taking a break [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 1:03:31 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]the pikachu panics, understandably. she mewls as she watches their hands go over knox, as the growlithe spit embers at him in warning. lena had slipped past the doors and the glaceon dares put up a feeble fight before she's overwhelmed. 

her body hits the ground, unconscious, as the subway disappears into the tunnel. captain struggles, cheeks sparking, but she doesn't let the electricity out. instead, she slumps in eden's arms and grips her tightly, tail and ears quivering. 

she looks solemnly up at her and warbles a cry. 

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 1:10:53 GMT
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"You're okay, we're okay." Eden strokes her fur, smiling, soothing. "He's going to be okay." She confirms, before collapsing just outside the station, panting heavily. "Okay... Let's make a plan." She pulls out her pokenav and looks down at it, twisting it back and forth, looking for the nearest detainment facility.
"Ah. There." She points, and then stands. "Hold on." She calls some contacts.
Within an hour, she's in a league-sanctioned vehicle, donning the league uniform.
She decides she looks fucking terrible in yellow.




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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 1:15:33 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]he doesn't break. 

'we're not going to hurt you. we just need to know where you got these from.' suitcase in hand. lights flash in his eyes--too bright. he winces. they rip his jacket off, expose his torso. one of them sucks in a breath. fuckin' junkie. 

they find out how to make him talk. 

x x x

captain is perched on eden's shoulder. she doesn't have as acute a nose as lena or blue, but she'll be damned if she lets them take her trainer away from her. 

she directs eden as best she can--through instinct, smell, sound, anything.

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 1:26:15 GMT
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Taking in a deep breath, Eden's face whitens as she walks into the building. Captain is sniffling on her shoulder, inconspicuously sussing out where Knox is being held. She turns a few corners and slides into a little inlet on the wall as a few people pass, before walking slowly up to a door.
"This one?" She whispers, pointing. Captain makes a small noise of affirmation.
Gently, Eden pushes the door open, stepping into the dimly-lit room, spotlights on the person in the center.




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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 1:33:16 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]fuck, fuck, fuck. he struggles against his bonds and all they can do is laugh at him. he can't even touch the shit that's in front of him, but it has its claws in him. it has him--hook, line, and sinker. and he shakes his legs, screams as he curls in on himself, as his body involuntarily shudders. 

his captors take the information and leave him in the cell to rot, laughing at his desperation. 

he raises his head, bleary-eyed from tears, and grimaces. "f--it's not--a mirror." he looks past her, at the two-way glass spreading across the room. a switch flicks. two league officers are suddenly staring at them from the other side of the room. he struggles. 

"they knew there were two of us, saw you when i got off." he lies through his teeth. captain has clambered down at this point, is gnawing through his bonds. he scoops her up, grabs the baggie on the ground before his feet, stumbles. 

"they have lena and the others somewhere." the two officers block the door. 


x x x
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 1:46:10 GMT
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"Shit." Eden turns, seeing the two officers in the doorway. Okay. She straightens out and holds her hands up, exhaling slowly. "Hello, there." She smiles sweetly, glad she had disguised herself. "You might want to check your ceilings before you corner someone." She points upwards.
From above, Hecate drops down onto the first stunned guard, claw digging, peeling, ripping. The guard's screams are drowned out quickly as they fall to the floor, the other one lifting their radio to call in backup.
Eden's open-palm connects with their throat, slamming into their voice box, before bringing her knee up into the crotch of the person. He takes a tumble easily beside his partner. She glances back to Knox and holds out her hand, gloved in red.
"Let's go get them, then." She lets Hecate drag the two into the room before closing the door and exiting like nothing had happened. Hecate takes her ceiling route.




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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 1:57:45 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]he's still scraping himself off the floor while eden faces their adversaries. and he wants to help and captain is pulling him, begging him to pay attention, but he has his hands on his prize and he's folding it carefully into his back pocket because he's not going to use it. he's going to sell it, all of it, (most of it), some of it so that he can scrape by, even if it's for just a few months. 

captain doesn't even need to release a charge. the bodyguards fall and knox stands up straighter, wipes at his puffy face. they hadn't even had to resort to violence. 

he grabs his jacket off the ground, though, and yanks it back on. and then he gracelessly steps over the slumped bodies and totters into the adjacent room. 

a quick scan shows his belt on the table. he grabs for it and for anything else that might look useful and jogs back out, looking winded. 

"i dunno if his walkie went off. we gotta go. now."

x x x
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 2:01:36 GMT
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Eden nods, grabbing his hand tightly. "Alright. Let's go, then." She breathes in deeply, calming herself. Because one of them needs to be. "Do you have everything?" She grips his hand tighter and leads him down the hallway. No warning bells yet. No people running after them.
They just need to get to the car.
It wasn't too far, they'd be alright.




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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 2:09:58 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]it's a small operation, no doubt, but there are still guards. one of them must have heard the walkie because they come face to face with a shelgon and a liepard. knox stops, glances at eden. 

captain bounds in front of him, cheeks puffing. she cries out as she rockets towards the liepard and hits it, rough and tumble, with a strong slam

while she entertains one of the attackers, knox looks around for anything that might be useful to them. 

there's a motorcycle a few paces ahead and, luckily, it looks like its keys are in the ignition. probably this cadet's, he realizes. it's a good thing summer had a bike. 

"distract 'em. i'll get us a ride," he yells and sprints for the vehicle. 

x x x
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 2:21:23 GMT
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As Knox runs off, and the cadet and pokemon are barreling towards each other, Eden tightens her gloves and sighs loudly. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
She points to the second pokemon. "Zen headbutt." She commands, and Hecate leaps from the ceiling, ramming into the second pokemon.
While they're distracted, Eden rushes the cadet and grabs their arm, twisting it back behind them. The cadet whips out their baton and tries to smack Eden with their other arm, but Eden grabs a hold of it after the first smack, grunting at the pain radiating up her arm.
"Fuck." She whispered, before cracking them over the head with it.




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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 2:26:56 GMT
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[attr="class","knoxpost"]that's right, blue. take the easy way out and let her do all the fighting for you.

"shut the fuck up," he mutters to summer's ghost. she's not here and he knows this, but still he swears he can hear her snicker. wherever she is. she always knows where he is, what he's up to. hell, she may have been the one to tip the league off on his whereabouts. 

it wouldn't be the first time she threw him under the bus for her own amusement. 

but he tosses that aside for the moment and actually thanks her silently, because without her, this next part would be more difficult. 

he breezes past the main doors, shoving the full weight of his lean body into the glass. and then he's stumbling outside, tripping his way up onto the bike. it revs under his touch. he twists and the tires squeal as he turns suddenly. 

his leg comes dangerously close to skidding across the ground, but he finds his balance and ducks down, blasting through the glass doors and  narrowly past the shelgon. he manages to clip the cadet on the foot as he comes to a stop and the man yowls as he goes down. 

captain leaps onto his back and knox yells, "get on now."

x x x
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 2:33:06 GMT
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So much for a quiet rescue.
Still, Eden is grateful when Knox barrels in, and she hops onto the bike and holds onto him for dear life, closing her eyes. "Go, go go!" She nearly kicks him as she hikes her feet off the floor, returning Hecate to her pokeball and wincing as the bike takes off back through the glass doors.
Well, that was certainly an exciting time.




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