle, competing to see who can make the louder racket. As if to mitigate her disgust, she brings a well-loved kiseru pipe to her lips, the fine tobacco offering a richer, earthier aroma than anything that can be managed by anything that already comes rolled up in a packet. Once she'd secured her position, getting something better than the cheap crap they had to hand around her had been her first priority.

--It's a filthy habit, but she never claimed to be perfect. Small vices are one of the few things she has left. 

"Can the dancers even battle? I might forgive them for playing to their audience if they could at least hold their own. Half the artistry in it is in the battling, you see." 

She's entirely serious. The battles weaved into each performance might only be for show, but the emotion and the passion, they are entirely real. They are the sparks by which the sacred fires might be ignited once again. A dance without a battle is only vanity, and not worth considering as anything more than autoeroticism. She can't even say she's insulted-- are you insulted when an fish doesn't know how to walk on two legs? It's simply beyond their capabilities.

"I hope you aren't going to ask me to train them properly. You know what they say about horses  and water. Besides, I'd need a year or two just to find the right candidates."

She leans back a little and crosses her arms, her free hand disappearing into the sleeve of her kimono. Inside them, she runs a hand over Eevee's Poke Ball. She won't bring her out in a filthy place like this, but she misses the weight of her all the same.

"I'm curious what it is you do want to ask of me. I wasn't expecting an organisation like Rocket to have much use for someone like me, but, then again, it does seem that you're in dire needs of people who actually know what they're doing." 

She looks down the length of her pipe at him, her eyes empty of anything but idle  curiosity.  What brings a man like that to a point in his life like this?

--though, she supposes he could ask the same of her. Hah. The irony tastes of bitter almonds.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 19:30:21 GMT
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"There is no need to train them, though I'd love to see the attempt."

The process to becoming a true Kimono Girl was a long one. His eye flicked over the hints of age on his colleague's face. A long one, indeed.

"I simply wanted your opinion as one who has experienced the genuine article. Though I suppose you've done far more than experience it?" Howard's eye lingers on her kimono, out of appreciation for the cultural heritage. He is not some Kantonian dog to lust after flesh or proclaim himself strong in the presence of the weak. "You've lived it."

There are few in this organization that are as weak as Howard Slayte. His Claydol floats nearby, scanning the darkness for potential threats to the admin's life. He is capable of blasting this building off the map and turning everyone here into cooked meat and ash, but there is no grace in annihilation. Giants crafted in the vision of kings did not need to breathe in this befouled air.

No, Regirock and Regice could stay away and labor. That was their penance for attempting to raze when their purpose was to raise.

"Team Rocket consists of those who've been rejected by the world. Outcasts and thieves, scorned aristocrats and nobles, scientists whose academia is considered taboo. We are dregs. Whether you believe that or not, they-" He waved a hand at the drunken, cheering crowd. "-believe it or not. We even had Galar's Crown Prince, once."

He tone reeked of discontent at the final person's mention. It was not a label or a group of people, but instead a single person. Royalty. It had been years since had graced Team Rocket with the holy light of a divine right to rule, and even still that light cast a very long shadow.

And it was only growing longer.

"Perhaps the Rainbow Pokémon has denied them its grace because it is sworn to another. Tell me." He turned to face Yotsukura Yotsugami, a wry smile on a face carved from ice and stone. "Can an immortal phoenix offer fealty to a ghost?"

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December 13
Ecruteak City
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Yotsukura Yotsugami
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 20:49:15 GMT
Yotsukura Yotsugami Avatar

"...Yes. I lived that life. But, that was a long time ago. I'm nobody of any note anymore."

Her reticence does not match the manner in which she announced herself to Team Rocket. But, that's to be expected. It isn't in her nature to make more of a scene than she needs to. An image is an important thing to maintain, after all.

"Once. Foreign royalty you don't have a hold over anymore isn't incredibly impressive, if we're speaking truthfully. Unless this has been Galar all along, and I accidentally purchased the wrong ticket. That would've be foolish of me."

--And even these words don't match her last. No one of note, and yet she scoffs at royalty. Is it arrogance, or simple apathy? The answer is in the way her foot taps in time to the music, the wooden click of her geta lost to the beat.

Ah, and here's the turn in the conversation. He has her attention, at least. It's for this reason that she's here, after all. Of ghosts and rainbows, at least, she is qualified to speak. Even if she's discarded her past, or tried to, there are some parts of her that can't be so easily excised.

"...Hm. Maybe. Pokémon like that exist on a timescale that us mortal beings can't even imagine. Ancient when we were young... It would be as easy as it blinking, and missing the flickering out of a candle in the moment its eyes were closed. But, still. It seems unlikely to me."

A brief pause. Another drag from the pipe, and her other hand emerges with a fan that she snaps open in a single movement, the paper blooming like a flower in its first and last spring to cover half her face, each section a different colour of the rainbow of which they speak. But, it's curious. Kimono Girls match their accessories to their Pokémon, as is tradition, but this fan of seven shades does not suit her mourning black.

"My reasoning is quite simple, really. You're familiar with the legend, yes? The Rainbow Pokémon gives life. Why should it suffer its ally to die? if it follows a ghost, it is because it has not yet understood that they have passed."

She does not use the word 'fealty', like he does. She knows that such a creature does not serve.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 7:10:22 GMT
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She knows based on tradition. He knows based on history. The aged Kimono Girl respects repeated deeds and actions, which eventually cement into the concept known as 'tradition' as generations turn a foundation of faith into a temple perceived only as truth. Howard knows from recent history that Kyle Lopez brought Ho-oh to heel.

He suspects that they are both right, but neither of them will get the opportunity to verify that fact because Kyle Lopez is dead, and neither of them can ask the Rainbow Pokémon of today what yesterday was like. For such a being, yesterday does not exist. There is only today.

Ho-oh, therefore, is the youngest and oldest Pokémon in existence. It has only ever lived for one day, after all.

"And you think that, once it realizes that the one benefitting from its patronage has passed, it will revive its chosen hero to pick up the sword and continue its great fight?" Howard closed his eye, thoughtful. "Interesting."

His eye does not open for several moments. Instead, he allows his mind to delude him into believing that they are at a finer estate, where the incenses are exotic and rich and the battles are as intense as the blaze that burned the Bell Tower hundreds of years ago. As long as his eye remains shut, he can pretend.

Yet eventually, it must open. So it does.

"What a marvelous fan. If you'll forgive me, I have a theory that I'd like to run by you." He does not speak of Galar's prince again. It is a sore topic, full of personal failure and jealousy and contempt and rage. They are here to discuss myths, not mortals. "Is it true that all Kimono Girls use Eevees? Do you think that using a Pokémon that can split up into several different colors depending on the circumstances is inspired by the Tin Tower's patron?"

It's a realization that he can only act upon now, with this woman sitting next to him, smoking her pipe and preening with her fan. Though to say Yotsukura Yotsugami could 'preen' seemed like a mocking thing to utter.

Thus, he said nothing of it. He merely waited.

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December 13
Ecruteak City
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Yotsukura Yotsugami
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 12:22:05 GMT
Yotsukura Yotsugami Avatar

"It may do. Or it may simply... move on. We cannot know how it perceives life or death, nor can we know the rules and limitations of its blessing. A divine mystery should remain a mystery, no? Perhaps that is against the ethos of Team Rocket, but it is not a mere kimono girl's place to understand why the Rainbow Pokémon heeds the call of the bell-- she need only dance to its song."

Perhaps it's a blessing that only Pokémon are worthy of, she doesn't say. To admit that possibility is to admit the impossibility of her own dream, and that is one line that she will not cross. Everything is within her reach, if only she might find the strength to grasp it.

She would sympathize with that ideal image he conjures behind his eyelids for a moment, of course. Perhaps it's in search of someplace like that again that she's here now. All roads eventually lead to home, even if you think you've forgotten the way. Even if you must build your home anew.

--The conversation turns again, this time to a place she doesn't much like. The eye that isn't hidden by the rainbow's glare hardens, and her lips draw into a tight line.

"...Traditionally, yes. Each part of the Eevee line is as a shard of that refracted light, filtered through stone or sky or smile to find a form that suits the Pokémon best. Some even believe that the Sacred Beasts were of the line, before their rebirth... though I don't personally subscribe to that view."

There are rumors to be investigated and pursued, of beasts that wear a familiar face but take a more atavistic shape. Besides, if once the light of that rainbow shined upon the members of that clade, the rain has long since stopped, and the sun long since set. Now, like any other species, Pokémon of the Eevee line just die.

"...I am no longer in possession of my partner, if that's what you're asking."

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 6:57:51 GMT
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"Ah." Howard's lips slipped into a frown, the smoldering end of his cigarette threatening to die from the lack of breath. "I pry. Apologies. I'm an academic, see. I'm obligated to question things, and sometimes that results in unsavory answers."

Unsavory, true. Yet they had to be asked. If this Kimono Girl's partner had faded from this world, then there was little to be done but honor their memory and move on. The admin made a small note of this prospective Eevee in his mausoleum of remembrance, as a small footnote for the enigma known as Yotsukura Yotsugami.

"As an apology, I can answer your question. I do not think they are the revived corpses of Eevees or their evolutions. I have met Suicune. I have met Entei. I have met the shadow of Raikou. They're thoroughly distinct, though it's like these mockeries of Kimono Girls, dancing on the stage to the drunken crowd of desecrators." He raised an eyebrow, then repeated a thought that he had earlier. "A mimicry of the original can be both distinct from and exceed the original."

was an enemy. was chasing a distant dream. was dead, and Ho-oh had left him behind in the dust, leaving his ashes to dissipate in the wind.

"I hate our Kantonian colleagues more than you will ever truly know." He confides in her for no other reason than their mutual appreciation for myth. "They've ruined everything for all of us."

The cigarette is tossed aside, discarded and forgotten. A burned tool that had fulfilled its purpose before being cast aside. Even if only the nub remained, one could surmise that a cigarette had been smoked, and could thus deduce the circumstances behind its consumption.

Such was the analysis of history.

"Sieging Johto ruined everything. They elucidated the myth and made us aware of the fact that our gods aren't mythical. They're still just Pokémon, at the end of the day. By excising fantasia from the world, myth is just a dated word. Irrelevant."

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December 13
Ecruteak City
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Yotsukura Yotsugami
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 11:03:28 GMT
Yotsukura Yotsugami Avatar

"You need not apologize. It is a wrong that will be righted, in time."

Whose wrong, and how will it be put right? Her face betrays no answers, only an absolute certainty in her words. It is not a possibility for her, but merely a place that she has yet to reach. The fan snaps shut abruptly, and the pipe returns to her lips. Inhale. Exhale. A ritual in microcosm, as old as humanity itself. Such a simple thing, and yet there isn't a single person in this building who is not in its thrall.

--His next words make her tilt her head. It was the correct choice to come here, it seems. Myth and legend congeal like tar in the lungs of this land, just as the stories say. She wonders if any of them truly understand the deluge of miracles they're witnessing.

"That must've been a great honor, to stand before them. When I was a child, I once thought I caught a glimpse of the Aurora Pokémon, gliding across the surface of the Lake of Rage as if it were solid ground. But, it was just a mirage. An illusion. I fear such a meeting better suits a person like me. Though... if we're talking about fakes and originals, if the quality is of the same caliber then the distinction becomes little more than semantics. If I had trained these girls, they would be Kimono Girls. The Pokémon I saw on that lake might just be an illusion, and yet it moved me. If a imitation exceeds the original, it is no longer an imitation."

She thinks of her first partner Pokémon, before she was a Kimono Girl, before she was much of anything. Her mother took her to New Bark Town specially to receive him, rather than enlist the Gym Leader's help in catching whatever Sentret or Oddish happened to be wandering the outskirts of the city. That little Cyndaquil is gone now, and yet the first Pokémon she met when came here bore a face so similar to his.

--She won't think of them as originals and imitations. Pokémon are just Pokémon. She supposes she makes for a poor terrorist, to be so sentimental. But, a woman of her age is allowed a few indulgences, no?

She listens to his next words carefully, and this time her lips curl upwards, into a smile that's almost coquettish. They're treading in dangerous territory, now.

"My. A more suspicious woman might fear you're testing my loyalty, by speaking so poorly of our illustrious comrades. Hoping to catch me in some treasonous statement, perhaps. No matter. I will speak my mind either way. I find myself lacking in patience for platitudes, nowadays. Pretending a problem doesn't exist will only make it worse, after all."

A pause. She sets her pipe down, still wearing that small smile, and lays her hands flat on the table. Slit my wrists if I speak untruly. It's like something out of a movie.

"The Kanto Rockets are little better than dogs. Houndour without a alpha. they'll happily burn this place down to ash if they're not brought to heel."

The building, the city or the region? She does not elaborate. She thinks only of the shape of that tower, smoldering in the morning rain. It isn't so far from his cigarette, really.

"I doubt I would have been so lucky as to be here had they succeeded in their invasion. More importantly, that myth would have been lost. But, they failed, and it has not yet disappeared. Where you say they 'excised' our myth, I say they helped to make it real. that our deities are just Pokémon is nothing to be disappointed in. Rather, it is providence that a Pokémon could hold that power."

She shrugs a little, and withdraws her hands, as if embarassed by the strength of her own convictions.

"That's my view, at least. I understand if you disagree. After all, I have not stood before them, as you have."

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2024 6:35:24 GMT
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Even if he had a blade, her wrists would not bleed. Such a waste of life was unbecoming for one wise to the ways of the world. The old had a right to perish for their young, but what youth was this woman protecting? Her convictions interested Howard, and he commended them.

To let her die to defend them would be such a shame. Though, in his own jaded admittance, it was better for the wrists to bleed than the back. To leave belief behind in favor of life was the greatest shame of all.

I've stood before them, yes. I did not feel blessed by their presence. Suicune deemed me a threat, and thus decided that I had to perish. It was my convictions against it and its trainer's. They fled, and I am still here. I suppose that makes my will stronger than theirs."

It had been an ugly fight, brutal and cruel and vindictive and utterly human. Howard had killed an underboss and watered the ground with her blood. His biggest regret was not salting the earth so 's flower would not grow again. After crushing her under Regirock's fist, he had beaten Kouji within an inch of his life with a rock. Then, and only then, had he faced Suicune and their chosen Liberator.

Then, as Suicune was like to do, it fled.

"I wonder what made you see that illusion, though. Maybe it was the genuine Suicune, before Team Rocket razed its sacred places to the ground. Perhaps it was simply testing you on its own metrics. We'll never know, though. Such is the cost of indulging in legends."

Maybe this woman had once desired it so deeply that it had manifested before her eyes. If that was the case, then the human will could shift reality to suit its own ends. What difference was a myth from historical fact? What distinction mattered when faced with a distant illusion or the genuine article?

"I hope you never face Suicune or his partner. His heart is genuinely as pure as a spring pool, especially for someone who will likely die before this war is over." A deep breath. A sigh of lamentation. "We're expected to kill him."

Team Rocket does not forgive defectors, after all.

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December 13
Ecruteak City
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Yotsukura Yotsugami
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2024 13:12:25 GMT
Yotsukura Yotsugami Avatar

What is the cost of a legend, really? The despair of a myth unfulfilled, perhaps, a king still slumbering beneath the mountains, or the disappointment of growing up, of letting go of those kind delusions of a world where everyone has a happy ending. Those are not so cruel a price to pay, she thinks. Not when the possibility of seeing that legend realized is so tantalizing. A gamble to place your faith in such a ephemeral belief, of course, but so are most real choices in life.

"--Hm. is that not a blessing? If the Aurora Pokémon chose to oppose you, then it acknowledged that you are strong."

More devoted supplicants expend a lifetime for less. Once again, she wonders if the people of this region realise the era they're living through. Though, she supposes she's being unkind. To become a character in legend unending is certainly a testing thing. She suspects her new friend is more than capable of rising to the challenge, though.

--After all, he had faced the Aurora Pokémon, and had not been found wanting. That's enough to afford him a sliver of her trust. Or something like it, at least.

"I suppose you must expect me to condemn the idea of opposing one of the Sacred Beasts. I might've, when I was your age. When I was young, and optimistic. But, that was a different me. I will not forget the person I was, but she was weak. And, after all--"

Her smile turns cruel, and the fathomless deep of her eyes burns cold. If the Aurora Pokemon still finds cause to flee, then it has not truly found a worthy partner.

"--It is as you said. It is only a Pokémon, in the end, and a Pokémon may come to know more than one trainer in its lifetime. And, a pure heart is not as hard as you might think for people like us to attain. Even the clearest water, if deep enough, can drown."



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