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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 23:00:50 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
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mcflurry wanted to cry.

they'd left her behind again. they always left her behind, and she was okay with that mostly, but they just -- they just left her behind in the ocean when they were supposed to be diving for devon parts at sea mauville, and...

she really wanted to cry, but she was too tired to cry.

mainly because her arms were on fire and her legs were freezing until she couldn't feel them anymore.

all she had was this raft of ice that her arctozolt had made and a plank -- and she very well couldn't summon arctozolt again or else the raft would break, and any further attempt to freeze the water around her would likely freeze her, as well.

this, this sucked. she hated this. this wasn't fun. she just wanted to go to a fast food place and grab some, some chicken nuggets now. maybe it'd make her feel better.

she'd probably need to order another set to feel better.

but right now, her arms were on overdrive, paddling her little ice raft towards the nearest piece of land she could find, her plank starting to splinter and get waterlogged already.

she exhaled shakily, almost tempted to call the league for help.

but she remembered she's still in her rocket uniform, so she'd just have to --

-- keep rowing.

(it hurts.)
● oh no

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 9:45:00 GMT
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Skyler always made sure to keep a healthy distance from the ruins known as Sea Mauville.

She was just returning home from Slateport when she saw the jagged edges of the sunken platform and a shiver ran down her spine at the sight. Being a sailor, Skyler was properly superstitious about some things and she couldn't help her hand from drifting to the colorful beaded necklace she wore, the good-luck charms clinking against each other.

The blonde woman never approached Sea Mauville, except... There was something in the water.

Squinting her eyes, Skyler slowed down her boat and tentatively approached the bizarre object floating in the water. She could see that it was moving and the glinting of it even from a distance suggested ice. But why was there ice in Hoenn of all places, just floating in the ocean? It didn't make any sense.

Eventually curiosity won over her fear of Sea Mauville and Skyler was finally able to see the mysterious object for what it was - although it took her brain a few seconds to process the image. When it did, Skyler was immediately on the move, moving her boat to coast along the small icy platform. 

"What are you doing out here, are you crazy?" The sailor threw the ladder so that the miserable-looking woman could climb into Skyler's boat. "Come on, let's get you out of there."

This... was really bizarre. As soon as the woman entered her boat though, Skyler would give the woman a ratty blanket she kept below. Her legs must be freezing"Are you okay?"

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● notes: ...

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 10:04:16 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

what were those lyrics from that one movie? 'boy was i a fool in school for cutting gym'? not that mcflurry ever cut gym, but she wasn't as sports-intensive as other people.

unfortunately, it'd be her undoing. mcflurry's hands were red and sore, and her arms were sore. she wasn't sure if she could even make it to the nearest buoy, let alone a shore. wiping her head, she just had to... had to keep trying...

but then a boat came, and mcflurry yelped, because oh god, that thing was about to crash into her icy raft and crush it apart and leave her stranded, and --

oh, they're lowering a ladder. despite the obvious team rocket uniform. why was that? usually, people'd just pass her by. most of them didn't want anything to do with rocket.

well, mcflurry wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. so she got up, tried to scurry to the ladder, tripped on the ice, fell on her ass, and grunted as she made a second attempt to clamber onto the boat.

luckily, attempt two won out. the blanket was quickly thrown onto mcflurry's legs, and she could only now feel the brunt of her physical weakness now that some form of relief's washed over her.

"y-yeah, sorry to mcbother you. i was, uh, doing... something? and then i sort of... got tossed mcoverboard and, uh. i had to use an ice-type move so that i didn't drown..."

mcflurry fell silent, her wide, unattractive eyes staring down at her shivering feet.

"if you, if you want to throw me back into the mcocean, that's -- that's mcfine. i just -- i need a mcplatform to remake the raft to hold pokemon on it, and then i could... could probably get myself to mcshore."
● whew

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 15:00:26 GMT
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Skyler's eyebrows went up at the first attempt the woman did at entering her boat. She was about to go and help when the other woman finally managed to get onto the boat proper. How long had she been left like this? Better yet, how had the woman ended up in this situation in the first place? The sailor's mind was full of questions, but she put them aside for the time being.

First things first.

Skyler disappeared for a brief moment before reappearing with even more blankets. They weren't really very high quality, but they did their job. She made sure the other woman sat on the warmest place in the boat, practically manhandling her into it. "Here, sit. You look like shit. Are you thirsty? Hungry?"

When Skyler finally stopped helping, she sat down in front of the tiny woman, listening to her. It was immediately clear that the woman must have some sort of speech impediment, but Skyler wasn't one to dwell on those things - she was more interested in the story.

"You were tossed overboard?! And why would you want to go back to that tiny ice thing?! That's ridiculous! There's a perfectly good boat here!" She waved away even the possibility of putting the woman back on the ice thingy. "I'll take you to shore. It isn't that far away." 

The explanation given to her by the woman was extremely vague and left Skyler to try and fit the pieces together. The woman was wearing this kind of... uniform? A Rocket uniform? Maybe she'd been at a costume party in a ship? Skyler didn't know why anyone would want to dress themselves as Rocket, but she supposed there were all sorts out there.

Skyler finally extended her hand out to the woman. "I'm Skyler Dross, captain of the Mariner 2. What's your name?"

● tags:
● notes: in which skyler things mcflurry is too pathetic to be rocket lol

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 18:35:45 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
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"well, i, you mcsee, ok..."

every time mcflurry tried to respond to the rapidforewoman, she'd be cut off. well, that happened usually, so she was ok with that.

still, although her bottom half was freezing cold, her top half had been under the blistering sun for god knows how long. mcflurry mostly tried to pile the blankets onto her legs, but she did her best to scoot herself under shade the moment she could. she'd like a sun tan, maybe, but not... not a huge blistering sunburn.

(not an easy task, when the bigger, more muscular woman had plopped her down on the sunniest part of the boat. it'd take mcflurry a few minutes.)

in any case, mcflurry was still boggled that this person -- skyler, apparently -- didn't have any issues with a team rocket member. or maybe she's doing the thing where she doesn't think mcflurry's a rocket.

well, mcflurry can roll with that.

"i'm, uh, mclaren mcflurry?" mcflurry said, giving away her full name too goddamn easily, "mccaptain of, uh, an ice... mcthing."

her name blurred easily with her verbal tic, unfortunately.

"what do you, uh, do you mcdo? on this mc, mcboat?"
● im lovin it

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2020 16:25:11 GMT
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Skyler was confused for a moment. With the woman's speech impediment it became a bit of a challenge to understand her name. Was it Mclaren Mcflurry or Laren Flurry? She couldn't make heads or tails of the whole situation, so she simply nodded, barking out a laugh at the captain of the ice thing. "I'm calling you Mac for simplicty's sake. That okay with you?"

When she spent some time looking at the small woman, Skyler noticed that she was quite... red. There was a beat of confused silence before Skyler groaned at the sudden revelation. "Shit, I forgot. Your legs are frozen, but you must be hot from standing in the sun this whole time. Wait a sec!"

It took Skyler less than five seconds to reappear from the interior of the cabin with this monster of a straw hat in her hand that she promptly put on the smaller woman's head. It was an obnoxious yellow color and had the widest brim Skyler had ever seen on a hat. A small pink bow was attached to its side.

"There, better!"

Seemingly pleased with herself, Skyler finally answered Mcflurry's question. "Here? Mostly sail, I guess. Sometimes I take tourists on tours." Skyler grimaced, as if those last few words left a bad taste in her mouth. "But I usually use this boat to take me to diving spots and unexplored places. I'm a diver - and a treasure hunter sometimes." She winked as she said this, grin widening.

"Shall we get you to shore?"

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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2020 16:56:01 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
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If you wanna understand,
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honestly, mcflurry didn't know how lucky she had been, finding some random sailor who was so willing to just ferry a stranger in criminal clothes to dry land. now, though, she's starting to get it -- and the small smile slowly creeping onto her plain face reflects it.

"y-yeah, sure."

maybe she had been about to die at sea, if this person didn't come for her. she wasn't sure -- she's not certain how often seaborne deaths happen in hoenn. still, the realization slowly trickles into her brain as it finally cools down.

but at the same time, mcflurry felt there was something wrong with this scenario. like this wasn't supposed to happen this way. it's a terrible feeling, and she can't explain why, or even why she thinks this, but -- the resulting stream of consciousness floods out of mcflurry's mouth, any remaining filter evaporated.

"i'm really mcsorry -- i can mcpay you later, if you want. i don't, i don't have a lot of mccash, they don't... they don't mcpay me a lot. and, uh, i know mcmaybe you were expecting someone a little mcmore... attract, attractive?"

at this point, mcflurry was vaguely aware of whatever the hell she was blabbering, but she was helpless to stop herself.

"since, uh, this sort of -- this sort of mcthing. it only really mchappens in mcnovels, and, uh -- i know i'm not really that sort of, that sort of mcperson, so... sorry if i, uh, mcdisappointed? mm."

someone stop her or she's going to keep going, oh my god.
● here we go

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2020 12:06:37 GMT
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The chaotic mess of emotions that took over Skyler's face at the woman's babbling is a wonder to behold. She'd turned her back to Mcflurry and was starting up the engine again when she shifted slowly to face the woman again, blinking slowly at first, then shaking her head when trying to make sense of what the woman was saying.

"You-you don't have to pay me. I only did what any person with common sense would do." A pregnant pause followed that statement. "And what the fresh hell are you talking about?" 

Attractive? Novels? Not being that kind of person? In her head, Skyler was trying to connect the dots with little to no success. She thought back to the few books she'd read in her life, but most of them had been about very specific ocean-related subjects. Her knowledge of movies or tropes was also severely lacking, which made her confusion all the more pronounced. 

Skyler scratched her head, making her head of blonde curls even more messy. Her mom did read these awful trashy novels sometimes - they usually stared half naked men in their covers, saving some random person from whatever. Skyler had never read any of them though.

"Look," Skyler finally said, waving away Mcflurry's words. "I'm not going to abduct you or anything. And-and I don't expect anything in return, Mac." Her brain finally caught up to her as the possible meaning of Mcflurry's words hit her and a sudden blush took over her cheeks as she determinedly faced the front of the boat, turning it around to head for Slatesport.

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● notes: ...

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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2020 22:12:07 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
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If you wanna understand,
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mcflurry could immediately sense when she'd messed up -- apparently, captain dross hadn't read too many at-sea romance novels where this sort of thign happened all the time.

aw, man. now it looked like she was flirting with -- with this person she'd just met. which wasn't a bad thing, but, uh, there was a time and place for everything, and... well. mcflurry would like to keep that to dating sites and hook-up scenes.

this was neither, so really, mcflurry just felt a small wave of shame rush over. her face grew hot, and now her sun-fried brain was imagining certains scenes between herself and captain dross here.

she should, uh. she should stop that. not only was it creepy, it was -- just -- no. stop that.

looking for any sort of distraction at all, the smaller woman licked her lips and diligently scoured the sea for the nearest feebas.

"s-sorry. i, uh. yeah. mcthought that was where... this was mc... going."

stop that. stop that!

"do you -- do you have pokemon? what mctypes of pokemon? i always, always mcfound it... cool that. you could, uh... mcstore them. in pcs. technology is mccredible."

absolute trainwreck, this.

(even worse was how mcflurry couldn't help but, uh. peek over at captain dross every once in a while.)
● mcflurry: stop checking her out stop checking her out stop cheking -- GODDAMN IT

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2020 7:37:29 GMT
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Skyler was doing her best to face the front of the boat, which was a good thing since they were, y'know, moving forward. She could feel her cheeks heating, and definitely not because of the sun. At the same time, she didn't want the other woman to feel like Skyler was ignoring her, which could possibly make things feel even more awkward and- Skyler just wasn't like that.

The young sailor took a deep breath, but before she could talk Mcflurry beat her to it. The woman's words only served to brighten the blush already on Skyler's face and for a moment Skyler couldn't help but imagine just where things could be going and -- no, nope. 'The poor woman just spent a bunch of time under the sun, of course she's not okay...'

"Well, things only go that way usually after a nice dinner and a glass of wine." She was still facing forward, but turned her face briefly to look at Mcflurry. "Not that I'm asking you anything!" She suddenly added, a flash of alarm crossing her face. Ugh, no...

There was a veritable mountain of expletives that crossed Skyler's mind at once, but she refrained from saying them out loud. She was so concentrated on not concentrating on the other person in the boat that she only caught part of what Mcflurry said next.

"I have a few water pokémon that help me while I'm underwater, and others that just... found their way to me." Skyler grabbed a pokéball from one of her front pockets and released an Altaria next to Mcflurry. He crooned and tilted his head at the smaller woman. "What about you, Mac?"

She looked back at Mcflurry just to catch her looking her way and immediately faced the front of the boat again. How long was it to Slateport again? If she weren't the one driving the boat, she could just picture herself diving into the waves...

● tags:
● notes: i'm just lol'ing my way through this thread

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2020 17:06:14 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
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"me? oh, uh. i don't have that many mcpokemon -- i'm from fiore, you see, and mccatching pokemon and tmcraining them wasn't really... a thing until maybe mcrecently. but, uh, i have ice types like arctozolt and snorunt... and, uh, mostly just mcpokemon i got as, as a kid."

mcflurry cut herself off from her rambling early, making eye contact with skyler until the moment where the captain broke off. huh.

well, from that point on, there was sort of an awkward silence in the air. despite everything, mcflurry didn't actually -- didn't actually like awkward silences. so, she said the first thing on her mind.

"i wouldn't mind... dinner and some wine."

and holy shit, mcflurry's been in the sun forever and without water for too long that her voice seemed to drop an octave and get all sorts of low and raspy and assertive. but more importantly than all of that, it's the first sentence where her speech impediment didn't automatically kick in.

"since you mm... saved my life. and all. so it'd be a good way to mc, repay you."

and then mcflurry glanced at skyler's arms and her ass and her mind went everywhere all at once and now her brain is in a bar in fiore during her early 20s and --

"then i guess it could mc... go somewhere, if you'd like. captain dross."
● mcflurry's slightly out of her goddamn mind but she's also one hell of a flirt

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2020 18:40:36 GMT
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Fiore, huh? Despite considering herself somewhat of an adventurer, this was the first time Skyler was meeting someone from the distant region. Her knowledge was severely limited when it came to other regions, so she couldn't help the curiosity that bubbled up at the tidbits of information Mcflurry was giving her.

"Do you find it weird to see so many pokémon trainers, now that you're outside of Fiore? I've never been too into the whole pokémon training thing, but most people here go on a journey at least once in their lives." Skyler had also considered it, maybe, for a second or two, before she decided to do her own thing.

Skyler was taking a deep breath, inhaling the sea breeze deep into her lungs, when Mcflurry's statement reached her ears. She almost went into a coughing fit right there and then because there was no chance in hell she'd just heard what she thought she heard. Was there?

Her quicksilver eyes shifted to meet with Mcflurry's and the look in those was completely different from what she'd seen earlier. Her voice had changed too, becoming... 'Did I catch too much sun? I just rescued the woman from - if not death, at least a very painful sunburn. Get your wits about you, Skyler!'

The young sailor shook her head, unconsciously licking her suddenly dry lips. She needed to focus on getting the boat to Slateport, nevermind the fact that she probably could do it with her eyes closed and her hands tied behind her back.

She couldn't help her eyes from wandering back to Mcflurry though, and caught the woman checking out her ass, which did all sorts of strange, wonderful things to her. What ended up completely destroying her defenses was the slightly challenging 'captain dross'

A breath of air left Skyler's lungs, as if she'd just been kicked. She threw her head back and closed her eyes for a second. 

Then she cut the engine off, abandoned the wheel and stalked to Mcflurry, a intense look in her eyes. When she reached the other woman, her hand went to Mcflurry's cheek then slowly glided until it was under her chin, tilting the woman's head up until their eyes met. 

"Tonight. Meet me at the at the entrance to the Oceanic Museum and..." A corner of Skyler's mouth quirked up. "We'll go somewhere."

● tags:
● notes: omg skyler no

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2020 1:30:50 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
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"well i always mcknew it was a thing but -- yeah, a lil' bit. it's amazing how mcgood everyone is..."

the small talk was a pretty good segue into asking dross out, now that mcflurry reflected on it. still, she can't believe herself -- asking out the woman who literally saved her life only moments ago?

a little bit of insecurity crept into her heart, but  right now, unlike every other situation, mcflurry was in her element. fuck crime, fuck stealing pokemon or whatever shit they made her do -- mcflurry was good at following her own tempo. which included hitting on people and maybe fucking.

gosh, she'd like to think she was good at fucking.

but anyways. as the boat floated on towards slateport, mcflurry steeled her heart in case skyler said 'no'. always best to keep your expectations low and not stake too much on whimsical things like that, y'know.

-- but, well. with the way ms. dross fumbled and turned red as a charmander, mcflurry would like to think that she'd been successful in her flirt. at least a little.

but suddenly, it was mcflurry's turn to turn a little pink across her cheeks as the engine died and skyler cupped her face, forcing some sweet, sweet eye contact.

"wow. you got pretty mcconfident...? but yeah, i'd love to go."

at the same time, though, mcflurry raised an eyebrow, laughing softly as she combed a tuft of hair away from skyler's face.

"-- but, uh, we should, we should get to slateport. first. y'know?"
● smash announcer: SUCCESS

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing