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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2020 18:22:35 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]"oh i assumed dinner was your way of saying thank you," he quips, not missing a beat. his eyes drift down to the flip-flops and as small as they are, they still remain somewhat functional in protecting his feet.

he meets her gaze again. "in hoenn?" a part of him is glad she didn't ask about sinnoh. "it's hard to beat the beach here in lilycove but mount chimney comes close. as hot as it is the trek up is fun and the view is amazing." he still remembers the soot very clearly.

there's nothing left on his plate but a bit of sauce and he decides enough is enough. "the surfer guys must be so lucky." he reaches for the water again as she asks her final question. "let's share something. order your favorite."

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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 8:53:10 GMT
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Skyler almost spewed out the wine in her mouth at Lance's words. Thankfully she managed to keep it in, albeit just barely. "Nope, I'm afraid you'll have to make do with the flip-flops. Terribly sorry." There was a lopsided grin on her face as she finished speaking, enjoying the banter.

"Mount Chimney, huh? Never been there." There were a great many places where Skyler had never set foot, namely those that she couldn't reach by boat. She knew the whole coast of Hoenn, some parts like the back of her hand, but if she trekked inland she'd become utterly lost. "I will go one day, when I decide to take a break from work. I enjoy doing some exercise and trekking up Mount Chimney seems like a good challenge. My favorite place in Hoenn has to be Pacifidlog Town though. I would love to live there. You're just," Skyler gestured excitedly with her hands, "on the ocean. It's amazing."

Hah! Cheeky guy! "Well, of course the surfers are lucky. They get to listen all about my epic and amazing stories. Speaking of, what do you think we arrange some surfing lessons? I still know a few things, but it has been some time."

When the waiter came back to the table he brought a terracotta bowl with this monstrous cake-like chocolate construction. "I usually can't eat this by myself, it's too much. But I'm taking advantage of your presence. With two of us we might be able to finish it. Maybe." The waiter laughed quietly at her words and Skyler grinned. "Ready?"

The first spoon was heaven on her senses. She closed her eyes to savour it, then was quick to take yet another spoonful. The conversation continued. "What about your Pokémon team? Being a trainer for so many years you must have quite the team. Who was your starter?"

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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 19:39:12 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]"i've never been but it sounds like i have to now." it's one of the few cities he hasn't had the time to visit but it's at the top of his list. it's a floating town out in the middle of the ocean--what more could one ask for?

lance grins at the mention of surfing lessons. "i'd be more than happy to teach you. later this week, if you're free." 

the dessert ordered is an absolutely monster of a cake and he wonders if they'll even be able to finish half of it. he's not much of a dessert eater but seeing how eager she seems, he'll try his best. "ready." and the two start going to town on the cake.

lance brings a hand to his belt and with a simple push of a button, a shedinja flutters to whatever life ghost-types have. he points up at it. "it just showed up one day and never left. i like to think that it chose me." aave is so lifeless that it's almost eerie. actually, it definitely is. "is your lapras your starter?"

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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 23:03:39 GMT
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"Sounds good." Skyler's eyes brightened when she reached the center of the cake where a chocolate goo rested. She stopped for a second and frowned, as if remembering something. "Ah, no. It will depend. I have some requests for materials that can be difficult to reach and the process is very time-consuming. I really want the surfing lessons though."

There was a small pause before Skyler suddenly reached for one of the pockets on her cargo shorts. "We can exchange numbers and I'll send you a message when I'm free. I'm assuming you live nearby." She already had her phone out by the time she finished the sentence, but instead of a sleek model it was a small misshapen thing that seemed bent in several different places and a few years out of date.

Her spoon speared the cake yet again and this time it seemed to her strangely bigger than before, the daunting task of eating this monstrous - yet delicious - cake looming before her. 'Maybe I can take the rest home? And probably eat cake for the rest of the week...'

Skyler's eyes widened at the sight of the ghost Pokémon, feeling a bit creeped out by its utter stillness. It wasn't natural, she thought to herself, that something supposedly alive could feel so... well... not. Skyler had a ghost type herself, but her Dusknoir had never made her feel the chills that now ran down her back. Subconsciously, Skyler's fingers reached up to grasp gently at her colorful beaded necklace. The story behind the Pokémon also didn't help. It just showed up out of nowhere? That was... unsettling.

She did her best to stiffle her superstitious self, but the nervousness remained. She sent Lance a smile that probably wasn't as bright as others before it. Lance's next question was a welcome distraction and she quickly shifted her attention from the ghost type to Lance himself.

"Ah, Sirena? Yes, she is. We look out for each other. She warns me whenever I'm being an idiot and I warn her whenever she's being a jerk. I love her." Talking about Sirena seemed to lift Skyler's spirits somewhat. "My parents gave her to me when I was still a child, so we've had a long time to get to know each other. She annoys me to no end sometimes, but it's part of the charm I guess."

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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 9:20:19 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]he takes her phone and punches in his number before saving it under '#1 surfer guy'. "looks like you're due for an upgrade." he returns her out-of-date phone but holds his judgement. everyone has their reasons.

it has always been clear to lance that aave's presence might unnerve some people. he peers up at it just as aave decides to float down to rest on lance's head. he chuckles slightly before recalling it.

"pokemon truly are fascinating creatures. i love how each one is so different, and how each one seems to have a personality of their own. as annoying as your lapras may be at times i'm sure she does it out of love." 

lance reaches for the wine this time, abandoning skyler to finish the rest of the cake herself; as if his few spoonfuls have helped much.

"have you thought about helping the rangers here?"

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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 12:04:25 GMT
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Skyler took her phone back and chuckled at the name in there. She put it back in her pocket. "Ah, I tried for an upgrade some time ago." She gestured with a chocolate covered spoon. "It ended up taking a tumble into the ocean and I went back to this one. It doesn't look like much, I'll admit, but I assure you it's a survivor." Taking into account the number of times it had fallen into the water or against something, it was a miracle it still functioned.

"Here comes the Pokémon trainer," Skyler said teasingly, doing her best to not look at the creepy Shedinja achored to Lance's head. She stiffled her sigh of relief when Lance recalled it back to its Pokéball. "When you say things like that it's easy to see how you became a Pokémon Trainer. It's clear you care about Pokémon very much. I could never see myself training a full team."

The waiter came back when Skyler called for him with a smile. She asked sheepishly, and much to the waiter's amusement, for the rest of the cake to be put in a small bag so that she could take it home. "You're taking half of it," she told Lance in a matter-of-fact manner.

The tanned girl had to stop and think for some time on Lance's question. The thought had crossed her mind several times over the past years, but it was one of those things that went into the 'one-day' list of things she wanted to do until she eventually forgot about it.

"I keep telling myself that I have no time for those things," she finally answered, taking a last gulp of wine. "Honestly, I have time for little more than my job and the sea." Oops, maybe she'd drank too much wine, that was not supposed to have left her mouth. Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. "So undertaking some missions for the rangers would actually be very good for me, I think." She grinned mischievously and her eyes went bright with good humor. "At least I'd get to know new people. Like you, surfer guy!"

A small bag was put in front her and she smiled brightly at the waiter. She promptly paid for the meal, eying the darkening street outside. She was feeling strangely energized, but maybe that was the wine talking. She didn't think she'd drank that much, but it had been some time.

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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 16:01:14 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]pokemon trainer first, ranger second--that much has stayed true through the years. "it's probably why i became a ranger." it's one reason out of a few but it's the one he tells people. "it's hard work but it's worth it in the end." to have a full team of six is an amazing feeling and it's one he hasn't forgotten.

lance takes another sip as he listens. "the rangers do good work here. i'm sure they'd appreciate your help." he mimics her grin and chuckles, leaning back in his seat. "who knows? we might be assigned the same mission." 

the small bag is put in front of them and he eyes it, knowing that half of it is his but truth be told he doesn't really want it. he's hoping she forgets about it and takes the whole thing for herself. he does nod his head to express his gratitude, however, when she decides to pay for the meal.

"next one's on me." 

it's only fair, after all. his eyes follow hers to the streets outside and he exhales, content with the meal. "i'll walk you back," he says, forgetting he'd need to for his surfboard anyways. "streets can be scary at night." he winks, chuckling.

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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 21:11:46 GMT
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Skyler leaned in Lance's direction, an intense expression stealing over her face. "Did you beat many gym leaders? Did you ever beat the Elite Four?" That was the goal of many trainers, Skyler knew. She might not see herself as a trainer, exactly, but she had an appreciation for those who excelled in their respective fields. It just so happened that her own expertise was something very specific. There were way more trainers than divers, so the competition was fiercer.

It was kind of funny seeing the realization washing over Skyler when Lance told her that they could be mission colleagues. It hadn't occurred to her, but he was right. He seemed older than her, and he was definitely the more senior ranger, so she just assumed he'd take the more serious missions. Not that she wouldn't, given time.

"Next one?" Skyler's eyebrows went up in some unknown emotion, but the glint of mischief in her eyes contradicted the more serious expression. "Sure. After the surf lesson. You pick the restaurant next time." She got up from her seat, stretching out her stiff muscles that were finally starting to scream at her after the rough day. She ignored the ache (she was used to it by this point) and waited for Lance before exiting the restaurant.

It was almost full dark by now. The lampposts in the street were shedding a comforting yellow-ish light on the sidewalk, highlighting the faces of the people walking past. "This part of town is pretty calm and the main street will still have lots of tourists, y'know, touristing." She started to walk back the way they'd come from. "I also have these," she said, showing off her muscles playfully and winking back. "That said, I appreciate the company and we still have to go get your surfboard. I doubt you can surf without it, though please tell me if you ever manage that feat."

She put her hands behind her head in a relaxed position, feeling the slightly fuzzy feeling of the wine slowly fade away. It was warm, even at night. Skyler grimaced, thinking that she'd probably have to sleep with her windows open. She was up early in the morning, rising with the sun to chase after underwater treasures. A sudden thought occurred to her. "Oh shit, I have to get my own surfboard." She looked at Lance. "Do you happen to know where I can get a cheap one?"

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● notes: skyler showing off her muscles is a mood lol

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POSTED ON Jul 15, 2020 15:21:50 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]her intense expression is contrasted by his relaxed one. "all eight in sinnoh. i joined the rangers after that and became too busy but i'm sure we could've done it." we meaning him and his team. he sometimes wonder how things could have been different if he had decided to continue with his challenge.

it's darker outside now which gives him an idea of how much time had passed since they first entered. he stretches his arms out as he peers at her muscles as she flexes them. "looks like you don't need me." but he needs her. she has his surfboard.

nodding, he points somewhere northwards. "there's a small shop behind the mall owned by a dude called lakey. he does good work and does it cheap." he glances up at the sky for a moment. "he should still be around if you want to check it out now."

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POSTED ON Jul 15, 2020 22:16:01 GMT
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Skyler's face lit up with something akin to amazement. The world of trainers seemed mostly foreign to her, but she did recognize how hard it was to reach certain levels. "You could've challenged the Elite Four in Sinnoh." The lights from nearby signs were reflected in her quicksilver eyes as she faced Lance. "I could've been strolling though Lilycove with the Champion of Sinnoh." She gave him a little playful side bump.

The smells and sounds of a bustling nightlife filled the comfortable silence between them. Bars and clubs were starting to open here and there, and the music spilled into the streets.

"So, then, why'd you leave Sinnoh? It seemed like you were doing fairly well there." She suddenly realized the possibly personal nature of the question and backtracked a little bit. "If you want to talk about it, that is."

They reached the intersection where the street they were on merged into the main street and Lance pointed northward, mentioning a shop that sold surfboards and that should be open. "Lakey, you say?" Skyler checked the time on her slightly bent phone before nodding. "I still have some time. Lead on, surfer guy!"

Skyler knew the mall he was talking about, though she'd never noticed the shop he was speaking of at the back of it. Lilycove was a big city, so that was not surprising. Even Skyler, who'd lived here her whole life, didn't know the city in its entirety. It didn't help that she was absolutely hopeless at orienting herself on land.

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2020 7:47:25 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]could've. but life doesn't work that way. there are no do-overs to resolve regrets and fix mistakes of the past. he wishes there were; he'd do anything for a chance to. "the rangers here needed help so i thought, why not?" this is a lie. but he sells it convincingly because there's no reason not to believe him. the topic is left behind, buried for another time as they start to make their way to the shop.

it doesn't take them long to find it. a little bell rings when he pushes the door open, stepping into the small surf shop behind the mall. 

"lancey! what's up, man?" is what greets him. lance chuckles as a man that must have been in his last twenties rises from behind the counter. he's dressed in what a typical surfer guy would wear; his flip-flops squeak against the floor as he approaches the two.

"lakeyyyyyy! good to see you. i think you're about to owe me one," lance takes a step to the side and gestures to skyler. "i brought you a customer."

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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2020 16:32:13 GMT
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Skyler walked happily next to Lance, taking the time to enjoy the sights of her very familiar city. She hadn't done something like this in an embarrassingly long time, so she was quietly glad that Lance had offered to help her carry the diving equipment earlier in the day.

The shop Lance talked about was small, but well organized. She gave the shop the once-over, noticing the piles of surfboards and other sorts of surfing equipment spread throughout the shop. She honestly had no idea what half of those things up on the shelves were. 

Skyler was quickly sidetracked from her perusal of the shop by the enthusiastic - she supposed he must be the owner of this establishment? - man that greeted Lance as soon as they entered the shop. It seemed like him and Lance knew each other well, which was to be expected given that Lance was an adept surfer.

"Sup?" Skyler waved, her signature lopsided grin on her face. Amusement bubbled up inside her at the stereotypical surfer ensemble the guy was wearing. "Nice place you've got here. I'm Skyler Dross, professional diver and soon-to-be surfer. I might as well build a house on the sea at this point, I spend so much time there."

She pointed at Lance. "Number one surfer guy here is going to teach me. Think I should trust him?" 

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● notes: i wasn't sure if i should take control of the npc since you were the one who created him - it seemed sorta rude LOL rp etiquette 101

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POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 2:45:46 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]"a customer?"

lakey's eyes widen as he regards the woman standing next to lance. he shuffles forward, extending his hand out to shake hers almost too excitedly.

"ah thanks! i'm glad you think so. i'm lakey." his eyes shift to lance when skyler points at him. "him? ha! he's good but he ain't no lakey. between you and me, he ain't even top ten." he's ribbing on lance and that much becomes clear by how he giggles under his breath.

"i seem to remember placing above you during that tournament. am i wrong, lakey?"

lakey doesn't respond and instead leads skyler to a bunch of surfboards lined up against each other off to the side of the shop. he points at them, each one a different color, size, and shape.

"these are the beginner boards. i'd recommend getting a larger one as they're easier to balance on. gods know lance needs one."

hehe i'm very okay if you wanna rp as him! no problem (:

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POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 15:59:50 GMT
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Skyler sent Lance an amused glance as Lakey completely disregarded Lance's words and lead her to a group of surfboards that were apparently good for starters such as herself. The man seemed a little too excited to be selling her a surfboard, but in all honesty Skyler didn't mind as long as she made a good purchase that didn't bankrupt her.

"And any one of these would do?" Skyler hmm'ed as Lakey said that yes, these were the best for beginners - and for Lance himself.

She peered at the surfboards, noting the different designs on them and trying to find one that caught her attention. She went for the medium-sized ones; she didn't want one that was too big that she'd have to lug home like she did her diving equipment. Once a day was enough for her, thank you very much.

In the end she decided on a dark surfboard with some wavy designs in it that reminded her of an ocean storm. It was bigger than Skyler by some feet, but smaller than Lance's own surfboard.

"You think this one'll do?" She patted the surfboard cheerfully, directing the question at Lance. "I think it looks really cool." Lakey was, of course, quick to agree with her and told her that she had good taste.


Skyler cleared her throat, almost embarrassed in behalf of the shop owner. 'Subtle,' she thought - not unkindly,' he is most definitely not.'

"Alright, Lakey. Ring me up." Lakey was quick to comply with her request and in no time Skyler was the owner of a brand new surfboard. She hadn't been too excited at the start when they'd first talked about it - the surf lessons - but now she couldn't keep the smile from her face as she gave Lance a thumbs up and a wink; surfboard in hand.

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● notes: i can only think of mulan's song "i'll make a man out of you", but instead of man it's surfer LOL

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POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 17:18:18 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]lance is off to the side, browsing a few different boards when she calls for his attention. "yeah, it looks great." it's a medium-sized one, smaller than his, but perfectly fine for a beginner. he gives her a reassuring nod before returning to his own browsing while lakey occupies himself with ringing her up.

"i'll come to collect my commission later, lakey." 

the surfboard suits her, he decides, before walking out of the store. lakey waves his goodbyes and suggests that he should join them for their lesson, but lance is quick to respond with a scoff that could only mean no. they step back out onto the dark streets of lilycove.

"looks like you're ready for your lesson."

training montage when?

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