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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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she's ripping wings off of butterflies.
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POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 20:41:50 GMT
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Her reflection is hideous.[break][break]

Faye squints, nose scrunching with scrutiny. Her reflection would be fine if it weren't for the hair pin. A butterfly, detailed with vibrant colors. It sparkles in the sunlight, the colors dancing against the subtle waves of water. Funnily enough, she can't bring herself to part with it. A hideous thing and yet... It's a part of her.[break][break]

The butterfly haori is missing today, tucked away in a drawer to collect dust. It's painful to wear, heavy with a weight she doesn't understand. Perhaps it's better that way. Her sister wouldn't be happy but she isn't here to cast her judgement.[break][break]

Two of her Pokemon linger by her sides, a Snorunt that draws close for comfort and a Butterfree that keeps a wide distance. The Snorunt, Yuki, is careful in her silence, the only sound escaping her being the chattering of teeth. The Butterfree knows better than to make a sound, all too accustomed to the bitter anger. A reminder of the sibling lost to the clutches of death, one of the only things passed on to the younger woman. She hates the thing, can't even bare to look at him. And yet, he offers an oddly calming presence, as if her sister is still peering over her shoulder.[break][break]

The woman shudders and rises, reflection disappearing from the water's surface. "Let's go," she murmurs, a small smile rising to her face. Her usual expression... A mask perfected by years of hiding the truth, of smiling in the face of bitterness and rage. It's her only crutch now and yet, it hurts all the same. The smile her sister loved, the one she couldn't bear to part with.[break][break]

Sounds of feet shuffling across the ground reach her ears and she turns, smile increasing in size. Funny, it doesn't reach her eyes. Purple stays blank, emotionless, cold. "Sorry," she calls, voice light and airy. "We thought there were some Pokemon out here but it seems we are mistaken." That was the purpose of this trip, after all. Her self-reflection merely derailed it for a little while, requiring all of her attention. Now, she's ready to push on to the next destination, thoughts pushed aside for her own goals. Besides, she thought she might have seen a stray Wurmple scurrying from one bush to the next and it really made her stomach churn. "You're free to use the area, we'll clear out!"


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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 1:10:10 GMT
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People are cruel. Hateful.

They cheat, they lie, and worst of all, they hurt others for the sake of profit. It's a cold and calculative line of work, but it's also one that he's grown accustomed to. His steps are silent like a phantom floating in the air and his steady breathing is rhythmically attuned to the soft wind passing by. These skills aren't inherited, but taught through rigorous and bloody training. They're skills that he wishes he could forget, but can't as they've been deeply ingrained into his character. His very being.

In many ways he's fortunate, he supposes. Unlike the lower members of his clan, he didn't have to suffer the immense torture, the murder of one's personality and self. Yet, it's this type of barbarity that he shuns. Since childhood he has always been a meek boy with no friends. How can one have friends when those all around you are all ghosts? Phantoms? You don't.

He curves his index finger holding it up to lightly pet the small white caterpillar sitting on his shoulder. The Snom seems content in the affection displayed towards it as it nuzzles its forehead against the finger. Seeing this, a gentle smile forms from his lips. Unlike people, he found nature to be kinder, beautiful even. At least nature didn't have an agenda nor did it manipulate others.

Slowly his movement stalls as he approaches, ending his hushed movement. He didn't anticipate meeting another person so early in the morn as the sun had barely dawned overhead. His eyes squint for a brief moment with scrutiny upon seeing the woman's flat smile. The hint of coldness in her eyes goes unnoticed as having long grown accustomed to reading people and their underlying expressions. Silently, he judges with no words leaving his lips. The girl seems eager to leave and while he's not compelled to stop her, he holds out a hand.

"Hold it." he speaks with a monotonous yet demanding tone. He gazes past the girl over to the two Pokemon behind her, their silence and hesitance speaking volumes. "You're a trainer?" he asks with suspecting doubt.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 1:30:19 GMT
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what will you do?

male / torrent[break]
take down / mud-slap / hydro pump / rock throw

& @ken




what will you do?

male / mega launcher[break]
swords dance / smack down / water pulse / vice grip

& @ken

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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 5:51:06 GMT
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She stares, smile unwavering. Her chin rises slightly, almost prideful beneath his gaze. She doesn't shy away from the eye contact. Instead, she welcomes it.[break][break]

He has an attractive face, even with such a blank expression. It's a little hard to read if she's being honest. Normally, people wear their emotions across their entire body. He seems to lack this expressiveness, features schooled into indifference. Funny, she's almost jealous... It's a skill she lacks, instead hiding behind a forced smile. Perhaps that's why irritation rises as she stares back. His lack of expression is annoying, if only because she wants to understand it, to use it herself.[break][break]

If only to rid herself of this painful smile.[break][break]

His hand rises and she stills, a hollow chuckle escaping her. "My, how forward," she replies, straining to uphold the curl of her lips. She detests that tone, that flat command. Who is he to tell her to stop? He's a stranger, nothing more, nothing less. And yet, she obeys with a raise of her eyebrow. His gaze shifts and she can't stop the way her body stiffens, hands curling into tiny fists at her sides. Is she a trainer? It's a blunt question, doubt weaving itself through each word. If her smile wasn't strained before, it is now.[break][break]

The bitter taste of anger stings her tongue and she speaks if only to rid herself of it. "Yes," she forces out. "Is this hard to believe?" Faye is aware she sounds ridiculous, tone cold despite maintaining the smile. It doesn't match, doesn't click together as it should. Instead, the smile falls flat and she knows she isn't fooling anyone, least of all him.[break][break]

Rustling filters into her ears, a Mudkip emerging from the foliage into their path. Her gaze falls away from him to the water type and for the first time that day, the expression she wears borders on genuine enjoyment. It's a cute little thing, this Mudkip. All fins and a blue that rivals the water behind her. She can't bring herself to injure it, to battle it like she should. It doesn't deserve the pain of enduring a fight. No, the little thing hasn't done anything except glance between the two trainers with confused eyes.[break][break]

"Tobu." The name comes out strangled, as if it pains her to even utter the name. And oh, it does. It fills her with hatred, rage, disgust. And yet, despite this, she knows the Butterfree jumps to attention, ready to be of assistance, ready to help the younger sister of his old trainer. It's infuriating. He should hate her, loathe her entire existence. She isn't her sister, she never will be. And yet, this Butterfree stays, unwavering in his loyalty to the Samos sisters. "Sleep Powder," she murmurs, unwilling to watch as the Butterfree moves. She forces her eyes away, forces herself to stare into the eyes of this stranger instead. Faye won't watch the bug type work, won't gaze upon the powdery display with pride. No, she'll look when it's done, when it moves out of her line of sight.[break][break]

The sound of fluttering wings fills her ears and she grits her teeth, bone grinding against bone. The smile stays despite her feelings and when she's positive the fluttering has moved to back behind her does she glance down. The Mudkip is curled up on the ground, light snores escaping the little water type as it falls deeper into its slumber, the sleep powder effective in its power. Without a second thought, she moves forward, steps light against the ground. A Pokeball is pulled from her belt and tapped against the water type's head, Mudkip disappearing in a small flash of light. She holds the ball as it shakes and yet, her eyes drift away from it, away from the potential capture. Instead, she finds his gaze again. "May I go now?" She questions, although something in her knows that she'll stay regardless of his answer. Perhaps she wants to see more of his indifference, if only to learn from it. Or, perhaps, she simply doesn't want to go home, doesn't want to face another day alone in that house, in her sister's suffocating presence.


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POSTED ON Jan 8, 2020 19:05:34 GMT
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He maintains a detached attitude towards her, her brittle mask already chipping away to reveal the resentful reflection within her eyes. A stark contrast to the shallow smile she openly wears. His eyes narrow and he nearly scrunches his nose in detest upon hearing the pride in her tone, her voice unpleasant to the ears.

How revolting.

Yes. The answer is unsurprising, yet oddly enough he’s unconvinced. It’s almost comical how she counters his rhetorical question with another. He responds with a scrutinizing silence giving her no satisfaction in a reply. Instead he only observes, reading the entirety of her body language and the detest she feels towards him.

Seeing her indifference towards the Butterfree behind her and her unwillingness to watch it, his apathetic gaze quickly turns to sympathy as he peers past her. Her actions remind him of home and how his clan stripped away the personality of their pokemon, turning them into soulless husks that only followed every command given to them – even if it meant death. Thinking of this, he’s disgusted further by the girl in front of him.

He pays no mind to the sound of water splashing in the lake nearby and instead he quietly watches the girl’s swift and graceful movement. She gently taps a pokeball against the sleeping Mudkip and it disappears in a flash of light leaving behind the shaking ball in the girl’s soft, delicate looking hand.

”I feel sorry for your pokemon.” he says ignoring the girl’s gaze and turning his attention to her Butterfree. The silence finally broken as he’s openly concerned about the buttefly’s emotional state.

OOC: Passing on the Clauncher.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 2:20:51 GMT
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what will you do?

male / marvel scale[break]
water pulse / rain dance / disarming voice / dragon tail

& @ken




what will you do?

male / rattled[break]
mach punch / reflect / air slash / psybeam

& @ken

Faye catches the Mudkip successfully!
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she's ripping wings off of butterflies.
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POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 3:23:00 GMT
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His silence is enraging.[break][break]

It threatens to break through her mask, the pieces close to shattering against the ground. She doesn't need to study his gaze to feel the judgement. No, his silence holds more than his face could ever say. It's funny, that twinge of jealousy fitters back into her mind, surging forward despite her anger. Perhaps she should be a little more disgusted with herself in this moment... Who is she to be jealous of him? What for, anyway? For the way his face stays emotionless? Or the way he seems to speak with cold silence alone?[break][break]

God, she wants nothing more than to slap him.[break][break]

Would she even get a reaction? She'd be lying if she said she wasn't curious to see it... To see his face twist with anger. Part of her wonders if it's a nice sight to see. Handsome features marred by anger... Hm.[break][break]

Before she can contemplate further, he breaks through the silence. And oh, does she wish he didn't.[break][break]

In that instance, she sees nothing but red. It's blinding, this sudden rage. The smile slips, lips pressing into a thin line as her eyes narrow dangerously. "My," she breathes out, not even needing to glance back at her Pokemon to know they startled at her voice. She sounds foreign even to herself... The last time she sounded this infuriated, it was when her sister had left her. "How rude it is to speak on subjects you don't understand."[break][break]

She wants to say more, wants to scream and yell and throw things at him. More than anything, she wants to cry. Maybe it's the unwanted emotions that rush to the surface or the way he looks right through her to gaze upon the one thing her sister cherished more than anything, even herself. Whatever it is, it simply infuriates her more. And so, with a soft huff, she glides closer, steps still light despite the heaviness she feels. Her hand rises, fingers twitching with the urge to lash out against him. Instead, it falls limply back to her side, fingers curling into her palm as the nails dig into flesh.[break][break]

Her mouth opens to spew out insults, to tell him he knows nothing about her or her Pokemon. Perhaps she wants to yell at him for defending the Butterfree, for not understanding the suffocating pressure of her grief. Instead, nothing comes out and she looks like an idiot, cheeks beginning to bloom into pink.[break][break]

It's the fluttering of wings that distracts her, ripping her eyes away in an instant. She knows Tobu hasn't moved from his spot, knows the sound of his wings by memory. It's something else, something that she all but recoils away from. A Ledyba, bright red and disgusting. The woman can't stop the panic that rises in her body, the way a shrill shriek all but claws its way out into the air. Faye darts away from it with a quickness she hasn't shown yet. Nothing gets her ass moving quite like the appearance of a bug.[break][break]

Her mind registers where she ends up but she doesn't care. Instead, she shields herself, fingernails digging into the fabric against his back. Part of her knows she shouldn't be here, shouldn't be using him as a barrier. She doesn't care, even going so far as to press closer into his spine, as if he'll save her from her own fear. Honestly, he should laugh at her... She would if the roles were reversed.[break][break]

In her panic, she doesn't notice the Snom or the way its icy body lingers too closely to one of her hands. Her mind is focused on the middle of his back, her form shrinking in comparison. When she notices the Snom after the panic subsides? Another scream will rip away from her throat. For now, however, she simply cowers, pressing closely like a child searching for comfort.[break][break]

notes | hi yeah faye's terrified srry ledyba pls go


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POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 5:50:04 GMT
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His heart ached at the sight of the Butterfree. Its earnesty and unwavering loyalty swaying his emotions and thoughts despite the lingering emptiness in his expression. It’s honestly sad. Sad that the woman can’t fathom how lucky she is to have such a dependable partner. The sympathy he feels soon shifts towards her despite his disappointment and irritation.

Contrast to his excruciating silence, his eyes pang with pity towards her as he genuinely wishes that he could have such devotion from his Pokemon. Everything that could have been was mercilessly ripped away from him by his own family, unable to do anything as he watched his friend die.

He says nothing to her contrived remarks. He doesn’t have to. Even as she glides closer to him, he remains stoic with only the pity in his eyes. Yet whatever this intimate moment is, it is cut short by the sound of fluttering wings and a shrill scream.

His haori tightens around his body with the woman retreating behind him, gripped firmly by her thin hand. He can feel them softly tremble against the fabric. The Ledyba’s eyes scrunch in pain as it’s taken aback by the sudden ear-piercing shriek. Feeling attacked, it viciously turns its attention towards him - not noticing the aggressor hidden behind her convenient shield. Its body fluctuates in the air only to suddenly zip towards them with great speed, its fist pulled back with a Mach Punch ready.

Ken’s eyes narrow with a deadly glint. ”Jiraiya.” A shadow leaps over the two and slams into the ground in front of him. The grassy earth shifts before them and pops out in a rectangular shape, halting the Ledyba’s attack (Mat Block). The shadow leaps forward towards it, a ghostly blade (Night Slash) forming in its hand to slash through child-sized ladybug. With sudden danger looming over it, the Ledyba swiftly retreats into the dense trees without looking back.

The battle now over, the shadow remains in place, unmoving like a soulless golem without any purpose. Seeing the Greninja emerge from the shadows, the pain he feels only worsens. His hand reaches out yet pauses half-way. He’s sorry, so sorry, yet even as he apologizes, he knows that his voice goes unheard, his friend already gone.

He can never forget the torture it’d gone through at the behest of his grandfather, the constant pain it’d feel and the amount of drugs that were endlessly pumped into it. It was all common procedure to them. Common procedure to make a killer that only listened to orders and can’t feel pain. Yes, his heart ached and he couldn’t blame anyone but himself for letting it happen.

OOC: Catching the Milotic next post.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 4:47:31 GMT
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The look in his eyes... It's familiar.[break][break]

Pity. She knows it all too well now and yet, it still makes her blood boil. She wants to yell, to scream at him to stop looking at her like that. She isn't some tragedy, she doesn't need his pity. And yet, nothing comes out, the words dying out in her throat. Silence follows her like a weighted blanket and it's heavy, too much for her to break.[break][break]

A moment passes between them and she can't place what it means. All she knows is his eyes are the deepest blue she's seen in a long time and it's easy to get lost in them, to drift along in the ocean. His face is still impassive, still blank. She supposes there's no need for him to convey his emotions through facial features. No, not when his eyes can do the work for him. And oh, they do. From judgement to pity, shifting through emotions like waves crashing ashore.[break][break]

She stays behind him, trembling fingers clutching at the fabric of his haori with white knuckles. He doesn't say anything, doesn't move out of her reach. Instead, he stays still and part of her is grateful. The other part? A little disappointed he didn't utter a single word. The whole thing is embarrassing, really. She's shaking like a leaf in a strong gust and he's acting as her anchor when he doesn't have to. It's a kindness, she muses with a slight smile. He's being kind in some odd way.[break][break]

Faye misses the stand-off, face pressing into his shoulder as something passes over them. Oh god, not another bug... Please don't be another bug. She stays still, hidden out of sight as the Ledyba charges at the man. The fluttering of wings is dizzying, overwhelming, nauseating. Her knees feel weak with terror and honestly, if she wasn't clinging to him for dear life, she probably would have toppled to the ground in a heap.[break][break]

And then, it's gone, fading back into the trees until only Tobu's familiar flutter remains. The Butterfree has moved closer, hesitant at first before lingering at her back. In some way, she's grateful for it, for the odd source of comfort. He's her sister's pride and joy, after all. It's his duty to protect her, even if she screams and kicks and begs for him to leave her alone. And so, he stays by her side, closer to the man than her but with worried eyes watching carefully.[break][break]

She feels his arm move, rising from its idle place to linger in the air. His haori pulls with the movement and her hands follow suit, fingers refusing to unfurl just yet. "Sorry," she mumbles into the fabric. Her head slowly begins to peek out from behind him, the woman rising on her tippy toes to get a look at what has happened since she moved into hiding. She misses the Snom again, peering over the opposing shoulder instead of the one occupied by the icy bug. Instead, she sees his hand lingering halfway in the air and the blue form of a Greninja. Curiosity picks at her mind and while she wants to indulge in it, she decides to stay silent, content with watching what's unfolding.[break][break]

Well, she would watch further if her legs don't begin to wobble. They tremble and strain, muscles growing weak quickly and in an effort to save herself the embarrassment of sending both of them toppling, she sinks back to her short stature. There, she lingers, staring at the mismatched fabric of his haori as the beginning of a sad silence overtakes the area. One of her hands shifts and draws closer to the Snom, gently brushing against the icy body of the bug and she doesn't register it at first, mind retreating back into her thoughts as she tries and fails to compose herself once more.[break][break]

God, that was awful. Stupid bug. Disgusting. Calm down. You're fine!


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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2020 6:17:13 GMT
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The Greninja remains motionless as it stares back at him. Its silence equally as aggravating as his own.

The calmness in his facial features warp into a scowl and his teeth are grit with frustration and anger. The grief he feels is nearly unbearable as the wound in his heart only cuts deeper. His body trembles violently as he tries to suppress his rage, the lingering resentment he has towards himself and his clan. He wants to dismantle everything, to bury it all, but deep down he knows the futility of it all. In this moment, the urge to permanently bury the husk that was once his friend rises and yet he can't bring himself to do it.

Facing Ken's indignation the Greninja is unresponsive, only staring at him with a detached and empty look, its pink eyes devoid of life and sentience. His outreached hand lowers back to his waist and curls tightly into a fist. The lapse in his facial expressions is only momentary and fleeting as indifference quickly returns; though his fist continues to shake. Losing himself at the sight of his Greninja, he nearly forgets about the girl's presence only remembering her when he feels the weight of her hands lighten.

His body shifts backwards, turning as his fist unfurls - reaching out to catch the girl with one hand holding her wrist while the other catches her by the waist. The Snom sitting upon his shoulder is shaken off onto the soft grass below as a result of his sudden movement. Holding her in place, he stares at her again with his blue eyes that are devoid of any expression. The pity he felt towards her gone as he only thinks about his own failures.

A sudden cry can be heard further in the distance and he feels the sensation of water blasting against him. His attention shifts away from the girl in his hands and over to the lake where he sees an angry Milotic floating in the water, clearly upset by the sudden disturbance around its habitat. Without a command Jiraiya springs into action, zipping through the air as it slices into the great serpent with a watery blade. His eyes widen as he understands that the Greninja clearly views the Milotic as an enemy; especially since it had openly attacked its trainer.

The Milotic reels back in pain as it glares at the Greninja just before swiping its tail at him. The bipedal frog is nimble on its feet though as it quickly leaps over the brutal swing. It launches water-shaped stars at the Milotic, the blades piercing into its body. The projectiles are enough to knock the Milotic out as it falls headfirst into the water, its blood leaking into the lake.

Seeing the Greninja acting on its own, he releases the girl letting her drop to the ground as his feet shuffles forward. He chases after the two pokemon locked in their deadly battle. "Jiraiya, stop!" he screams frantically stopping the Greninja short from mercilessly ending the poor pokemon's life with its blade. He pulls out a pokeball in his hand and quickly tosses it at the Milotic - hoping to catch it before it can drown itself in the lake due to being unconscious. The ball strikes against its body causing it to disappear into light. He looks back to the Greninja and snaps his finger, causing it to disappear into the shadows.

The Snom looks at its trainer, now a greater distance farther than before then turns back to Faye. Slowly, it approaches and pokes her with its snout, wondering if she's okay from the sudden fall.

OOC: Catching the Milotic.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Jan 14, 2020 1:28:23 GMT
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what will you do?

male / rough skin[break]
aqua jet / ice fang / agility / take down

& @ken




what will you do?

male / swift swim[break]
metal sound / mega drain / ancient power / endure

& @ken

Ken catches the Milotic successfully!

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february 24th
santalune city, kalos
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she's ripping wings off of butterflies.
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faye samos DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 21:18:15 GMT
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All she can see is blue.[break][break]

Endless blue, deep as the ocean. Nothing swirls in the depths, however, and she stares with equally blank purple eyes. Her mind faintly registers the feeling of falling, the way gravity yanks at her limbs, the presence of the ground coming closer with each passing second. Then, a hand wraps around her wrist, grip loose around the fragile skin. Gravity loses out on its hold of her, instead backing away as he catches her. His other hand snakes around her waist and a little gasp escapes from her lips.[break][break]

She missed the exchange between him and his Greninja but... It seems as though something had happened. The pity is gone, replaced with a dull expression. It's odd, really, but she supposes it's the same expression as earlier. And so, she stares even more, unwilling to break whatever this is. The foreign sensation of heat rising to her cheeks feels out of place in this situation. And yet, the pale skin on her face erupts with color, a dusting of pink settling. Something dances in her eyes, something she doesn't even want to indulge in, and she finally glances away with the odd feeling of embarrassment clinging to her body.[break][break]

Her wrist is limp in his grasp, refusing to break away from the sudden contact. In fact, if she didn't know herself so well, she'd even guess that her skin is content with his hand encircling her small wrist. His other hand feels comfortable on her waist, not too heavy yet not too light. She won't break underneath his calloused hands, that much is certain.[break][break]

And then, before she can speak, can ask why he touched her, he's releasing her. The faint feeling of water droplets registers in her mind but it fades in an instant, the sensation of crumbling to the ground overpowering everything else. A startled squeal erupts from her throat and she lands with a thud, lacking the grace her earlier movements had. And then, anger is back in full force. He really just dropped her like a sack of potatoes! The nerve![break][break]

"My," she struggles to catch her breath, the collision with the ground effective in knocking a bit of wind out of her. "How rude."[break][break]

A skirmish breaks out, then, and she watches with irritated eyes. In a way, she understands why he practically threw her to the ground. It's still incredibly rude, but she at least acknowledges the underlying reasoning. The Milotic had required help and he obliged. It seems, she notes with mild interest, that his Greninja is protective and a little intimidating. Curious... She had the notion that his Pokemon would hold that same indifference to them as he does but perhaps she had been wrong.[break][break]

In her distraction, the Snom that had been perched upon his shoulder now scuttled closer, curious and slightly concerned. Tobu lingers as well, his presence close at her back. It's nauseating but somewhere in the depths of her mind, she appreciates his concern. The Butterfree's gaze, however, shifts from his trainer to the bug type that's now inching closer and closer to the woman. A little noise escapes him in warning but the Snom doesn't listen. Instead, the Snom nudges her, small icy snout connecting with one of her clothed legs.[break][break]

The scream that escapes her is louder than earlier and Tobu recoils, retreating further into the air as the woman scrambles back. Her body trembles, purple eyes wide as saucers with panic. "No, no!" The words escape in a jumble, shrill and terrified. Her tone sounds foreign to her and perhaps that's why Yuki trots over, placing herself between the Snom and her trainer. The chittering from the Snorunt is comforting but god, get that thing away from her![break][break]

A welcome distraction comes in the form of a Kabuto entering the fray, scurrying across the ground toward the source of the scream. His body is still wet from emerging from the lake and in her panic, she doesn't notice his approach until it's too late. He approaches her side with curious beady eyes, hard shell glistening in the sunlight. God, that better not be another bug! She almost shrieks again as her eyes rip from the Snom to fall upon the water type, trembling arms wrapping further around herself. "Tobu," she groans, mentally kicking herself for even needing his assistance again.[break][break]

The Butterfree inches closer, lingering just above the Kabuto. "Stun Spore."[break][break]

Powder falls, then, and she moves into action, snatching a pokeball from her belt without a second thought. The Kabuto trembles once the powder falls upon his unsuspecting body, limbs paralyzed into place. An effective move, she knows. He won't be able to escape, much less attack her. And so, without waiting for Tobu to finish, she taps the pokeball onto the Kabuto's head, the small shelled Pokemon disappearing with a flash.[break][break]

Tobu backs away and she attempts to rise, legs still trembling from a mixture of fear and ache. Her body hurts... The ground is not comfortable in the slightest. "Excuse me," she calls, voice shaky despite the smile that rises to her face. Behind it sits annoyance, the notion that he could willingly drop her so easily becoming increasingly vexing. "That wasn't very nice, you know." Faye moves closer to him, keeping a wide distance from the confused Snom. A look of disgust flashes briefly across her eyes before it's snuffed out, the small icy body of the Snom now behind her. Out of sight, out of mind... Ugh, but she can still feel the disgusting feeling of that insect's snout against her leg. It makes her skin crawl...[break][break]

"May I ask why you caught me?" She peers at him, head slightly tilting as if she expects him to feel inclined to answer her questions. "Perhaps if you were planning on dropping me anyway, wouldn't it have been easier to not catch me in the first place?"[break][break]

notes | capture attempt on the kabuto~ <3


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 5:24:52 GMT
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For a brief moment his body stills becoming almost as lifeless as the Greninja autonomously awaiting its next command. His eyes vacantly stare down at the pokeball the life in his eyes that glimmered from his blue pupils dimming. Quietly he tugged against his chest, his hand tightly gripping onto the cloth of his shirt and his face slowly contorting in pain, not daring to even glance back where the Greninja vanished off to.

He can’t help but wonder in the back of his mind if this is all that life has prepared for him and Jiraiya. Puppet master and puppet, master and servant. Even after fleeing all the way to Hoenn and becoming a ranger, the Greninja only responds with commands. It wouldn’t even eat unless its trainer commanded it to.

Slowly his calm and apathetic expression returns. He reaches downwards and lifts the still pokeball from the ground conveniently hooking it onto his belt in the process. Turning his gaze towards the sky, his shoulders seemingly droop downwards. The ranger can’t help but inwardly curse at his own incompetence over the matter regarding his Greninja. Lost amidst the skirmish, he’s all but forgotten the girl he briefly held in his hands.

His self-pity is interrupted by another shrill and his gaze turns back to the girl once more who seems ready to combat the Snom that had previously sat comfortably on his shoulders. His eyes widen for a moment and he quickly pulls out a pokeball, sucking the Snom away with a red beam as it returns back to its small home.

Looking at the how quickly she manages to compose herself, he can’t help but momentarily admire her, but this positive feeling he briefly feels fades as she once again sends her Butterfree into combat yet again with her only acknowledging it by name. His brows scrunch together as he realizes that they both might not be too different despite their contrasting circumstances.

He remains quiet to the woman’s call for attention only standing still as he watches her movements. The disgust on her face doesn’t go unnoticed as he watches her briefly glance back to where Mizuki briefly was, only deepening the slight contempt he felt towards her. He furrows his brows, listening to her chastise him for dropping her just after catching her.

Slowly he approaches her, invading her personal space as he hovers over her with only a feet of distance separating them. He stares directly into her eyes and after a few moments of linger silence, he speaks: "Sorry." he says, his tone apathetic and almost insincere; though he can't help but actually feel somewhat apologetic towards her despite disliking her.

OOC: Pass on the Carvanha!
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 6:29:35 GMT
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what will you do?

male / hyper cutter[break]
x-scissor / storm throw / bind / thrash

& @ken




what will you do?

female / hydration[break]
aqua ring / brine / ice beam / safeguard

& @ken

Faye caught the Kabuto successfully!

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february 24th
santalune city, kalos
bug hater
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she's ripping wings off of butterflies.
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2020 4:43:14 GMT
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She misses the exchange, again. Mostly due to her own issues, her bubbling irritation overtaking any eavesdropping or observing she might have done. No, instead she stares at her feet, an idle hand rising to sweep violet tipped strands out of her line of sight every few moments.[break][break]

She's irritated and infuriated and her heartbeat is still hammering away in her chest because god, that slimy thing touched her! How dare it and how dare he not keep it on a leash. Does he not know some people aren't fans of bugs? Is that such a foreign concept that these trainers just parade their bugs around for everyone to gawk at? God, the nerve of it all! She feels the tips of her ears slowly begin to heat as her inner monologue runs rampant, finding every excuse under the sun to curse out the man in front of her. Oh, and let's not forget how he dropped her like a sack of potatoes! Yeah, her ass will really enjoy that bruise in the morning. Honestly, it's not her fault her body bruises worse than an apple. She just has delicate skin, right? He should know this or at least understand or even, better yet, be a gentleman and not drop her. Ugh![break][break]

Inhaling sharply through her nose, she drags her eyes up toward him just as whatever has just happened ends. Instead of seeing the man at odds with himself, she sees him recall his disgusting bug and part of her feels inclined to thank him, to praise him for deciding on the right call. Instead, she merely waits for him to answer her, staring and staring and staring for what feels like ages. He watched her and Tobu make quick work of the Kabuto, watched her usher the newly occupied Pokeball back against her belt, and then watched her approach. All of it was silent, judgmental, vexing. Although, honestly, she isn't sure if she is coming to appreciate the lack of conversation or find it ridiculous. Perhaps a healthy mixture of both? It's nice to not have to force a conversation but at the same time, it's starting to feel as though she's mostly just talking to herself.[break][break]

She expects him to not even give her an answer, to brush off her talking and focus on the next Pokemon that enter the clearing. Instead, however, he ventures closer, leaving nothing more than a measly foot of distance between them. Her breath catches in her throat for some reason and Faye finds herself at a loss for words. The closeness is, well... both flustering and confusing. For someone who doesn't talk much or even seem to enjoy her company, he sure does enjoy getting all up in her business huh? Her cheeks heat as silence filters in the small space between them and she's becoming increasingly aware of the fact that neither of them are willing to break eye contact first, to step away and break whatever trance is holding them. And then, he speaks, and the reverie is momentarily broken, long enough for Faye to find her barrings.[break][break]

Sorry? All he can say is sorry? God, here she is getting all flustered all for him to say sorry? How rude. And irritating. Ugh, god. Her cheeks puff up slightly, any hint of a smile falling instantly. It's not just the fact that he simply said a single word to her... No, it's also the fact that his tone is so flat, so devoid of any sincerity, that she just wants to scream. Instead, she barely holds onto her composure and tries in vain to shove her negative emotions down for the moment. And so, with nothing more than a single glance away, she simply makes a noise. "Mhm," she manages. It's short and definitely sounds way more irritated than she wanted to show, but it's enough and she shuffles away from him. Something else requires her attention, maybe something that would even give more of a response to her than him.[break][break]

A Dewgong has emerged from the lake, white coat still glistening from the water. Her eyes widen and the noise she makes is a strange squeal of excitement. It's enough to capture the Dewgong's attention, the sea lion immediately pinpointing her exact location. And then, with a splash, it shuffles closer. Yuki is quick to follow her trainer as Faye all but abandons the man where he stands, graceful feet carrying her body quickly toward the water's edge. "Hello," she coos, barely able to contain her excitement. An ice type! It's beautiful, perfect, everything she has been looking for! "You're so pretty!" Usually, she isn't as enthusiastic as she is right now, but this is an ice type and she can't contain herself. Her composure falls and excitement takes hold instead, her smile bright and bubbly and genuine. Hell, it even reaches her eyes this time around![break][break]

"Tobu!" She doesn't hold any contempt in her voice this time. No, instead it's an excited squeal and one the Butterfree knows by now. It's her "I need this Pokemon right now!" voice and so, the bug type shuffles into action, needing nothing more than his name from her mouth to move. A Sleep Powder quickly tumbles from the butterfly's wings, overpowering the Dewgong and sending it into a light slumber as soon as it shuffles onto land. She doesn't even wait for Tobu to finish. No, instead she dances forward and lightly taps the Dewgong's head with a newly brandished Pokeball, squealing as the ice type disappears in a flash and the ball begins to shake in her grasp. In her delight, she momentarily forgets about the man she left behind and the presence of the other Pokemon... A Pinsir that, once she turns around, immediately approaches without warning, pincers snapping together with a grunt.[break][break]

The shriek that escapes her, then, is terrified as she scrambles, high tailing it away from the Pinsir and straight back toward the man as if he'll really protect her a second time around. A girl could hope, right?[break][break]

notes | capture attempt on the dewgong~ <3 god i'm so sorry this is like a whole ass novel ;u;


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP