baggage (c)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Apr 27, 2020 23:24:30 GMT
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 he never liked verdanturf. although it's a peaceful place, perfumed in sweet, clear airs, the presence of influential league figures such as and weights the breath. he dons a cap. lets the brim's shadow obscure the stern shape of his scowl.

behind him, a large hiker's bag shifts tautly against his back. elijah knocks on the door to nova's residence. he clears his throat as the straps on his bag dig into his shoulders.

"it's me." elijah mutters.


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POSTED ON Apr 28, 2020 0:43:21 GMT
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"Coming! Just a moment." [break][break]

It had been a little while since the conversation Nova had with that emerald-haired man, Elijah. Her luck had been on her side upon discovering that he had a background with medicine. She'd asked if he could help with her ill brother's situation and after a bit of contemplation, he had agreed. The man, however, made it clear for Nova not to bank on it working. [break][break]

She had much to think about during the interlude. There was no doubt in her mind that any opportunity, risky or not, would be worth it. But just how much would she have to go through to ensure her brother's survival? Only time would tell. [break][break]

Today was the day. She'd made sure to tidy up the place. It wasn't likely that Elijah would even care about that, but Nova thought appearances were everything. They weren't wealthy but they weren't total destitute, either. She prettied up the place with what little she had. [break][break]

Flare and Anto kept at her younger brother's bedside, watching over him. When the Nova had gone to open the door, the Growlithe followed. [break][break]

The light from outdoors broke its way into the house. Nova popped her head out, strands of red hair gliding off of her fair face. "Hi Elijah. Again, thanks so much for coming," She said, expressing her gratitude with a slight bow of her head. She let the man in. Flare nudged its snout against his pant leg, greeting him as well. [break][break]

"Follow me, he's in here." [break][break]

Nova quietly leads Elijah into her brother's bedroom. He rested peacefully in his bed, the Mimikyu in his arms while he slept. He had bright red hair just like his older sister. However, his skin was fairly pale and he appeared skinny. His walls were plastered with things any young boy would dream over. Posters of popular trainers and gym leaders-- his newest one featuring Thomas Benoit, Verdantuf's Gym Leader. He'd obviously had some sort of aspiration of being a trainer or leaving home. All the TV shows he watched said that boys dreamt of leaving home someday, after all. [break][break]

Nova moved over, sitting at the edge of his bed. "Hey, Leo, wake up," She whispered down at him. The boy woke up and rubbed his eyes. Flare jumped up onto his bed and licked his face. He was the Growlithe's true owner. [break][break]



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POSTED ON Apr 29, 2020 8:30:35 GMT
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 he enters with little noise. little fanfare. self-consciousness settles on the bare skin of his neck, for the rendezvous's clandestine color paints imagined scenes with embarrassment. should anyone know the prerequisites to this meeting, they would believe this encounter to be romantic rather than noble.

but elijah doesn't believe it to be either. he's here to deliver a gloomy prognosis. to toss bones into a fire already filled with a skeleton.

"it's just the two of you, right?" elijah wrestles the bag from his shoulders. it dips low, but he catches it from slamming on to the floor.

as he wanders over to the bed, elijah passes greetings in favour for inspection. the tone of skin. his weight. the pendulum of breath and the depth of that bow.

"nova... introduce me." he says, muttering under his breath. elijah sets his bag down before unzipping it to retrieve a pokeball.


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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2020 0:44:14 GMT
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With a giggle, the boy pushed Flare's snout elsewhere, repeating that he was awake to get the dog to stop. Gently, he rose up from his position to sit up on the bed, holding the Growlithe underneath his arms. It was then that Leo, Nova's brother, noticed the unfamiliar face that had entered his room. He frowned and quickly cowered behind his older sister, holding her arm with his free hand. [break][break]

"Who is he?" Leo asked quietly, albeit in a bluntly defensive tone. [break][break]

Nova turned to her brother with a soft smile, hoping to ease any tensions he had. She put her arms around him, effectively putting herself, Leo, and Flare in a tight bundle of an embrace. "Don't worry Leo, he's a friend," Well, as far as Nova knew, that's what he considered Elijah, "and he's here to try to see if he can help out." [break][break]

Leo was ill but was still as expressive as any other preteen. He pouted a little, looking up at the man's eyes shyly. He trust his sister. "If you say so." [break][break]

Nova tousled his hair gently. "I know so!"



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POSTED ON May 1, 2020 0:00:58 GMT
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 "yeah, i'm a friend." elijah lets the pokeball roll off his fingers. as it cracks on the floor, a florges blooms to full height. "but if you say anything about me to your parents, i'll speed things up. if you know what i mean."

the florges spreads her pale arms and the room fills with floral perfume. AROMATHERAPY to calm— and to compensate for elijah's lack of tact.

"so... leo. how do you feel today?" elijah speaks with little change to his tone. he glances over at nova and bobs his head toward his bag. "pull out my toolkit, will you?"


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POSTED ON May 1, 2020 20:55:54 GMT
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"You're squeezing too hard." [break][break]
"O-Oh! S-Sorry," Nova quickly said, breaking away from the tight embrace she'd trapped her brother in. Now freed, Leo leaned over curiously at the Pokemon that emerged from Elijah's Pokeball. His fascination was cut short fairly quickly when he heard the man's comment. Leo pouted. [break][break]

Nova frowned too, quick to comfort her brother first. "Don't worry Leo, he doesn't really mean that," The redhead chuckled abashedly, trying to brush away the statement. "But we are gonna keep it a secret, okay?" The younger boy nodded his agreement. Afterward, she glared at Elijah for a quick moment, as if to ask him what his problem was. Did he see that it might scare Leo? [break][break]

Alas, Nova wasn't in a position where she could stay annoyed with him. He really was one of her last hopes at the moment, so she had to use whatever company that was offered to her. She let out a sigh. The floral scent that began to spread around the room calmed the Rocketess' nerves. Nova did as told, grabbing his toolkit. She handed it over to Elijah. [break][break]

Leo shrugged his shoulders. "Better than other days," He replied. A hand went to his forehead, rubbing the skin there. "...My head hurts though. It always hurts."



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POSTED ON May 2, 2020 0:16:50 GMT
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 elijah accepts the toolkit and offers thanks in the cut of a curt grunt. he sets it on the bed, turning a small wooden knob. like a jack-in-the-box, it springs open with a rattling of glass vials and humble tools. the heady scent of herbs stuck too long in a wooden chest wafts alongside the florge's own incense.

"head hurts." elijah mutters. "and when did this start happening?"

he looks to nova, eyes locked with hers as he reaches toward her with his hand. but his hand passes her and brushes through his florge's mane. one comb through produces several petals which he places into a stone mortar.

elijah offers the mortar and pestle to her. "grind these petals down for me. you're gonna need some elbow grease." he pauses before leaning in to whisper. "cute kid— but does he lie as well as you do?"


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POSTED ON May 2, 2020 20:57:12 GMT
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"I dunno. It just happened, and now I'm stuck here," Leo replied vaguely, drawing his sheets closer to his body. He appeared uneasy, Nova noticed. Maybe it was because of the presence of a strange face like Elijah? [break][break]

After looking at them curiously, Nova accepts the tools Elijah offers to her. Picking up the stone mortar, she began to crush the petals of the sweet-smelling Florge. She doesn't go very far with it though as she sees the man across from her lean in and whisper. "L-Lie?" Nova asks quietly, a confused expression on her face. "No, I don't think so... But, why ask that?" [break][break]

She turned back to Leo, her eyes narrowed with concern. It was true that he hadn't really told them much about how his symptoms started. [break][break]

Nova began crushing again. [break][break]

"Leo, can you be more specific? When do you remember this all starting?" She asked aloud. [break][break]

"It doesn't matter! I'm just sick, okay?" The redheaded boy hissed back, having lost his patience. He pulled his blanket and covered it over his head. "So just go away, it'll leave on its own!" [break][break]

Nova was sure now. He had been hiding something. [break][break]

Setting the mortar down for a moment, the young lady moved over to her brother and pulled the blanket from his head. She gazed down at him with a remorseful look. "We just want to help, Leo. But it's hard to do that if you don't tell us enough about how it happened." [break][break]

Leo pouted, refusing to look his sister in the eyes. "You promise not to get angry?" Nova nodded her head. [break][break]

"A while back, like three months ago, I was out with Flare. Mom and Dad always tell me not to go out onto route 117 but I went out anyway. It was just gonna be quick, ya'know?" [break][break]

"You know you're supposed to stay in the town, Leo!" [break][break]

He shrunk down in his spot. "You said you wouldn't get angry..." [break][break]

Nova forced herself to exhale deeply, motioning a hand to tell her sibling to continue. [break][break]

"We were out in the wild. Everything was going fine until I got caught up into this weird dip in the ground that had this freaky mud... Or quicksand, I dunno. It was all gross and on my clothes. Flare helped be out and I just ran back home with him. I came back home from the back so that I wouldn't get caught," He explained, twiddling with his fingers. "But right after I took a shower I started feeling sick and all. And after that, the feeling kept coming back and..." [break][break]

Leo suddenly became teary-eyed. "I didn't say anything cause I didn't want you or Mom or Dad to get all worried! I didn't wanna get into any trouble."



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POSTED ON May 4, 2020 6:55:18 GMT
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 "well, now you're the one who's in trouble." elijah says to leo. the tension settles into tears— and to stave off the awkwardness, he points at nova's paused fingers, his brow arched like a digital ping as if to order: resume.

"freaky mud, huh?"

images of his breloom stain his thoughts. he remembers the creature in the woods. the tentacles. rocky limbs latched onto disorganized bodies like ribbed, industrial pumps, and the toxic tides of some otherworldly sewage.

"did you see a weird pokemon too? like a white octillery donning a hat." elijah glances at nova, his stoic face wrought with a layered shade of dread.


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POSTED ON May 4, 2020 16:45:33 GMT
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Nova stared back at her brother in disbelief, trying to process that seemed like an implausible explanation. Route 117 was forested and surely had trails of its own here and there, but hardly did it ever have pits of mud. The redhead blinked. She wasn't even sure if she'd ever seen mud pits within the forest. Nova frowned and opened her mouth to accuse her brother of lying, but then she saw his eyes. They were teary and full of fear. [break][break]

"C-Could... Mud... really cause all of this?" The lass quietly questioned aloud. She went back to crushing up the mortar when Elijah motioned to it. [break][break]

Both the boy and her sister turned to the lime-haired man when he began to speak again. "Have you been to that Route too? I swear, I'm telling the truth!" Leo protested, nodding his head vigorously. [break][break]

He kept nodding, although more steadily this time when Elijah described the appearance of an outlandish Pokemon. "Yeah, there was something there. I remember it being white and gross and weird. Its tentacles tried to hold onto me when Flare was pulling me out-- I had just thought it was some wild Pokemon taking the chance to eat me," He chuckled ruefully. "But I ran outta there so fast, I didn't even wait to look at it real close. The only one who woulda saw it good was Flare," [break][break]

The two siblings turned to look at the dog who had been sitting at one of the edges of Leo's bed. Its dark eyes blinked innocently. [break][break]

"But, uh, Flare can't talk, so..." [break][break]

Nova looked even more worried than her brother. Her finger rustled her fire-red hair frustratedly before she groaned in defeat, lowering her head. [break][break]

"First you're sick, and now the mud, and now this insane Pokemon?" She exhaled, "What the hell am I going to do?"



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POSTED ON May 7, 2020 1:39:28 GMT
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elijah listens— and eventually steals the mortar and pestle back. from his bag, he retrieves several ingredients, corked in small vials. each containment of glass looks like an ecosystem. a mess of moss, herbs and seed.

he finishes the job with these seasonings. produces some odd concoction that looks neither edible or appetizing. perhaps, it is worse than the mud leo speaks of.

"he's right. growlithe can't talk." elijah's florges smiles. "alright, leo. drink up. you can plug your nose cause it tastes like shit."

he sets the pestle down on the peak of his bag before passing the stone mortar to their patient. elijah's gaze glides over to nova.

"make sure he drinks it." he attempts to tug a towel out from his bag— but it catches on the stacks of knick knacks deep within. elijah grunts, "make sure he drinks it all."


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POSTED ON May 7, 2020 16:46:46 GMT
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Leo gazed down at the strange-looking concoction with disdain. He'd always been a picky eater-- and even if he wasn't, the mixture looked unappetizing, probably inedible. He gazed at Nova for help but she simply shook her head. "The sooner you take it, the better." She replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Drink it all." [break][break]

"B-But!" [break][break]

"Drink it all." Nova inissted, more sternly this time. [break][break]

After a few moments of hesitation, Leo downed the contents in the mortar. It was terribly disgusting but he forced his body to accept it anyway. [break][break]

"Do you feel any different?" [break][break]

Leo cringed, sticking out a tongue. "Yeah, sick to my stomach. What the heck was even in here?" Whatever he consumed had been a personal attack on his tastebuds. [break][break]

But it would seem as if he'd spoken too soon. The sacrifice of his sense of taste was not in vain; the concoction's effects began to unveil. The redheaded boy coughed a bit. Dark sludge began to drip from the corners of his mouth and out of his nose. [break][break]

"Are you okay?" Nova asked, offering him a tissue. [break][break]

He took it. "Y-Yeah, fine. Whatever's coming out looks like the same gross ooze from before..."



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POSTED ON May 8, 2020 22:42:31 GMT
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 his florges looks on with an eerie stillness. although vibrant with life, the pokemon moves with such precise poise that it seems like a statue. a galatea figuring out what is to gesture, to breathe.

as the sludge pours forth, elijah grunts. he wipes the remaining residue with his mitt underneath the towel before folding it so that the icky stain is covered. he places it underneath the other's chin like a bib.

"your headache should be relieved. for now." elijah stares at nova, eyes like fearful lightning. "leo, mind if your sister and i take a step outside?"

he gazes at his assistant, the florges' white hand anchoring on to the edge of the bed.

"her name's illusen," elijah says to leo. his florges thick lids raise lightly. "she'll treat you nice."

he moves to the hallway with an impatient step.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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baggage (c)
POSTED ON May 10, 2020 17:23:50 GMT
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notes can go here, keep it short



The boy nodded at Elijah although too intrigued by the floral Pokemon, his gaze fails to meet the man. Leo greeted Illusen with an awkward grin, some of his teeth temporarily stained by the dark substance. [break][break]

"H-Hey, wait," Nova spoke, quickly following after Elijah as he left her brother's room. As soon as she knew they'd be out of earshot of Leo, the redhead frowned and asked, "A-All of that, what is it? It can't be good, right?"



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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
654 posts
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
baggage (c)
POSTED ON May 12, 2020 8:04:39 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar
 "of course it isn't good." elijah snaps. his breath is heavy, like a wolf's riled up black by blood scent. "you saw what dribbled out of his nose and mouth."

he can feel that viscous film of that memory haunting his fingers and the way its sour musk sank into the wrinkles of his clothes. elijah palms his pants.

"do you want the good news or the bad news first?" elijah bides time, draping his arm around nova to direct her further away from the door.


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