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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 18:36:13 GMT
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Sitting with her face pressed against Knox's chest, Eden felt a familiar swoop in her chest. One she hadn't felt in a while, that dipped down to the very pit of her stomach and clenched her heart in her throat. Still, she stayed. And when the other pokemon joined them, she welcomed them with open arms, smiling and cuddling them all the same as she would with her own.
It felt like a family. It felt like home.
"So." Eden broke the silence, sniffling - when had she started crying again - and wiping her face. She kept her face down, watching his pokemon play patty-cake on their laps together. "When do we leave?" She slipped her arm into his, looping them together as she pulled back to smile at him. Eyes rimmed red, she gives him her best "I'm okay," smile, and gives his arm a reassuring pat.




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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 19:56:18 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]he enjoys the moment all that he can. his heart swells and he clings to it as much as he can; tenacious fingers grasp until eden speaks again. he wants to pretend like they could stay this way, like they could get up and look forward to where they're going. 

their vacation comes at a cost. maybe not at them, but to someone. usually he's not so rattled by it; usually he's able to put some distance between himself and the things that he does.

his arm twinges. 

"now's as good a time as any." he untangles himself from her, though not unkindly, and holds his arm down for captain. the pikachu is cross about losing her warm cuddles, but she complies nonetheless and scampers up to settle on his shoulder. 

"it's some smuggling job," he says and tugs out his phone so he can bring up the briefing. "standard shit. we're just gonna be the middlemen."

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 20:38:24 GMT
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Eden tried not to fuss too much when Knox got up. Right, why would anyone want to have a soft moment with her, anyway? She laughed, dryly, and looked down at her hands, suddenly very empty, and very alone. Heart swooping again, she moved to stand, brushing the sand off her pants with a pained look crossing her face.
When she bent again to pick up her jacket, her shirt rode up behind her, revealing more skin - more intensely purple, almost blackened - and she quickly stood straight to pull the jacket around herself.
"Right, well." Eden turns to face him, plastering on the same smile she's worn for years, softened at the eyes for only a few select people. "Sounds like an easy enough job." She pulled out her own phone. "Send me the details, then."




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POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 17:34:24 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]he quietly sucks in a breath. it's a defense mechanism, he knows, but it's hard for him to smile back at her. he bites his lip, crow's feet crinkling around his eyes as he forces himself anyway. crooked, lopsided, boyish. most don't see past it. 

he scans through the document and then messages it to her. the pokemon originated from slateport and the distributor is trying to move them up north, to a buyer in lavaridge. they're only meant to pick up on the south side of mauville and drop off the suitcase to a vendor that'll move them the rest of the way. 

he's used to shit like this. it's a lot easier to move cargo when it's already been captured. he almost prefers the stolen pokemon over the poached wilds--there's less hassle. eden, he's sure, doesn't share the same mentality. 

he looks at her sideways as they walk. "seen lately?"

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 21:36:48 GMT
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Eden sighed, pulling out her phone to look over the mission. Seemed pretty run of the mill, and she flicked it to the deletion folder as soon as she was done with it. Smuggling Pokémon was one of her initiation missions. Her father had screamed at her the whole time.
When Know asked about Ollie, Eden tucked her phone into her pocket, ignoring the other messages — messages from the person in question. He had been a crab, and she had run off. "Saw him a few days ago." She answered, nonchalant. She didn’t like to talk about Ollie around Knox — and vice versa. They seemed constantly at odds, and she didn’t want to be in the middle of it. "You?"



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POSTED ON Oct 24, 2019 0:11:12 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]they used to be thick as thieves, the three of them. but that was a long, long time ago. back before they could have even imagined understanding this fucked up world they're forced to live in. 

it had jaded one of them, consumed the second, and...he looks sideways at eden. he doesn't know how she's doing, not really. it's always been this way. he'd called himself her friend, her family, but has he ever been able to do much more than scratch the mask she wears? 

"something like that," he says and then sheepishly looks up. "i don't really remember much of it, to be honest." but i'm sober now. that's not going to happen again. 

(but it is.)

(it will.)

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 24, 2019 19:41:01 GMT
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Eden blinked when Knox looked over at her, sighing softly. She hated that look. That look meant that he was trying to see past the smile, the cheerfulness.
To the person she desperately was trying to avoid being.
"Ah. And now? Will you remember right now?" She asked, casually, her fingertips moving to graze his hand. She took it in her own and squeeze, walking hand-in-hand along the beach. To hold him up. To hold herself up.
Arceus knows, they both need it.



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POSTED ON Oct 24, 2019 23:36:43 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]they're said with care and still it takes a lot to not make him bristle. he's since grown tired of accusations, of shedding his failings to light. and hates, hates, hates the guilt that twinges in his stomach. because she has every right to ask. 

he scrunches his nose and rolls his eyes instead, squeezes her hand. "'course i will, hadley. you're not exactly forgettable." 

the walk is easy, though it gets colder as the sun begins to set. he opts to bring blue back in her ball and leaves lena to explore the path ahead of them. captain snuggles into the crook of his neck, tail lazing on eden's shoulder as they walk side by side. 

"she hasn't changed much," he says as he turns his head to nuzzle her with his cheek. "how about the rest of your team, hm?"

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 25, 2019 1:43:18 GMT
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Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, Eden smiled over at him and shrugged her shoulders. "You're right. I'm far too beautiful and amazing to be forgotten." She joked lightly, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Besides, I wouldn't let you forget me." Eden gave him one of her more genuine smiles after that, tilting her head to grin at him. "So don't worry too much, okay?"
When he asked about her pokemon, she blinked and shrugged her shoulders. "Oh! They're fine. I got a zorua a little while ago, but I'm not sure he's warming up to me... I may give him away to someone down the line, once he's adjusted to domestic life." Eden nodded, looking up at the sky as it got darker. "Come on, we should hurry."



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POSTED ON Oct 25, 2019 20:54:53 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]"and too full of yourself," he teases as the last of the tension leaks away from them. captain settles comfortably against him, lightly snoring in his ear. he smiles complacently. there's no forced vibrance, no harking too-loud laugh that follows. this is genuine. this is real. this is knox

"i'm sure someone'll take him off your hands," he says. or she could turn the thing in for the good of rocket, but he knows she won't. she has standards. somehow. still. 

he nods. 

the rest of the walk is peacefully silent, only broken when mauville looms above them. darkness has broken at this point and it's definitely cold. the fingers not entwined with eden's are frigid, stiff and shoved in his pocket. 

he leads her to the meeting place, reaches into a trash can and uncovers the suitcase containing a few pokeballs. 

"now we just gotta move it. let's get this over with."

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 0:11:56 GMT
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Eden smiles when he gets the case, tilting her head as he checks the contents. "Alright. Let me put on my mean girl look." She licks her lips and practices setting her jaw a few times, before clearing her throat and straightening out.
Business Eden was back.
"Where's the meeting point?" She asks, letting go of his hand so she can tuck both of hers into her pocket. It was always so chilly at night in Mauville - even for the end of October. "Some place close, I hope." She chuckles. It'd be nice to get a hotel room, take a hot bath. Watch a movie. "I'll get the room for the night, by the way." Since he probably didn't have any money, anyway.




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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 0:33:08 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]"don't worry," he says. the subway systems are still open at this hour. he takes her hand again, shouldering the bag to his side. captain grumbles as he's jostled and he moves more delicately. 

he leads them down a set of stairs to the subway platform and they stand, waiting for the tram. "you ever wonder how things could have been different?" he says suddenly. "y'know, if we all stayed in touch? if we...did something different? ran off like we all said we would?" 

he looks...morose. far away. and then he snaps back as the rails screech. he jerks his chin. "c'mon."

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 0:41:20 GMT
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Eden blinks when her hand is taken up again, and she watches the back of Knox's head, breathing in slowly. Why was he bringing all this up?
He clearly regretted things. She wondered who exactly he was regretting messing things up with, though.
"Mm. Don't know. Probably would have been... A lot different." Happier, maybe. She shrugs and smiles. "I try not to think about it. It's the past." She lets him lead her, before licking her lips.
"Alright." She follows, ready to back him up.




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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 0:49:34 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]"the past, yeah." he can't tell past, present, future apart. that's what happens when you've been in a haze for too long. he looks down at his hands, at the fingers entwined with eden's. and suddenly he's twelve again, holdings hands with a girl and wondering why it didn't feel right

and he stares and he blinks and his eyes gather tears, but that's a long, long time ago. now, now, knox is stoic, is cracking that bigass smile and pretending like everything's okay. 

he kisses her cheek and releases her hand, picks up the suitcase. there's only one other person in the car with them. the elderly woman is dozing off. 

"meet me at the next stop, 'kay? i just gotta set this down and then we can settle in for the night." 

and then the subway stops. he grins at her over his shoulder; captain comes to, tail twitching as she's roused by the screeching. and in her sleepy state, she's slow to notice the growlithe hiding in the shadows, trainers waiting for the suitcase to change hands.

the subway doors close right as league personnel descend on knox, dispatching him quickly, and cuffing him even quicker. 

he doesn't look back, for fear of giving eden away. 

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 0:59:28 GMT
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Closing her eyes, Eden pretends she doesn't see what happens next, her body turning, avoiding the limelight. She's grown used to being avoided - to shrinking - becoming utterly invisible. She covers her mouth with a hand, catching Knox's figure out of the corner of her eye. She watches Captain, and she takes in a sharp breath, at the last moment, grabbing onto the pikachu's tail.
She says a silent apology as she yanks the poor girl back into the train just as the door closes, and the train shoots off, leaving Knox behind.
Eden waits the next four stops, soothing Captain in her arms as she waits, and then when the train stops, she runs - for help, to help. "We'll get him back." She soothes Captain in her arms. "But I need you, to do that."




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing