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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2020 8:30:48 GMT
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Skyler's eyes lingered on Mcflurry as the other woman walked away from Skyler's boat. The young sailor had to shake her head, mooring the boat in a sort of haze.

Slateport's shopping district wasn't that far away from the docks, which was good because Skyler had absolutely nothing to wear except for gym shorts and old ratty t-shirts. She forced herself to face the shops as one does a particularly challenging obstacle. She also needed a shower, which meant that she'd have to get a hotel room somewhere. Her mind immediately supplied her with all sorts of scenarios that could unfold in a hotel room and Skyler squashed the thoughts as she entered a shop. 'Honestly, Skyler, you're getting way ahead of yourself...'

Both room and clothes were easy enough to acquire. She breathed deeply as she made her way to the Oceanic Museum, her sandals making a clicking sound as she walked. Night had fallen around the city and the streets were lively with a myriad of lights and sounds. People were walking past, enjoying the comfortable summer heat.

A slight breeze blew her curls every which way as she stopped in front of the entrance to the Museum, feeling the strong staccato of her heart as her nervousness grew. She gulped, looking around at the people walking past. Maybe this hadn't been the greatest idea. She'd just met Mac a few hours ago and already they were going on a date? What had Skyler been thinking?

She hadn't been thinking, to be perfectly honest.

Still, it had been her idea in the first place and to be perfectly honest, despite any misgivings she might have, Skyler could feel a slight thrill of excitement running up her spine. She honestly couldn't remember the last time she'd been on a date.

Skyler spun around in her ocean-blue dress when she thought she heard a familiar voice.

● tags:
● notes: midsummer madness

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POSTED ON Aug 11, 2020 22:43:59 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

luckily, mcflurry lived pretty close to here, actually, so it wasn't too much of a stretch for her to just -- go back home and get some clothes and a shower. maybe put on some aloe vera for a few hours for those sunburns.

notably, the usually-nervous grunt wasn't really all that nervous for her date. she never did feel the same tension and nerves for romantic things as she did for rocket things -- since, y'know. it was, it was just dating. not robbing a bank or anything.

putting on some cologne, mcflurry was pretty quick to prepare for her date. it might be -- it might be something fancy, and although mcflurry did love her hat, that part had to go.

as such, the woman that skyler would see that night was a woman in a white button-up tucked into some black slacks and some sunglasses tucked into her collar.

"hey, mccaptain. you, ah."

mcflurry smiled a genuine smile, taking skyler's hands into her own, the smaller woman looking up at her with bright eyes.

"you look... beautiful."
● hey baybee

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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POSTED ON Aug 12, 2020 10:40:26 GMT
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The familiar voice immediately brought a smile to Skyler's mouth and a small blush warmed her cheeks as Mcflurry took Skyler's hands into her own, the contact sending sparks up her arms.

The following compliment only served to make her blush all the more evident and the young sailor gently squeezed the other woman's hands. "Y-you look dashing yourself, Mac." Her voice had a breathy quality to it that made her words sound all the more intimate.

It was a bit unbelievable how this person was the same she'd rescued some hours ago near Sea Mauville. Mcflurry's face was still slightly reddened, but otherwise she'd... cleaned up well. Really well. Stupidly well.

Skyler kept a hand in Mcflurry's, subconsciously intertwining their fingers together as she led the two of them through the darkened streets to a small restaurant. It didn't look like a fancy establishment, but as the door opened soft music spilled out.

They were seated in a quiet corner and it was only then that Skyler noticed that she was still holding onto Mcflurry's hand. She quickly let go of it in what she hoped was a subtle way. Unfortunately, Skyler was about as subtle as a Bouffalant in a china shop.

Already seated, Skyler's gaze went up to find Mcflurry's and a corner of her mouth quirked up as the light from the restaurant highlighted the woman's features. "I didn't ask you before, but I'm hoping you don't mind that I call you Mac. I always give nicknames to my favorite people."

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[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 0:22:32 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

hm! in the back of her mind, mcflurry figured that skyler likely hadn't gone on a date in a while. a long while. not that there was anything wrong with that, but there were signs.

still, mcflurry did mean every word she said -- skyler was very pretty tonight. she happily went hand-in-hand with the captain to the restaurant.

but then skyler ripped away her hand from mcflurry's and tried to look smooth, which only made mcflurry giggle.

"you have really mcwarm hands... captain."

as mcflurry looked through the menu and seated herself, her eyes peeked over the pamphlet and looked over skyler's face. ah, she was really pretty. that never changed.

"that's, that's fine. as long as i can mccall you skyler. and, well, mm. other names later."

now that was an innuendo, but before skyler could do anything about it, the server came up and asked what they'd like to drink. mcflurry started asking for what drinks they have.
● hey baybee

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 15:45:23 GMT
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Skyler's eyes fluttered at Mac's comment about her hands and she couldn't help but visualize what else her hands could be very competent at doing. "I wasn't aware you were cold, Mac. I'm more than happy to help you warm yourself up. You need only -- ask." The word beg died a quick death on her lips and she had to bite her lower lip in order not to let it out. The intention was still in there, though, in the way her voice lowered ever so slightly.

Her eyes shifted to the menu in her hands, blond curls falling forward as she studied the options, so she didn't notice Mcflurry looking at her from the top of her own menu. She almost dropped the menu at Mcflurry's next words, and her blush intensified. Damn it, she was sure it would stay there for the rest of the night at the rate this was going. 

Before she had a chance to answer, a server approached their table. Skyler was way too distracted to pay him too much attention, but thankfully she already knew most of the things on the menu. She asked for a light, sweet local wine to accompany their meal. "You can order something else if you want, Mac. This wine is quite good though." 

When the server left, Skyler's hand snaked forward to give Mcflurry's a gentle caress. "Other names, hm?" A corner of her mouth quirked up in a warm, mischievous smile. "Skyler's good -- for now." 

She would then retract her hand and lick her lips, a curious light surfacing in her eyes. "What do you do with your free time, Mac - besides seducing unaware ship captains?"

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[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 16:06:57 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

well, it was good that skyler was picking up on the whole flirting thing pretty quickly. mcflurry sometimes didn't feel comfortable flirting with -- people who were, maybe uncomfortable. but this is super fine.

more than fine, actually. especially with how skyler's really getting direct about it. mcflurry's not an easy woman by any means, but --

-- well, keep this up, and skyler might just get her to break the "not on the first date rule".

really, all of it was madness. this was all crazy, she just met this woman on a life raft made of ice after fucking up a mission. but mcflurry can't deny the good time she was having.

"i'll, mm, get the, uh. white whine, mcthen."

the verbal tic inevitably came out, but mcflurry knew the best way to work around it was to just be confident with it. so she pressed on.

"well, i learn mm, languages. i... play a little piano, too. for my mcjob, i'm sort of a, uh." mcflurry remembered that yes, admitting to crimes was bad, "odd-jobber who does music."

now, mcflurry's turn for questions.

"how'd you mcfind this place? this usually where you take, mmm... sunburnt girls you find on the mcbeach?"

● hey baybee

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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POSTED ON Aug 14, 2020 9:14:21 GMT
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Skyler uses the menu in her hands to hide her grin when Mcflurry decides to get the white wine, but her eyes shine with amusement and a warm appreciation nonetheless. The woman probably should've found this whole date weird, but truth be told Skyler is all about seizing the moment -- even if it seems like some sort of madness.

She listens carefully as Mcflurry answers her question, finding herself intensely curious. After all, there are plenty of ship captains out on the water, but not many people floating on ice sheets. Mcflurry's an enigma Skyler is determined to unravel.

"Languages?" Skyler, unfortunately, only knew the one. She'd never really left Hoenn and she mostly stuck to the sea, so she'd never seen the need to learn another language. "Which languages do you speak?"

A small grin stretches Skyler's lips at the mention of the piano. "I play acoustic guitar," she tells the other woman. "I'm not an expert or anything, but it's relaxing." 

At Mcflurry's question, the sailor lets out a bark of laughter. "No, only those who flirt outrageously with me." There's no shame in her face as she says this. Before she can say anything else, the server comes back with their meal, the delicious smell making Skyler's mouth water.

She takes a bite and has to close her eyes, humming in pleasure. "This is really good." The wine goes down smoothly and Skyler wets her lips, tasting the fruity tang in them. "Do you flirt like this with all the ship captains you find, Mac?" Her voice is teasing, eyes glinting with the nearby lights.

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[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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POSTED ON Aug 15, 2020 5:55:01 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
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If you wanna understand,
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"i know... about, mm, ten or so. it's, uh. pretty useful."

her array was fairly colorful as well. from the eastern to western regions, she could pretty easily account for most of the more popular regions for pokemon trainers to populate.

but as they converse, mcflurry sort of felt the connection between her and skyler. not love at first sight, nothing crazy like that, but skyler was a pretty agreeable person -- cute, nice, a good person, and a good flirter to boot.

so, really, mcflurry was blossoming into her element at the moment. or maybe that's the white wine talking. but still, this was a good time. -- as opposed to high-stakes missions with a metaphorical gun to her head.

mcflurry took a bite out of her own dish -- delicious, almost made her jaw stop moving just to appreciate the food more and hold it in her mouth longer.

the next bit of conversation nearly got her, though, but mcflurry was quick on the draw.

"only the ones... who could mc-fold me in half, captain dross."

and holy shit, the verbal tic worked in her favor for once. mcflurry was getting into the zone, and she started forking her food very deliberately.

"si vous êtes libre ce soir."

the "r" in "libre" rolled as mcflurry leaned forward, and holy shit, that kalosian ws smooth. the entire thing was an invitation for skyler to lose her goddamn mind tonight.

● translation: "if you're free tonight."

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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POSTED ON Aug 15, 2020 14:55:47 GMT
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Skyler had to blink a couple of times before the information was processed in her brain. "Ten languages?" If her expression didn't show her suprise, her voice certainly did. "That's... That's crazy. Are you some kind of secret genius, Mac?" Though if she was then the captain really wanted to know how in the legendaries' name she'd ended up floating in a sheet of ice in the middle of the sea.

The music floating in the air around them added to the intimate atmosphere and although there were other people in the restaurant, they seemed -- at least to Skyler -- very, very far away. Skyler took another sip of her wine as she attempted to subtly study Mcflurry's expression. She was still a mystery to Skyler, and the information she'd given the captain only made her into a bigger mystery. 

Skyler liked that.

She couldn't help herself from letting out a brief, but delighted peal of laughter at Mcflurry's answer. She really enjoyed this bantering, especially now that her initial nervousness had all but melted away. She'd always loved a challenge.

"There are other things other than folding that I have in mind for tonight, although I'm always open to -- possibilities." Her eyes shifted for a brief instant to Mcflurry's lips, and when they rose to meet Mcflurry's there was a challenging glint in her own.

Unfortunately she couldn't understand a word of what the other woman said next, but it sounded like honey to Skyler's ears. It was -- very intense, especially in the way Mac rolled the words in her mouth and leaned forward. 

It appeared Skyler wasn't the only one enjoying the banter.

She licked her suddenly dry lips, food already half forgotten. The wine was already making the tips of her fingers tingle, but she ignored that. "Is that an invitation, Mac?" She practically purred the question out.

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[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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POSTED ON Aug 16, 2020 17:26:55 GMT
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Normal ain't normal,
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If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

secret genius? mcflurry genuinely laughed at that one, holding her fork full of food away from her mouth. that's the first she'd heard of that particular compliment.

"n-no. i just... i mclike learning it. it's a good way to, to mcpass time."

as the conversation continued, mcflurry kept close attention to how skyler was taking her flirts, and how she was doling them back. it was... refreshing. not many people would be as smooth or as willing to humor mcflurry's horniness like this, especially on the first date.

which only got mcflurry to staring at skyler's hands, then at her skin, then at the way she licked her lips. and good fucking lord, it did things to mcflurry's body.

"lil'... lil' bit."

with a blushing giggle, mcflurry looked pensive for a moment, before downing her glass of wine and wiping her mouth with her napkin.

"...i mean. we've mcpractically been on two dates now, and you did save my life, mm, so."

mcflurry gave skyler a smile, holding up two fingers. she tapped one.

"two options. one, we keep mchaving dinner and try to stay normal -- for, uh, whatever reason."

she tapped the other.

"two, we mcgrab a box now and... start being honest with ourselves. at my hotel room. and maybe... maybe, mccatch another date later?"


[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 16:28:22 GMT
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Learning how to speak in ten languages didn't seem like something one would do to just pass the time, Skyler thought, but to each their own. Despite Mcflurry's laugh, the young sailor still held the belief that the other woman must be at least part genius in order to learn that many languages. She kept the opinion to herself though, quirking the corners of her lips in a soft smile.

Skyler was crap at reading people, she could admit it, but the blush on Mcflurry's cheeks told her that the dinner was going relatively well. At least she hoped it was. Skyler herself could feel the warmth on her face. Could've been the wine, but it was probably a mix of things, one of those being the dashing woman in front of her who could flirt -- really, really well.

There was a small lull in the conversation, and Skyler seized it to take a look at the woman in front of her. That white button-up was killing Skyler, especially the way it was ever so slightly open in the front where-

Skyler blinked, shaken out of her thoughts when Mcflurry started speaking. Her eyes widened ever so slightly as the other woman spoke, the sudden interest in them making them brighten. "I did save your life," she said, her voice ever so slightly rough, "And nothing about this day has been normal. We might as well keep the theme going. "

The server was quick to accept the bills Skyler put in his hands, her voice low as she spoke to him. A couple of minutes later Skyler had a bag with packed food in her hand and the other was extended in Mcflurry's direction. 

As Mcflurry got up, Skyler would snake an arm around her waist and lead them out of the restaurant. She would lean down ever so slightly so that her lips were level with Mcflurry's ear. "I took the liberty of ordering some champagne to go with the food." She grinned down at the other woman. "Shall we, Mac?"

● tags:
● notes: mission accomplished

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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