icy hot [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 2:46:00 GMT
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Graham blinks and uncovers the large lump, brushing snow off the surface. There, inside the little snow-tomb, was a hariyama, and a rapidash, huddled together for warmth. One was clearly... Not living anymore.
His breath catches, and he checks over the rapidash, since she was still breathing, although her flames - which were an odd colour - were dimmed, and not at all like they should be.
"Shit, Illeana." He gestures to her, before tugging his jacket off to wrap around the horse-pokemon's body. "Grab my bag, get the scarves, we need to warm her up." The hariyama is already a lost cause, but the rapidash had a chance if they could raise her body temperature. "Do you have any spare pokeballs?" Graham's hands work quickly to try and save this rapidash.


[newclass=.grabod] background: #2e2e2e; width:300px; margin: 0 auto; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gra] margin-top: 40px; width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: 'roboto'; background-image:url(https://i.ibb.co/2gq2C65/black-thread.png); padding-right:50px; background-color: #2e2e2e; border-radius: 1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.grawords] padding: 30px; background: #202020; font-size: 12px; color: #aaa; line-height: 16px; border-radius: 2px; border-right: solid 4px #2e2e2e; [/newclass]
[newclass=.grawords b] color: #765D75; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.grapokes] text-align: center; width:300px; margin-left: -30px; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 10px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gratag] padding: 0px; text-align: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: -20px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.gratag a] font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 1px; [/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
icy hot [m]
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 3:39:50 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar




The moment she joins his side, she almost wishes she hadn't moved from her spot.[break][break]

A strangled sob escapes her before her hands fly to her mouth, tears bubbling at the corners of her eyes. The sight is awful and her stomach churns with nausea. Illeana tries to compose herself, if only to keep from getting sick. It works for a moment, the nausea dying down to be replaced with overwhelming sadness. Panic mixes itself in and before long, she's trembling as she scrambles for his bag, eyes wide as saucers.[break][break]

"Oh god," she manages to get out, hands fumbling in their endeavor of grabbing as many scarves as she can. There's no saving the Hariyama but the Rapidash is still breathing, still clinging to life with all its remaining strength. How long had they been like this? The thought is enough to make tears trail down her cheeks, their salty heat stinging at her cold skin. She nearly trips over herself as she rushes back to Graham's side, scarves clutched tightly in her hands.[break][break]

"Yes," she breathes, attempting to juggle the scarves in one hand while the other fishes for an unoccupied pokeball on her belt. "I have a fire type as well if the heat will help..." She isn't sure what to do, glancing from the Rapidash to Graham with panicked eyes. All she can really do is offer him the scarves before turning toward the freezing Pokemon with teary eyes and a trembling lip. She reaches a hand out, then, in an attempt to soothe the horse Pokemon before gently pressing the pokeball to its cold neck, a little sob escaping her.[break][break]

She turns to face him, red-faced and upset. "Will it be okay? What if..." She doesn't bother to finish the sentence, gaze dropping to the still body of the Hariyama. Everything in her body screams for this to work, for them to have been quick enough to save at least one of them.[break][break]

notes | capture attempt on the shiny rapidash <3


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 20, 2020 18:23:45 GMT
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"Yeah, fire type is perfect. Let's warm her up." He pulls the rapidash further from the snow and sighs, covering the other pokemon up again before getting up. He supports the rapidash with his side and blinks. "Actually, if we get all of them into pokeballs... We can make it to a pokemon centre."
Graham looks up at Illeana, nodding. "You want to try that way? Probably a lot easier than pushing them up a mountain - I just didn't want to waste pokeballs. But, this is serious." He exhales into the fur of his pokemon around his neck. His furret makes a soft, cooing noise, before curling a bit tighter. "C'mon. Let's go."
He starts to put the pokemon away into pokeballs, tucking them all into his pockets. Then, he looks at the rapidash. "You got her?"


[newclass=.grabod] background: #2e2e2e; width:300px; margin: 0 auto; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gra] margin-top: 40px; width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: 'roboto'; background-image:url(https://i.ibb.co/2gq2C65/black-thread.png); padding-right:50px; background-color: #2e2e2e; border-radius: 1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.grawords] padding: 30px; background: #202020; font-size: 12px; color: #aaa; line-height: 16px; border-radius: 2px; border-right: solid 4px #2e2e2e; [/newclass]
[newclass=.grawords b] color: #765D75; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.grapokes] text-align: center; width:300px; margin-left: -30px; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 10px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gratag] padding: 0px; text-align: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: -20px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.gratag a] font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 1px; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 7:10:45 GMT
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was caught!





female / flash fire[break]
fire blast / agility / bounce / inferno

CONGRATULATIONS! the rapidash was caught successfully.


@bean5 &
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
icy hot [m]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2020 4:36:03 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar




There's no use in attempting to regain her composure. No, she's too upset for that. Instead, she sniffles and tries to fight the tears off as they come, wiping furiously at her eyes with cold hands. Stay strong, the Rapidash will be safe inside the Pokeball... It'll be alright.[break][break]

His suggestion of transferring the rest of the Pokemon into Pokeballs for easier transport sounds like a good idea. That way, they might regain some warmth too... And so, in an effort to not hear her voice break, she simply nods. The newly occupied Pokeball with the Rapidash is quickly stashed away onto her belt, her hands trembling from more than just the cold.[break][break]

"Do," she pauses, wincing as her voice falters. "Do we have enough Pokeballs for all of them?" She might not have enough but hopefully he does... The woman attempts to flash him a smile but it falls flat, not even bothering to meet her puffy eyes. "Yeah, I have her." Without a second thought, Illeana follows his lead and begins to usher the remaining little ones into more Pokeballs, hoping that they could at least save these little guys from that horrible fate. It's difficult to not look back at the frigid body at the bottom of that hole, even more difficult to hold herself together in the face of such a gruesome sight... Later, she'll probably cry about it but right now, they have a job to do and as much as it hurts her, she needs to keep it together.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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icy hot [m]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2020 3:05:04 GMT
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"Yeah, yeah. I should - " Graham counts, then wrinkles his nose. "We'll be two short. I'll just carry them inside my jacket." He nods, before packing up the pokemon and tucking the two smallest ones into his jacket for safe-keeping. As he works, he makes sure to check Illeana and make sure she's alright as well, before wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
It was starting to get colder.
"Here." He nudges his furret, and it bridges the gap between them, before settling around Illeana's neck, nuzzling into her cheek. "You good? Let's get back to the pokemon center - before we get frostbite." He leads the way, steering her by her shoulders. "Sorry for invading your space like this, I just want to make sure we both don't freeze." He was respectful of things like that - normally he wouldn't do something like this unless it meant survival.


[newclass=.grabod] background: #2e2e2e; width:300px; margin: 0 auto; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gra] margin-top: 40px; width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: 'roboto'; background-image:url(https://i.ibb.co/2gq2C65/black-thread.png); padding-right:50px; background-color: #2e2e2e; border-radius: 1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.grawords] padding: 30px; background: #202020; font-size: 12px; color: #aaa; line-height: 16px; border-radius: 2px; border-right: solid 4px #2e2e2e; [/newclass]
[newclass=.grawords b] color: #765D75; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.grapokes] text-align: center; width:300px; margin-left: -30px; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 10px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gratag] padding: 0px; text-align: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: -20px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.gratag a] font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 1px; [/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
icy hot [m]
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 5:24:47 GMT
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Once the Pokeballs are all filled and secured against her belt, Illeana turns to observe as Graham ushers the remaining two into his jacket for safekeeping. The little ones seem to enjoy the contact, snuggling closer to his body. It brings a small smile to her face, although it feels flat, slightly hollow compared to the others. Perhaps she just has a lot on her mind now after seeing... that.[break][break]

His arm snaking around her shoulders brings her back from whatever thoughts she had found herself lost in, body jolting at the contact. It startles her right into a state of fluster, cheeks heating within seconds. "Oh," she manages to squeak out, eyes wide as his Furret begins to climb onto her shoulders. The furry little creature settles against her collarbones with ease, the fur soft against her skin as it gets comfortable with a gentle nuzzle to her cheek. "Thank you." He speaks again, and her gaze drifts to her feet, head bobbing in confirmation. "Yes, I'm alright. Thank you for asking," she mumbles. A small smile, one forming from being touched by his concern, rises to her face before she is steered by his hands, marching toward the nearest Pokemon Center without hesitation.[break][break]

"It's alright," she murmurs, feet shuffling through the snow. "I understand! No need to apologize." They do need to pick up the pace, after all... Otherwise, they'll catch a cold or worse. Besides, it should be getting darker soon and she's not certain if they'd be able to find their way once night falls. "How close are we to the nearest center? I think it might get dark soon..."


[newclass=.post] width: 300px; background: #272727; margin: 0 auto; color: #aaa; font-size: 10.5px; font-family: tahoma; letter-spacing: .3px; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; border-radius: 3px;[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2020 4:13:00 GMT
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Graham takes a deep breath and nods towards the glowing red light - the familiar tell-tale sign of a pokecenter just close enough. "We're almost there, here..." He pulls her a little closer and starts walking a little faster, ready to support her in case she falls.
But they make it in one piece, and Graham is eternally thankful to the staff who wildly take the pokemon and set to work on healing them up so they're alright.
Graham takes off his coat and flops down into a chair, before sighing deeply. "I can stay, if you want to get some rest. There's some rooms for trainers in the other wing." He nods towards the other half of the pokecenter. "That you can stay in."


[newclass=.grabod] background: #2e2e2e; width:300px; margin: 0 auto; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gra] margin-top: 40px; width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: 'roboto'; background-image:url(https://i.ibb.co/2gq2C65/black-thread.png); padding-right:50px; background-color: #2e2e2e; border-radius: 1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.grawords] padding: 30px; background: #202020; font-size: 12px; color: #aaa; line-height: 16px; border-radius: 2px; border-right: solid 4px #2e2e2e; [/newclass]
[newclass=.grawords b] color: #765D75; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.grapokes] text-align: center; width:300px; margin-left: -30px; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 10px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gratag] padding: 0px; text-align: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: -20px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.gratag a] font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 1px; [/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
icy hot [m]
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2020 5:06:35 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
he takes charge of the situation and she's grateful for it, for his drive to save. it's admirable, something she wants to possess herself. graham leads them further toward the welcoming glow of the pokemon center, toward warmth and rest and safety. his hands pull her closer and she squirms slightly under his touch, cheeks flushed from more than just the cold that surrounds them. she knows it's innocent, it's necessary, but her body is still flustered from such contact. "right," she murmurs. "let's hurry, it's getting colder." she leans into him a little, legs growing increasingly tired with each hurried step they take. only a little further...

they make it, whole and safe and together. the warmth of the pokemon center is welcoming, inviting. the staff begin to crowd around them, ushering the wild pokemon to safety and care with frantic movements. illeana flashes each of them a thankful smile, pleased that the cold little ones finally have some shelter and warmth after experiencing such harsh conditions outside.

she glances toward him as he sheds off his coat and flops into an open chair with a sigh. ah, it'll be nice to sit and relax... she moves toward him before his words stop her in her tracks, eyes widening just a bit. he'll... stay? just so she can rest? her heart flutters for a moment, touched at the kindness, before reason begins to echo in her mind. they both need rest and if she didn't know any better, he just might need the rest more than her. "you need rest too," she murmurs, voice soft, considerate. "they're in good hands now... if there's anything wrong, they'll let us know, right?" besides, she has a small feeling that he might just end of falling asleep in that very chair. he looks tired, just as much as she does. with a small smile, she glances down at her feet. "come on," she murmurs toward her shoes before dragging her eyes up to meet his own. "i'll even walk you to your room."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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icy hot [m]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2020 16:34:00 GMT
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Graham is honestly too tired to argue, so he just stands and takes a deep breath, reaching for her hand and holding it. "Okay. Walk me to my room." He smiles down at her and gives her fingers a squeeze, lingering for a moment, before pulling his hand away. He starts walking towards the corridor to the rooms, glancing at her over his shoulder. "Maybe we're roomies." He jokes, before disappearing behind the door to the trainer rooms wing.


[newclass=.grabod] background: #2e2e2e; width:300px; margin: 0 auto; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gra] margin-top: 40px; width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: 'roboto'; background-image:url(https://i.ibb.co/2gq2C65/black-thread.png); padding-right:50px; background-color: #2e2e2e; border-radius: 1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.grawords] padding: 30px; background: #202020; font-size: 12px; color: #aaa; line-height: 16px; border-radius: 2px; border-right: solid 4px #2e2e2e; [/newclass]
[newclass=.grawords b] color: #765D75; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.grapokes] text-align: center; width:300px; margin-left: -30px; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 10px; [/newclass]

[newclass=.gratag] padding: 0px; text-align: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: -20px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.gratag a] font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 1px; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Feb 27, 2020 2:45:45 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]you two receive the following: 50 poké, 5 infamy, 1x rainbow shard.

@bean5 &
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