recouping [inv | duo wild]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 21:07:38 GMT
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the cave reminds her of home. as a child she'd spent countless hours in the digletts' cave, it was where she developed her affinity for ground types. it was where she'd caught her first pokemon, where she'd won some of her first battles, and where she picked as her way out of vermillion city. a bitter part of her heart wishes desperately she could remember those times fondly. every time she tries they're overshadowed by the reality of what her home has become at this point. a den of thieves littered with corpses. for all she knows the hideaway of her youth has become a dumping ground.

these thoughts aren't helped by the reason she finds herself in granite cave. her team isn't as strong as it used to be. she wants to offer challengers a real fight when they come by the gym, and while she can do that with some others leave with a badge too easily won. she walks into that cave with pokeballs and a mission but right away she feels like she'll falter. the act of catching pokemon to her isn't as simple as it should be. it feels like replacing. taking spots once filled by dear friends and sticking strangers there.

"always so dramatic. . ."

she admonishes herself as she takes a few more steps into the darkness of the vast space and turns on the light affixed to the helmet on her head. from the stalactites her light illuminates she sees water dripping and for a moment wishes she gave herself the same luxury the stone could afford.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 12, 2018 4:44:32 GMT
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Cool, Im just trying to be cool

Dewford is quaint; its people, trendy; its cave, alluring. Its gym leader? Unknown on a personal level, as far as Alex was concerned, but that was just one of a few reasons he had come to the town. What better way to remedy unfamiliarity than with a gym battle? First things first, however. What kind of wild pokemon were hiding on this island? He had to know.

From the beach he sees the entrance, and as he passes through it, he releases his Torterra and turns on the LED light strapped to his chest. Natural sunlight slowly fades away with each step forward, and the fixture on Alex’s body illuminates not only the inner rocky environment, but also the back of someone or something in front of him, feminine looking and humanoid shaped. ”Oh?” is all Alex utters. His torterra growls, though with more curiosity than hostility. Barely ventured, and they were already in the midst of their first encounter. This was intriguing.

@sveva | ### | <3

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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POSTED ON Oct 12, 2018 6:31:03 GMT
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what will you do?

male / receiver[break]
close combat / rock smash / double-edge / fling

@alexander & @sveva




what will you do?

male / snow cloak[break]
earthquake / fury attack / icy wind / mist

@alexander & @sveva

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 12, 2018 22:23:09 GMT
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her face is stern, almost steely as she slowly moves deeper into the cave. the light from her helmet sweeps the walls, the ceiling, and the floor methodically and already she rolls sand's pokeball in her hand. an anxious attentiveness she wishes she could shake but can't grips her whenever she's out on her own. it sometimes feels like too many years with too few moments of calm have removed her ability to genuinely relax. it shows when she hears a voice and a growl behind her.

the response she gives is smooth from practice. her left foot skids across the rocky ground as she pivots on her right -- kicking up bits of dust. as she turns she throws the pokeball in her hand to the ground. in a flash her hippowdon has entered the scene and instantly sand begins to pour from his shell. his SAND STREAM in equal parts covers the air and ground with sand, though not with any great intensity yet. this allows her the chance to shine a light on the new arrival, to recognize him.

alexander may not know her but she knows him. not personally of course, but it's hard to hold a high position in the league without knowing at least the faces of the council. and just like that a trigger flips. her face softens and her previously rigid body relaxes as she seems to almost bounce in place.

"oh! councilman hawthorne! what, like, brings you to dewford?"

while she's managed to relax, her hippowdon still seems somewhat testy. he sizes up the torterra quietly -- unable to overcome his own anxious attentiveness.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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recouping [inv | duo wild]
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2018 9:41:22 GMT
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Cool, Im just trying to be cool

He’s taken just slightly aback. Just slightly.

Really he should have expected it, sneaking up on her like that, no matter how inadvertently; the sharpness of her response is impressive, and her pokemon is at her side in a second. Alex takes note of the light stirring of sand. His torterra locks eyes with the young woman’s hippowdon and doesn’t move.

”Gym leader Sveva, a genuinely pleasant surprise, I--”

His torterra’s low growling catches his attention. He leans down to rub the continent pokemon on its head, to reassure the creature. ”It’s okay Grohl, they’re friends.” Well, peers, at least. That was enough, right?

”Sorry about that…” Alex says, turning his attention back to Sveva. ”I came to this cave first just out of curiosity, but my primary reason was actually to come see you. I make it a point to meet all the league’s gym leaders personally, and quite frankly, I’ve done a poor job of it considering how long you’ve been here.”

Dewford technically laid outside his jurisdiction as a council member and with team rocket’s ever-growing presence, he had been extremely busy as of late, but that did little to assuage his guilt.

”I was actually hoping for a battle later, if you didn’t mind? You know, just for fun.”

@sveva | ### | passed on the pokemon

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2018 11:02:24 GMT
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what will you do?

male / iron fist[break]
fire punch / ice punch / thunder punch / sky uppercut

@alexander & @sveva




what will you do?

female / sand rush[break]
sandstorm / swords dance / slash / rock slide

@alexander & @sveva

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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recouping [inv | duo wild]
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2018 4:49:42 GMT
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there is a passive bounce to her posture. even just standing there listening to alexander her body sways gently as she shifts her wait from her toes to her heels and back again. any hint of the melancholy girl she was moments ago is gone, and when she gives sand a pat on the back the signs of his own discomfort quickly vanish. his staring at the torterra ceases as he seems to reach an unspoken peace with the other pokemon.

"that's, like, so nice of you!"

she beams at his reason for coming. dewford is basically the definition of "middle of nowhere", so hearing that another league official thought it important to swing by for any reason made her happy. the island didn't get enough excitement from outside parties.

the smile on her face grows even wider when he says the magic word.

"and of course you're always welcome in my gym, i take all challengers!"

as if on cue there's a rumbling behind her. then it's under her.

"sorry, one second. maybe hold onto something."

the smile on her face tightens before she taps sand's shell a couple times. the hippowdon wastes no time; instantly he lifts his hind legs before dropping them hard on the cave floor. where they make contact the ground shakes, a mild EARTHQUAKE meant to draw out their sneaky opponent -- and it works. the excadrill reveals itself in a hurry, bursting from the ground before flinging debris in their direction.

in response sveva jumps behind sand, and the ROCK SLIDE slams almost ineffectively against his shell. the hippowdon winces in the face of the punishment, but he's been through much worse.

"won't be but a minute, i promise."

she smiles over her shoulder at alexander one more time before shifting her attention back to their opponent. getting a good look at it she feels a squeeze in her chest. the grief from earlier resurfaces, but now in a situation where she can't let it show.

((OOC: The post previously ended here, but with my partner now inactive i'm going to add in a battle and capture attempt))

back to alexander, she lets the mask slip away. her smile fades into a tight line and her eyes go cold as she thinks about how to approach this opponent. preferably she'd switch out to dune -- meet the pokemon's speed with more speed -- but she doesn't want all that extra action and wasted time. the pokemon is quick, but its attacks aren't as strong as they should be. that'll be its downfall. when it comes to them they'll get a hit in.

"EARTHQUAKE, keep it on its toes."

she gives the command before gripping onto sand's shell. this time when her partner drops his feet it's not a playful thing, this EARTHQUAKE really shakes the ground and sets the roof of the cave to rattling. when the excadrill tries to stay on the ground it finds itself in active danger of the tremors and the debris it causes to fall and shift about. so it does what any cornered creature does: it attacks. it moves in close for a SLASH. its speed is supernatural in the SANDSTORM, but it's too predictable a move.

"catch on the way in."

sand knows exactly what she means. when it goes in for the SLASH it aims for the vulnerable bits of his face, but in doing so puts itself in striking distance of his massive maw. the dark cave is illuminated by flickering flames before sand strikes. right before the excadrill draws near his mouth flops open, and carried by momentum it can't help but be in place when his teeth snap shut in a ferocious FIRE FANG.

the pokemon squeals in the clutches of the attack but sand doesn't so much as flinch. instead he does it once more, taking advantage of the wild pokemon's pain and panic to quickly open and slam shut its fangs again. the fire skips and sparks off the steel-type's skin as it writhes.

when sand lets the burrowing pokemon go it's with the nonchalance of one who knows the battle's done. the wild pokemon hits the floor of the cave and barely has the strength to begin crawling away. sveva won't give it the opportunity though. the objective her being here isn't forgotten. an empty pokeball is plucked from her belt and thrown at the poor thing. it's sucked up by the red capture light for what she's sure is a clean catch.


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recouping [inv | duo wild]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2018 7:19:58 GMT
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female / sand rush[break]
sandstorm / swords dance / slash / rock slide

@alexander & @sveva


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