i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2018 4:56:51 GMT
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  • takes a fucking beating wtf SOMEONE HELP THIS MAN. he escapes with JACKET CLOUD then runs to the nearest train. flabby it's almost 3am and i love you - noodles.
  • 's magneton's ZAP CANNON stays on course for @creed's scizor. lillian notices the POISON GAS and starts moving towards it. lapras uses SAFEGUARD to ward off the gas. she then calls out to civilians that she's making a path for them to reach the entrance. rocket! get her!
  • @jordyncross is now aware of the POISON GAS. she recalls azumarill and calls out sneasel. ICY WIND is ready to combat the POISON GAS if it gets too close. zweilous is recalled back into its pokeball. jordyn heads towards train four to help capture the professor.
  • @fodder the POISON GAS starts to settle onto the field. EVERYBODY RUN WTF.
  • tries to get the train moving under the cover of his jigglypuff's SING.
  • @marsh1's pancham cancels their WORK UP and the two cover their ears in response to the SING. after, she assists with getting the train moving, and either by sheer luck or divine providence, is able to input the correct sequence of controls.
  • enters train 01. he encounters and @marsh1, but is starting to feel the effects of jigglypuff's SING. he sends his breloom to FORCE PALM himself; he does not interfere with the starting of the train as he came after @marsh1's attempt.
  • @creed's scizor tanks the ZAP CANNON and is paralyzed. after, the scizor disengages from the fight and is recalled after they witness the POISON GAS. @creed's archeops summons a ROCK SLIDE onto train 04's tracks, leaving two rock piles. he attempts to exit the station.
  • flies in on decidueye, landing outside the train station. he attempts to ambush @creed. the decidueye tries to use SPIRIT SHACKLE on archeops before disappearing with PHANTOM FORCE. dragonair uses AQUA TAIL and THUNDER WAVE on infernape. a galvantula under the effects of AGILITY rushes toward .
  • 's pyukumuku's SAFEGUARD is ready to filter the encroaching gasses. stupid 's galvantula jumps into her arms. she kicks into the conductor's car, easing them with her badge.[break][break]

    her meowstic attempts to PSYCHIC away the rocks from the tracks. gigalith also summons STEALTH ROCKS to block off the door to the conductor's car, and she tells the conductor's to get moving.
  • @andromeda lowers the attack and special attack of @winter2's haxorus with his pyroars' NOBLE ROAR. one takes a hit but shakes it off as they face down the blaziken. he calls out his tyranitar who STONE EDGES both blaziken and haxorus.[break][break]

    a SANDSTORM is whipped up.
  • @creed retaliates wtf!!! archeops hit by SPIRIT SHACKLE and is bounded to the battle. infernape uses ACROBATICS and then CLOSE COMBAT on 's dragonair. archeops joins the bullying with DRAGON CLAW. dante fakes a punch only to try and STAB MY BOY'S EYE WTF.
  • FLABBY I LOVE YOU I'LL CARRY YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE WORLD MWAH. goes into train 3 but has his slowpoke's PSYCHIC save 's dumb ass. snivy uses LEAF TORNADO to try and interrupt @creed's archeop's DRAGON CLAW only to drain its energy with GIGA DRAIN. yungoos swapped out with sandslash and uses DIG on infernape.[break][break]




  • @everyone: @fodder's poison gas is starting to seep in to the train cars; those at the front of the trains will see it approaching, but those in the back and middle will start to feel its affects if they do not do something quickly.
  • & @marsh1: although battered and burned, train 01 begins to move. it groans, and above you, a small screen reveals the route: "to mauville city".
  • : bailey's able to provide a confidence boost for the conductors; train 04 begins to move, and the removed rocks allow the train to pass— but slowly. the incredible amount of rock provided by @creed's doing causes the train to scrape across some of the remaining boulders and wobbily move across the track.[break][break]

    from the disturbance, a boulder falls from the pile, and smashes into the windshield, causing shards of glass to spray upon the people in the conductor's car. after a few more cars pass through the damaged track, the a portion of the train begins to derail— you may need to sever some of the cars away?!
  • @everyone: @andromeda's tyranitar whips up a SANDSTORM from the center of one of the trains. it will soon sweep through the station, and whether it aids in ridding the POISON GAS is still up in the air.

as the train jostles from the fallen boulder, professor creighton drops something from his bag. it's a glimmering stone; something refined. he quickly swoops it up, careful to avoid the glass. "ah!" he frantically examines it for damage. "please, please, please be alright."[break][break]

- switching pokemon will take one action from both pokemon switching out and switching in.[break]
- players should decide amongst themselves what hits and what doesn't. be reasonable and communicate![break]
- moderators will determine environmental damage.[break][break]

a) help civilians evacuate via the trains. there are four trains left.[break]
b) provide safe passage for professor creighton to mauville city. he's on train #4.[break][break]
a) stop as many trains as possible to prevent civilians from escaping.[break]
b) capture professor creighton alive. he's on train #4.[break]

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2018 19:26:44 GMT

the air of the train station turns foul faster than lillian expected. it seems only seconds pass before the gas completely surrounds the bubble of safety SAFEGUARD has created -- she doesn't take time to see how many civilians have huddled inside its boundaries. all of her attention has to be focused outwards.

announcing her intentions was stupid. it made her a target, whether it was necessary or not, but dwelling on it won't do her any more good than the action in question. she has to make sure that if any trouble comes she's ready. for the first time in a long time she's acted on impulse for others and that comes with a responsibility to those who've come to her for help.

"stay on alert."

her eyes scan the violet air for shadows, and her pokemon do the same. while two of its hands are preoccupied pushing her wheelchair, machamp's second pair hover in the air tensed and ready to strike or protect at a moment's notice. magneton watches from above (his mechanical eyes watching all the points around the party) and lapras focuses on the boundaries of SAFEGUARD.

anyone expecting this target to be an easy one will learn the hard way that quite the opposite is true.



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    TAG WITH @daniel
    POSTED ON Nov 3, 2018 21:01:22 GMT

    ACROBATICS is an intuitive way to counter dragonair's AQUA TAIL: the impact meets dead on and it's as strong as she expects because she knows not to underestimate her opponents. taking damage, she has to swiftly decide her next plan of action because there are two attacks incoming.

    AGILITY makes her quick enough to dodge infernape's CLOSE COMBAT but not the archeop's DRAGON CLAW. thankfully for her she doesn't have to: a sudden LEAF TORNADO flows right past them, interrupting the archeop's attack and though it damages her as well, she's safe from the heavy hitter.

    with infernape now paralyzed, it makes things that much easier.

    the league has taught them combat but nowhere near enough to come close to going toe-to-toe with a seasoned veteran. the moment a knife is drawn daniel instinctively raises his prosthetic to shield himself.

    but he doesn't have to because a PSYCHIC saves his dumb ass. with the rocket now immobilized it allows for daniel to take a step back to allow decidueye to make his reappearance. from out of the void comes the grass-ghost with his PHANTOM FORCE, reappearing behind the rocket as he looks to slash across his back with his sharp wings.

    war is all about survival, and if it means compromising his values to save lives, then he'll do it.

    's help does not go unnoticed: a smile and a nod of gratitude is delivered.

    decidueye draws his arrow back to attempt to SPIRIT SHACKLE the rocket. dragonair gangs up on the paralyzed infernape with another AQUA TAIL, hoping to crush it against the ground. and all around, he's having a good time.

    • dragonair takes some damage from ACROBATICS.
    • dragonair uses AGILITY to dodge CLOSE COMBAT. she is later saved from DRAGON CLAW by a LEAF TORNADO.
    • daniel is safe from the knife attack thanks to PSYCHIC.
    • decidueye reappears for a PHANTOM FORCE on @creed and later attempts to SPIRIT SHACKLE him.
    • dragonair uses AQUA TAIL on paralyzed infernape.
    • to the rescue.
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    POSTED ON Nov 4, 2018 2:54:39 GMT
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    Luckily things were going as planned. It looked like he was finally going to be the Zelda of the series, not some other named hero people keep confusing for the main character. Victor watched proudly as song filled the air, its effects coming into play for the vicious enemy. Victor was of course, immune to his own Jigglypuff's song since the only things that could make him sleep was a punchout and sounds of people using kitchen utensils without talking.

    But the melody was suddenly interrupted by a burst of sound from behind them. Victor tore his eyes away from the performance just in time to see a figure appear before him. At the same time the train's display lights appeared, a female voice suddenly announcing the name of the station they were currently inside. Victor stared dumbfounded at the newcomer. "Hello? Who-" He squinted. Could this be the hero he had spoken to earlier? It couldn't be. Could it be...this was a man of evil?!

    "Don't give up on the train!" He shouted to his female partner as he turned to face this new threat. Whoever this man was, he was not going to get in their way! Unfortunately before he could react a scary looking Breloom flew towards him and his Pokemon. Victor, not wanting poor Marshmallow to be hit stepped in front of her.

    "Argguuuguu!" The hit caused him to exhale heavily, grimacing in pain. His body felt numb, his legs quickly giving away. Before he knew it Victor was falling, tumbling towards his assailant.

    abuses @marsh1 's conducting skills, gets hit and decides to fall on

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    POSTED ON Nov 4, 2018 18:24:31 GMT
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    Taeyang winced under the cacophony of the stacked roars, his heart vibrating under the dominance of both feline pokemon. While he was shaken by such a mighty wail, the haxorus seemed unfazed as he kept thrashing about, ruby eyes emblazoned with rage and the thirst for combat with the newly summoned opponent before him. Another swords dance kept his blade honed, even when jutting stones jabbed into him from his underside. If not for his step forward to charge towards his new opponent with a powerful sense of rivalry he may have been pinned in stop. Haxorus roared, wailed, and trashed in an outrage. His claws and head ripped through the air, sending several swings ribbing through the cart and a head coming down at the tyranitar like a guillotine to its damned.
    In the meantime, the ghost peaked from the corner, the eyes of its chest illumanting as if there were a lantern in its chest. The its flames turned purple behind Tae, and in a sudden shock, bruises and lacerations painted themselves onto its body while the face of the pokemon winced in pain. Through pain split the haxorus felt limberness return to its pained torso and it pushed forward in the outrage with newfound might. The pumpkin then waddled forward a few more steps in the shadow of both its trainer and haxorus before diving between a seat, still hidden from sight.
    Blazike reared at the impact of the stone, but unlike haxorus, he was a much lither and agile creature, leaping with the stabbing stones and minimizing the damage a fraction. It glowered at the two lions before him, bouncing in a steady step before a grunt return the thought to its might. They were not his opponent. He felt the escape door to its side, and with a flex of his leg muscles once more, he took action. In a swift turn he leaned and high jump kicked through the door, sending the piece out against the 4th train. He felt the sting of the stand ripping through his feathers, but the mission was more important. Now out in open air, blaziken soared through the air at extreme speed towards the front of the train through the use of brave bird.
    Tae wanted to taunt his opponent more, but the roar still shook him, and he couldn't see himself speaking out over the rage of his own pokemon. With clenched teeth, he muttered, "Fuck me..."

    NOTE: • Haxorus and Blaziken both get hit by stone edge; blaziken takes a little less damage due to jumping with it.[break]
    • Haxorus uses swords dance to raise attack two times (back to +2). Haxorus uses outrage against tyranitar and has boost from rivarly.[break]
    • Gourgeist uses pain split on haxorus to recover haxorus's health a bit, and hurt itself. It sneaks up into the train a bit and is behind a bench.[break]
    • Blaziken high jump kicks through a door to outside. He takes damage from sandstorm. Blaziken uses brave bird to move towards the front of the train—currently on the side between 3rd and 4th train.[break]
    (Also, I had gotten permission from Shiv for the intangible property for trick-or-treat, but I'll suspend it for our fight).[break]

    그래날쏴bang bang



    [attr="class","sacred_staretag"] @andromeda


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    Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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    elijah gardner
    POSTED ON Nov 5, 2018 3:11:21 GMT
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    Elijah's eyes felt as if they were melting. Like Daliesque clocks, his vision drooped and dragged down his cheeks, as he challenged the waves of drowsiness surging against him.

    As his Breloom slammed her fist into the poor man, Elijah dashed forth for the controls— and @marsh1. But his legs were harried by a mental quagmire. His brain worked faster than his limbs, and as he slumped forward with the weight of sleep, tumbled into him.

    Elijah's strong form solidified into heavy stone. The two slammed into each other: one in pain, the other in sleep. The rocket's chin rested on Victor's shoulder, body positioned as if he were in an awkward embrace between lovers.

    The Breloom paused at the comedy dryly; no laughter. Just shock.

    Suddenly, the grass kangaroo began to retch, and as her neck bubbled underneath, she attempted to fire SEED BOMBS at @marsh1 and the controls.

    tl;dr: breloom hits victor - elijah falls asleep - breloom takes matters into her own hands and tries to seed bomb ami and the controls

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    Dallas Rhodes
    POSTED ON Nov 5, 2018 21:13:54 GMT
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    [attr="class","cmonbody"]The fight seemed to turn in the strangers once more which only made it easier for Dallas to turn his attention elsewhere. Train 4 seemed to also want to make an exit alongside number 3 as it began to pull out of the station. But of course, it didn’t manage it without issue.

    “Bom, keep the carts stable as best you can. We can’t leave those people behind.” The Slowpoke nodded as it peered out the window alongside its trainer. Releasing the Psychic that held @creed and instead used it on the derailing train carts to keep them upright and on the track as best it could.

    “Snivy, get rid of the debris that’s still left.” Vines would be fired out from its tail before picking up the leftover boulders and rocks from the several rock slides that had happened.

    “Dune, don’t let up!” Dallas shouted across to the ground type, his Pokeball ready in hand to recall him before the train moved too far away. The Sandlsash done as commanded, not even phased by the idea of being left behind. No way Dallas would do that to him.

    A purple glowing claw would strike the Infernape as it was paralyzed. He barely held himself back in going all out on the random Pokemon it just met. While Infernape had not done anything to Sandslash, it was associated with the trainer and Scizor that attacked Dallas. No doubt the monkey would do the same if it had the chance.

    @traingoons – 000 – Slowpoke tries to stabalise the derailing train number 4 with Psychic.
    Snivy removes any leftover debris with Vine Whip.
    Sandslah attacks Infernape with Poison Sting.
    Dallas stands there looking pretty on the train.

    [attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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    Bailey Cooper
    POSTED ON Nov 6, 2018 6:10:59 GMT
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    Gigalith was withdrawn, but the Stealth Rock remained.[break][break]

    Bailey had shielded a hand to her eyes as the glass to the cabin shattered –glass rained across the control console and the glittered against the ground, crunching beneath the weight of her boots as she stepped back. “Professor!” He was fine. She had glanced back, wanting to check on his condition, as he made an effort to retrieve a... crystal?[break][break]

    The train leaned. The sounds of scraping metal interrupted any noise that the officer could have made, the cabins unaligned as they struggled to scale whatever remained on the tracks.[break][break]

    “Shit. This is going to be a bumpy ride,” and she patted the Professor on the back. “Put on your seat belt. Safety first.” Rules that Bailey Cooper refused to abide by.[break][break]

    She cast Kapow, knowing that if anyone could help with the unaligned train cars, it'd be him –but it didn't seem to be necessary. She stepped back into the crowded cabins just as came to the rescue. “Suit guy!” She called out, recalling him from the wild thread that Rascal kept forgetting to post in. “Get your ass over here!”[break][break]

    The effects of Pinpin's safeguard started to filter through the poison gas, offering relief to the passengers as she passed. There was still one train car that refused to budge. “Everyone! Come on! Move it!” She waved a hand, trying to herd people towards the front of the train...[break][break]

    And when that was done, she entered the junction between cars, where the mechanisms that held cars together would be located. Bailey had no clue what it was or what it looked like –but she figured that one good hit would be enough to sever it.[break][break]

    SKY UPPERCUT would do the job.[break][break]

    tldr: yelled to saying heeeeeeey. kapow punched one of the connectors between train cars after she yelled at everyone to move further up. this happened on train 4.




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    POSTED ON Nov 6, 2018 8:40:29 GMT
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    the POISON GAS starts up again, this time thicker as marco makes his move to fill up the trains. fortunately, he knows his weaknesses as well as does. movement is a double edge sword within the toxic fumes. only koffing has any sort of real cover, camouflaged by being the same color as the clouds and having an expertise in navigating its own filthy. a faint DESTINY BOND settles underneath its body, denoted by the gleam of a dark shadow underneath its LEVITATING body. when the coast seems clear, it launches a relatively quiet SLUDGE BOMB, one that'll explode on contact and splash the toxic contents all over.


    ≫ trubish and stunky continue to use POISON GAS
    ≫ koffing uses DESTINY BOND and SLUDE BOMB

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    POSTED ON Nov 6, 2018 18:25:09 GMT

    caution is preferable to rash bravery, but in this place and at this time lillian would like nothing more than to race ahead. the chattering of the nervous civilians in her charge and the tension of moving through a battlefield with severely limited visibility (not to mention one that is deadly outside of the SAFEGUARD lapras provides) makes the urge to rush hard to ignore. thankfully her opponents offer her a reminder for why she doesn't.

    magneton's place in the air alongside its three-way vision allows it a rare advantage in combating ambushes, but only at an even pace. thankfully they've kept their progress slow and steady, and so when a SLUDGE BOMB comes hurtling through the air it has no problem spotting it.

    the steel-type breaks formation to intercept the attack. the explosive move detonates in its face a short ways away from the civilians. the damage is negligible and easily shaken off, the toxic elements of the attack burn up on contact with lapras's SAFEGUARD. lillian reminds herself that this is why she must proceed carefully.


    while the party continues to move towards the exit, lillian's pokemon shift their focus towards the direction of the attack. what was once a defensive formation meant to cover all directions turns focused on one.



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      POSTED ON Nov 6, 2018 19:18:58 GMT
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      • 's lapras protects civilians and herself with an effective SAFEGUARD. she scans the poison gas for potential threats.
      • 's dragonair's AQUA TAIL is countered by ACROBATICS. after, she uses AGILITY to dodge a CLOSE COMBAT; she dodges an archeop's DRAGON CLAW because of ' snivy's LEAF TORNADO, but is damaged in the process. dragonair attempts to AQUA TAIL the paralyzed infernape.[break][break]

        is protected from the knife by a PSYCHIC. decidueye reappears to PHANTOM FORCE @creed and attempts to SPIRIT SHACKLE him afterward.
      • ' slowpoke attempts to stabilize the derailing train (04) with PSYCHIC. snivy removes leftover debris with VINE WHIP while his sandslash attempts to POISON STING @creed's infernape.
      • encourages @marsh1 at the controls, is hit by breloom's FORCE PALM and stumbles into .
      • succumbs to 's jigglypuff's SING and also stumbles into the other. breloom attempts to SEED BOMB @marsh1 and the controls.
      • @winter2's haxorus and blaziken are struck by STONE EDGE. blaziken suffers less damage. after, haxorus uses SWORDS DANCE (ATK +2) and OUTRAGES against tyranitar, using a boost from RIVALRY.[break][break]

        gourgeist uses PAIN SPLIT on haxorus to recover haxorus' health before sneaking up into the train.[break][break]

        blaziken HIGH JUMP KICKS through a door to the outside, taking damage from SANDSTORM. he uses BRAVE BIRD to move to the front of the train (on the side between train 03 and train 04).
      • 's dragon thing punches the connectors between train carts. this is train 04!
      • @fodder basically stinking up the place but uses SLUDGE BOMB.
      • 's magneton sees the weak ass SLUDGE BOMB coming and blocks it with its body. can't see shit rn.



      • : through the thick of the POISON GAS you see this bitch @fodder (lovely name tho). attack him rn!!
      • + : train 04 stabilizes even as the train cart disconnects due to kapow's strong punch. unfortunately, it will be in vain.
      • everyone: please read the latest mod post in the power plant as this concerns all of you!
      [/b] to the train station. the trains stop moving, the lights shut off, and panic ensues in the darkness. the backup generators kick in but it only does so much. those on the train will be forced to pry open the doors and escape one way or another. those still in the train station will be forced to evacuate by foot.[break][break]

      with little to no vision left, it looks like rocket's mission will be a success.[break][break]


      - switching pokemon will take one action from both pokemon switching out and switching in.[break][break]
      - players should decide amongst themselves what hits and what doesn't. be reasonable and communicate![break][break]
      - moderators will determine environmental damage.[break][break]

      a) help civilians evacuate via the trains. there are four trains left.[break]
      b) provide safe passage for professor creighton to mauville city. he's on train #4.[break][break]
      a) stop as many trains as possible to prevent civilians from escaping.[break]
      b) capture professor creighton alive. he's on train #4.[break]

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      i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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      POSTED ON Nov 7, 2018 2:03:38 GMT
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      she descended from the back of her still present companion, every stride that motioned against the surface evident to the people that were below. it was sudden for the structure to be moving so abruptly. the rest had been preoccupied with a luster for confrontation, barriers and so much more.

      in the process of all of it— rocket barely had time to fathom where this man was. stumbling backwards with salamence close by to steady her— the realization hit her as did her willpower to quickly go forth.

      min ran across the convoy, leaping as the connection between the cart to her front severed. the upper half of her body slammed onto the top, hardly making the grandest of openings as the air was knocked from her lungs. clawed hands hoisted the wheezing girl upwards to catch a breath before she rolled outwards, clutching at the fabric to her chest. just as surprisingly as it was to begin the pursuit for escape, the source shuddered around them. everything had just— stopped. there was something much more complicated than simply obtaining this man.

      with every breath straining, she realized it was not just the discomfort of nearly making it onto the opposing cart. something toxic was lingering into the air. her lush eyes peered through the gold, concern clearly for her pokemon that was starting to feel the alter. min pressed the somewhat useful mask further into her features, gesturing to the row below them. "lets get in and get out, alright?" the beast understood, releasing a flurry of heat from its parted jaw.

      the metal enacted an amber shade, signifying the vulnerability as its rugged head tore through the center. in—between startled civilians and the one responsible for shattering the hold on the other fragment— she swiftly dropped down the fissure of jagged hardware. carefully the piercing gaze glimpsed her surroundings.

      it was dark— dark enough she couldn't tell who was who. instinctively she decided to speak, "there is poison spreading throughout the station." her voice was calm, gentle, almost emotionless, "give me the professor, and you will all live." murder was not the slightest on her part. if she had the choice, she'd have made the gas fade into being non-existent.

      "or are you all willing to die for a single man? if you hand him over, everyone lives, even him." urgent— not for the sake of herself, min did not want to know what the majority of rocket would do by the time they got here. contrast to the rest, the obscured figure within the darkness of this space sounded genuine.

      dropped into the same cart as
      attempting to negotiate the professor for their lives + plus deal with this with little to no violence as possible

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      i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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      POSTED ON Nov 7, 2018 19:22:00 GMT
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      I am the misery you crave

      Ami yelped as a new rocket made himself known. The commotion was growing louder and beginning to work over the Jigglypuff's sing, making it less effective - the green-haired man was able to cause some ruckus before tumbling towards his slumber. Ami jumped to the side so that she wouldn't be caught up in the two men crashing into each other. At the same time, the Breloom had seed bombed towards the controls - with Ami out of the way, it squarely hit the interface, destroying it. 

      Sparks sputtered out of the dying machine. The train had been on its way under a tunnel, but now it was coming to a gradual stop. Amidst this disturbance, the rest of the lights on the train suddenly shut off. It was pitch black, and she could hear screams from the passenger cars behind them. There was no easy and safe way to protect the passengers in the dark like this, and in a tunnel of all places. Ami could feel herself wanting to panic.

      She reached into her bag - she could vaguely tell which pokeball belonged to which of her Pokemon based on the grooves on the metal. She releases Meowstic. Although they needed light, which Arcanine could provide, he was still too big to fit in the train car with five other beings in there (the two other Pokemon, and the three humans). For now, she had to find a way to remove the threat of the Breloom.

      "Disarm the Breloom."

      @tag | words | Conductor controls are destroyed. They're in a tunnel. Ami releases Meowstic. Meowstic attempts to use disarming voice on Breloom. 

      [attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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      i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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      POSTED ON Nov 8, 2018 6:26:21 GMT
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      [attr="class","twobeelyric"]NO ONE ELSE

      [attr="class","twobeelyric1"]IN THE


      [attr="class","twobeelyric3"]LEFT FOR ME


      [attr="class","twobeelyric4"]TO BE YOUR EVERYTHING


      As far as anyone was concerned, Jaxon looked and acted much like any regular citizen. He cowered when appropriate, and hurried along the train in search of safety after the noxious gas rumbled through the back-half of the immobile cars. Everything seemed to unfold in a heap of violence and confusion; civilians scrambled to find safety amongst the ongoing chaos that plagued the formerly stable station. Each moment that passed felt like a suitable opportunity for Jaxon to join the fray, but yet he hesitated. Merely watching from a distance as his life-long friend @min made short work of the thinly-layered, metallic roofing. Why did he falter? It was just another mission, one that he'd shoulder through despite the overwhelming odds. However, his feet remained firmly planted; Min's blonde locks disappearing as she barreled her way across the top of the slightly obstructed transportation.
      A frown broached the tanned male's features as he stepped closer to the opening that she'd made. Observing it quietly, his eyes then panned to the countless others that remained in the car: of course, their eyes were focused on the outside world. Jaxon shook his head softly, digits buried into his satchel as he removed a mask from its depths. Two jagged, scarlet horns topping the impeccably clean accessory: a gang mask to be certain. Dawning the colorful disguise, he pulled his blackened hoodie further over his head in hopes of concealing his strikingly pallid hair. Hastily, Jaxon tightened the bloody-red scarf that dangled from his neck; one freed hand encasing a poke ball as his finger lightly pressed against the seal.
      In a flash of red, an imposing Garchomp materialized before the remaining bystanders. Their eyes wide as they tried to further themselves from the newest villain to join the fray. "Garchomp, up." He intoned, deepening his voice to give himself some level of anonymity while performing his duty. For a response, the sturdy Pokemon knelt before his wings folded one over the other: the action creating a stair for which Jaxon could climb. A brief nod was issued as the heel of his boot made Garchomp's wing, a quick lift tossing him unsteadily onto train 4's roof. With both feet planted, Jaxon knelt back down to retrieve his Pokemon. Body leaning over the hole's edge as he lightly tapped the beast on the skull with his container, the Garchomp immediately disappearing as it reentered its home.
      That taken care of, Jaxon righted himself before moving along the top of the train. He needed to see where @min had gone. He'd promised not to let her out of his sight, and already he'd failed in his one task. The next apparent hole, however, made it crystal where she'd went next. Nearing the newest car, it seemed Jaxon wasn't as far behind her as he'd initially thought. The cars had been disconnected, but the distance between the fissure was short. It appeared that the power had died before they could properly make their escape. Jaxon quietly shook his head, tossing another poke ball before him as his Swampert oozed into existence. Briskly sliding onto the creature's back, the male notions to the tracks below: the beast nodding as it hopped down. Following the separated car, the male neared the end closest to Min. Swampert groaned, climbing up onto the backend before hopping further up to dig into the top of the car. Holding on for dear life, Jaxon disembarked as he noted the new hole that Min had created to enter. Following suit, the masked male chose to wait on top of the least until his vision better suited the new environment. In the meantime, he would listen to the conversation that carried on below.
      TLDR: Jaxon blended with the crowd, kept an eye on @min . Chose to follow her after a small moment to think and put on his disguise. Notices the disconnected car, uses Swampert to help him get on top of it. Now waits on top of the car, listening to the exchange between Min, Bailey, and the Professor.



      @min , & Everyone Else!




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      i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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      POSTED ON Nov 9, 2018 6:59:32 GMT
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      What the heck! What kind of hecking heck situation was this? Victor barely stifled a groan when his phone friend turned nemesis fell on him just as he did the same. There was a small sound of disapproval from his Jigglypuff as Victor struggled to hold himself up. Unlike his opponent, Victor wasn't nearly as rock solid. He was no unstoppable force. Instead he could feel his knees buckling as his body tried to hold the awkward formation up.

      But alas, with a loud yell Victor found himself crumbling. Someone must have been dropping for free cuz the lights turned off just then. In the darkness Victor fell backwards, his legs giving out as he smacked his head painfully on the floor. There went the circus act he and telephone guy was putting on. He wasn't sure what was going on. He knew he was on the ground and that even through the darkness he could feel the judgmental glare of Marshmallow. What was Victor doing with his life that he ended up like this!

      "HALP!" Oh god, where was the other guy. Had he fallen too? Victor could only flail about awkwardly in the darkness. The only light he could see was an emergency exit sign that spelled out its mechanics in letters. "HELP! I've fallen and I can't get up!"

      Man, he didn't even care who was a bad guy, who was a good guy or how many civilians must have been screaming in the darkness. Victor was about to freak out any second, and it wasn't the good kind. Who knew what lurked in the darkness. Bad guy, good guy, miltank...they needed to get unite together and take back what the darkness stole! "Buddy! Friend! Girl with great hair! Anyone?!"

      and @marsh1 just read the green text