with little hope [sw]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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maverick noah ryder
with little hope [sw]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2020 20:27:01 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

[newclass="#maverick"]--color:#A93131; --image:url(https://i.imgur.com/Uq4e8mS.png);[/newclass]




[attr="class","th th-moon"]



solo wild




The search for dark types continues. At this point, Maverick didn’t have two many dark types left to collect. Base upon fully evolved pokemon, he only needed about twenty four to complete his dark type collection. However, searching for just dark types had started to bore him a little bit. With that, Maverick decided to head somewhere where more than just dark types spawn. In fact, the last time he was here he got a new dragon type. Although he still hoped to catch some more dark types, the man was also looking for dragon types. His really hoped he would find some more of his former team. More specifically, the rest of his houndoom team. Although they did drive him crazy time to crazy, the man does miss them.[break][break]

With a sigh, Maverick motioned for Azula to start their search for today. Ebony nose fell to the earth, swift inhales and exhales more her nostrils flare. She took in many scents, finding one that seemed somewhat recent. “Got something?” Maverick mumbled, bending down to touch the earth lightly, “I wonder what it could be this time.” Warm digits flickered to the path ahead, seeing the prints get more defined as they got further away from the original scent. “Well… Let start the hunt.” With that said, Maverick and Azula started their weekly hunt for pokemon. Come on houndoom.



[attr="class","dcred"]★ dijit

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with little hope [sw]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2020 22:39:06 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD STUNKY APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] KEEN EYE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]NIGHT SLASH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]ACID SPRAY
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SUCKER PUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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maverick noah ryder
with little hope [sw]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2020 17:53:15 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

[newclass="#maverick"]--color:#A93131; --image:url(https://i.imgur.com/Uq4e8mS.png);[/newclass]




[attr="class","th th-moon"]



solo wild route 114. capture plz!




It didn’t take long for Maverick to figure out what Azula has found. The man grimaced to the stench, plugging his nose with his left hand finger tips as they inched closer and closer to the source. At that moment, the dark type specialist knew what they were about to run into too. Azula paused in her tracks, her body stiffened as her lips peeled back and a snarl ripped through her throat. At first, Mav was puzzled. Seeing nothing but tall grass before them. But when the grass rusted, he knew. “Azula!” He called out as an ACID SPRAY was targeted at them. Without any hesitation, Azula reacted. Taking in a deep breath, she felt the hot lava like substance in her throat and come forth in a stream of fire out of her parted muzzle. The poison collided with the flames, a boom exploded from the mix.[break][break]

The gas cloud dissolved, showing a little purple and creature creature Maverick know all to well. In fact, something looked familiar about the little creature. Could it be? Unplugging his nose, the man spoke in a calm tone to the stinky. “Jovanna? Is that you?” The sound of the name the creature only snickered, turning around to attack again. Panic filled him, knowing damn well Jovana loved to attack anything and everything in her way. “Fuck,” the man cursed under his breath, backing away as Auzla stepped forward. Another spray of acid shoot from the stinky, the houndoom matching it once more with flames. Quick thinking, Maverick barked an order. “Crunch her quick and don’t let go!”[break][break]

The fire and dark type leaped into the gas that formed, a screech indicated that she must of managed to catch her. The gas settled, revealing a massive hell hound with a small little creature between her muzzle. With a chuckle, the man approached them and pulled out a two tone ball. “Welcome back Jovana,” the man greeted as the little stunky struggled against the canine’s death grip, giving up sooner than he anticipated, “I have been looking for you. So this is what you have been up to, terrorizing the area.” The stunky pouted in Azula’s grip, letting herself be caught once more by this human. Maverick pressed the ball against her body, the ball sucked her in, and locked her in place. Maverick was sure if he was happy about having her back or not. She was still wild and clearly, being free only made it worse. He sighed. More work.



[attr="class","dcred"]★ dijit

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TAG WITH @shiv
with little hope [sw]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2020 23:05:03 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]YOU CAUGHT STUNKY!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] KEEN EYE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]NIGHT SLASH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]ACID SPRAY
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SUCKER PUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"]YOU RECEIVE 5 PD!

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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