ice, ice baby [dw/c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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ice, ice baby [dw/c]
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2020 19:45:26 GMT
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[newclass="#maverick"]--color:#A93131; --image:url(;[/newclass]




[attr="class","th th-moon"]



capture delibird plz!



The man watched as the trainer admitted defeat on contouring the dragon bat’s fear of ice types and recalled it. And in his eyes, it seemed like a good idea. If anyone, he wanted to make a suggestion of getting the dragon use to her own ice types first who are friendly and then work her up to wild attacking creature. But, it wasn’t his place to comment. Everything had their own way of training pokemon, even him.[break][break]

At his suggestion to leave, the woman seemed like she was good to continue to venture the cave. And although Maverick didn’t really have anything he was looking for in the cave other than that weird new galairan creature, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to maybe catch a few more pokemon in hopes to trade for something he wanted or sell for money. Either way, he gave the woman a small warm smile and shrugged. But before he could tell her he was cool with continuing, her pokemon suddenly face him.[break][break]

Maverick hands raised in mock defense, expression turned to bewilderment. Why was she attack him? Even as Azula snatched the pokeball off the ground when it was successfully capture, she was swift to defend her trainer. But as the creature attack, the ball of energy whizzed passed his head. He could feel the air rustle his hair as it just barely missed him. A cry out behind him forced him to turn, seeing a wild creature who almost sneak attacked him from behind. It was only when the creature was down and the woman let out sigh of relief that Azula calmed down. Warm crimson colored orbs turned back to her, offering a small smile in return. “If anything, I should be thanking you for saving my butt.”[break][break]

A soft chuckled escaped him as the Umbreon sounded off in an alert. Maverick and Azula turned to see a delbird waddle into the light. In its hands, a present was offer. “Oh no,” he shook his head knowing damn well it could be a trap, “I ain’t falling for that.” His gaze flickered to Azula only for moment as he offer his hand out for her to place the ball in it. With a nod, Azula dropped the ball in his hand and let loose a round of snarls. The delbirds eyes widen with fear, turning to dart away. “Don’t let it get away,” the man barked, “Follow.” The creature played chase, using a fire fang to bring the ice and flying type down quickly. [break][break]

Once down, the man tossed another ball to capture this one too. Although the man found delibirds a rather useless creature, there were actually rather rare and he could sell it at the black market. With the creature down and waiting for the confirm capture, he looked to the woman. “As I was going to say before we got interrupted, I’m cool with staying a little longer. Which way would you like to go?”



[attr="class","dcred"]★ dijit

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september 20
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ice, ice baby [dw/c]
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 0:57:35 GMT
at least she wasn't being a bother.

not that she would show the relief on her face. instead, she only nods in agreement as the two of them ventured onwards into the darkness, pokemon walking at their sides. the problem was the following: how was she going to start small talk? her parents always encouraged her to speak to the people around her, let them be in a business manner or in a friendly manner. as a child who always kept her nose in the books and head in the pages, she was.. a complete dunce when it came to socializing. good lord, she needed some kind of guidance.

but every time she had an internal meltdown or turned into a hot mess, she would try to give a small smile to hide it. it was better than a stoic glare, paired with a low scowl and pressing on. what bothered her was the idea that he could get upset that her pokemon attacked, right behind him. did he mistaken it? would he scold her? would he look at her in contempt?

thankfully, he did none of those things, and instead was praised. she felt stupid, feeling relieved over something as trivial as that. she felt stupid, trying to contain her relief while masking it under the cave's darkness. "o-oh, no--" she starts, sheepishly tenting her fingers together as her pokemon attempts to soothe the trainer. "it's no problem, really~"

their small bout is cut short by a delibird, while on her side there seemed to be a..very.. slow snom trying to make its way across the cave's floor. while she hated to disturb it, it was a new pokemon she'd yet to encounter. a pokemon from another region.. means another ruin to explore, right? it was the inner stone that piqued her interest, enough for her to gently nudge at the meinshao. the purple pokemon scurries over, picking up the ice type pokemon like the pill bug it was. it was cute. it would have been cute--

if it hadn't used drain punch to try and smush the thing.

"amethyst!" the woman raises her voice, more to scold the fighting pokemon for nearly beating the little thing into submission. still, she pulls out a pokeball to tap it, sighing in defeat as the fighting pokemon shrugs. now turning her attention back to the man, she tilts her head forwards into the cave. "no particular direction? i'm sure that if we keep exploring, we'll find a rare pokemon sooner or later."

attempt @ snom

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October 13
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ice, ice baby [dw/c]
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 1:00:53 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD EISCUE APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ICE FACE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]AURORA VEIL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]WEATHER BALL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD HIPPOPOTAS APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SAND STREAM
[attr="class","wildtabox"]TAKE DOWN
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SAND TOMB
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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he | him | his
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lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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maverick noah ryder
ice, ice baby [dw/c]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 15:00:54 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

[newclass="#maverick"]--color:#A93131; --image:url(;[/newclass]




[attr="class","th th-moon"]



not the best. pass plz.



Maverick really wasn’t sure what kind of pokemon he was looking for anymore. He has caught several pokemon within the darkness of the cave, but those were for people who wanted to trade or sell too. Even as he let his gaze shift to the young woman when she caught the little snom, he couldn’t help but wonder what she was really looking for. Azula broke his attention from her as the canine dropped the ball in his hand from her mouth. “Thanks Azula,” the man mumbled to her, patting her head with his free hand and shoving the pokeball in his pocket, “Keep it up.” The hellhound expected the praise though she showed no joy towards it. Instead, she turned to sniff the air of the cave to try and catch a scent.[break][break]

When the woman didn’t offer any direction she wanted to head, the man shrugged his shoulder and continued to stroll deeper within the cave. The light provided by his umbreon a warm welcome as the cave got darker and darker the further they ventured in. Azula continued to sniff for scents, nostrils flared as she soon got one. The hell hound darted forward into the darkness, leaving them in their light bubble. “I think she found something,” the man explained to the woman, motioning for her to follow him as he darted in the direction she disappear too. A howl rang out in the darkness, Maverick halting in his tracks when the umbreon’s light two pokemon. One was the cub of ice knowing as Eiscue and the other, a hippopotas. The little ice creature began to waddle away, fear of humans clearly. While the hippopotas stood his ground, ready to fight if they dared to disturb his slumber.[break][break]

“Azula back down,” the man barked, the canine letting out a round of snarls at the wild creature, “Let’s keep moving.” The hell hound growled at the wild creature as it growled back. “Azula!” The fire and dark type backed away, retreating to her trainer side. His gaze shifted to the woman’s, motioning for them to keep moving. “Unless you are interested, let’s keep moving. We don’t have too much time down here.” Although both were probably a good catch, Maverick wasn’t interested in either and only assumed she wasn’t either. But of course if she was, Maverick would wait or help her.



[attr="class","dcred"]★ dijit

[newclass="#charname"]--color:#A93131; --image:url(;[/newclass]

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ice, ice baby [dw/c]
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2021 22:29:04 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]THE HIPPOPOTAS FLEES!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SAND STREAM
[attr="class","wildtabox"]TAKE DOWN
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SAND TOMB
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"]BOTH OF YOU RECEIVE 10 PD!

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP