i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON May 17, 2020 3:19:07 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Who knew the Rangers had access to such trickery? Kaida wondered where they were keeping it, if they were able to invent this outfit so quickly. A suit and sharp hat of some kind hung on her frame comfortably. A pair of sunglasses, and she might even look a cliche bodyguard. If only she could put her hair down, this outfit might even be completely comfortable! Freya crawled next to her as they entered, her hand on the Salnazzle's shoulder to keep her from darting away. The poor thing probably thought they would be performing after this, and Kaida didn't have the heart to break it to her that this is what they were here for. [break][break]

She had to marvel at the tree, the only reason she was taking this as seriously as she was. Even if this tree turned out to be just that, a tree, she would be happy. Who knew just what could live here? If it turned out to be something like that golem she sent Kjoll to find by accident, she didn't know what she would do...she was here to hunt anything that would hurt the marvel, she supposed...and she found she didn't mind. Fine by her. [break] [break]

She didn't have any idea who was, but she appreciated the scene being made, and strode purposely forward. Freya followed and, eyes sparkling, waved at one of the guards. At that moment, Kaida recognized a familiar voice and turned her head, blinking and staring perhaps a little too long at . What was she doing here? Abruptly, she broke away from the sight of a former partner, struck by her own recognition and attachment. She should just let the professionals get to this tree...or at least ask someone to protect her! She found she had to break the thoughts away, pointless and not related to her hunt. She needed to move onto the mission. Like the diva scene, Illeana provided good distraction. She would at least occupy one guard's attention and, with everything else going on, Kaida planned to slip through. [break][break]

If there was anything a snake could do, it was camouflage. [break][break]

"Excuse me, excuse me. Passing through!" She barked at the other guard, moving her hand to rest on the beautiful Freya's head. "Ms. Freya needs more work done on her, I must accompany her, and we must hurry. Show is understand?" Freya looked like just the type of Pokemon to participate in this contest, was sweet hearted and sweet faced, and Kaida, as small as she was, attempted to rush the conversation like a typical guard, hoping her neutral face came across as intimidating. She could only hope the guards weren't thinking well enough to question all these abrupt scenes. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: tldr: Kaida attempts to brute force her way, masquerade as a guard of "Ms Freya".


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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 3:26:20 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Kaida isn't a fool, and she recognizes two things about her current situation. She is in a pack. There is another pack. She is not stupid enough to see nearby and trying to get in and not recognize that there is something amiss, and that their enemies may have already been in here. Freya hugs her in fright as and her Hatterene end up smacking the man clowning happy as it made Kaida to have a little less noise, it really did not help the situation. [break][break]

Then, all hell broke loose. [break][break]

Kaida didn't know what to gape at first. The rapidly growing tree or the man and steel lion that seemed to step out of the ether ( ). A frightened stress grew in her chest, and she fought the urge to cover her ears, substituting by hauling up Freya and placing her on her own back. The Salnazzle seemed frozen in fear, and at least there she could protect Kaida. [break][break]

Kaida snapped back into reality as another man ( ) leapt into action, suddenly aware that if she didn't get moving, she would be trapped. A Pokeball dropped from her hand, releasing a Seviper that hissed as she impacted the cold ground. "Sorry Hema, you'll have to bare it, we need a friend to help us." The words were the signal, and Hema hastily looked around for a suitable Pokemon. The Mr. Mime were a clear choice, what with their abilities. Psychic powers were always a boon. Thus, fixing her eyes on one, Hema's eyes glowed a pink that radiated daintily. An Attract sure to sway a Mr. Mime into helping them, she was so beautiful after all. [break][break]

It was a fine plan. No harm would come to the Mr. Mime and she would gain a powerful ally, however temporary. "I need help! We need to get over there!" She pointed across the tree, trusting Hema's hisses to translate her words, then leaned down and prepared to slide, shouting over her shoulder to the only two allies she knew here ( and ) "Be careful, the people here are strange!" She only had time to shout those words before balancing herself and preparing for movement. Up on her back, Freya hatched a Nasty Plot and whipped her tail against the floor, launching Kaida forward in just the way she imagined. Hema launched after them with her own sharp tail, hopefully alongside the Mr. Mime to either defend them or help them move faster. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: tldr: Kaida releases Hema the Seviper, picks up Freya to support her, and tells Hema to use Attract on one of the Mr. Mimes before asking for its help to traverse across the tree. In the meantime, Freya uses Nasty Plot and will attempt to slide Kaida across the ice to traverse.


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 8:41:40 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ROOT OF THE MATTER[break]





SEVERAL THINGS HAPPEN AT ONCE. As the hall bursts into action, ’s performance above begins to blare in the PA speakers. The frost shakes from their metal grids as her song sends the harrowing rumbling of bass through the ceiling.[break][break][break]



is able to TELEPORT to the other side, the staircase leading to the second floor basement now unguarded. and are teleported too, but as they reappear, they slip on the crude ice. Should they move down one flight of stairs, they will find that the rest of the staircase is densely packed with growing tree branches that push out from the main body of the tree.[break][break][break]


After ’s Morpeko briefly confuses one of the Mr. Mimes, she immediately teleports below. her, , , make it through to the next floor— but it is not what it appears to be. As the three land or reappear in the middle of the next basement floor, they find themselves constrained and tangled in a mess of terribly thick curling branches. Like vines, but less easy to break and dense.[break][break][break]


Looking around, they will find that the floor is smothered in foliage— if they are even on the “floor” or ground of this level. These three—who are in close proximity to each other— must find a way to escape their entanglement, for the tree pulses, as if ready to grow once more.[break][break][break]


As if pulled straight from the espionage genre, manages to catapult himself on to the branches. Recalling his Rookidee, he makes it to the other side speedily. has enough time to start walking down the stairs as well.[break][break][break]

At ’s flash of her Head Scientist badge, the security guards relax in response to her; she manages to teleport to the other side— but only has time to reappear on the ice.[break][break][break]

’s authority is flexed too, and as a MISTY TERRAIN flows from his Tapu Fini, the security guards yell: ”Yes! Stop whoever you can.”[break][break][break]

Another mutters, ”If the boss finds out, we’re fucked.”[break][break][break]



The two Mr. Mimes in the main hall, now IMPERVIOUS TO STATUS CONDITIONS thanks to the MISTY TERRAIN, attack the ones coming their way. The attempted HYPNOSIS is witnessed and the strike on is noted. They prioritize it as attempts to advance with her Gallade. One Mr. Mime SKILL SWAPS with her Hatterene, replacing her MAGIC BOUNCE with SCREEN CLEANER. The Hatterene is then recalled. The other Mr. Mime fires ICY WIND from its mitten hands to stall , and Gallade.[break][break][break]

In the exposed middle dressing room, the two Mr. Mime attempt to halt and @selena. is fast enough to act before ’s Tapu Fini’s MISTY TERRAIN takes hold. Thankfully, INFATUATION can not be blocked by the purplish fog. One of the Mr. Mimes falls to the snake’s seduction, allowing to slide through quickly with her Salazzle. Security guards attempt to snag her with their arms, but she whips right through to the other side. She, like , is able to start going down the stairs. may attempt as well— but her descent is not guaranteed.[break][break][break]

The infatuated Mr. Mime instead focuses its attention on 's attack. It mimes a square of PROTECT to stave off the flames, while the other casts ICY WIND on , and their respective parties. They are unable to make much distance.[break][break][break]


When the soft drink trolley smashes into one of the security guards, the barrier to ’s dressing room is smashed by the bisharp’s IRON HEAD. It fades, the psychically created barricade withstanding only one solid hit; afterward, @zacharias and are pushed in, the cellphone of the younger man capturing every frame of the ensuing chaos. slips in too. The door is closed. here, ’s music is even louder. Despite the cacophony, @zacharias puts the guard to sleep with his Gengar. The guard is then tossed into a wardrobe by ’s Orbeetle. Closet hangers holding ’s hoodie and shorts topple over the man like a blanket before the doors close once again.[break][break][break]

’s klefki floats toward the keyhole. What comes next is delicate work. Although it takes some time, pink chains grow from the keyhole and begin to wrap around the whole perimeter of the hallway to FAIRY LOCK the trainers’ Pokemon in place. It locks in time for many Pokemon to be affected. A table is placed in front to act as a further barricade.[break][break][break]


's FAIRY LOCK will last this round. The following trainers' Pokemon have been caught by this effect: , , , , , , @matteo. Pokemon affected by this move can not switch out or flee during this round; ghost-types are unaffected.[break][break][break]


and @matteo look on as innocent bystanders...[break][break][break]


IN ORDER TO CLAIM COMPLETE REWARDS FOR YOUR FACTION, and to facilitate plot moments within the event thread, your respective groups will have objectives to fulfill collectively. for example, if your rocket character becomes captured, that objective is fulfilled for the entire group.[break][break]

throughout the event, more objectives may be added/these objectives are subject to change.[break][break]


  • ic objective: extract a biosample of sap from the tree's roots; protect the tree. ☐
  • sub: have three league-affiliated pokemon die by rocket hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a rocket character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a rocket's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • ic objective: poison or destroy the tree from its roots, at all costs. ☐
  • sub: have three rocket-affiliated pokemon faint/die by league hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a league character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a league's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • please try not to invent new npcs; however, i've worked the new security guards in alongside the canon two that have now moved closer to your side. for simplicity's sake, we can say there are a total of four security guards, one for each mr. mime.
  • 's existence in this raid has been retconned due to his player going on brief hiatus.


  • the 3 pokemon you have signed up with are now locked in for the event.
  • each of your pokemon can only perform 1 move per round.
  • please do not meta-game; this event is not a competition.
  • if you do not post by the round's deadline, you will be skipped.
  • like others have been doing, please note when you have tagged everyone once for the objective!
  • for this round, please ROLL once.



@matteo [break][break]

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON May 24, 2020 1:06:28 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Her heart was either going to explode or she was going to throw up. The fog of adrenaline in her veins makes her snarl at the guards trying to grab her, her reactions defaulting to some long-lost attitude of her past. It didn't feel bad, if not for the throbbing in her neck, like a second heart. [break][break]

Freya screeched as they screamed towards the staircase, claws unsheating to scrape them into a more manageable speed. Kaida thought she must be under adrenaline, because Freya felt light as a feather on her back. She knew she carried her Pokemon plenty but that wasn't normal! Focus! Focus! She wrenched her mind into the present, their speed finally slowing so that she could maneuver towards the stairs. Up on her back, Freya's eyes flashed a brief light. A Nasty Plot, a simple precaution to decide how to best strike if something scary walked up that staircase. [break][break]

She knew well enough that the guards and evidently were moving to capture everyone, and the thought urged her on. She didn't feel bad for the civilians ( and @matteo), up here was probably the safest area they could be in, right? Still, she looked over at a woman who just appeared in a teleporting mess. , still trying to come help, former partner in a mission. "Ugh!" Kaida cried out, halting briefly and crouching in a lizard-like stance that Freya kept steady. She couldn't let a former partner bumble around and get captured too, now could she? Thus, completely unaware that Illeana could probably use her own occupation to get out of it, Kaida barked out, "Hema, bring her too!" The serpent flew across the Ice, only barely hearing the order and lashing out to grab Illeana with as gentle a bite as possible, aiming for her lacking as it was. Didn't matter if she had to drag this woman with them, she must be good if Kaida wanted her! [break][break]

Stopping for nothing more, Kaida and her Pokemon pushed off towards the staircase, moving to descend it as fast as possible. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: tldr: Kaida moves to run down the stairs, still supported by Freya and followed by Hema. Freya uses Nasty Plot once more, frightened and Hema is ordered to help Illeana if she needs it. [break][break]

At this point, I have tagged everyone!


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