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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
Pseudonym [m]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 18:11:44 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


"Me?" Seraphine almost laughed at the suggestion, but then paused. She had lamented the lack of help when she had hung all of Rouge’s newest collection of abstract paintings up by herself recently. Galerie Mirage was well cared for, but it took up a tremendous amount of Seraphine’s time to do so; if she hired a permanent employee, she’d be able to dedicate that much more time to her artwork. Paying an occasional cleaning crew was one thing, but someone to act as her personal, well, laborer would be quite convenient indeed. He would make for good protection, too, should anyone threaten my business, she mused, sizing him up in an entirely new way.[break][break]
”Well,” She started, tapping her notepad thoughtfully with the capped pen. ”I actually could use some help around here. My Pokemon can only do so much. How are you with building maintenance, appliance repairs, plumbing, yard work, and, of course, hanging paintings?” She smiled somewhat deviously, figuring the rather cocky criminal was more likely than not to boast about his prowess in all of these areas.[break][break]
I would like to keep my eye on this one, she found herself thinking.


+ Mission: Vying for Attention[break]
+ Seraphine's Outfit[break]

original template by GUNSMILE

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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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Seraphine D’aureville
Pseudonym [m]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 16:08:32 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


Bishop's verbal dismissal said one thing, but his body language said entirely another. As he sprawled out languidly on Seraphine's studio couch, legs wide, grin wolfish, he did not look like a man who considered himself unimportant. He might be on the run, but he doesn't regret the life he's lived, she recognized as he described his situation. She had met her fair share of arrogant, hot-headed men throughout her life thus far, but she had to admit that there was something undeniably attractive about the way this particular man was gazing at her. To further emphasize this observation, when he said her name out loud, a small shiver traveled up Seraphine's spine - his pronunciation was perfect, despite his otherwise crude manner of speech, and he seemed to genuinely enjoy the sound of it, as if it were a fine wine to be properly savored.[break][break]
She felt compelled to smile back at him with an equal measure of seductive confidence. "I can do all of that and more," she intoned suggestively, picking up the notepad and a blue pen and sauntering over to lean her back against the work table, facing him. "So what will it be, then? I've made men such as yourself into hotel managers, bar owners, and club bouncers, to name a few. If you fancy something more sophisticated, we can transform you into a more skilled professional, but you must have at least some of the required knowledge base so as to complete the lie."[break][break]
She eyed him, wondering what he might have in mind. His well-muscled appearance suggested he would do well as a hard laborer of some kind, but perhaps he had some preconceived plan specific to a skillset she could not easily discern just by looking at him. She was content to look at him, though: she found it quite easy indeed.[break][break]



+ Mission: Vying for Attention [break]
+ Seraphine's Outfit[break]

original template by GUNSMILE

[googlefont=Source Sans Pro]
[newclass=.serapost]font:13px Source Sans Pro;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".serapost .seraposttext b"]font-size:14px;color:var(--accent); } .serapost .seraposttext a { font:13px Source Sans Pro;font-weight:bold;text-transform:uppercase; } .serapost .seraposttext i { font-size:14px;color:var(--accent);[/newlcass]
[newclass=".serapost .serapostooc"]} .serapost .serapostooc b { font-size:14px;color:var(--accent); } .serapost .serapostooc a { font:13px Source Sans Pro;font-weight:bold;text-transform:uppercase; } .serapost .serapostooc i { font-size:14px;color:var(--accent); } .serapost .serapostooc h1 { font:18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
Pseudonym [m]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 14:58:37 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


Seraphine had begun to busy herself with pulling out a notepad and various colorful pens from a half-open desk drawer when Bishop asked about her current work-in-progress: realizing the nature of his question, she immediately straightened, stunned. "Yes, actually," She answered, staring at him. "But the reference is somewhat obscure. It's the château oublié from a collection of fairy tales I used to read to my sisters when we were young, inspired by the real life Shabboneau Castle in Camphrier Town."[break][break]

A sudden memory surfaced, of Mira and Josie cuddling close to Seraphine as she read aloud to them, the three of them curled up beneath the fluffy cashmere blankets of her large four poster bed in the D'aureville mansion back in Laverre City. They giggled as Seraphine described the fat, rosy-cheeked buffoon of a knight who kept falling - literally - for the various traps set by the mischievous Ghost Pokemon haunting the château oublié. The room had smelled of vanilla spice, a plate of cinnamon cookies and warm milk on the bedside table. In the present, Seraphine's golden eyes instinctively found the small framed photograph of herself and her sisters on her primary work table, but she did not let herself linger very long in the unexpected reverie. She had business to attend to.[break][break]

She cocked her head at the tall man admiring her in-progress painting, now sincerely intrigued. She did not usually pry into the backgrounds of her forgery clients, more concerned with who they were supposed to become rather than who they had once been, but she could not help herself as she asked in a soft tone, "Who are you, exactly, Mr. Bishop?"[break][break]



+ Mission: Vying for Attention[break]
+ Seraphine's Outfit[break]

original template by GUNSMILE

[googlefont=Source Sans Pro]
[newclass=.serapost]font:13px Source Sans Pro;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
Pseudonym [m]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 14:10:34 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


Seraphine took the offered piece of crumpled paper from the man's outstretched hand, expression curious. Her eyes flicked down to the signature at the bottom before reading the full message, and in that instant, her suspicions about the man's purpose in coming to Galerie Mirage were confirmed. I owe Elisabeth Fiorelli a visit, Seraphine reminded herself as she processed the request the Rocket admin was making. It was hard to picture this burly Ethan Bishop fellow amongst Elisabeth's delicate flowers, but then again, here he was standing in a refined upper district art gallery. Life was full of surprises.[break][break]
"You're early then," Seraphine noted as she idly re-folded the letter and met his gaze once more. He had a handsome, strong jawline that Seraphine couldn't help but notice as he grinned at her. "Elisabeth hasn't contacted me yet to formally set up the appointment. But you must be a lucky man, indeed, Ethan Bishop. As it happens, I have an opening today." She walked past him to the front door, where she flipped the ouvert sign to fermé, indicating the gallery was closed to the public for the remainder of the afternoon. When she was finished, she glided back into the entryway, but did not stop at his side. Instead, she continued forward in the direction of the spiral staircase towards the rear of the main room.[break][break]
"Follow me," She called back to him without turning around. "I discuss this variety of commission exclusively in my private studio." There was a provocative weight to her tone as she emphasized the word private. Bijou purred softly and nudged the man's leg with her nose, encouraging him to move. She waited until he began walking, and then followed after him, as if she were his own personal guard.[break][break]


+ Mission: Vying for Attention[break]
+ Seraphine's Outfit[break]

original template by GUNSMILE

[googlefont=Source Sans Pro]
[newclass=.serapost]font:13px Source Sans Pro;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".serapost .seraposttext b"]font-size:14px;color:var(--accent); } .serapost .seraposttext a { font:13px Source Sans Pro;font-weight:bold;text-transform:uppercase; } .serapost .seraposttext i { font-size:14px;color:var(--accent);[/newlcass]
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[newclass=".serapost .serapostpkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px[/newclass]

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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
Pseudonym [m]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 3:07:55 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


Bijou's ears perked up at the sound of a voice echoing through the spacious primary gallery, and the Persian nudged Seraphine's leg with her nose. It was appreciated, but unnecessary: the artist had heard the voice as well, and was already in the process of standing. She set the novel she had been reading - while lounging in one of Gallery Mirage's many tasteful (and quite comfortable) couches - on a small yet sophisticated wooden side table, but not before slipping a silk bookmark between the pages. She did not have anyone scheduled for this afternoon, but the gallery was open to the public four days a week, and though she did most of her business by appointment it was not unheard of for her to receive spontaneous visitors.[break][break]
"Let us go and greet out guest," She murmured to Bijou, who purred softly in acquiescence. Together, the two gracefully made their way across the vast room over to the arched entryway, the sharp clicking of heels on marble flooring accompanying the nearly silent padding of paws.[break][break]
Seraphine froze as she caught sight of the man who matched the voice she had heard. Her immediate thought was that this must be some kind of mistake; clearly this man had stumbled into the wrong building, for he looked completely out of place with his ragged clothing and rugged demeanor in contrast to the cosmopolitan aesthetic of Galerie Mirage. Upon closer inspection, however, there was something...desperate about the way the man held himself - furtive glances at the front door, a tension to his muscular build that reminded Seraphine of a Seviper waiting to strike. No, this man was not here to buy fine art, that much was certain, but she had a sudden gut feeling that he had not, in fact, wandered into her business by mistake.[break][break]
"Hello," She smoothly returned the man's initial greeting, golden gaze discerning despite flashing him a coy smile. "Welcome to Galerie Mirage. I am the owner of this establishment, Seraphine D'Aureville. How may I help you today?"[break][break]


+ Mission: Vying for Attention[break]
+ Seraphine's Outfit[break]

original template by GUNSMILE

[googlefont=Source Sans Pro]
[newclass=.serapost]font:13px Source Sans Pro;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".serapost .seraposttext b"]font-size:14px;color:var(--accent); } .serapost .seraposttext a { font:13px Source Sans Pro;font-weight:bold;text-transform:uppercase; } .serapost .seraposttext i { font-size:14px;color:var(--accent);[/newlcass]
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[newclass=".serapost .serapostpkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px[/newclass]
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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
94 posts
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
Umbral Embrace (Oil on Cavas) [ M ]
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 15:47:35 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


The man who entered the gallery was distinguished, to say the least. Seraphine inclined her head to him in a polite gesture. "Yes, that's me. And this is Rouge," She waved her hand casually at the Smeargle as he came scurrying over, having completed his task of closing the windows throughout the first floor. The Pokémon bowed his head to their guest as another loud rumbling of thunder could be heard from outside, and Seraphine waited patiently for it to die down before speaking again. "Welcome to Galerie Mirage, Martín del Mar. Please allow me to give you a tour of our humble space."[break][break]
She did not wait for him to agree, but turned gracefully to begin walking him through the main gallery, currently exhibiting a collection of abstract pieces by Rouge and several massive oil paintings dedicated to the legendary beauties of the Hoenn region, Latios and Latias, by Seraphine herself.[break][break]
There was an inherent understanding between Seraphine and this Martín del Mar, she sensed, that his primary purpose in coming to visit her - finally - was not necessarily to buy artwork, but as a test of sorts, an assessment of her overall character and larger scale contribution potential. This man's name was often spoken of in whispers amongst the elite, after all. Seraphine had been hoping to catch his attention for some time - not merely to sell art to, but to acquire a more consistent, long-term backing of support from. Her precious gallery had its bills to pay, and while sales were generally good - both the legal and illegal ones - it never hurt to have the wealthy CEO of PIAZZA ORO GRANDE (POG) BANK as an investor in her creative endeavors. My family could also benefit from this man's patronage. Perhaps our debts will be able to be paid in full.[break][break]
Therefore, it was imperative that Seraphine act decisively, and with the regal confidence she typically displayed amongst her regular clientele. The tour would be thorough yet concise. Afterwards, she would take him to her private studio - with a variety of refreshments - and hopefully, talk business.[break][break]



+ Mission: Rocket Recruitment [Act 1][break]
+ Seraphine's Outfit

[newclass=.seratest2]font:14px Calibri;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 17:49:25 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


"Oils are my specialty, but I have years of experience with a variety of materials, of course. Here, let me show you some examples of each." Seraphine smiled warmly and led her guest over to a section of the gallery wall where a collection of four paintings were hanging, each one depicting a different iconic mountain in a specific medium: Mt. Moon in soft pastel watercolors, Mt. Pyre in textured oils, Mt. Coronet in bold acrylics, and Mt. Lanakila in traditional black charcoal. "I have an affinity for the way oils create such a distinct, tangible feel...they make me feel as if I am immersed in the very landscape I am hoping to recreate. But there are benefits to every medium, naturally. As you can see, I have a plethora of styles to offer." She held her hands out in a welcoming gesture, as if to emphasize her point. She laced her tone with just the right amount of arrogance to impress a man of his station.[break][break]

"Are you thinking you might be interested in a landscape, Mr. Húxiān?" Seraphine inquired as he scrutinized her work. "Or perhaps a portrait - of yourself, or someone special to you?"



+ Mission: Sleepless in Slateport [break]
+ Seraphine's Outfit[break]

[newclass=.seratest2]font:14px Calibri;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2text b"]color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2text a { font:14px Calibri;font-weight:800;text-transform:uppercase; } .seratest2 .seratest2text i { color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2text u { text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2ooc"]} .seratest2 .seratest2ooc b { color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc a { font:14px Calibri;font-weight:800;text-transform:uppercase; } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc i { color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc h1 { font:18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;letter-spacing:.5px } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc u { text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
94 posts
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
Rouge's Grand Reveal [M]
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 17:07:00 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


Seraphine's golden eyes swept the room, quickly surveying her array of well-dressed guests. It seemed most folks and their Pokémon were finishing up their main courses; a few here and there had already made it to the dessert table, in fact.[break][break]
"Why yes, I do believe dinner is just now beginning to wrap up," Seraphine answered with a satisfied nod. "Once most of the tables have been thoroughly cleared, I will call a toast to get everyone's attention."[break][break]
As if summoned by her comment, the master painter watched as several of the staff she'd hired for the event began to do just that: move from table to table, politely gathering up discarded silverware, empty plates, and finished drink glasses. She judged that there was about fifteen more minutes before she would need to direct everyone's attention to Rouge.[break][break]
"You have an eye for decadence, Xiura," Seraphine noted. "How would you judge tonight's party overall? Not that I don't have confidence in my ability to entertain, but I do appreciate the honest opinions of a fellow artist." Xiura might not be an artist in the traditional sense, but her baking and boba teas were certainly an artform in their own right: each one always seemed more beautiful and well-decorated than the last - and without sacrificing flavor, the real feat![break][break]



+ Mission: Poke Party[break]
+ Seraphine's Outfit


[newclass=.seratest2]font:14px Calibri;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2text b"]color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2text a { font:14px Calibri;font-weight:800;text-transform:uppercase; } .seratest2 .seratest2text i { color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2text u { text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2ooc"]} .seratest2 .seratest2ooc b { color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc a { font:14px Calibri;font-weight:800;text-transform:uppercase; } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc i { color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc h1 { font:18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;letter-spacing:.5px } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc u { text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
The Art of Faking It [M]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 19:30:15 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar

Seraphine rolled her eyes. A date with that creepy Gengar of his, perhaps. If it did happen to be with another woman, she would eventually figure out what kind of man Zev was, and Seraphine almost pitied her for it.


"A pleasure doing business with you, Isaac," Seraphine said to the younger man, though her tone did not necessarily sound as if it had been a pleasure. She turned on her heel and walked briskly over to the couch where Zev had been sitting, Rouge trotting after her. A few stray pretzel crumbs lingered on the expensive fabric, as if left there deliberately to further mock her. "Clean this up," she ordered the Smeargle, lips pursed with agitation. He nodded, and went in search of the small handheld vacuum she kept in one of the storage closets.

"Return here in one week's time," the artist continued addressing her remaining guest, though she did not turn to look at the young thief. "I will have the gems, the documents, and the receipts. And then, well. The rest will be in your hopefully quite capable hands."

She paused.

"Oh, and Isaac? When you return, leave your chaperone behind."


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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
The Art of Faking It [M]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 18:10:14 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar

Seraphine waved her hand dismissively when Isaac began to ramble on about one of his Pokémon's abilities, intending to help her acquire resin. Such a foolish, overcomplicated suggestion. She'd agreed to do the job, hadn't she? He needs to learn to recognize when he's said enough, she noted with slight irritation. That was one thing, thankfully, that Zev was good at: knowing when to keep his mouth shut.

Overall, though, Isaac had impressed her, and he was still young. Perhaps in time he would become the master thief he clearly wanted so desperately to already be. "Nonsense," She quipped. "I can buy all of the materials I need at Slateport Art Supplies. I will simply mix in much of what I regularly purchase, such as my favorite oil paints, so as to better cover our tracks."

She walked over to a collection of smaller paintings leaning against a far wall, each depicting a different view of the Slateport beach. Rouge hurried around to her side, anticipating she might ask him to move one of the canvases for her. Hands on curved hips now, Seraphine contemplated them for a moment, and then turned back to look over her shoulder at Isaac. "One week will suffice. I can create 10 small diamonds and 5 medium ones. I do not think large gems are the way to go here - you're trying to be subtle, after all." She smiled at him, and it was neither a kind nor unkind expression, toeing the line between mockery and diplomacy. "Payment will involve time and materials - which is standard, and I will write up a receipt once my shopping trip is complete - as well as one other, special request."

Now she did turn her gaze on Zev, and though she had not, in fact, poisoned any of the food or drink she had offered him, her smile had grown sharp enough to wound. "My other condition is that Zev hang one of my recent paintings in Howling at the Moon. An artist is always in the business of self promotion, after all."


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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
The Art of Faking It [M]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 15:41:49 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar

"Counterfeit gems?" Seraphine tapped her jaw with one of her long, pointed fingernails thoughtfully, weighing Isaac's request. It had been some years since she had sculpted anything, preferring her oils and acrylics to the 3D arts, but the fundamentals were still familiar to her. A fake diamond was nothing a little well-molded resin couldn't solve. More importantly, she would be able to replicate the documents proving the authenticity of the gems - those were the forgeries that would matter the most, as they would likely prevent a jeweler from scrutinizing the gems too closely, giving her more leeway with them.

"I can do this for you," She told Isaac, tone decisive and laced with an undercurrent of arrogance. She idly took a glass of champagne from Rouge's proffered tray of goodies and sipped it as she stole a glance at Zev. A mild curiosity graced his handsome features, but it wasn't directed at her - instead, he seemed fixated on Isaac and what the young man was planning to do. His little protégé indeed.

"But the cost will depend on how many fake gems you need, and how soon you need them. What is the timeframe for this particular operation? I will need to gather supplies. Sculpting is not my primary craft these days, as I'm sure you can tell." She waved a hand at the studio and its myriad of paints, brushes, and canvases.


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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2022 13:28:27 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar

Seraphine glided through the choppy waves, searching for anything shiny in the murky depths below. The water was frigid, but she didn't mind that so much: it cleared her head, and made her feel more alert. All around her, seaweed floated haphazardly and bubbles floated to the surface, as if desperately seeking the sky above. A school of Wishiwashi hurried past in a flurry, and Seraphine pulled up suddenly in order to avoid crashing into them.

What was that? She cocked her head, catching sight of something reflecting light a few feet away.



Seraphine found a FORM CHANGE
