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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2019 0:29:37 GMT
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"Yes." he's smiles when he confirms for her, because it seems she has taken the short version of the tale to heart. He's glad to see it, even if it does not do the full history of the Stray any justice. "You would be more than welcome to stop by my dear."

He hopes she does, because Evan wants to make sure that the place is remembered, that as many people as possible know of it. He wants to be sure the story continues despite the times. It doesn't matter how much longer it lasts so long as it does. To try for much more is well beyond his ability to plan ahead, Evan is a man that lives in the moment and to try to hard for the future is not in his nature.

Evan lets the conversation settle though, watching as she asses her work and there is no denying the improvement she's made. While he is no god to give approval that matters he silently praises her for her efforts none the less. Eyes trail over what she has done since they began talking and he imagines the shrine will be more than worthy of attention again when she finishes.

It isn't until she speaks again that he looks away, having been content to admire her work. Fascinated by most things, he can't help but want to take the time to look it over better.

He knows where the shrine is though, he can always do that later.

"That sounds delightful." he says, straightening himself to prepare to follow her. "What would you like to know about the place dear, ask away."

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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2019 8:15:12 GMT
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cait promptly retrieved a purse boasting a lengthy strap that had formerly been tucked away in the wild grass, shouldering it before giving the older man a nod.

let's get going then."

she considered the questions she wanted to present to him while he was here, her mind filled with a handful of inquiries that related to the establishment - and to him as well. 

you mentioned you worked there when you were younger," she began. "what was it like? how many 'strays' were there at a time?"

the young woman pried once granted ample opportunity to do so, appearing to be genuinely intrigued by the man and his story. cait guided him away from the shrine as she verbally prodded him, appearing to be familiar with the path as celebi hovered overhead; vanishing on occasion only to reappear again within a few short moments.

their green-maned avatar soon reached into her purse, producing several pokeballs and allowing their contents to spill into the world. two sceptile and their daughter - a spindly groyvle - appeared, looking to their mistress for orders. 

berries," she said, simply. "we're going to have lunch. try gathering as many as you can."

they were silent in their acknowledgement, the mother and father separating and the child remaining only for a moment to wave her hand in greeting at evan - before she too vanished.

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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2019 9:26:48 GMT
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The chuckle is soft, light on his lips and somehow so very unfitting for a man who looks like he does. Few expect him to sound so thoroughly happy and yet it seems to be the only thing he ever is.

Evan is distracted as he follows her, the small god that follows in the air above them being something that has not quite sunk in yet. He's heard the stories, seen the news, but had yet to see one in the flesh. Let alone one he recognized and without thinking a hand settles on his right hip. It's habit that compels the movement because no amount of doubt can truly convince him it's not real.

His eyes turn away when she speaks, and it is a good thing she pulls him away from his thoughts because the idea of the gods is comfortable while their presence is unsettling. Answering her questions is easiest of it all.

"I hate to disappoint" he begins, smile solemn at the sad state the Stray had been in for much of his youth. "but not nearly as many as there used to be. Maybe one of two of us, the old man before me used to say I was the only one that came back anymore."

It wasn't a bad thing per say, because many had made the place a building block of their lives. He just wasn't one of them, not in that way.

"The old man used to tell me stories though, and I've found newspapers and journals from the past and the amount of people that have passed through it" it's evident in his voice how it fascinates him, his tone shifting to show it. "those walls used to be brimming with them. Society just doesn't need it the same way anymore I guess."

It's a sad fact that he hates, even most trainers nowadays are used to using things like the pokecenters or hotels, the idea of staying at a Tavern never crosses their minds. It wasn't just that though, the old man was ready to let it go, he was ready to let the legacy die. It's story was so very old. "I like to think that could be brought back though, at least a little bit."

He pauses at her pokemon, as green as she is and somehow he is not surprised. They seem well trained and eager to complete the tasks she gives them and he wonders if he shouldn't make a contribution. He taps the balls on his wrist two at a time, releasing the whisicott and lilligant. A tap at his lips tells them all they need to know and they wonder off much the same as her own. They have always been the better of his foragers, tracking down roots and berries with ease.

"they should be able to help a little, would be a shame not to pull my weight."

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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2019 20:00:23 GMT
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she listened and savored the time spent within evan's company, for such a moment relied heavily upon the peace that had been hard won. cait no longer had to be wary of attack nor of her city being at a frightfully high risk of invasion - she could be gone for a solid length of time and return to a home that had been left unmolested.

'may it last,' she thought, longingly. 

celebi detected her partial prayer, for their bond was strong; their minds deeply tethered. they released a quiet tittering noise in reaction, for they were in full agreement with the idea of everlasting peace. cait smiled reverently, lifting her gaze to them just as they vanished into a particularly thick clump of foliage.   

a whimsicott and a lilligant," she said, her eyes settling upon the pair. "you've got excellent taste."

she shifted the topic back onto the tavern, wondering if she could bolster its reputation somewhat.

i think i'll be taking advantage of that stage of yours," she said. "maybe a gym leader swinging by with a song and dance will draw some attention to that refined establishment of yours. who do you usually get on stage?"

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2019 8:40:15 GMT
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"And your trio looked well cared for and well trained. It's admirable." he returns the compliment, feeling it unbecoming to do any less when she's made such a comment on his own. Especially for that pair, as they are some of his pokemon that have been with him the longest.

Their conversation does not detour for long and Evan has not complaints about the matter, content to talk as much as she likes. Especially when she turns to a topic he cares as much for as the Stray.

"I imagine your presence would put it back on the map to many, I hope you wouldn't come just for that though." he doesn't care much for publicity, the nonsense of society is beyond him in many ways but he understands how to many it can be the greatest draw and reason to go somewhere. Simply having someone stand on the wood steps of his back porch could double his traffic. Keeping them coming is a different story.

Evan stares upwards, looking past the trees to the sky as he talks. "I usually books locals, wondering travelers with a talent or traveling performers. I offer room and board to those that need it in exchange for the service and locals like the idea of showcasing their own somewhere in a world that usually won't look twice at them." And he likes it too, feeling there could be no better performers to have on his stage. Even the gym leader in front of him, should she take the stage it won't be because of who she is in the public eye.

"I imagine they would take well to you being from the area too, another side of one their dear leaders." it will be because she is a part of this region, and she belongs there as much as the rest of it does.

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2019 14:26:33 GMT
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"i would hope that my 'good side' is put on public display on a daily basis," she replied, jokingly. 

the life of a political figure was a trying one, a facade of partial perfection one that she had painstakingly crafted and maintained since she had been formally elected. thankfully, her personality aligned well enough with the one she put on display for the public.

i look forward to seeing the stray. you'll be hearing from me soon enough - maybe within a few day's time? i won't be leaving the city until the end of this week, if all goes well."

her pokemon returned, each carrying a small collection of berries in their arms. cait quickly checked each one, lifting and examining the the fruit's firmness and quickly identifying any amount of rot. her two sceptile had little issue collecting a good bunch, but her groyvle had discovered and returned with a few overripe or underdeveloped edibles. 

you tried, baby girl," she breathes. 

groyvle tilted her head and frowned. 

i'll see if i can't fix these up."

they paused their walk so that they could observe her companions gingerly pile up the fruits of their labor. it was a decent enough amount to serve her pokemon and perhaps even his own - depending on their overall size. 

the good quality berries on one side - the lower qualities on the other."

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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 23:06:05 GMT
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"Of course, nothing less." at least he imagines so. He can't recall anything bad in the new about the young woman, at least not recently. Then again his following the news is hap hazard at best and if it's not something that seems important to watch he doesn't really make note of it. It's more out of habit than anything anyway.

"But I look forward to your visit nonetheless." this was the last thing he expected to develop from their outing but he can't say he's against it in the slightest. The Stray has needed the little bit of extra attention, while it survives it does not thrive, too easily over looked by the new blood for the other fancier bars and clubs. The old blood is content to stay in the only watering hole they have ever known but rarely does he get new faces at his tables.

one could say, given the grin on his face, that Evan is actually a little bit excited.

His eyes shift to her pokemon when they reappear with their loot. His eyes drift out towards the brush, wondering if his own will be returning in time or not. It's not terribly uncommon for them to get a little distracted as they wander. His pokemon very much take after him. A finger taps his cheek as he thinks about whether or not he's going to have to go after them.

Evan watches as she exams the fruit and they divvy it up by what is a is not edible at that moment, an action they seem to do with ease. "Not too bad, and besides there are a lot of berries to comb through in this area nowadays."

He pauses for a moment before commenting. "Mine should return eventually, bumble- the whimsicott- probably got distracted and Suzy Q is will have to drag him back." he knows his pokemon well enough to know to expect it.

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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2019 22:16:25 GMT
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cait unceremoniously plopped down on her rear, joined by her steadfast companions as she effectively sorted through the berries. 

'suzy q'," she drawled, laughter in her voice. "i love that name already."

she'd tap at her waist, removing several pokeballs placed there. the creatures to emerge were an meganium, a bayleef and a chikorita. the pokemon assessed their immediate surroundings with low murmurs, their expressions greatly varied. 

everyone? this is evan," she introduced, gesturing toward the man. "evan? this is meganium. bayleef and chikorita are her children."

meganium greeted him warmly while her older and younger child merely eyed him curiously. 

berries for lunch," she announced, clapping her hands. "i hope all of you are hungry."

cait grinned brightly as she gestured toward the sizeable pile of good berries, directing her pokemon to pick through the pile and enjoy. 

"there should be enough for everyone. how about your pokemon, evan? do they fancy berries?"

she'd reach for the rotten ones as she asked, her touch radiating with warmth.

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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2019 8:49:26 GMT
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"My, how darling." He smiles at the pokemon, offering a hand for pats of attention should the pokemon be willing to accept. There's no denying how well cared for her pokemon seem to be and Evan admires the effort she must have put into them.

Evan straightens, eyes wondering as he looks out over the foliage in hopes of seeing signs of his own pokemon. It comes as no surprise that he doesn't see them just yet. "Bumble and Suzy Q" his voice trails off into a hum thinking over the only other pokemon he'd be willing to release in the forest out of combat. "Meg's a bit picky but she might." he taps the pokeball she belongs in, the mimikyu emerging with her back turned to the crowd. She yawns, looking up at Evan before realizing they have company she did not expect. The small pokemon is quickly startled, jumping at so many being present and scurrying behind his legs. Her small body quakes, rattling the disguise she wears.

"Now now, they don't bite. At least they haven't yet." he steps aside, forcing the pokemon into the spotlight. "Meg, Cait and her pokemon, Cait, Meg. She's easily startled but she warms up to people fast." the shaking stops rather suddenly, his mentioning of a name showing familiarity and she accepts that the woman has already been vetted as not an immediate threat. Still, the pokemon seems to only watch her from under her disguise, keeping her distance.

"Are you a breeder by the way? You've mentioned a few of them being children." He's curious and just as he turns to her and away from the foliage his lilligant and whimsicott emerge, the former dragging the other by his fluff. Her other appendage carrying a fair share of berries, the rest stored in the cotton sheeps fluff while they tried to find the group.

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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2019 21:55:41 GMT
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she tittered softly in response to the man's softly-worded inquiry. 

i'm no breeder," she replied. "i merely house my pokemon in an open environment. i maintain an artificial ecosystem within mauville gym and they're allowed to wander freely."

cait gestured toward her pair of sceptiles and their daughter.

they're also allowed to pair at a whim if it so pleases them," she informed. "and i don't keep them on any amount of medication to hamper their respective cycles. there's a certain freedom there that allows for them to freely reproduce."

she had considered - once or twice - stemming the metaphorical tide of children that now filled the corners of her gym. but she'd much preferred to allow her pokemon to live as they would in the wilds; her own tribe doing much the same when it came to their bestial counterparts.

so - meg, was it? she's an absolute darling. bashful as well. but that isn't an unusual trait to find in mimikyu. she's welcome to eat if she's hungry."

cait raised her hand, revealing that the tiny berry within her palm that had formerly been rotted through had become suddenly healthy again; its flesh was firm and its taste delightfully sweet.

you're with friends, baby girl," the gym leader crooned, lovingly. 

her meganium settled and distributed a fair share of berries among her own family, taking care to make sure her smallest ate a fair share.

how many pokemon do you have, evan? i see you have a number of grass-types on your person - and even fairy."  
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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2019 3:07:58 GMT
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Evan looks at his pokemon as they walk right into his legs and laughs. The Liligant is eager to drop her prizes but stares at the sheep pokemon for a moment before looking up at him and gesturing at her counterpart. He's long since learned to interpret it as her way of asking for help dealing with the creature that seems to be just as much of a living disaster as his trainer was and Evan chuckles at them. He lowers himself to the ground with a surprising ease and gets to work removing the berries from the pokemon's cotton.

"An artificial environment?" he raises a brow, eyes shifting to her and his mimikyu who is watching her with a tilt in her disguise, like the little body beneath it is contorted in curiosity. A habit she has picked up from watching him talk. "That sounds like quite the sight, especially if it fills a gym. That must be gorgeous."

The mimikyu inches closer as her hand reveals the berry, purring from beneath her disguise. Her shadow sneaks from bellow her, stretching and reaching in the clunky shape of a hand. Her shadow wraps around the berry to pull it back under her disguise without ever lifting it. A courtesy the pokemon has mastered after years of travel amonsgt humans. There's a slight clenching in Evan's jaw but he lets it go. He's quite certain the berry was rotten before and while his memory often fails him it's rarely that bad.

His focus shifts back to her inquiry, thinking back to the Stray and the many feet that now prowl its wood floors. "Many more than I am accustomed to frankly. I leave most of them to roam around the property of the Stray while I am gone." his brows furrow for a moment while he thinks. "I try not to count, I've never had more than I can carry on me in the past to be honest. I imagine your own dwarf mine if they're allowed to live as freely as you imply."

The pile of berries growing beside his whimsicott generally ripe, the pokemon having much practice in their gathering though a few seem to stray from the path of ripeness. He can't help but comment. "That's quite the trick you just did."

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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2020 13:41:28 GMT
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"a gift bestowed upon me by celebi."

she shared in her power, often wielding it for the betterment of those whom she sought to interact with. additionally she was very eager to practice, aware that the fine-tuning of her abilities would allow for her to more efficiently serve the region.

it's a bit of a chore, i admit. on top of my regular duties i manage the bulk of my pokemon. of course i don't do it alone. i've a hypno who manages quite a few chores around the gym."

cait relied heavily upon her psychic-types to manage the intricacies of gym's inner-workings; but it was her much beloved hypno that expertly ran things. the pokemon could even be relied upon to serve as her proxy if the situation called for it.

earlier you mentioned you weren't a follower," she said, deciding to change the topic of discussion. "i assume you're not religious? i'm not one to judge - but i know those whom proclaim themselves followers of the gods are few in number nowadays."   
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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2020 10:56:10 GMT
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"God-touched then."

It is spoken like a statement more than a response and he makes no move to comment further on the matter. It is a touchy subject he rarely treads upon. It is a term he does not hate but has no love for.

Evan nudges his liligant, a gesture at the berries encouraging her and the whimsicott to enjoy their share of the prizes. Meg certainly hasn't hesitated in indulging, evident by the munching that can be heard from bellow her disguise. He grins a little at her as she mentions her psychic type. He thinks of his own, namely the Musharna who has been with him most of his life.

"It's good that you can rely on them then, psychic types are fantastic to have around. They're some of the most versatile pokemon and their capabilities are fascinating. I'd like to meet your Hypno one day." especially if they help her in the capacity she is saying. He believes it, whole heartedly, but that doesn't make it any less interesting.

Evan has to think on her next inquiry a bit. It's a hard question to answer. It treads into places he does not like to go.

"It's." he starts, stops, thinks again. "Complicated."

There is a shift in the tenseness of his shoulders as he plucks a berry from his whimsicott's fluff and checks it over, taking a bite before he answers further, almost as if he is buying himself time. "My people are traditionally what you might call religious but my personal relationship with the gods is a bit of a" he mulls over his choice.

"You could call it a love-hate relationship of sorts. And that is why I do not consider myself devout."

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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 16:59:15 GMT
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"a love-hate relationship?"

she parroted his words, the look she bore a combination of bemusement and raw interest. cait was pleased that he was willing to open up, especially since she was naught more than a freshly introduced acquaintance at that point. her green-eyed gaze fixed upon his facial features, noting his expression as well as his tone of voice as he spoke. 

do you visit religious sites often?

the young woman brought attention to the reality of his presence as well as his gift that had surrendered to her god. 

you must care enough to bother with visiting my lord's this shrine," she said. "i'd love for you to elaborate if you're... willing?"
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 21:11:23 GMT
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He nods when she repeats his word choice, as if confirming that it is the best way to describe how he feels. It is not something he has ever hidden but but was still a difficult matter for him to put into words. Especially in the presence of those that did consider themselves devout. It made him feel like his choice of words had to be carefully picked to avoid being misunderstood.

"I do when I can." sometimes an easier feat than others, though his travels were constant most of his life and made such endeavors sporadic at best.

"Regardless of my own view or relationship with them, they do much for others and many rely on their beliefs for their own inner piece. I visit them out of respect for that even if I do not always feel the same for myself."

His smile returns when he looks over at her. "I've spent most of my life traveling, I've met a lot of the tribes the world over that still worship the gods and take from their stories." Evan had always taken the time to speak with such individuals, feeling it the best way to learn of the gods. Better than any books or classroom could teach.

He opts not to speak of his own relationship with the gods, a subject he doesn't even know well enough himself to feel that he can. Instead he opts to return the subject to her. "I assume your's is quite strong however, considering what I just watched you do." it is an invitation for her to speak of herself in turn, though he won't blame her if she chooses not to.

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