life for hire [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 18, 2020 23:00:00 GMT
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take some stones, gems, whatever the hell they are... make some cash. simple, easy, right up his alley. with his skills, this should be a cake walk. except, it's not and he's saddled with a partner. him? needing a partner? ha, what do they take him for? he doesn't need a babysitter. he can take care of himself.

well, except taking care of himself almost always involves a brawl or twelve and a hefty pile of bloody bandages. a normal day, really.

"oi," he grits out. it sounds more guttural than he intends and it all but startles the little lizard on his shoulder. the poor thing yelps and tears immediately spring to her eyes. great, nice job kill. you made the poor baby cry again. "stop it. i didn't --" his voice is overtaken by the sharp wail that escapes his sobble. now he's really done it. ugh. "hey," he tries again, softer this time. this little bastard will be the death of him. "i didn't mean it. don't cry... please?"

pleading almost seems to work but it's the gentler expression that claims his features that seems to really do the trick.

within minutes, the sobble is calm and content, almost smiling even. odd little bugger that she is... a simple creature. kindness goes a long way with the water type and perhaps she's the only one that truly sees the softness beneath the beast. "good," he murmurs, a hand raising to scratch at the scaly skin beneath her chin. "now, ya see this partner yet? i think it's a bird they shackled me with." annoyance rises and he doesn't bother to shove it away. instead, he welcomes it, allowing it to fester the more he waits.

by the time his partner actually arrives, he's bored and about ten seconds away from saying to hell with it and storming the place himself. "took ya sweet time, didya?" eerie green eyes don't even bother drifting her way, settling onto the opening of the alley instead. they almost seem to glow in the shadows, coming to life with a certain vibrancy that sings aggression. idle hands shove themselves into pockets of loose pants and he's letting out a half growl, facial features settling into a grimace. "let's get on with it, yeah?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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life for hire [m]
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2020 23:43:38 GMT
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"Hey, hey, the outfit and all takes some time. Sorry for the wait but it's got to be convincing, after all!"[break][break]

The faint clicking of heeled boots against the alley concrete would alert the blueish haired boy to the presence of his assigned partner, Nova Collins. She was all made up in a fancy maroon minidress with heels to match. Even the ribbon that adorned her hair was bedazzled in the effort of looking the part of a jewelry enthusiast. Just as the boy's muscle and strength was essential for the mission, so was Nova's job as a poser. She'd need to get the attention of the store staff so that the other could collect the goods without causing an uproar. [break][break]

Nova was going to ask what he thought of the outfit, if it were much, but she had a feeling the answer he'd give wouldn't be one she liked. She smiled sheepishly, observing his irritated expression. He made his feelings about this situation pretty candid to Nova. The girl smiled sheepishly. Hopefully, she wouldn't annoy him any further. [break][break]

"Yeah, you're right. Getting a move on would do us good," She said in agreement, now following after the boy down the alley. Nova's hands hovered over the ends of her dress, admiring her handiwork. With the help of some other Rocket Grunts finding her the correct fabric, she'd been able to create an outfit of her own. Its material appeared finer than it really was. She had her Theatre background to thank. It felt nice being able to use her skills in another, if not somewhat questionable way. [break][break]

It still felt strange putting on something so fancy. Nova never had the opportunity to attend fancy events or eye-catching galas, much less a posh store like this. Her kind didn't belong amongst the masses of the rich. [break][break]

She shifted her shoulder, looking down at the handbag that was suspended from it. Her Pokeballs were safely stowed inside. Everything was in place. Good.[break][break]

Nova turned around to look at her partner, realizing that she hadn't really gotten his name. Not that it really mattered at the moment, though. "We're getting near to the shop. I'll go inside first and draw the attention of the staff," Nova brought out one of the balls, releasing her Growlithe. The dog stood at her side. "Flare should be hanging out around. Just like we practiced-- He'll give you a signal for you to head in from the back to take what you can once everyone's distracted." [break][break]

The boy probably knew the procedure already, she'd made sure they'd gone over it multiple times. But Nova recited it off-head, just in case.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 20, 2020 22:09:51 GMT
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he offers nothing more than a grunt of acknowledgement at first. her words register, sure, but he doesn't want to add anything just yet. instead, his eyes travel down the length of her body, taking in the pretty dress and swanky appearance. she looks good, gorgeous even, but it's not important right now and green eyes snap back to red ones as she smiles at him. he doesn't return the gesture. no, a smile would look too odd on his face. the scowl he wears, however? that feels much more comfortable, much more him.

"glad ya agree," is all he says toward the woman before he's setting the pace, leading them toward the store. it's a quick walk in the shadows, a short distance between them and their goals. what happens in between he doesn't care much for. he wants to get this over with, finish quickly, and go back to the woods he scampered out of. the city makes his skin crawl. it's too crowded, too busy, too lively. where is the peace in this place? is there any at all?

his sobble sits comfortably on his shoulder, content with swiveling in her spot to stare at nova. her eyes almost sparkle with interest at the outfit, the glamour, the smile. it isn't every day she sees a smile and she almost wants to crawl onto nova's shoulder instead. she's pretty, much prettier than killian, and probably way nicer too. she stays put, however, and simply observes the man's partner with an almost dreamy look on her scaly face. he doesn't mind in the end... it's better than the loud wail from earlier. anything is better than tears.

and then, killian's sliding to a stop and the redhead turns toward him. the movement makes him still and stiffen, as if expecting something else besides the words that come tumbling from her mouth. right, she's a lady. he has to keep reminding himself that. it's a known fact for him that ladies don't get their hands dirty, don't rush in with guns blazing. no, they calculate and strike at times of opportunity. is that why she's his partner? the brains to his brawn? probably. anyway, it doesn't matter. he'll perform when needed and growl the rest of the time.

"yeah, yeah," he drawls, voice rough and a little too loud for the small spaces of this alley. "ya gonna stand here all day and blabber or ya gonna go in there?" an idle hand rises to rub circles at the nape of his neck, an awkward habit. he has no reason to feel awkward but she's looking like a million bucks and he's a stray dog. perhaps that's why he doesn't look at her again, green eyes trained on the growlithe at her knees. he still tries to talk, though, despite the need for rushing through this ordeal. "holler when ya need me," he growls before stalking to lean against a wall, his sobble offering an excited wave toward nova despite her trainer's lack of interest.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 21, 2020 0:20:27 GMT
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Nova sighed at his indifferent tone. She was getting a little too overzealous, she supposed. Not everyone, especially those part of a group like Team Rocket, would be the most friendly. Her main priority was to get this job done in a timely manner. "I'll get going then," She said simply flashing a polite smile and even a slight wave towards the dreamy-eyed Sobble. Flare nodded and followed after the red-haired woman, just stopping short of the jewelry store's door. [break][break]

She pushed the door open, her face now wholly changed. Nova's usually soft expression morphed into one of pretentious self-importance. She strutted inside, soft lips pursed into a pompous pout. Nova had her character crafted and just in time, too. It appeared as if she'd gotten the attention of the store's manager. [break][break]

"Alright darlings," Nova called out, the back of her hand rising as she brushed a couple of red strands of hair from her face, "I've come here with the knowledge that your store has only the most exquisite of jewelry. I best not be disappointed." She said aloud with an authority she didn't really have. It seemed to definitely catch the manager's attention though. They smiled sheepishly and loudly cleared their throat to get the other workers to attend to Nova. They were all distracted now at the other end of the store, attempting to tend to Nova's requests. [break][break]

From outside, Flare barked and ran back to where the boy was stationed. He couldn't talk, of course, but nodded in the direction of the back of the shop. It was time for them to get in and take what they needed. [break][break]


If Killian were to walk over to the back of the shop, he'd see a backdoor that was locked securely. But that was the least of their problems. There lay a sleeping Mightyhena guarding it. Its ears flicked and it began to growl, having spotted these strangers.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 7, 2020 20:06:36 GMT
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[attr="class","kill b"]another grunt escapes him, perhaps the only noise he actually knows how to make. the sobble on his shoulder almost seems saddened by her trainer's lack of manners but she doesn't offer more than a soft squeak of shame. perhaps she has come to understand that his head is too thick to get through, too stubborn to be anything less than what he knows. and then, nova's showing the water type a little bit of kindness in the form of a wave and she's squeaking louder, almost scrambling from her position on killian to join the redhead instead. she's nicer than him and doesn't smell like something died!

his partner disappears into the shop after another moment of silence lingers between them and he's watching her go with mildly interested green eyes. voices drift out from the sides of the shop, muffled by the walls between them. he can't understand any of the words, only slight increases of tone. oh well, he doesn't need to know what she's doing in there. not his business, not his problem. all he has to worry about is the back door. which... might be a bit of an issue.

the hunter is pushing off the wall with a little too much force, stalking toward the back of the jewelry store. there's a look of irritation written all over his face, one that leaves a little bit of fear in the sobble. she doesn't know what he's going to do, what he's willing to do, and that thought keeps her silent, clinging to the muscles of his shoulder with a tighter grip than before. he makes no indication that he notices. instead, a calloused hand rises to scratch at the scales of her cheeks and she's lulled into a soft sense of comfort.

"bloody hell," he grits out. a mightyena is positioned at the back door, already growling lowly by the time he actually notices the beast. "really?" the snarl is menacing the second it hits the air and his sobble flinches at the sound. tears slowly well up in her eyes again but he doesn't notice. killian's a bit too busy matching the mightyena's animosity with bared teeth and aggression of his own. "yer gonna be an issue," he grumbles. the hand that had been scratching at sobble's cheek abandons the calming gesture to inch toward the pokeballs sitting in a line at the belt of his pants. the guard dog snaps its teeth together at this, aggression rising with each movement the man makes. this might be a bit more difficult than he thought... damn, he almost wanted it to be easy too. but, a fight is better than easy money and he's more than happy to get his hands dirty. "whatcha gonna do, ya mangy mutt?"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 17, 2020 19:02:53 GMT
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The Mightyena snapped its jaws again threateningly at the boy's threat. The scent from these three was powerful, and the fact that they were all unfamiliar to the hound drove it into an aggressive line of action. Having waited long enough, the beast decided to act. Mightyena bore its fangs. A unnerving viel of dark energy coated its massive teeth. It lunged forward towards Killian and the rest, attempting to grab onto any of them in a Crunch attack.



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