one is a bird [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 12:45:43 GMT
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This was so bothersome. His first visit here was less than pleasant, and boring at that, and now he has to come back to help some newbie. Hopefully they wouldn’t be a bother.
Quietly standing around, Kim would check the time, a suck of his teeth following as he thought of anything else he could be doing right now. Relaxing, shopping, getting day drunk, you know, the norm.
It was only when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye that his train of thought was lost.
Extra, probably annoying, too bright. Those were his first thoughts upon seeing her, the person who he could only assume was the newbie.
The mental insults would only increase the closer she got. Looks bitchy, fake too, too much makeup, again, probably annoying.
A light smile would place itself on his face, his thoughts ceasing slightly as she neared.
Nice to meet you, I assume you’re Cait?
He’d extend a hand towards her, gesturing for a handshake.
Is her hand dirty?” Was the last thought to crossed his mind.








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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 13:01:56 GMT
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the girl appeared to be a bit weary, though her smile was genuine despite how tight it might appear. there were lines underneath her eyes to indicate a lack of sleep, yet she remained outwardly positive.


once she was a short distance away from the the officer she would bow politely, greeting him with her usual show of respect before standing straight. 

"yes, i am cait - my official title being cadet alfric, sir.

she accepted the offered hand, her grip firm as she gave it a good and proper shake before releasing her grasp. for this particular 'venture' the girl had dressed in denim trousers and a plain-white shirt, the only accessory worn being her steel bands that revealed a total of six pokeballs within its many notches. cait had decided to dress simply, forgoing her usual attire in favor of something considered far more typical. 

'the safest outfit of choice, i suppose.' 

"thank you for helping me with this mission - it's my first, actually - but i think you already know that?

she took him in with a discreet sweep of her gaze, taking note of his handsome features and physique. 

"should i call you officer cole or - ?

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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 13:31:23 GMT
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A tinge of concern arrived onto his features, the soft smile turning into a light frown.
Was she sleep deprived? Why did she come here if she was so tired, she would be no good if she wasn’t in her best state.
I’d rather not share that title with my father, Kim is enough. I’ll be calling you Cait.
Was it fatherly instinct or just pity, he didn't know, but what he did know, is that he needed to give this girl some attention. So, he’d turn on his heel, giving her a wave to follow.
Let's go get some coffee from the break room, they put the crummy stuff out here for the guest. We need to wake you up before anything.
Last time he came here he got the chance to explore a bit while patrolling, having a chance to speak to the scientist here afterwards, the break room wasn't too far from here.
Do you mind me asking why you look so haggard?








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[newclass=.kc-tag:hover .kc-notes]transition-delay: 15.5s !important;transition: 3.5s !important;opacity: 1;transition-timing-function: ease-out;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 13:53:31 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
she felt the flesh of her cheeks grow hot, and despite the dark pigmentation of her skin it became fairly obvious underneath the male's curious gaze. 

"do i look that bad?

the girl wished that she had enough time to retreat into the bathroom and get another good look at herself. she was certain her makeup had been applied correctly, her morning routine having been executed and executed in a timely fashion despite how tired she had felt. 

"i guess coffee would help.

she followed him into the break room, curiously shifting her gaze to and fro before it settled upon the already filled coffee machine. 

'i hope they have cream - and sugar - a lot of sugar.' 

"in all honesty, i couldn't sleep that well last night," she admitted. "it's my first mission - so everything i do here will be put underneath some kind of scope whether i succeed or fail.

cait spoke as she prepared a hot cup of sweetened coffee for herself, dumping so much into her cup of brew until it had utterly lost its formerly dark brown coloration. 

"i'm not exactly naturally gifted for this kind of work, after all," she said. 

she took a careful little sip, humming softly in satisfaction as the sweetened mix splashed against her tongue.

"it's basically just nerves. i... actually hoped you wouldn't notice.
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golden boy
september 23
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 14:45:14 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar











Taking a seat he would let her collect her thoughts as well as her coffee, quietly ripping open a bag of sugar and taking pinkie scoops out, sucking the little finger as he listened.
A smile would slowly edge up his cheeks as he indulged in the packet. Her worries were perfectly valid, if he were anyone else, just this might warrant an infraction, they’re supposed to be in top shape with proper judgement, and if she couldn’t even properly apply her makeup. Good thing it was him she was with.
It's your first day, you’re bound to have jitters.” Of course he didn’t, but this isn’t about him. “Try not to be so nervous, it just makes you more inept.
Dumping the packet onto his tongue he would look back at her with a smile. “We can’t all be perfect, so just be your best.”
Once again he would pause, rolling up the packet with his fingers, his attention on the small bundle of papers, a quick jolt prompting him to speak once more. “Oh, and, take the time to make sure you look good when you make yourself up. You might be late, but at least you’ll give them a nice face to look at.








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[newclass=.kc-tag:hover .kc-notes]transition-delay: 15.5s !important;transition: 3.5s !important;opacity: 1;transition-timing-function: ease-out;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 16:54:11 GMT
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he was awarded a little smile from the young woman as she heeded his advice. she appeared to be far less tired as a result of both the caffeine and conversation, her morale having been lifted. 

"thank you," she said. "for the advice, i mean.

she peered down at her cup of coffee, her grin lessening somewhat as she peered down at the half-finished drink. 

"i think i'm good to go now, co - ah, sorry - kim.

it appeared as though a majority of the individuals whom were league preferred to be called by their first name as opposed to their last. she surmised that this was due to the fact that a vast majority of them were still quite young, and disliked such formal titles as a result. 

"i can throw away your cup," she offered. 

cait dumped the remnants of her own drink into the sink before promptly disposing of the cardboard cup in the plastic bin situated by the break room's primary exit. 

"i'm ready to start up now. do you think our pokemon will be needed for this? i have a few on hand.
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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
one is a bird [m]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 17:46:26 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar











He would take in the last of what sat in the cup, its contents mostly sugar than anything else, a lick of his lips following as he handed over the cup.
Thank you m’dear.
His smile would brighten as he took a stand, the feeling of helping another giving him a slight feeling of beautiflies in his stomach.
When a question was prompted his way the feeling would subside, an answering given quickly.
We’re only patrolling, they won’t be needed unless something pops up that we have to take care of.
His feet would escort him out of the room, a quick wave given to a passing scientest.
But other than that, they make good company.”








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[newclass=.kc-tag:hover .kc-notes]transition-delay: 15.5s !important;transition: 3.5s !important;opacity: 1;transition-timing-function: ease-out;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 24, 2018 6:16:44 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
"i've never really been in a building like this before.

she laughed softly, shaking her head from side to side as her gaze shifted toward the presumably friendly scientist that kim had waved to. 

"it's everything that i ever imagined," she continued. "sterile with gentlemen and ladies covered in white coats - 

cait crossed her arms over her chest, glancing toward the blinding lights that caused the surrounding environment to glow in a strange and even eerie sort of way. 

" - and cold.

she hoped they'd reach the outside of such a place soon, the young woman longing for the sun and its warmth to kiss her now chilled flesh. if she were ever to be called here again for the remainder of her career within the league, she'd definitely bring along a jacket. 

"how long have you been working for the league, kim?
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
one is a bird [m]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2018 12:18:26 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar











Her words rang true as he walked forth with her, it was certainly cold, and with the air starting to nip up outside, it was a wonder why they had kept it like so. Probably some technical jargon he can’t be bothered to learn about, he has too many things on his plate right now as is.
The question she had asked otherwise sparked thoughts he had never even dared to tread on. How long has he been in the league? Even he didn't know. Technically, he’s only been registered in the league for years, but the line between him registering and his upbringing blurred together. A direct estimate was seemingly impossible for him to conjure up.
And with the thoughts of registering so too came the thoughts of training, this taking place through the majority of his life. The smile that once kept place on his face would fall off, replacing itself with a somewhat tired look of displeasure.
Dunno... Let’s call it here for now.
A hand would go to reach into his jacket pocket, pulling out a business card with his contact information on it along with a headshot.
If you need anything, call me.
With that, he would quickly walk towards the exit, the other hand gripping the bridge of his nose in an attempt to expel any stress accumulating on his brain. He needed some air, and maybe a drink.








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POSTED ON Oct 24, 2018 12:24:41 GMT
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"oh! okay?"

caught off guard by his sudden desire to retire early, the girl would accept his business card with a look of bemusement written across her features. 

'did i say something wrong?' 

"bye, kim," she said, waving lightly. 

she wasn't entirely sure, and would wisely fall silent as he moved to distance himself from her. at least they had completed the mission, which had been simple and blessedly short. there had been no one to pester them whilst they completed their patrol, which meant they could retire early due to an obvious lack of suspicious activity. 

"this wasn't as bad as i thought it'd be.

'i still feel exhausted, though.'

the caffeine would leave her system soon, and she wanted nothing more than to return to her hotel room and rest.

'gods, i'm starving, too. i think i'll get some breakfast before sleeping.' 

she stuffed the card into her trouser pocket before taking her leave, opting for a separate exit. 

[ completed ] 

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