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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2020 7:20:20 GMT
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this was thrilling, honestly. typically, a glosse would have been on the very outside of this sort of transaction, but here he was in a steel van, albeit luxurious and leather-interiored, riding passenger-side through the night with cargo that was not jewels and diamonds, but rather flesh and blood.

they had just left the warehouse minutes before, and had not been told what exactly was in the back. or, at least, maddonis hadn’t. stars passed in the windows until a tunnel swallowed them in darkness aside from the beams of the headlights. the sounds of confused pokemon could be heard somehow more clearly with less to see.

maddonis cleared his throat to break their intimate silence as it hung over the reverberating distress, and shifted a little in his seat. “have you done this before?” he cast a cool look to his side, gaze resting on the driver’s hand as it gripped the steering wheel. they’d not met. they’d not even met eyes.

♥ hollow

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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 2:14:41 GMT
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This job wasn't unusual for Oscar. As a career criminal, he had escorted his fair share of 'delicate cargo'. In this case it was a pokemon, though rather uniquely it wasn't revealed which pokemon was being smuggled. It was already loaded up, and Oscar's only duty was to transport it. Didn't matter to Oscar either way, a job is a job. Besides, he learned long ago not to question what he was being asked to do by Rocket.

He was given a partner for this mission, and he was a rather fascinating individual. The dude looked like a elf, like straight out of a fantasy novel. So much so that Oscar kinda stared a tad too long, he was just that astounded. He forced his eyes away eventually, embarrassed that he stared for that long. It was that residual embarrassment that kept Oscar from being social during the drive, he didn't want that moment to be acknowledged. In fact the less he had to make himself look like a fool in front of the elf man the better to be honest.

Yet the silence made the drive long. The delicate night atmosphere would have made it a pleasant voyage, but Oscar was too busy focusing on trying not to seem like a creep. He nursed a lollipop between his teeth, slowly drinking the juice it created to keep himself occupied. Inevitably, the elf man broke the silence as they entered a tunnel. 

Oscar winced, trying not to seem to nervous. He had to answer, it was best not to be rude. "Lots of times. Both the driver and the escort. Just another day in the life." Oscar wanted to continue the silence after that, but he doubted the elf man would be satisfied with his lack of social ambition. Reluctantly, Oscar pushed the conversation forward. "Name's Oscar by the way. Haven't seen you around before, you new?

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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 4:17:00 GMT
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[since this was started as one of mad’s first missions, i’m gonna continue playing it that way, like he’s super fresh]


maddonis hadn’t felt his eyes on him. he’d been lost in thought, up until the point of words.

’just another day’. it was so strangely casual. it also alerted maddonis that it would probably soon be a regular task for him, as well. he found himself vaguely affected by the cries in the back of the boxtruck, and then felt disgusted by the trace of his own problematic empathy. surely it would be erradicated through experience. he didn’t say anything at first. his shoulders swayed to the bumps in the road.

“it’s nice to meet you oscar.” he was polite like a snake with pleasantries and a well-groomed facade. as much as he wanted to scowl at the mention of his subordinacy, he stifled it. “you could say i’m new, yes.” maddonis considered himself second generation, truly, even if his family’s loyalty had been to the old rocket. he had decided it better to keep that to himself, generally.

the tunnel ended, and their faces were once more illuminated by the passing stars. he looked at oscar, finally. tall, angular, devil-eyed. the metallic sheen of his piercings danced in the light. he was an unnerving specimen, albeit strangely attractive. “i’m assuming you’re not?” his voice had an airy sense of ease to it. small talk.

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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 20:29:05 GMT
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As they left the tunnel behind, Oscar side eyed his passenger. He noted he didn't introduce himself, but decided to put that aside. Can't expect everyone to be as open as he was in this line of work. If Oscar was being honest, he could probably afford to be more selective with who he shared his name with. 

Oscar looked back to the road, rolling his lollipop back and forth against his cheeks. The elf asked another question, and while Oscar was reluctant he decided to continue the humor him. "Yeah been around a while. You'll get easy jobs like this from time to time, but most jobs have a higher risk.

Oscar adjusted in his seat, his back was starting to ache. It had only been a short while, but with how far they had left to drive Oscar felt like they had already been on the road for ages. He let out a yawn; the darkness mixed with the endless road and no other drives was starting to lure Oscar into a hypnotic state. 

"What brought you to Rocket? I assume it would be for the whole glory and wealth thing higher ranked grunts go on about, but then again everyone has their reasons." He continued the small talk not to get to know the elf, but to keep himself stimulated while he drove. However he could not deny that he was curious. After all, why would someone this radiant want to work with the likes of Team Rocket? 


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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 22:35:25 GMT
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he pondered the risks that his partner might have been referring to — injury, abandonment, death, likely all included. he didn’t feel that he needed to ask. it was, again, strange being on the raw and hazardous level of things. the glosse family had kept such an unreasonably risky handful of clashing alliances that they had ran the fair risk of being assassinated everywhere they went, which is a large part of why so few ever saw or heard of them leaving their estate, at least until maddonis had come to hoenn.

blue eyes took note of the sleepiness in oscar. he’d better stay awake. truth be told, maddonis had never learned to drive. he’d always had a chauffeur, and elsewise he tended to fly everywhere. there was no switching out and letting him drive for a while.

at his question, maddonis quit looking at him and opted to stare out the window, an impish smirk dotting the corner of his lips. “i enjoy the sense of family.” and it was bullshit, heavy with muted sarcasm, but it contained some elusive, self-depricating strain of honesty. rocket would help him avenge his family, rather. heal it. in reality, he didin’t feel close to a single member of rocket themselves.

“what about yourself?” he gave him room to fill the air, prepared to take everything with a grain of salt. “what makes all those risks worth it for oscar?” his eyes were still cast out the window.

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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 5:16:15 GMT
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Oscar raised an eyebrow at the elf's answer. Family? Yeah sure. Air puffed out of Oscar's nose, you know the same sound you make when you see a funny meme or something. If that was actually his reason, the elf was in for a rude awakening. Rocket always had Oscar's back, but they weren't family. If a grunt was in hot water, most of the other grunts would let them drown. Oscar included, if we're being honest here.

Oscar didn't pry further, regardless of if it was his actual reasoning or not he doubted the elf would provide elaboration. It wasn't much his business anyway. The elf returned the question, and Oscar clenched his teeth. He was tempted to make something up, but then again what did Oscar have to hide? He hadbeen open up until this point, no reason to close up now.

"Like I said, wealth and glory." His eyes seemed glazed as he stared into the road, the dark atmosphere outside turning from nostalgic to foreboding as he reflected on his motivations. "I'm a simple man, I want power and money because I was raised without any. Rocket provides a steady flow of both, even if my thirst outreaches what I get." Oscar's hands tightened on the steering wheel, "That thirst gnaws at me, and I do anything I can to quench it. It's that feeling of temporary satisfaction that makes it worth it. Relief from my ambition.

Oscar relaxed and sighed deeply, "Takes forever though not gonna lie. Everything has to be earned, and sometimes the effort I make doesn't always get me far. I just keep at it, I mean I got this far haven't I?" Oscar furrowed his brow, it occurred to him that he might be oversharing. It happens, no one really tries to get to know his motivations or any of that shit. He pulled back, his tone becoming more distant as he blushed ever so slightly.

"I won't bore you with any of that nonsense."

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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 20:50:30 GMT
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maddonis heard the faint snort, and didn’t respond, save for the smallest smirk. in a criminal organization, they both probably knew to trust no one. glosse children had been raised on that mantra. maddonis would let the whole ship go under and the crew with it if it meant saving himself, honestly. he was no hero.

oscar didn’t seem to be holding anything back. maddonis regarded him with a gaze once more, momentarily, before turning back to the window at the mention of the man’s poverty. plights of the poor. maddonis tended to tune those stories out. they seemed self-pitying, weak, from his privileged and narcissistic perspective. as much as he loved money, for some reason, he couldn’t fathom living a life in which his sole mission was acquiring it. again, privilege. money had built maddonis. without it, he wouldn’t have existed.

maddonis didn’t acknowledge oscar’s apology, only leaving a space of silence. then, after a breath or two, “and how far is it that you’ve come?” maddonis was pretty fresh on the team, and they were both sitting in the same boxtruck. he was genuinely curious why that was.

sorry this sucks oof

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POSTED ON Aug 30, 2020 4:04:14 GMT
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Oscar regarded the question with a chortle. It was harsh, as if he were mocking someone. That was not his intention though, rather he was displaying his feelings about his trajectory within the organization. "Well let's put it this way. Once I was in the passenger seat, now I'm driving the truck. Huge leap clearly.

Oscar's tone was sarcastic, but he wasn't exactly wrong. Not just any grunt could be trusted to 'drive the truck'. They needed to be trusted to get to the destination and complete the transaction. Newbies tended to think more about themselves than of Rocket's interests. In the past new recruits were known to take the pokemon they were supposed to transport, so higher ranked grunts were now also assigned to make sure the job got done.

Oscar did not see any honor or prestige in this, instead he felt underutilized. He had worked so hard to rise above the rank of grunt, yet here he was driving a truck to deliver some random pokemon. This was why he wanted to become a Beast so badly, so he didn't have to do basic jobs any more. Yet he had to withhold his frustration. After all, he wouldn't want to sour the experience of the new recruit. 

Oscar made a 'tsk' sound with his mouth, "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll rise quickly. You got that vibe, y'know?" Oscar wasn't sure how far the elf would go to be honest, he just didn't want him to feel discouraged. Oscar exited the highway and got onto the frontage road. "We're close, hold on.

He made a right turn, and the road eventually turned from pavement to dirt. A mile in they would come upon another dingier truck sitting in the middle of the road. Oscar stopped the truck a few feet away, "Wait here. Stay alert just in case." Oscar exited the truck and approached the client, a strange looking old man smoking near the dingier vehicle. The two bantered for a bit, an exchange Oscar partook in just to be polite. He didn't put up with it for long, wanting to get this whole exchange over with. 

The two went to the back of the rocket truck and opened the back, revealing the pokemon Oscar had been transporting. Oscar helped move the cage, bring it in full view of the passenger's seat as he brought it to the man's truck. 

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POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 1:08:17 GMT
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was in the cargo!





female - snow cloak[break]
dazzling gleam / aurora veil / ice beam[break]extrasensory / disable / freeze-dry

WITHIN THE CARGO, a beautifully bred alolan ninetales awaits its fate. her palette is unmistakably different. a shiny pokemon like this will fetch a high price in the black market.[break][break]


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POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 2:35:00 GMT
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maddonis gave the smallest smirk at oscar’s response. he enjoyed sarcasm; relished in it even. at the same time, his story sewed a small seed of self-doubt, and he hoped he would make it further than the rank of truck driver before long.

when the devilish oscar praised his vibe, maddonis couldn’t help his glow. big blue eyes stared at the other man for a moment, pensive, unable to hide the softest smile. his ego bloomed beneath it, turned on.

maddonis didn’t have a chance to say much else before they arrived. he watched oscar talk, momentarily attracted, until his attention was caught by the pokémon contained in the cage. his infatuation quickly shifted. she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. and what was this? his heart... it sunk. such beauty didn’t belong in such an environment. she deserved the world. she deserved him.

he opened the door and stepped out in a graceful movement. making his way over, his eyes never left the fox. she was like a goddess of sorts. the grandness of her beauty only grew as he got closer.

”i’ll buy her. it’ll save us transportation.” he said, not having paid attention to their conversation. he looked at oscar. “from whomever i must.” rocket. “i’ll beat anyone’s offer.” he looked at her, and somewhere in his icy heart, a sense of warmth, however misguided, welled in him. it hurt. “she doesn’t deserve this. she’s too beautiful.”

he couldn’t see any reason why rocket would turn down such an offer. he wasn’t there to make money like oscar, and he didn’t mind if he spent the equivalent of the next year’s worth of earnings with rocket. he had other income. money was no object for a glosse.

his manicured fingers slid along the bars, uncharacteristically careless of the grime. he was lost in her eyes.

attempting to catch (buy?) shiny alolan ninetails

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POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 4:46:24 GMT
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was caught!





female - snow cloak[break]
dazzling gleam / aurora veil / ice beam[break]extrasensory / disable / freeze-dry

MADDONIS IS ABLE TO PURCHASE their cargo, a shiny alolan ninetales. as a note, this does not consume a pokeball.[break][break]


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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 0:54:49 GMT
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When the elf boy got out of the car, Oscar's eyes narrowed. His heart momentarily quickened, did the elf notice something he didn't? Oscar spoke his concern out loud, "What's up did you see some-

The boy interrupted him, claiming that he wanted to buy the cargo. Oscar's expression grew irritated, that's what he burst out here for? "You've got to be kidding me, there's no way you could-" Interrupted again, a flash of rage appearing over Oscar's face until he registered what elf boy said. Oscar's expression quickly turned perplexed, any offer hm? Very interesting.

The boy seemed fixated on the ninetails, and the ninetails seemed infatuated with him. It did nothing to soften Oscar's heart or anything, but it gave him the impression the boy was serious. Oscar sighed deeply, "Yeah alright, if you can beat this guy's bid it's yours."

Oscar's customer, baffled at the event unfolding before him, babbled incoherently in enraged protest. With mild roughness, Oscar swung his arm around the man's shoulders and pulled him aside. There was a lot of whispering, though it was mostly Oscar just filling the man in on a special shipment coming in the very next week. He'd be able to get the good before anyone else thanks to Oscar's tips.

The man huffed, but he seemed placated. The man got into his truck and drove past the duo without further incident. Oscar looked to the boy, his eyes leering as if deciding something. His choice was made quickly, his expression softening into a smile. "You're lucky I'm the rank I am, you'd probably be fired for pulling something like that by anyone higher." Oscar walked past the boy, "Go ahead and get it into a ball and hop in. I'll drive us back." Oscar opened the drivers side door, stopping before entering the truck.

"After your payment of course." He grinned climbed into his seat. 

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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 10:31:45 GMT
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maddonis was too entranced with the ninetails to notice the smoke coming out of oscar’s ears. time was passing differently for the two. his fingers, previously sliding down the bars, carefully, daringly, reached in. his delicate hand went to rest on the fox’s snout, and she didn’t move to pull away. her rose-colored eyes peered back at him trustingly.

there were raised voices, and oscar de-escalating somewhere in his peripheral vision. then, the gruffer man got into his truck. the slamming of the door startled maddonis out of his stupor. he looked around, seeming momentarily disoriented. once he realized he was getting his way, he beamed at oscar widely.

“thank you.” it was a once in a blue moon occurrence, true gratefulness.

maddonis turned to release the door of the cage, taking for granted that the previously distressed, extremely expensive pokemon wouldn’t simply bolt past him. perhaps an even greater testament to his luck, the fox gracefully vacated her container and sat at maddonis’ heel, as though she were exactly where she belonged. maddonis, for whatever foolish reason, did not seem surprised.

“i’ll buy you drinks and krabby legs.” he assured him appreciatively, as though the occasion suddenly called for celebration. it was presumptuous, but, clearly, maddonis was used to getting what he wanted.

the blonde reached in his pocket and casually fished out an obscenely fat wad of cash, held together by a silver clip that was studded with precious jewels. he counted, his fingers moving with expertise against the edges of the paper until he pulled out the appropriate amount; still an impressive stack. he handed it over nonchalantly, and began walking to their vehicle. the ninetails followed him with bewildering loyalty.

“oh, can she ride up front with us, oscar?” blue eyes looked up at him pleadingly, an uncharacteristic sweetness to them. there was hardly room.


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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2020 4:44:15 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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