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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 20:34:42 GMT
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Well, if someone could get value out of the bracelet, Ameena was happy to pass it along. It was worth nothing to her projects. Aurelie's excitement was a little gratifying, that for all Ameena had been through in the prison, at least she had something to show for it (at least, as far as one person was concerned). It was still disappointing that the bracelet was no secret key to dimensional travel or anything, but beggars and choosers... [break][break]

"Of course," she smiled. "I have it in my laboratory. I will have it sent your way. It does not appear particularly sturdy or otherwise useful, but the novelty could be fun." She wasn't too familiar with the finer points of blacksmithing and related crafts. [break][break]

Ultimately, it was rewarding to get the bracelet out of her sight. Perhaps, some day, she would have a successful Megalopolan relic that contained answers for her. She turned her attention to the two newcomers of the spectator pool and waved at the strangers. "Welcome in," she greeted. Turning back to Aurelie, her amusement was plain on her face. " and went out just like me and . A little self-destruction is great for thinning the herd, but less direct assaults are more effective in a competition like this, it seems." [break][break]

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NOTES – Comment on the actions and strategies used by the participants of The Gauntlet who moved on to the third round.[break][break]


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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trouble part deux [m]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 15:02:44 GMT
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The young woman's reaction to Ameena's grasp was underwhelming, and Ameena tsk'd. "Do it," she said without breaking eye contact with Yuina. However, she was speaking to Gardevoir, propelled by the hateful feedback loop connecting them. Gardevoir teleported hundreds of feet in the air above them along with the Arcanine that had pushed her - their contact remaining above and both of them slowly starting to fall to the ground, though only one of them would naturally be safe. [break][break]

"Look," Ameena cooed, tilting to her hand to encourage her to look up and see her descending Arcanine. The other Arcanine she summoned was doused in shadow, naturally menacing, and finally, finally interesting. Perhaps, the little Leaguer had more potential than Ameena had initially assessed. Still, she did acquiesce and remove her hand from Yuina's hair. "And what will your little doggy do about that?" Would the woman plead for Ameena to protect her rapidly-falling Arcanine? Would she use the shadow one to torture Ameena into teleporting the Arcanine back to the ground?

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NOTES – make it double[break][break]


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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 3:53:57 GMT
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CHARACTER: [break]
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PKMN: [break]
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velmos saga [ss:g]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 20:16:02 GMT
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The world around you fades softly, so softly you almost don't realize anything is changing until it is changed. You are sitting at the breakroom in HQ.

And when you turn your head towards Oscar, you see Xerneas and no Oscar.

The world around you fades softly, so softly you almost don't realize anything is changing until it is changed. You are sitting at the breakroom in HQ.

And when you turn your head, you see Razz Kingsman, and no Priam.
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[SSG][C/Eris] Confront
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 20:15:47 GMT
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Your mind replays the past for a reason. Reason. Reason. Reason. Reason. Reason. Rea-

The RAINBOW FEATHER appears above Eris, falling slowly but unnaturally, as if the wind could not move it. Its light is brilliant. Should you reach for it or otherwise wish for it, it will come to you, but the closer it gets, the more dull it becomes, until it is gray. Should you touch it, it crumbles to ash in your hand. The ash cannot be wiped away. It can only be spread further, infinitely marking you.

As your pokemon splays his feet to come to a stop, you see an ADVENTURE GUIDE sitting on the ground ahead of you. Somehow, your mind recognizes it as a curio gained from a simulation run with Navy, one that might remind you of the sensation of cutting slowpoke tails. The guide shines bright, then fades with a digital aesthetic. What had you learned with Navy, then? There was a bridge here, between this traumatic event and the safety-not-safety of the simulation with Navy.

The spot where the guide had been is empty, but there is still some visual spark slowly bubbling where it was. It is gone now, but its absence has changed the world.
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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 20:15:30 GMT
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The red shard reflection fades from her eyes but the absence of it lets the mind wander. The dark pupils are a negative space, and yet, you find yourself seeing the visage of Kyle in them, looking warm and happy. Trusting. Was that you, here, before? Have you been any of those things?

If you choose to look away, somehow, you will be aware of some Kyle or Kyle-adjacent imagery in your peripheral, or behind your eyelids. Your mind is clinging to something represented by Kyle, but what?

From over Matias' shoulder, you can see movement. A man, staggering, a hand held to his throat. His face is distorted and blurry, but his stature is familiar. He steps closer, and it is rendered all the more clear: Édouard Bortiforte. He comes closer, closer to Matias with a hand outstretched - to warn him? to move him aside to get to you? - but he dissolves, like acid, to the ground. The puddle that remains is iridescent like spilled oil catching the light. The liquid slowly eeps towards Matias and you.

The revisiting of this memory is tampered with far older ones, seeping in to taint what you have - had? - here. The movement of the puddle is low but no less a draw to your eye like a predator, but what is the danger your mind is warning of?

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Happy Vibes and Truthful Lies [SS:G]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 20:15:16 GMT
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The door opens, but there is no staff coming with food. Instead, you see Nomi standing there, blue hair, her mouth moving. There is no sound, yet you just know this is from that first conversation with her after getting outted. What her lips say is clear:

"No. Not yet."

Simultaneously, you catch a glimpse of red at your peripheral and just know it is Penelope, but no matter where you look, she is nowhere to be found. A portent, or an omen? An advocation for persistence, or a warning of ruination, ahead?

Yellow strands trickle into your vision. At first, it feels like vertigo. Then, it feels like being wide awake after a long, deep sleep. You see only a half-second of Regieleki trying to enter the door, but it disappears so quickly you could have imagined it if not for how it seemed to shock you to a higher awareness. But the doorway is not empty. You find your gaze glued to the floor, but you know it is your father standing there, his shoes and his pants perhaps mistakable elsewhere but here, here your mind knows. You can't look up to see his expression, to read his body language.

The electric emblem of forging a new path aligned with protecting (not running, not fighting, not hiding, protecting) there, not there, then replaced with the culmination of your grief. He, too, disappears from the doorway in a blink.

You feel so aware. You are the June of today sitting in the hospital bed of yesterday's June, and you see with fresh eyes.
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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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l◻f◻ l◻ght (SS:G)
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 20:15:04 GMT
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A shadow miasma fills the edges of your vision for only a moment.

You see, then, that the house looks more sterile than it had before. No, you realize, you've seen this exact state of your house once before. It looks like it had in the alternate timeline with no expulsion. The house was no home, and it had not known Tempest. While the house has become colder, duller, more sickly, it still holds Tempest now, before you, at the door.

About to leave.

The door disappears before your very eyes. In fact, for a moment, the entire world around you shifts to a soft pink tone before reverting back to the house, though it still has no door. No door, but the voices from before are gone. You only have Cillian and his rage.

But over Cillian's shoulder you can see something fuzzy, like the inexplicable image on side 2 of an eye exam, but even though it is nearly impossible to make out the meaning of the blob of colors, you find yourself aware that it is Cresselia, looking just as she had the last time you met her. The visual fades. For only one second, the entire dream seems to flicker, but it returns.

The immersion of the dream teeter-totters. Then, it tips one way, and you find yourself feeling the emotional weight of the scene tenfold. You are here in your home with your husband who is beyond angry at the mission's outcome, at your attempt to hand wave consequences because of his position, and because of what almost past your lips again. The door is gone.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Dreams Within Dreams (SSG)
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 20:14:52 GMT
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As you run, the world ahead of you morphs into something nightmarish. The ground cracks and hints of magma tickle the surface. The Megalopolan cityscape starts to shake and crumble. The skyscraper ahead of you threatens to fall - but you know, with that omniscient dream knowledge, that you will be safe of the falling chunk of building if you return to Doug and quit running ahead.

You must turn back. To continue running away is to promise ruin. Those words come to you so clearly you can see them written before your eyes, though they disappear as you blink.

As you pursue Lucia, you become aware of something at your peripheral. However, every time you to look, the colors are suddenly absent. When you give up trying to see it, the world around you floods with a soft pink.

You almost feel... more powerful, in this dream. Kind of like a lucid dream. The psychic terrain the fills the dream-city seems to overload it with energy. You feel as if you could bring the city to its knees with a blink, or save it instead.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
to be dauntless [m]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 18:09:42 GMT
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Ameena sipped at her steaming earl grey tea as she waited for Kasper to arrive. The researcher was early as always to the training facility. Unlike some of the recent lessons she had hosted, this one was especially rewarding to her because she was going to push an agenda on Kasper to wield Ameena's favorite: psychic types. [break][break]

Gardevoir and her shared thoughts about what to go through specifically, but Ameena was unconcerned with the details. Kasper's team would not be able to overcome Gardevoir, which would demonstrate the superiority of psychics and their moveset. They were the most versatile type, as far as she was concerned. She wondered if her student had grown their team in the short period of time between their last meeting and now.

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NOTES – dauntless shield[break][break]


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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bridges [m]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 16:54:24 GMT
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The young woman seemed to go offline and reboot with Ameena's absent touch. It was cute, but Ameena didn't press the issue or embarrass her. After all, the researcher had had her suspicions when Gwen initially spoke of her best friend, Robin. It was always nice to have a theory confirmed. It was an affinity they both shared, though such a conversation didn't suit their relationship. If, later down the line, Gwen felt unsafe or doubted herself over it, then perhaps Ameena would offer her own experience. [break][break]

As it were... She swatted the Rotom back as it tried to reach for Gwen's hair also. "Leaving the world a better place is noble, but it is very broad. Continue to find your passions and ask your questions, as these will lead you to the path you are going to walk." If Gwen formed a strong scientific interest, Ameena could get her hands on resources to feed her opportunities. [break][break]

Giving Gwen what she needed to study and help others would be all it took to fully secure her into Ameena's corner, she was sure of it. But the youth had many interests currently. "Professor, researcher, Ranger. These are titles, little jobs; they do not have to define you completely. You do not have to only be one of them." She was a CEO and researcher, after all, and quite a talented criminal if she said so herself. [break][break]

"Please keep in touch whenever you need anything. Your scientific mind has a lot to offer the world. I just know it."

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NOTES – [break][break]


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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 16:34:27 GMT
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"I would not call it living," she suggested softly at Gwen's observation. The Megalopolans that were here were not operating at full capacity. They were hindered, if such an small word could fit here. They were drawn to what light there was like mothim to a flame. She followed Gwen closely as they approached a vending machine that seemed to be kind of working. [break][break]

Gwen popped in the crystal. A can popped out. "Interesting." Those crystals were currency to them? The minerals Megalopolans used was a thing of interest, especially after the revelation from Lulu that there was stable metal from the Megalopolans that had survived interdimensional travel. It looked like the people were a key to understanding interdimensional travel, tera crystal and z-crystal true potential, and ultra beasts. [break][break]

"We must be careful of generating noise. And light." She looked out to the streets around them where silhouettes of individuals dragged themselves from one place to another on shuffling feet. "Too much of one can cause them all to flock to us." They needed to explore safely.

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NOTES – [break][break]


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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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ameena abadi
yeehaw but in a cool criminal way [m]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 16:25:24 GMT
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Cute. His commentary was still playful, offering just a slim chance that she could get him to switch sides, and perhaps a little more. [break][break]

He flipped them so she was pressed to the ground, though she wasn't overly concerned. With her chest against the ground, it pressed at the megastone accessory necklace. "Get on with it, Gardevoir," she grunted. The Gardevoir mega evolved, though the overwhelming psychic energy fully triggered the alarms on the ceiling and the doorways throughout the warehouse. Now, the rest of Dewford's law enforcement knew there was some sort of break-in. [break][break]

The warehouse's anti-psychic security tech would block out the use of moves like teleport, the idea being that thieves could teleport inside but could not leave the same way. Delphox ate the extrasensory and flew backwards, though she followed it up with a sunny day, generating a bright and hot atmosphere within the warehouse. Gardevoir launched a mystical fire at the Claydol. [break][break]

"You are looking a little outnumbered," Ameena taunted. "I have a reputation to protect, James. If your boys come in here without that anti-psychic security disabled..." She would take them out, permanently. She wasn't ready just yet to sacrifice her civilian identity and company, though they were both tools, and ones she would discard in a heartbeat if it served her. She hoped he would make a mistake in trying to restrain her, or distract himself pulling out a pokemon partner for Claydol, so she could end their intimate skirmish and flee.

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NOTES – stealing steel[break][break]


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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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dodging and weaving [m]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 22:22:51 GMT
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She had had her doubts despite everything, but then he was flipping Urshifu onto his back. Ameena didn't have the strength herself to move something as dense as an Urshifu like that, but the weaponizing of her pokemon's momentum was a great way to toss the guy. She didn't flinch in sympathy, considering Urshifu's underhanded tactic hadn't worked. [break][break]

Urshifu didn't have a soldier's training, but it had raw instinct and ego - terrible qualities in scenarios requiring fine control - and rolled to his side. Before rising fully to his feet, Urshifu launched itself at Zev's midriff for a tackle or perhaps a grapple. This was the very assault she had a hard time redirecting against the mountain of movement that the Urshifu was.

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NOTES – [break][break]


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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP