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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
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Bo Locke
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 17:38:29 GMT
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Bo had caught wind of the swarm near Verdanturf Town and found a way to stop by between work assignments. She hadn't seen Musharna before and their appearance immediately distracted her.

The little things were real different than the kind of pokemon she was used to. She sidled around one of the sleeping creatures to get a better look. She was here to help clear things up -- it seemed like a few others were too. But she couldn't help but peer at the odd pokemon. Man, these things were weird.


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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
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Bo Locke
Sheepless in Seattle [Safari]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 0:28:20 GMT
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Bellamy | ♂ | Insomnia |  Peck, Wing Attack, Feint Attack, Astonish, Night slash, Dark pulse

Bo whistled sharply at her murkrow and the pokemon finally pulled his attention away from all the fish. "C'mon or I'm leaving you behind!" She shuffled away from the water, trying to look like she meant business so he would follow. But she only managed to round a bush before she was face to face with a mareep.

She couldn't help herself, the sheep reminded her of home. She clicked her tongue softly at the Pokemon to get it's attention and tossed out some poke snacks she'd had in her pocket. "Want to be friends little guy?"

Tag >> capture attempt
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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
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Bo Locke
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 0:16:50 GMT
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"Thanks," She said, accepting the napkins from . She could feel her cheeks burn ever so slightly and she finished cleaning up. She wished something might happen that would take everyone's attention off what'd just happened. "Well, looks like you might drink me under the table, friend." Despite her words, her smile had a bit of a challenge in it.

Fortunately Mint didn't seem to press. He seemed eagerly distracted by his horoscope and Bo was grateful for that at least. She thought about flagging the bartender down just as Dr Holo spoke again. Her attention trailed outside - watching the glints of falling Minior. And then Mint invited everyone outside.

Maybe her wish had been heard.

She nodded "I bet he might!" Bo waved the bartender over and readied herself to follow Mint. "I've never seen something like that before. I say we go!" Bo hadn't been off the farm much until she was grown. And, until recently, she was too broke to do things like this. An eager smile had plastered itself across her face - like a kid at a candy shop.

TLDR >> Bo flagged down the bartender so they can bring alcohol out to the Minior shower and is ready to go with Mint. , ,
OUTFIT >> This but ginger

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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
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Bo Locke
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 17:11:03 GMT
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The blue-haired man agreed to the company and Bo downed the shot without a second thought. It was always nicer to drink together than alone -- not that she was much of a drinker. ”Come here often?” She laughed at the man’s question. ”Do I fit in that well?” She motioned to the bartender for another.

Her attention was drawn towards the commotion as her new friend pointed towards the argument. ”I think you must be right.” She said distractedly -- her attention stuck to the group. Had she just seen blood? She must have been mistaken. But then someone crumpled into themselves and another was yelling for security.

"This feels like a soap opera, don’t you think?" She nodded and absent-mindedly lifted the shot that had appeared in front of her without her noticing. "Huh, yeah I'd say so." she mumbled into the shot. Her senses slowly came back to her and she downed the drink as a couple approached the bar and her new friend.

Bo cleared her throat as her friend introduced her to the couple. "Oh, sorry, I'm Bo. S'nice to meet you." She glanced toward the couple and panic spiked through her very existence. For a brief moment she mistook 's soft demeanor and pink hair for _

She fumbled the shot glass, dropping it onto the bar, and realized this was not Avery -- the woman she’d disappeared on years ago. ”Woops, haha,” She hastily set the shot glass upright. ”Butter fingers -- or drunk fingers maybe.” She laughed again - hoping desperately that she wasn’t coming across as awkward as she felt. ”Are things always so lively around these parts?” Bo quirked, glancing back towards all the commotion as someone hoisted a boy onto his shoulder and fled.

TLDR >> Bo's drama spectating. She introduces herself to the group and almost has a heart attack. , ,
OUTFIT >> This but ginger
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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
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Bo Locke
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2021 1:52:18 GMT
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Bo couldn’t help but feel like she had missed something. She was a little late -- things got a bit out of hand with work. Sometimes she wondered how anyone could ever get things done with the number of times she had fix up the same equipment. Fortunately, she had already picked up her suit so it had just been a matter of cleaning the day's grime off and getting dressed.

It only took a few minutes inside before her jacket was off and her sleeves were rolled up. The suit she had was nice but a lot stuffier and more constricting than she was used to. Eventually she found herself shuttered into a corner, overwhelmed by the amount of people and all the activities and yet unsuccessfully trying to stifle a small yawn. Maybe the work day had taken more out of her than she thought. Or maybe being around all the hustle and bustle was already wearing her out. She knew there'd be a lot of people but with everyone swarming all over the place -- things just felt so busy.

But, even with all the interesting characters around, she could only people-watch for so long. Her eyes drifted towards the bar. She wondered if they would have anything other than champagne or wine. Surely they would, right?

There was only one way she was going to find out. She tightened her rolled sleeves so they would stay cuffed and slung her jacket over her shoulder before crossing the sea of people. She cozied up to the bar, spotting a guy with a shot in his hand. "Ah, good, looks like they do have more than just champagne here." She flagged down the bar tender. "Can I git the same as him?" she nodded towards . The bartender whipped up a shot and slapped it down in front of Bo. "Want a drinking buddy?" She lifted her shot glass towards the man.

TLDR >> Bo's got a shot and offering to drink with Mint
OUTFIT >> This but ginger
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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
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Bo Locke
Sheepless in Seattle [Safari]
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 17:50:40 GMT
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Bellamy | ♂ | Insomnia |  Peck, Wing Attack, Feint Attack, Astonish, Night slash, Dark pulse

A loud, flat squawk made Bo shrink away from her partner - who had been gliding next to her head until something shiny in a nearby pond caught his attention. He rushed to the surface of the water, flapping haphazardly to try and maintain his position just above the surface.

"Bell," Bo trodded to the eater's edge, "what the heck are you doing?" She lifted one hand to shield her eyes from the sun and planted the other firmly on her hip. "Bell!"

Bellamy did not care. He was busy eyeing the thing -- or things he could see glinting just under the water. Of course, those things happened to be a school of fish pokemon. Each movement they made held Bellamy's interest longer and longer. He hovered for what felt like forever - Bo trying her best to waive him down the entire time - until he couldn't hold himself back anymore and he slapped at one of the fish pokemon with a wing attack. Surprisingly his attack landed and sent a Finneon flying out of the water.

The Pokemon responded mid-flight, its mouth starting to glow as it gaped open in Bellamy's direction.

"Oh lord." Bo sighed. Well, she supposed she could catch the thing before it knocked out Bellamy. She launched a pokeball at the flying fish.

Tag >> capture attempt
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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
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Bo Locke
Sheepless in Seattle [Safari]
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 1:40:39 GMT
Bo Locke Avatar

Bellamy | ♂ | Insomnia |  Peck, Wing Attack, Feint Attack, Astonish, Night slash, Dark pulse

Bo couldn't help the little pang of guilt she felt over spending money to get into the Safari zone. It was money she could have sent home and this was time she could have used to visit home. She hadn't been home in so long, though. She didn't know how to be there any more. Could she really call it home?

Bellamy crowed at her, bringing her attention back to the task at hand: they were supposed to be enjoying their day out.

Bo nodded. "Alright, let's find some new friends then." She motioned her partner forward. She put on a crooked smile and the pair ventured into the Safari. Maybe the guilt would work itself out.

Tag >> hunting for them pkmns

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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
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Bo Locke
[m] dear cod
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 0:43:09 GMT
Bo Locke Avatar

Bellamy | ♂ | Insomnia |  Peck, Wing Attack, Feint Attack, Astonish, Night slash, Dark pulse

"Ah, yeah," Bo tucked the dirty rag into her back pocket and shifted her rod into her hands. "I heard something might be scaring the fish around here. I'd hoped what ever it was had passed by now." She cast her line, trying to get a good distance on it. "You look pretty skillful, so I'd bet it's the lack of fish." She wondered if they would have any luck coaxing anything to the surface with whatever-it-was swimming around.

"Whatcha think it is? Maybe we could catch it instead." she eyed the surface of the water suspiciously before returning her attention to her new friend -- whose name she realized she hadn't bothered to ask. "Er, also, I'm Bo. S'nice to meet ya."

Tag >> @kenzie

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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
Equipment Technician
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Bo Locke
[m] dear cod
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2021 2:51:46 GMT
Bo Locke Avatar

Bellamy | ♂ | Insomnia |  Peck, Wing Attack, Feint Attack, Astonish, Night slash, Dark pulse

It'd been a long day already. Most of her days felt long lately -- and not in the good way like it was back home on the farm. She shuffled along the dock, wiping her oily hands with an old rag while she balanced an old rod in the crook of her arm.

Bell hopped happily after her - straying here and there but never too far from his partner. The murkrow busied himself searching for the shiniest pebbles he could find nestled in hidden nooks and crannies as Bo made her way further down the dock.

"Oh, hey," she called out to a woman who had already taken perch along the dock. She hastily wiped at her face with the rag - managing to smear the dirt and oil that was there but not really cleaning her face the way she'd hoped. "Mind if I join?" she quirked at the woman as she drew closer.

She hesitated slightly as she waited for a response but her manners had dulled over the course of her day and she ultimately continued until she was next to the woman. "Any luck?" she added as she motioned towards the woman's rod.

Tag >> @kenzie
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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
Equipment Technician
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Bo Locke
Free Ridin' [SW]
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2021 2:05:11 GMT
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Burke | ♂ | Stamina | Eartquake, High Horsepower, Heavy Slam, Counter, Iron Defense, Super Power

It had been too long since she had free time with her old friend and he let her know with a snort and aggressive shake of his mane.

"I know." she assured him. And she did. She hoisted herself onto the horse pokemon and patted his neck. She ignored the pit of guilt that had settled deep in her stomach. The machines she worked on didn't exactly leave room for a mudsdale to lumber about. "Let's take advantage, then." She grasped his mane and spurred him on.

With that, the pair barreled down the route.

Tldr >> solowild

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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
Equipment Technician
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Bo Locke
Bo's PC
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2021 6:21:10 GMT
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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
Equipment Technician
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I'm not the kind that uses pencil or rule
23 posts
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Bo Locke
Locke, Bo
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2021 5:08:35 GMT
Bo Locke Avatar

[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x



namebo locke
agetwenty two
played bykitt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM brigitte lindholm, overwatch

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



t i n k e r
“mom’s watch isn’t working.” your seven-year old sister mumbles as she jabs her fork at her breakfast. “i wound it up, like you said.” you can hear a twinge in her voice. “but it’s not working.” you glance at her - ready to gently dismiss the old watch as a relic of someone who’d been gone almost five years - but you realize that your sister’s on the edge of tears.[break][break]

“oh, tilly,” you set down the pan you had been washing. “maybe dad can fix it.” you cross the kitchen and wrap her up in the biggest hug you can manage -- but dad works the farm until the sun’s been long gone and he has barely enough energy to shuffle blankly through the house to his bed room. you know (and tilly knows) that dad won’t find the time to look at the little silver watch. still, tilly sniffles a tiny “yeah, maybe” against your hug.
you hunt for the little kit of tools - the ones you’re sure aren’t really meant to fix a watch but you think are small enough that they should do. you can’t fix the sorrow that makes the air too heavy, and the corners of the rooms too dark, and the layers of dust too thick - but maybe you can fix this. so, for the next month, from the time tilly’s gone to sleep until dad shuffles past on his way to bed, you delicately turn this and twist that until you hear the faintest tick start again. it’s softer than it had been - a slightly-off-time click that you spend several more hours trying to fix. but you can’t.
you can feel the guilt settle deep in your stomach as you quietly slide the watch back onto your sister’s night stand. it’s not the same as it had been. you don’t know enough to restore it properly and you don’t have enough to bring it to someone who would -- but maybe it is fitting because none of you are the same as you had been either.

f i x i t
“bo?” your name is half grunted as tilly tugs at the thick shed door. the door lurches open with each tug until the corner digs too deeply into the ground and your sister is left to squirm herself through the gap.
“tilly?” you reply -- distracted as you methodically run a sharpening stone across a pair of mareep shears.
“bo, the hitch broke again.” ten-year-old tilly announces as she marches over. “and the door’s stuck.”
“a’right,” you set down the shears and give her a gentle smile. “help me carry the tools.”
you’ve gotten used to the weight of the tool bag -- of your tool bag. it doesn’t swing from side to side and knock you off balance like it used to and you’re comfortable enough with your tools that, according to tilly, you look like a ‘certified fixer-upper’.
you and tilly yank the plow back from the mound of freshly milled dirt and you get to work on the hitch. tilly, of course, sticks around to ‘help’. she gradually shifts from holding this tool or that part to using a long piece of grass to tickle burke, the young mudbray who had been grazing until tilly’s piece of grass found its way up his nose.
you laugh to yourself and continue working as burke and tilly play.
you sigh, finally cranking the bolt until it’s tight enough to hold the hitch in the proper place. “tilly,” you motion her over and toss the wrench into your tool bag, “let’s get some lunch and then we’ll finish with the field.” it’ll be a late lunch -- which means you probably won't get back out there to finish the field, but tilly’s gone red from being in the sun too long.
you’ve got some things you could take care of in the house anyways: the kitchen faucet’s been dripping, a few doors keep getting stuck shut, and that loose floorboard in the hallway is just waiting to trip someone. you have the rest of the week to get the fields done and dad should be back tomorrow too. you successfully convince yourself to leave the fieldwork for tomorrow while you’re making tilly’s lunch.

s t a l l o u t
tilly looks so much like mom. you’re ashamed of it but you can’t stop yourself from wondering if that has anything to do with dad’s uncanny ability to avoid her. it’s been ten years since mom left and you can’t remember a single time dad has cared for tilly. it made sense at first — you were old enough to care for the house and tilly well enough and dad needed to care for the farm. but that had turned into years of caring for tilly and the house.
you’ve ignored it all this time. or maybe it’s never really occurred to you until now. whichever it is, you can feel it all boiling to the surface as this thin little woman presses her lips into a forced smile and repeats: “it’s lovely to meet you both.” dad smiles proudly next to her. you can only assume this is the woman he has mentioned a few times before.
you look to dad for some sort of answer but there isn’t anything he could say that would quiet the sound of your blood rushing through your ears - like a train railing against its tracks. you look from dad to tilly, expecting her to be in just as much distress. instead, you’re met with an eager smile. you can hear tilly burst into an excited chatter but, despite her standing right next to you, you can’t really make out what she’s saying.
you rush past dad and the thin woman as they shuffle further inside and run until your lungs are on fire and your legs ache.
you can’t bring yourself to spend much time around the house after that night. the thin woman doesn't seem bothered to put you out. as her presence grows around the farm, yours shrinks until it becomes impossible to avoid her. tilly thinks you're being dramatic. she thinks the woman's not so bad and that you should give her a chance. you don't know how to explain your own feelings and you don't understand how this woman, with so little effort, has won over tilly. instead of giving her a chance, you decide to leave the rickety little farm.

s p a r k
you've been gone a while - on the road and barely making ends meet doing handy work. you and tilly still talk from time to time. one day she tells you that they're going to lose the farm. dad's health isn't good and he can't keep up like he used to. you start sending what little money you have back home but it's never enough. you have to find a way to do more.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP