low tide, high tide (open)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2020 22:26:01 GMT
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It was low tide.

The harsh screeches of maritime Pokémon echoed around her as she grunted with effort, her muscles aching under the high noon sun. Skyler stopped for a moment in order to swipe at her forehead, grimacing at the sweat gathering there. Her job definitely had its perks and if asked she would tell anyone that she was living the dream, her dream. That said, it wasn't a glamorous job at the best of times and not at all as she nearly tripped and fell down while lugging diving equipment back to her house in Lilycove. 

"Stupid heavy thing..."

There was a cough-like sound behind her and Skyler sent a withering glare at the suspiciously amused Lapras resting in the low tide, who then had the nerve to yawn and stretch herself amongst the waves. Honestly, the impossible creature. Skyler loved her to bits, even if she couldn't remember why at times like these.

The tanned girl huffed and checked to make sure her small boat was anchored properly. In truth, the small vessel wasn't much to look at. It barely fit more than two people, she'd had to replace quite a few things in the last months and the paint was peeling away in more places than she'd care to admit, but -much like her irritating starter - she couldn't bear to get rid of it. It was her pride and joy and, most importantly, the source of her income.

As she got the last of her diving equipment strapped onto her back, rivulets of sweat running down her back, she recalled Sirena back into her Pokéball and got on her way. The path to Lilycove loomed ahead and the usually short walk seemed suddenly much more daunting. Her stomach chose that moment to remind her that she'd had a measly meal of plain bread and juice six hours ago and not a thing since. It was, Skyler decided, one of those days.

"Well, whining won't get anything done, will it?"

Wearing a determined frown, Skyler started the climb to Lilycove, pausing only once in a while to adjust the weight on her shoulders or to blow a rebellious blond curl away from her face.

● notes: open to anyone who wants to join. i'm new here and Skyler needs to make some friends, enemies, rivals, etc.

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2020 9:55:19 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]lance had been out on the waters for so long that he had noticed the transition between high to low tide. the day nears its end and it almost disappoints him. despite being out there for hours on end, it still feels too short. he sighs, sitting upright on his surfboard as he peers back towards the beach.

"i think it's time to head back." the mantyke suctioned to his back lets out a soft grumble and it makes him laugh. "i agree, leija, but it's getting dark and the waves are getting calmer now. and i'm also pretty hungry." another grumble lets him know she's okay with it. he starts paddling towards shore. "thanks, girl." 

an amusing sight catches his attention as he nears shore: someone trying their absolute best to lug around their diving equipment. as soon as he hits land, he tucks his surfboard underneath an arm and walks their way, intercepting them on their climb to lilycove.

"need a hand with that?" he asks, gesturing to the equipment on her back. "saw you struggling with it earlier. it looks pretty heavy."

welcome to the site!

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POSTED ON Jul 9, 2020 11:41:58 GMT
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Closer to the city the path became steeper and Skyler grit her teeth as her muscles protested, tired after a long day of swimming and physically taxing work. As she adjusted the weight on her shoulders yet again she became aware of someone making their way to her. Probably another tourist, she thought, asking for directions.

Just as she was about to resume her trek, a voice reached her. She looked up at the approaching figure, taking in the light hair and relaxed demeanour. He had a surfboard under one arm and a mantyke at his back. He certainly, Skyler thought, had the surfer look down pat. Well, except for the long hair.

"Help?" Skyler asked, an incredulous expression briefly crossing over her face. Not that she wouldn't welcome it, of course, but she was rightly suspicious of a stranger - out of blue - offering to help her carry some of her very expensive equipment. Still, he could actually be a good samaritan just looking to help.

Skyler let her mouth stretch into a rueful grin, ever so slightly lopsided. "I'm sure I strike quite the figure, lugging all this by myself," she said, letting out an unelegant snort. "But you're right, this is heavy and my work day's about to be over."

The girl didn't waste any time and quickly undid a few straps, careful not to damage the most sensitive equipment. She carefully chose a few pieces of equipment (the cheapest of course; she wasn't altogether stupid) and gestured for the surfer guy to take them. If his intention to help was genuine, Skyler would know soon enough.

"Well, seeing as you're going to help me carry this I might as well introduce myself." Skyler promptly stretched out her hand, the sun highlighting a few light scars on her arm. "Skyler Dross, professional diver and collector of treasures. Pleased to meet you."

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● notes: thank you for replying! glad to be here <3

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2020 14:13:55 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]the equipment looks familiar and as lance takes a closer look at them, he immediately recognizes them as diving gear; he knows just how heavy they can be. "don't want you tripping and breaking anything. you almost did back there." it would've been amusing, but he keeps that to himself apart from the soft grin that creeps on to his features.

lance takes whatever is offered to him without question and carefully brings it over his free shoulder. she then introduces herself and stretches out her hand; he takes it. "lance vollans, casual surfer but professional ranger, i guess. i wish i got paid to surf, though." ah--he turns just enough to reveal the backpack mantyke. "and this is leija. she doesn't talk much." 

they continue their climb through lilycove, and though lance is no native, the streets have started to look vaguely familiar. "i've been looking to dive in hoenn ever since i arrived. heard it was better than the spots in sinnoh." he's not sure how true that may be. "full of treasures here as well, if what you say is true."

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2020 17:01:53 GMT
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Skyler couldn't help closing her eyes briefly, feeling a tinge of embarrassment at the fact that someone else had seen her make a spectacle out of herself.
"Not one of my finest moments, I'm afraid." And probably not the last time it happened either. Not that this was a daily occurrence, but some days were especially grueling.

She grinned up at the surfer guy called Lance, who apparently was not only a surfer but also a ranger. Huh. That explained his availability to help her out of nowhere. "I tried surfing a couple of years ago and it was amazing. I should probably give it another try when I have the time. When I'm not, y'know, buried beneath a pile of diving gear." She gave the small mantyke a wave. "Nice backpack."

As the streets of Lilycove proper surrounded them, Skyler let herself relax. Without the added weight of all that diving equipment she was feeling much better. Still hungry, though. Her house wasn't far, but she wasn't sure she'd kept her fridge stocked. She would probably have to go grocery shopping soon, or today in fact. Would it be too weird if she invited this Lance character to dinner? He seemed nice enough and he had helped her.

Her attention was soon caught by Lance's chosen topic of conversation. She let out a low whistle when she heard that he was from Sinnoh. Skyler couldn't imagine a more contrasting region to the tropical nature of Hoenn.
"So you're from Sinnoh? That's a long way from here. Was it strange when you first got here? Not to pry or anything, but I lived here my whole life. I'm curious."

Skyler stretched, feeling her bones pop. Her stomach grumbled when the delicious smell coming from nearby restaurants reached her. "Diving in Hoenn is the best thing in the world," Skyler chuckled, "but then again I'm biased. There is certainly a lot to find, the temperatures are perfect and the water is generally crystal clear." Her face suddenly lost all expression. "Unfortunately things have been weird lately."

It wasn't long before the familiar front garden came into view, not that it was much of a garden. All the plants were dried up and shriveled and weeds had taken the best part of the miniature plot of land. She didn't have the time for gardening! "You can set the equipment there," Skyler pointed to the ground near the front door, and did the same, letting out a sigh of relief.

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2020 17:25:51 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]it feels a tad strange to walk through lilycove without shoes on but the roads are smooth enough to not cause much discomfort. perhaps he's used to walking on worse. "you should join me sometime." the mantyke forms a little bubble with her mouth and pops it at the compliment. "she said thank you." 

they start making their way through people and he has to be extra wary of not stabbing them with the top of his surfboard. he angles it away every now and then, avoiding them. to her question, he chuckles. "it's so fucking hot here. like all the time. why?" he asks a rhetorical and laughs, shaking his head in disbelief. 

"they have. but it's important to focus on the good as well--like diving." 

they eventually arrive at her house with a front garden that looks dead. he takes note of it as he makes his way to the ground near the front door before carefully setting the equipment down. "nice house," he compliments, taking a quick glance around. it's only then that he reaches for a pokeball tucked away in his belt and recalls the mantyke on his back. his stomach grumbles then, calling for him to place a hand over it.

"so, dinner?"

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2020 16:05:08 GMT
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Skyler took a few moments to gingerly rub her sore shoulders. She felt tired, but a good sort of tired, after a hard day's work. It also helped that she had some help at the end of it.

"Just a sec," she told Lance, taking a key from one of the many pockets in her cargo shorts and opening the front door. She motioned for Lance to enter and to make himself at home before quickly dragging the diving equipment inside, checking that everything was as it should.

The house itself was small and a bit spartan in terms of decoration, with a few basic pieces of furniture interspersed by strange little baubles that Skyler had probably found during her diving adventures.

Her head popped out of the kitchen door for a moment, "Do you want to leave your surfboard inside? This is a quiet area, but you never know and I doubt you want to drag that thing around. Also..." Skyler glanced briefly at Lance's bare feet, "I might have some flip-flops for you to wear. Not sure they'll fit, but better than nothing, ey?"

Skyler quickly fished out a pair of old flip-flops from an old wooden trunk that seemed to be holding itself together by pure chance.

"It's a good thing that I'm going out for dinner," Skyler chattered as she locked the door behind her and turned to face the streets. "The only thing I have in my fridge is a watermelon."

● tags:
● notes: sorry for the delay!

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2020 16:19:46 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]lance accepts her invitation and steps into her humble home. he spends a moment to take in his surroundings, noting the simple furniture. the strange little baubles catch his attention, however, and he walks over to observe them with gentle curiosity.

"yeah, that would be great. and thanks." 

the flip-flops definitely do not fit but he still appreciates the gesture. the door locks behind them and he takes the initiative to start walking. "too busy to grocery shop?" it would make sense; he could relate. 

lance lets her lead the way to where she wants to have dinner because he's indifferent to where he eats. he'll eat anything after surfing for the entire day.

oh no problem at all!

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2020 17:15:32 GMT
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Skyler snorted at the question, keeping pace with Lance as they weaved through the streets. There were some people around, it was after all a very hot summer and tourists were aplenty. "I'll throw a party the day my fridge has enough ingredients to prepare a proper meal. You're invited." She grinned suddenly, "I wouldn't trade my job for the world though."

The tanned girl let out a cheerful greeting as some people she knew passed them by. Then she continued, "What about you, surfer guy? How's it working as a ranger? I hear it is a dangerous occupation at best, especially lately. Any interesting stories to tell?" Skyler looked at Lance and wiggled her eyebrows in a playful way.

They were nearing the waterside again when Skyler suddenly stopped, looking around. Then, looking determined, she headed into a narrow street where fewer people were passing through. "This is a local secret, so be careful with the knowledge!" It wasn't long before they stood in front of a miniscule restaurant that looked as if it had seen better days. The smell coming from the open door, however, was divine and mouth-watering. There was also some lively music.

Skyler winked back at Lance. "Come on, I can hear your stomach from here."

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2020 17:48:26 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]"i can relate." to spend most of their time not at home seems commonplace for a ranger. he can't remember the last time he was able to cook a decent meal for himself that wasn't done in the microwave.

but the job does come with interesting stories to tell. "too many, take your pick." chuckling, he meets her playful gaze. "it keeps me busy. i barely have any time for myself and when i do i'm mostly out on the water. it's dangerous, sure, but it's also rewarding. and fun." perhaps the danger is what makes it fun.

they near the waterside again and he takes a moment to glance around the area, recognizing some of the buildings. the small restaurant she takes him to, however, is unrecognized despite him living in the area. lance flashes her a smile before entering.

the smell is alluring and it makes his stomach growl when he enters the small space. as small as it may be, it's comfortable and lively, and he finds himself vibing to the music as they take up their seat by a small table.

"i'll have what you're having."

my bad for the wait! i remember reading this in the morning and assumed i replied then ):

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2020 18:32:15 GMT
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Skyler couldn't help the sigh of relief at finally sitting down. She looked around, noting the usual customers and the busy tables. The girl didn't even look down at the menu and let out a low chuckle at Lance's words. "You're leaving the choice up to me? That's a big responsibility. Hmmm, let's see..."

When the waiter came to their table, Skyler asked for two house specials along with some white wine and water. "I'm not a big fan of wine usually, but this one is local and goes really well with the dish. I also ordered some water just in case," Skyler expained, pouring a small glass of wine for herself and taking a sip.

"I bet you have lots of stories to share. The ocean has its whims and moods and sometimes they're not gentle." Skyler let her head fall into her open palm as she considered. "Okay, so, what was the most exciting or scary thing you ever did at your job? As for me, there was this one time I went diving in search of ancient ruins. I was still relatively new to the job and there was some hearsay about a sunken vessel near Mossdeep. Of course, like a fool, I went there. I ended up running away from a group of treasure hunters of some sort. They were really nasty. Left me this to remember them by," she pointed at the junction between her arm and shoulder, where a small round scar was nearly invisible in the low light, "A harpoon I think. Fortunately it didn't sink too deep. I also kicked one of 'em in the guts, so I got to have a little bit of revenge."

Their food arrived shortly, a steaming plate of fish and vegetables swimming in a sauce. "Careful, it's kind of spicy," advised Skyler before disregarding her own advice and digging in. "Hmmm, so good!"

● tags:
● notes: no worries! also food in the pkmn world leaves me confused. are they eating magikarp?

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2020 5:37:39 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]lance follows suit and pours himself a glass of wine before taking a sip. the sting of the alcohol is familiar but the taste is anything but. his eyebrows furrow slightly, possibly giving away his indifference to the drink.

and then he gives her all of his attention when she talks of an experience. he winces slightly at the sight of her scar, responding only with: "ouch." he chuckles by the end of it. "glad you got your revenge." 

their food arrives and lance wastes no time digging into the steaming plate of fish. he makes sure to swirl each piece of fish and vegetable in the sauce to get all of the flavors. "you're right. it's pretty spicy," he laughs and reaches for the wine.

"i don't know if it's the most scary thing i've done on the job but there was a fire last week in the suburban parts of lilycove." he tilts his body to the side and brings his exposed arm into the light to reveal red-tained skin. "i had to run into burning buildings a couple of times. the rangers got it under control eventually but it took a while."

they could be...but i think regular animals also exist in the setting? so they could just be eating regular fish? i'm not sure LOL

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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2020 7:56:18 GMT
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A smirk appeared on Skyler's face at the expression in Lance's. "Not a fan of wine, I take it?" She wasn't about to tease him too much because she herself wasn't a fan, but the opportunity was too good to pass up. "Or maybe not a fan of alcoholic drinks?"

There was a lull in the conversation after she told her story in which Skyler took the time to enjoy her meal. 'It's the simple things in life, really.' She probably drank a tad bit more than usual, but the chef really had outdone himself in the spicy department.

Skyler listened carefully while Lance spoke about his own adventure, if it could be called that. It sounded just like the sort of heroic thing she'd expect of a ranger. "I heard about the fire, supposedly it was a big, messy one. Some houses burned down?" Then she suddenly inhaled sharply as Lance showed her the red-stained skin on his arms. "That's harsh." She took a look closer and could't help but wince at the angry-looking burn. "Must've hurt like hell, although... it does make a wicked scar."

The girl leaned back in her chair and sighed in contentment. "So, other than being an heroic ranger is there anything you like to spend your time on? Do you take the time to train your Pokémon?"

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low tide, high tide (open)
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2020 15:03:45 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]lance sees the smirk on her face and prepares himself for the tease that never comes, much to his surprise. he takes another sip and responds with a chuckle: "it's just wine. i never developed a taste for it, i guess." 

his mind drifts back to recall the fires and where one might wince at the trauma of it, he doesn't even come close. "a few did. we were just a bit too slow." he decides to share the blame. he pulls his arm back and takes the brief moment to take another fork-full of the fish. "one of many," he laughs. the burns will recover fine as they aren't too severe. he can thank leija for keeping him damp.

stabbing whatever vegetable's on the plate, he holds the fork in his hand as he ponders on her question. "i'm afraid i'm a walking cliche. i left home at ten to travel the region and i've never really stopped training. i still train now, but definitely not as much as i used to." he finally takes a bite and quickly swallows it. "apart from that i guess it's just surfing and helping people haul their heavy diving equipment." 

another chuckle allows for a lull in their conversation and he uses it to reach for the glass of water. he washes down the spice and clears his throat. where she chooses to lean back, he leans forward, aware of the distance between them.

"what about you? what does skyler dross get up to in her free time?"

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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2020 17:20:52 GMT
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This Lance fellow, Skyler thought, must've seen some things. The way he talked about situations that would have reasonably shaken someone like they were nothing much... He could have been posturing, but Skyler didn't think so. He was too calm and collected for that. "I've had a few close calls while diving, but nothing quite like that. Most of the scars I have are superficial and mostly down to carelessness. Still, you probably saved people's lives. That's something to celebrate," she said, raising her glass. If he didn't celebrate what he'd done, Skyler certainly would do it for him. "Cheers!"

Skyler threw her head back and laughed out loud at his quip about helping people haul diving equipment. Her eyes were bright with amusement when she looked back at Lance. "And may you keep on being a good samaritan and helping poor defenseless divers from succumbing under the weight of their scuba tanks - thanks for that, by the way." She blinked suddenly, realizing something. "Oh shit, I never said thank you, did I? Well, in my defense I did give you some flip-flops. But really, thank you."

The girl made sure to eat as much of the sauce as possible. It was too delicious to go to waste. "Hmmm, a trainer from a young age. Many of my friends at the time did the same, but most of them eventually came back. I never really left except, as you know, to go out to sea." She speared the last of her fish with a thoughtful frown. "I don't find it cliché at all, I think it's an intimidating endeavour, especially for a ten-year-old. Is there a place in Hoenn that's your favourite, or that brings back good memories?"

Soaking the last bit of sauce with her bread, Skyler thought about Lance's question. It was one her parents had asked her time and time again, albeit in a more concerned/pushy manner. "Ah, well. I don't have much free time. I suppose I go out to dinner with surfer guys," she chuckled, "I used to do martial arts, but I quit some time ago. Whenever a sea storm approaches I go to the cliffs to watch it. That's something."

It was a bit sad that she couldn't come up with anything else, wasn't it? But Skyler shook these thoughts from her head quickly, calling for the waiter with a smile. She turned back to Lance. "Do you want dessert?"

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● notes: ...

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:9px;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:9px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing