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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 16:36:33 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

he laughs again, flashing a grin.

"oh, you can't? my bad."

[break][break] flynn's going to regret this in the morning. or he won't. fuck, who knows anymore? he reaches for another shot glass, downing at least two more. the alcohol makes him warm and heated — or maybe it's the fact that is eerily close, whispering things like balls in his ears.

[break][break] "right," he says, handing the pokeball to him. "i'm an officer of the law. i can't be doing illegal things." a pause, before he catches the other man's eyes meaningfully. "most of the time, anyway."


[break] +10 BP EARNED
[break][break] TOTAL: 395


[break] nBZ74GpB


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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 16:15:40 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

flynn laughs.

[break][break] it's a low rumbling sound as he downs yet another few shotglasses. he watches with a bemused expression as the other sniffs his pits, looking oddly like a zarude in that moment. flynn isn't sure what possesses him but when the other seems to have issues reaching for his capsule, flynn leans forward to assist. their fingers brush as he helps the other man to not drop his gardevoir's pokeball.

[break][break] "you sure you won't accidentally teleport, like, half your body?"


[break] +5 BP EARNED
[break][break] TOTAL: 302

[break] tlU|Y9IE


[newclass=.samcam] --accent:#469c6a [/newclass]
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[newclass=.samcam a]width:440px; text-align:right; font:9px 'Roboto'!important; letter-spacing:1px;[/newclass]

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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 15:50:58 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

officer hot stuff. hm.

[break][break] it's not the first time that he's been called that, but still the feeling lingers. flynn looks down at the man as he scrambles up, and leans just back enough so that he isn't headbutt in the face. "sounds about right," he says, glancing down at the other patron. sure enough, "stan" is dozing peacefully on the bar table, a collection of emptied shot glasses around him.

[break][break] flynn's expression is bemused as he looks at . "you look a little worse for wear, though."


[break] +5 BP EARNED



[newclass=.samcam] --accent:#469c6a [/newclass]
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[newclass=.samcam a]width:440px; text-align:right; font:9px 'Roboto'!important; letter-spacing:1px;[/newclass]

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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 13:43:57 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

flynn's not a social person by any means, but he's never been the one to turn down a bottle of beer. it's what has him wandering into the bar in the first place, his previous match partner offering to buy him a drink. but strangely, they disappear into the masses of people taking shots not even seconds later... not that flynn minds. he would much rather prefer to drink alone.

[break][break] it's a few seconds later that he notices get into an altercation with someone. one that flynn almost is forced to separate, but it seems like both men are able to get their bearings and make up.

[break][break] flynn walks over anyway, clasping the man on the shoulder. "rough night?" he asks.

[break][break] the five drinks flynn had ingested were maybe making him feel a little friendlier than usual...

[break][break] P5MBSS4e


[break] +5 BP EARNED



[newclass=.samcam] --accent:#469c6a [/newclass]
[newclass=.samcam b] color: var(--accent); font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: var(--accent); font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.samcam a]width:440px; text-align:right; font:9px 'Roboto'!important; letter-spacing:1px;[/newclass]

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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
lilycove police
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i am the shadow driving the hearse
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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 13:36:08 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar


      FLYNN VS. KYLE +15BP

      7L / 210 BP


              [/a] +30BP

                  [/a] +5BP
                  + INFLICT OR SUSTAIN A FREEZE +5BP
                  + BATTLE ROYALE +5BP
                  + INFLICT OR SUSTAIN A BURN +5BP


                  TOTAL 280 BP

                  [newclass=".flynn"]--accent:#24b568 } .flynn a, .flynn b { font:bold 12px Poppins!important; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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                  March 23
                  Mistralton City, Unova
                  lilycove police
                  ALETHEA IVANOVA
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                  i am the shadow driving the hearse
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                  TAG WITH @flynn
                  kris flynn-edwards
                  flynn vs. sam [ H✩T ]
                  POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 13:30:19 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar

                  so, this guy was into some philosophical shit.

                  [break][break] flynn wasn't sure if he agreed with the fact that all of them were trainers. in fact, he could probably think of a few people that weren't worthy of the title.

                  [break][break] his gaze shifts to the scoreboard, where directs his attention. surely enough, the man's name does display his rather unfortunate amount of wins and losses. "well," flynn says. "least you got one more from me."

                  [break][break] flynn's name himself was not a particularly impressive number either. then again, flynn had also not entered in many battles — just the bare minimum the precinct demanded as participation, and enough to get some exercise for his pokemon. caretaker, huh?

                  [break][break] officer edwards! a voice comes crackling in from his speaker, one that flynn vaguely recognizes one of his fellow detectives. "ah — gotta take this. see ya later, dude." with a slight wave of his hand, the brunette walks briskly down one end of the beach, muttering something into his communication device.

                  [break][break] duty calls.

                  I ♡ WIZZ

                  [newclass=.samcam] --accent:#469c6a [/newclass]
                  [newclass=.samcam b] color: var(--accent); font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: var(--accent); font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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                  [newclass=.samcam table]font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; line-height: 10px; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -25px;[/newclass]
                  [newclass=.samcam a]width:440px; text-align:right; font:9px 'Roboto'!important; letter-spacing:1px;[/newclass]

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                  March 23
                  Mistralton City, Unova
                  lilycove police
                  ALETHEA IVANOVA
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                  i am the shadow driving the hearse
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                  TAG WITH @flynn
                  kris flynn-edwards
                  ocean eyes [s]
                  POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 6:17:04 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar
                  [newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




                  [attr="class","tags"]burning cities & napalm skies


                  [attr="class","textbox"] he reaches for one of the soda cans on the table, cracking it open with a pleasant hiss. the bubbles burn in his throat — not quite like alcohol, but satisfying nevertheless. he has the metal to his lips when he hears her speak again, and he looks at her.

                  [break][break] "you don't have to," he says. it's not like flynn's a sociable person but... he's not the type of person to kick someone on their ass either — especially with someone who obviously needs help like her.

                  [break][break] he's not a fucking cyclepath.

                  [break][break] "i mean — i got an empty room. might as well use it." he shrugs. "unless you feel weird about it. i can help you find a different place, if you want."

                  [break][break] he glances down as he notices blue pad up around the sofa and closer to him. she places her head on his knee, and he scratches it absently. "but... i could use the company," he says after a while. "just been me and blue for the longest."

                  [break][break] he didn't want to admit it but... flynn liked taking care of others. he'd enjoyed taking care of thea and noah... until he couldn't. the bitter feeling that rises in his throat feels like bile, and he takes another sip of the soda to try and forget about it.




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                  March 23
                  Mistralton City, Unova
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                  ALETHEA IVANOVA
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                  TAG WITH @flynn
                  kris flynn-edwards
                  ocean eyes [s]
                  POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 5:52:22 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar
                  [newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




                  [attr="class","tags"]burning cities & napalm skies


                  [attr="class","textbox"] flynn doesn't mention it, but this is one of his favorite times — unwinding after a rough day. he likes the quiet that it brings, the gentle static of the television as it crackles in the background. it isn't the best tv by any means, but it's comfortable. he knows how it works. knows how to fix it when it bugs out, knows how to rewire it if he needs to. he doesn't need anything big or fancy. he just needs...

                  [break][break] stability.

                  [break][break] the thank you surprises him and makes him uncomfortable at the same time. he shrugs his shoulders. "it's nothing." because it isn't — not really anyway. he didn't do anything special. he brings the noodles to his mouth once more and pokes around to find a piece of chicken.

                  [break][break] in the background, the commentator speak of two contendors who are locked in 'deadly' battle:

                  [break][break] "snubbles and cookie go head to head! who will win? oh, look, fluffy is running up to the fight — "

                  [break][break] it's stupid, but funny. flynn snickers, despite himself.




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                  TAG WITH @flynn
                  kris flynn-edwards
                  ocean eyes [s]
                  POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 5:33:01 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar
                  [newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




                  [attr="class","tags"]burning cities & napalm skies


                  [attr="class","textbox"] he's leaning over, halfway about to grab his own cup of noodles, when she speaks again. he blinks. "uh, kay. one sec." he places the chopsticks down and instead reaches for the plastic container that holds the wontop soup. "actually, one more second. this is kind of hot."

                  [break][break] flynn stands up from the sofa again and head over to the kitchen. there's a bit of cling-clang as he shuffles around for a small bowl, as well as a soup spoon. the one that he chooses is light purple with tiny mightyena engraved in the edges. the paint is chipping, but otherwise in good condition.

                  [break][break] he pours the soup into the bowl and then gingerly places it in her lap, paying close attention to make sure she can hold it properly before handing it over. "careful," he warns. "it's hot."

                  [break][break] flynn walks over to the same spot on the sofa again, this top grabbing his noodles and scooping them ravenously down. he settles on the pokemon planet channel — watching the way small poochyena and shinx run across the screen.

                  [break][break] the words puppy bowl flash across the screen, as the commentator gives adorable names to the various puppies. one of them is named "kibbles".





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                  [newclass=".shadowfall .textbox span"]text-transform:uppercase!important; font:bold 12px poppins;[/newclass]

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                  March 23
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                  ALETHEA IVANOVA
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                  i am the shadow driving the hearse
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                  TAG WITH @flynn
                  kris flynn-edwards
                  ocean eyes [s]
                  POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 5:07:02 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar
                  [newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




                  [attr="class","tags"]burning cities & napalm skies


                  [attr="class","textbox"] well, fuck. if she could do it herself to begin with, why'd she even ask for herself?

                  [break][break] fuck it. flynn doesn't understand women. he didn't understand his mother for still getting back with his deadbeat father. he didn't understand thea for leaving him. and he doesn't understand and her confusing, if sometimes conflicting, words.

                  [break][break] either way, he hands the fork over to here. "if there's anything else you want, lemme know. there's noodles, rice, soup, and some shrimp dish too."

                  [break][break] he leans back in the sofa, flicking his way through the channels. "anything you like watching?"





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                  [newclass=".shadowfall .textbox span"]text-transform:uppercase!important; font:bold 12px poppins;[/newclass]

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                  March 23
                  Mistralton City, Unova
                  lilycove police
                  ALETHEA IVANOVA
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                  i am the shadow driving the hearse
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                  TAG WITH @flynn
                  kris flynn-edwards
                  flynn vs. sam [ H✩T ]
                  POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 20:04:37 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar

                  when the other offers him a handshake, flynn accepts. would find that the policeman's grip is firm and sure, as it clasps around the others.

                  [break][break] "thanks," he says, with a shrug. "maybe next time i'll have you face off against blue. she's my partner." his gaze flickers over to the mightyena at his side, who barks at sam. her tail sweeps behind her in a friendly wag. "though, she's not the best at teamwork." ironic, likely, considering what he just said.

                  [break][break] flynn folds his arms. "so, you a trainer? going for the top tier?"


                  I ♡ WIZZ

                  [newclass=.samcam] --accent:#469c6a [/newclass]
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                  March 23
                  Mistralton City, Unova
                  lilycove police
                  ALETHEA IVANOVA
                  37 height
                  37 height
                  i am the shadow driving the hearse
                  233 posts
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                  TAG WITH @flynn
                  kris flynn-edwards
                  ocean eyes [s]
                  POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:57:12 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar
                  [newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




                  [attr="class","tags"]burning cities & napalm skies


                  [attr="class","textbox"] insufferable.

                  [break][break] flynn can't help it, he huffs a laugh. the sound is short and airy — an exale of air. "not the first time i've been told that." there's something that softens in his expression as he sits next to , the sofa creaking gently as his weight is put onto it.

                  [break][break] "sure." his teal-colored gaze shifts over to the platter of food, wondering which she would like to eat. the memory is brief — a sense of deja vu overwhelms him, as he's reminded of his mother in the hospital. him, heartbroken and distressed, unable to know how to make her feel better.

                  [break][break] it's the same here too — he doesn't know how to make emma feel better either.

                  [break][break] "how 'bout some dumplings?" he grabs a fork and drives it into the dumpling, dipping it slightly in some soy sauce before letting it hover in front of her face. "say aaah."




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                  [newclass=".shadowfall .textbox span"]text-transform:uppercase!important; font:bold 12px poppins;[/newclass]

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                  March 23
                  Mistralton City, Unova
                  lilycove police
                  ALETHEA IVANOVA
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                  i am the shadow driving the hearse
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                  kris flynn-edwards
                  icarus, you're flying so close
                  POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:49:40 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar


                  [break][break] flynn blinks, then barks a laugh. "fuck no."

                  [break][break] he stands up a bit straighter, rubbing his arm. somehow, something about being in the doctor's office make the pain feel less.

                  [break][break] despite his words, however, the man seems thoughtful. "well. what's she like?" then, there is a glimmer of something mischievous:

                  [break][break] "what'd you do to piss her off now?"

                  [attr="class","ooc"] [break]

                  [attr="class","pkspr pkmn-mightyena"]

                  [newclass=".karma"]--accent:#32a852; [/newclass]

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                  [newclass=".karma .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]
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                  March 23
                  Mistralton City, Unova
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                  ALETHEA IVANOVA
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                  TAG WITH @flynn
                  kris flynn-edwards
                  rainy days [s]
                  POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:46:30 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar

                  "i don't."

                  [break][break] a lie.

                  [break][break] "just seems like it'd be annoying if you died."

                  [break][break] not a lie.

                  [break][break] flynn moves around the kitchen, the aroma of seasoned meat and deliciousness rising in the air. his stomach grumbles — he'd forgotten to eat breakfast that morning, having just stepped off a night shift at the precinct.

                  [break][break] he turns the stove off, the meat cooked through. he then pulls out a tortilla wrap with one hand, splaying it against the wooden surface of the cutting board. gingerly, he places the meat along the wrap, sprinkling the mango salsa and then folds it. unlike everything else flynn seems to do, the movement is careful — gentle, almost.

                  [break][break] he gestures. "alright, you can try it now."




                  [newclass=".flynn"]--accent:#42a85f; position:relative; [/newclass]
                  [newclass=".flynnsq"]width:30px; height:30px; background:var(--accent); position:absolute; right:0px; bottom:0px; clip-path: polygon(100% 0, 0% 100%, 100% 100%);[/newclass]
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                  [newclass=".flynn .tag"] border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; margin-top:25px; text-align:center;[/newclass]
                  [newclass=".flynn a"] font:bold 12px poppins; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]

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                  March 23
                  Mistralton City, Unova
                  lilycove police
                  ALETHEA IVANOVA
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                  i am the shadow driving the hearse
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                  TAG WITH @flynn
                  kris flynn-edwards
                  paintball madness [H✩T]
                  POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 20:28:05 GMT
                  kris flynn-edwards Avatar

                  [attr="class","tags"]battle royale: paint ball ver.

                  [attr="class","textbox"] Ha!

                  [break][break] There's almost something like a grin on Flynn's face as he watches the other man duck — or rather, be squished down and saved by his pokemon. Either way, his own shots miss narrowly, but it wasn't because of his bad aim.

                  [break][break] His CO would've had a field day with that.

                  [break][break] Flynn turns. Now that the brunette seems to have his hand full with — at the corner of his eye he notices some sobbing girls in the stands — he looks around for his next opponent.

                  [break][break] It was time for revenge.

                  [break][break] He finds a group of rocks, clawing his way to the top. There. Bulls-eye.

                  [break][break] "You're a captain, aren't ya?" Hand on a nearby rock, his voice hollers over the chaos of the afternoon, eyes pinning on the blond that is . Being stationed in Lilycove himself, there were plenty of the opportunities for him to know about the infamous sea captain. Even if they'd never actually met personally. "Time for a swim. Crush, get 'em!"

                  [break][break] The Cloyster glows with light just as a WHIRLPOOL bubbles and forms beneath the blond's feet. Arm raised, he looks for an opening and aims his gun. BAM BAM BAM!




                  [attr="class","pkmninfo"] crush the cloyster | ability shell armor[break]
                  icicle crash, whirlpool, toxic spikes, [break] protect, supersonic, hydro pump

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                  The Shula Region
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                  RPG Unlimited
                  The Enroi Region
                  Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
                  EO GENESIS
                  Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
                  Swords Clashing