the queen's council [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 6:30:21 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar

it was time for the first council meeting, or at least the first olivia would be attending. it had been the absence of a fourth council member that had stayed olivia's hand but given recent incidents and the return of dahlia; it was high time the officials of hoenn meet. it had been less than a week since the slateport incident and many were still recovering, but the media was already abuzz with rumors. not a surprise, there had been doubt even as olivia issued the gag that things would remain quiet. yet, it had given her enough time to arrange this meeting.

obligatory emails had been sent to her fellows on the council whilst a personal phone call had been made to dahlia. there hadn't been an answer, but olivia could only pray she would come. finally, there was - she had decided to invite him for his position as head ranger and the many contributions he had made to keeping hoenn safe, some of which olivia had been by his side.

and so olivia waited, sitting at the head of the table in a fabulously cushioned office chair in the official headquarters of the league council. she hadn't been to ever grande before now, all league business usually coming to her rather than the other way around. it might have even been a nice visit, if not for the current political climate. instead, she was about to face off against her political adversary (adversaries?) and she had no one to rely on. her champion, was gone.

"the first have arrived." echoed perry's voice in her earpiece, reeling olivia back to reality. "send them up." she answered curtly, and awaited her peer, hands folded in her lap and stacks of folders and paperwork in front of her. the table itself had a pitcher of water and some simple snacks, muffins and fruit, available for the council's leisure. at her feet, curled up in a blue ball and purring loudly, was meara the vapreon.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 7:11:53 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Fernando has a reputation that proceeds him. Many considering him a trainer more capable than he claims to be. Others considering him a brooding sourpuss that mismatches the image he carries in the general public. Each person has their own perception of him and while valid none are close to the truth. They always miss the most important trait behind driven and obsessive.

Fernando is vulnerable.

It bleeds into his appearance. The lack of sleep, the hours of staring at a dull screen to parse data, the dreadful slouch that stems from his body running on autopilot to carry his body from place to place. Even so, compulsion steers him toward doing the only thing he knows how. There is a problem to solve and this requires him to snip the root of the issue before they can truly progress with change.

A folder of documents sits snug between his arm and side, clinging slightly below his armpit as he somehow finds a way through League Headquarters. Tracking down had taken some time and in between it he had still found a way to prepare for his own presentation. had proved essential to compiling the reports necessary but Fernando couldn't find a way to explain its purpose while staying vague.

The company he keeps with him is none other than his Smeargle. It'll prove essential for outlining any details that he cannot construe himself and he has no doubts that today's meeting will involve yelling and screaming in one form or another. He notices not too far down the hall and greets him with a halfhearted wave. "Lykos." Fernando's steps are heavy, weighted by his exhaustion while he comes increasingly closer.

Up close, his colleague will recognize how far he's let himself go. While never one to particularly care about appearances, this takes it to the next level. His hair is frazzled, his eyes red. The bags that sit under his eyes have always been a trademark of a man who pushes himself well beyond what he should but this time they feast on his insomnia, fatten and plump which make them seem like small bruises more than anything else. "Here." There's no explanation but he extends a hand to provide his partner with a set of earplugs.

Exhaustion brings many things and right now it champions a crankiness that kills his energy. Fernando knows better and sits on it, allowing the potential energy to culminate as he enters the room. Without so much as a word, he takes his seat somewhere between the farthest one from Olivia as well as the closest one to where he entered. He sets the folder down and slips out several copies of his report. Strangely enough there's several graphs and a small wall of text near the bottom with numbers sprawled across the top.

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 7:25:01 GMT
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Arceus. looks about as bad as Orion feels; the newest councilman has bags of his own, but he's done his best to tame his hair and doctor his appearance to give off an aura of put-togetherness even if he himself feels nothing of the sort. Fernando, however... he looks like death, and Orion's composed expression falters with a flicker of sympathy.

"Silph," he acknowledges in response, defaulting to formality as his colleague had done. He raises his brows as earplugs are passed to him, but is quick enough of wit not to ask what they're for. This meeting, it seems, is not slated to be a peaceful one. Adopting an expression of grim acceptance, he nods his thanks. His busted eardrum, not long into its healing process, will be especially thankful for this small gift.

They head up together, and Orion seats himself next to Fernando; Silph is the member of the Council Orion knows best, though he barely knows him at all. He's not even met Kim or Dahlia.

He greets with a polite nod and a twitch of his lip, keeping any thoughts about the chair she'd chosen for herself withheld. They've got a lot to talk about, and he's not about to start making waves.

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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 7:41:58 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
The swagger Kim carries himself is intoxicating to witness, the display of grandeur and carefree nature obvious upon his appearance.

His clothes were tailor made, a formal suit fitting his body nicely; not too snug but close enough to show his curves. Hoop earrings hung from his earlobes, the golden circles moving with each step of his gait. Upon his face sat a pair of sunglasses, their heart shape matching the ones that sat upon his teddiursa’s- the cub fast asleep in a baby carrier strapped onto his chest- and his Gothorita’s- the psychic type walking in stride with her trainer with a freshly ordered cappuccino in her hand she sipped idly.

Arriving fashionably late, Kim kicked the door in- the sleeping teddiursa’s head bobbing slightly as he did- and looked to his peers with a smile.

Waddup, hoes.” He greeted the lot as he moved to take his seat nearby , the Gothorita pulling up a seat of her own next to Kim.

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the good commissioner
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dahlia goode DOLLARS
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dahlia goode
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 8:07:23 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

the door is still swinging when dahlia arrives. she looks around with wide eyes, more perturbed by the wake of kim's grand procession than anything. despite her tenuous hold on the highest seat, she remains composed. steadfast in white.

however, it is difficult to maintain such poise when constantly surveiled. eyes continue to watch her; the public has sunk its fangs into her already.

she takes her seat quietly. beside her, a furry mass of stoutland settles its head in between its paws. the dog will take the minutes. diligently. with snores.

"hello." she utters. her sullen eyes catch a glimpse of kim's heart-eyed carry-on. "cole, we do offer five weeks of paternity leave, you know."

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he / him / his
july 26
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is gonna be the loneliest
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Laurence Anderson
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 10:40:39 GMT
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The message he had received certainly raised his eyebrows. A meeting? Now?

To be fair he hadn't been to any meeting prior to his appointment; as he preferred to be out in the field working as always. Even if he had "Head" attached to his Ranger title now, he still treated shit the same old way.

So to get the message was enough to tip him off that he was about to meet the contents of the Lion's Den. He had... so many questions to ask. Especially with how a certain reported woman, previously believed to be missing, had turned up and helped drive away a kaiju-sized Tentacruel...

He could only wonder why there was need for the meeting. Certainly it had something to do with the New Year's event that had turned into a nightmare from the deepest reaches of the nether.

Maybe they're here to discuss Mateo's disappearance? Or something else? he thought to himself as he was the last to arrive, his hair tousled from arriving there via Air Metagross. Seeing everyone in power gathered made him internally purse his lips. On the outside, he maintained his resting bitch face. Which happened to be his normal expression, mind.

"Sorry. Got held up by a wild Pokémon situation somewhere near Oldale," he apologized as he took the last seat. Eyebrows went up at the choice of Olivia's seating, but there would be time to talk about that later...

Sorry he's late but here he is.

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sea witch
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
the queen's council [c]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 22:01:19 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar

the first two of her peers arrived, silph and lykos. she offered both a curt nod just as kim cole bursted into the room. this was the first time olivia had met the man and she was less than impressed. olivia was more interested by who followed after the extravagant man. the commissioner and her furry companion. goode kept up her cordial appearances amongst the council; olivia wasn't sure if this was the first time dahlia had been seen outside of her recovery.

finally, lars arrived. olivia dismissed the head ranger's apology with a wave of her hand, "don't worry, anderson, we are just getting started." while she was still getting used to modern advancements in technology, such fancies not allowed for the abbiati of snowpoint, one of her assistants had put together an electronic slide show. it was the only thing truly put together about the woman, for underneath the chic jacket of faux white fur or the tight high sitting ponytail of silver hair - the distinct trait of the abbiati clan reaching her lower back - was a woman terrified by those that surrounded her.

had nearly killed her, and hidden beneath a string of pearls was a multicolored bruise that circled her neck. it was the first time olivia had truly been scared for her mortality; but it wasn't the last, or even the last time she felt such that same day. and both displayed their tremendous powers granted by the gods, with the former telling off olivia and using his legendary pokemon to make a point; if not a threat.

the others less so. olivia rose, a shallow sigh preceding what she said, "thank you all for coming councilmen, head ranger... commissioner." olivia greeted each in turn with a nod, her ocean eyes settling on dahlia for a few moments before she clicked a button on a small remote inter hand. from the center of the table, a holographic power point sprung into existence, displaying multiple news articles of the recent events of slataeport.

olivia allowed a pause and silence to fill the air. they had all been there, in some way, some form of consciousness. she clicked another button, this time the articles more inquisitive, questioning; what was that monster? was it different from the others? what happened between the councilwoman and the sootopolis gym leader? where were the elite four?

"there are questions to be answered, and we should come forth with a united answer." olivia stated, bringing her hands together behind her back.

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 23:15:28 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Dali-dear, this region needs me. I took a vacation about a month ago and by the time I came back all hell had already broken loose. It’s chaos without me.

A response given to the commissioner before he took notice of the last to enter, his eyes then forced to turn to Olivia as she began speaking what few words she did.

As the screen displayed headlines and the like, Kim awaited for her to further on with her explanation, the only one given being, ‘we need answers.’

He gives her a moment to further press on before his face scrunches up in disappointment, taking his sunglasses off to display the emotion.

His head turns to and then , looking between the two as he spoke.

Is she simple? Does she expect us to come up with an opener explanation for her or are we just supposed to respond to the slideshow she made for us?

He leans into his chair, setting his face into his hand that laid into the armrest.

Olivia, sweetheart, use your words. You arranged this meeting so you should be the one to take the lead of it, correct?

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 4:02:22 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar
As he's been doing his best to avoid sudden, loud noises in the interest of catering to his ruptured ear, Orion jumps at the sudden sound of the door being kicked in. His head turns sharply toward the sound only to see a man he recognizes from promotional images to be — longest serving member of the current council and the only one he hasn't met.

And what an impression the man makes.

Orion can only blink at Kim as he strides into the room with his unexpected greeting, slipping in behind him like some sort of ghost. Orion is more than willing to forgive her reserved demeanor: of everyone at the table, she'd certainly gone through the most on the night of the new year.

He opens his mouth as if considering introduction, then closes it and shakes his head. He recalls the advice given to him by Fernando, might've laughed under differing circumstances. Instead, the newest councilman finds himself relieved as the most familiar of the invited group strides into the room. He offers a friendly smile, shifting his gaze onto the other man when he takes his seat.

"I got the alert for that as well," he confirms. "Glad it got sorted out."

Orion listens quietly, respectfully, to 's introduction. He is not sure how these meetings are usually structured... but Kim seems to take immediate issue with her approach, even going so far as to insult the councilwoman. He exchanges a brief look with , further understanding the need for the earplugs. This was not going to be pretty, was it?

"With respect," he says, carefully, after a pause, "we've all been through a lot of strain these past few weeks. Taking shots at each other is hardly going to make things any smoother." Anxiety sinks its claws in deep, but Orion had made a promise to himself upon accepting a position on the Council: he wasn't going to sit back and offer no opinions of his own. He might be the newest member, but his voice remained valid. He turns his gaze on Olivia. "I think there's none better in this room to explain the feud between yourself and . How would you describe the situation? Not all of us," he looks to Lars, Dahlia, and Kim, "were present for the fallout."

He'd caught the tail end of the argument that had led up to it: had seen Solgaleo's avatar turn rogue.

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august 12th
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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 4:38:11 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Kim Cole is an enigma. No one can predict what the man is up to or where his power stems from. Fernando expects some measure of buffoonery, yes, but he can never pinpoint the method, never the medium. And with time he has come to accept it. There is little room for him to negotiate when the populace eats it up. Kim campaigns on an effortless platform of populism and Hoenn embraces it like his fashion sense. Baby carriers will be the iconic look of 2020.

So when Kim Cole comes barging in, Fernando proves to be the least bothered alongside Dahlia who welcomes him with her traditional small talk. The Head Ranger is of no importance to him and Fernando shrugs off his excuse with little care. Rather than sit out and drawl on the explanation, Fernando shuffles among his papers before scooting a copy in front of Orion and Kim who flank him on either side.

He can feel Kim's stare bear into him and he meets him with direct eye contact, gesturing with a disappointed shrug until prompted further. "Things didn't go her way so now she's resorting to team work." He turns to Orion, who coincidentally had been looking to him as well. He sits in silence, considering his own interjection before Orion chips in.

The newest member would be the one to try and make things right. Against his own advice, there had been a reason why Fernando gave his own opinions on the council. Among a normal groups, Orion's advice may have had some traction. He's certainly not wrong. Having someone play mediator would do much for ensuring an orderly and productive meeting. Unfortunately, this council is anything but functional and Fernando's long resigned in trying to bring any order to the group. Sparks will fly and he's only waiting for someone to ignite the first sparks.

For now, he bides his time, granting Orion's request if only to hear what will undoubtedly be bullshit.

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
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5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dahlia goode DOLLARS
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dahlia goode
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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 5:10:35 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

after kim's reply, dahlia keeps her gaze low. it sweeps like the softest broom across the table. from a leather satchel hung around her stoutland's neck, she retrieves a laptop and opens it. quietly, the commissioner hides behind the mockingly sunny glow of her screen.

a vacation would be nice.

the holographic technologies are provided by of raicorp fame. in the flurry of her illness, she recalls having secured such a contract- but little pleases her in the wake of her sullied reputation.

her fingers rest on the keyboard. unpainted nails tap against empty letters. provides direction, but her movements remain limited.

"if we are to provide a unified public statement, then yes, let's take it one step at a time." dahlia's lips are veiled by the grey edge of her screen. "i don't wish to paint a target on you, olivia, but 's departure does... require some elaboration."

another gym leader position to fill. she kneads her fingers together and presses her forehead against the bridge.

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sea witch
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september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
the queen's council [c]
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 22:10:27 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar

kim embodies the traits of men that olivia despises; perhaps even more so than fernando: arrogance, ignorance, and impatience. his brash words are tempered by the newest council member along with a question reiterated by dahlia: the topic of . silph remained quiet, for the most part anyhow.

olivia pressed a button, the slide transitioning into the league's file of the alolan gym leader on the holographic display. she had expected such questions, and was ready. "to put it simply, for the sake of some of our council members," she began, sparing a chilly glance to , continuing, "i reprimanded balder for his violent outburst and informed him that the council would be meeting with him in regards to his abilities." she pressed a second button, and a hologram of the legendary solgaleo popped up.

"which, following his outburst and rejection of the league, leads me to question: what is to be done about those blessed by the gods?" she asked, her fingers quickly pressing a series of buttons that brought up the other avatars of hoenn along with their legendary pokemon: and tapu fini and and celebi. "these are just those that we know, i would like to note. so i ask, what is to be done when they go awol?" she followed it up with footage from the mosdeep incident, "when one these 'avatars' is capable of ripping open portals that allow these... 'ultra beast' to wreck havoc?"

she clicked the back button, bringing up the avatars' faces and pokemon once more. "for that is one of unknown and dangerous abilities of an 'avatar'." olivia clicked back again, "of . that is what those of you who were not present missed. the herald of the sun, solgaleo, opened forth a portal that the jelly fish 'ultra beast' was trying to retreat to. that one of its kin sprung forth and stole from us. which is apparently capable of using to teleport himself and others to this other dimension, or travel freely across hoenn."

"and so i present a solution." she walked around the table, dropping manilla folders labeled A.Q.U.A. on the front and files within. as she did so, the holoscreen changed to the same logo. "the A.Q.U.A. initiative; or Avatar Quality and Ultrabeast Action initiative."

she returned to stand by her seat, the screen switching to names and faces: of note was the former councilwomen @noblesse and alongside support from companies such as Lupin Co, represented by MIss Shou [ ]. "with support from notable citizens of hoenn, i will relay the major points of this initiative as i have discussed with those before."

"first, this is meant to be a response and research field team that would investigate and handle these unnatural phenomena that have been occurring across hoenn." the presentation shifted to a reel of footage from the multiple mutant pokemon attacks, of which olivia, , and had all been witness to. there was also footage from the most recent ultra beast attack. "this is by no means meant to replace the hoenn rangers, whom we are undoubtedly proud and grateful to have," olivia added, looking to the head ranger, "but rather equip and better prepare a specialized team of trainers and/or rangers."

"second, this unit will actively hunt and capture or kill these 'ultra beast' for the league. they will be our go to team of specialized and trained individuals for such events; given all the tools, training, and funds necessary for them to get their job done." olivia stated plainly.

"third, with the recent situation involving , this team will identify, train, and/or survey avatars for the league. these people possess incredibly dangerous powers that are on par with the destructive capabilities of these 'ultra beast'." the display flashed to pictures of ancient tomes and scripts, with pictures of celebi, tapu fini, and solgaleo. "these pokemon, considered gods by some, are capable of twisting the fabric of space and time, manipulating the elements beyond that of the average pokemon, and much more." the display flashed forward to 's file while olivia said, "and i propose that these 'avatars' be trained by our very own 'avatar', councilman fernando; while said team will be spear headed by the former councilwoman ."

"now, my esteemed peers, i am open to questions, comments, and concerns." olivia said, the face of a much more put together staring down at them all from the holographic display, a blaring reflection compared to how fernando appeared today. meara had jumped up onto olivia's seat, staring down dahlia from across the table.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 23:21:59 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]There are no masks among the trusted. Fernando is too worn to find the strength to mute his expressions. They come with the ebb and flow of his natural reactions, washing up on his face with a tell that exposes him like an open book. It starts with how visually taken aback he is from the comment about Olivia doing — well, anything— for the sake of someone else. The canvas was left pristine without a care for any of their introductions but now with the advent of actual news, Fernando paints his feelings with broad strokes.

"Holy shit—" She just keeps on going and Fernando doesn't realize the words have left his mouth. Conscious thinking has a way of leaking out and the realization that he's vocalizing his thoughts go amiss. "—you're actually a fucking idiot." The volume of his claim fits neatly in the conference room, controlled and laden with actual astonishment. It's rare for the councilman to berate someone unintentionally but it's even rarer for him to speak his mind.

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dahlia goode DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 3:32:51 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

dahlia shifts quietly- but she is no phantom. her ghostly steps fill physical shape with contradiction. although she is commissioner, she speaks little. practices the stillness of prayer. although she listens with the intensity of some saint behind a confessional's grate, dahlia feels like the scuffed crust of adhesive on a gray wall.

she agrees with the whys. the presence of avatars and the need for research requires a response; however, dahlia makes no reaction. the commissioner remembers the trauma of strangulation. she sees the art of 's pearls, and wonders what sketches they hide.

dahlia's eyes flicker toward , but her frown is invisible. over-saturated by the glow of laptop light and hidden by the screen's wall, the commissioner waits her turn.

she just wishes someone would cover the teddiursa's ears.

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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 4:28:15 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
With help from the utterances from none other than Orion, Kim holds any further judgement- out loud at least- but keeps the lax pose within his chair.

He allowed Olivia to speak uninterrupted, a placid look of indifference posted onto his face as he quietly watched the woman. It wasn’t until Fernando had spoken that this visage would break, if only moderately.

His hand moves to cover his face as he let out a silent chuckle, after which he sat upright, crossing one leg over another- the teddiursa moving in tune within its carrier, sleeping soundly.

How well did that work out with Balder?

He ask with a smile, then holding out a hand to halt her response, if she had begun giving one.

What I mean is that forcing these people to conform- especially under the name that you have so dutifully branded the aqua-whatever- is not the way to get their compliance. The idea of being controlled, even if that is not your intention, is one that causes people to rebel. Much like Balder has already done.