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Alison Everly
bridging the gap [m]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 22:44:52 GMT
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Ameena’s praise for Alison’s choice of Rocket filled her heart with child-like admiration. It was heartening to know she was around the right people – the sort of people who could help her achieve what she wanted to, no matter the consequences.

“Thank you, all of this sounds - perfect.” 

A small, confident smile painted her lips at the mention of undercover work.

“I believe I may be of use in that department, if it is needed. I don't think I'll have any issues making connections in League - I still have my own connections in the performance scene. I’m sure I could benefit Rocket and uncover important information for our cause, if necessary.”

Even with Alison’s inward fear of the underbosses and their authority – particularly from her own encounters of them thus far – she desperately desired to showcase her value to them and impress them. She was, if anything, a people pleaser – and if Ameena’s advice could help her in aiding Rocket’s war movement, gaining influence, and pursuing her own desires, she was keen to take it.

“We can definitely battle – or, well I can try to. That is something I definitely must work on before the inevitable war…” Alison trailed off, careful to control her cheeks from blushing from embarrassment at her weakness.

At the mention of Ultra Space and RKS, she shook her head, unfamiliar with the subjects.

“I can’t say I’ve heard of those - or been there. Should I have? What are they?”
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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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Alison Everly
achterbahn #1 [botl]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 21:59:28 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison stood in the heat of the desert with a flat expression. Arms crossed over her chest, and hair twice its size and frizzy from the humidity, she side-eyed her companions with uncertainty. What on earth had she got herself into?

It was one thing to go exploring in a desert of all places, but now to be head-to-head with a potentially powerful and ancient Pokémon – with strangers? She would be questioning her decisions after this for many weeks if she got back alive. 

If she got back alive.

For now, she just needed to focus on the issue at hand.

At Cassandra’s words, she straightened and gave her Ninetales a quick raise of her eyebrows. A silent question. Are you ready? He ruffled his tails nervously in response.

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Alison responded, giving Hailee a lazy smile. A light joke to ease the tension, albeit truthful.

Releasing a breath, Alison anticipated the beast’s arrival.

tl;dr: introduction[break]
flamethrower: strike, afflict[break]
will-o-wisp: afflict[break]
extrasensory: strike, hinder[break]
baby-doll eyes: hinder[break]
quick attack: strike, rush[break]
fire spin: strike[break]

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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Alison Everly
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 21:33:21 GMT
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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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Alison Everly
Sword Play [M]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 20:20:11 GMT
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When had invited her for training this morning, she had pictured a light sparring match or self-defence class. Something that was unarmed – something easy.

As she was learning with Rocket, it was never going to be what she imagined.

With one manicured hand on her hip, and the other resting on her mouth inquisitively, Alison gnawed on her lip as she stared at the array of swords in front of her. Adorned in a large glass case on the wall, they gleamed at her menacingly. In some performances she had used prop swords (the ones where the tip of the blade was blunt enough to barely impale an apple), but with the real instruments now in front of her, they hummed with a lethal and violent energy she hadn’t experienced before.

Her heart fluttered with nerves.

“I should have worn my cheaper leggings,” she whispered to herself as she awaited the admin’s arrival.

notes: mission

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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Alison Everly
Outage at the Recital [M]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2024 7:41:43 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison moves towards him with quick feet, her pompous dress rustling loudly from all its pleats and fabrics. While tame, the slight tinge of sarcasm in his tone makes him that more suspicious to Alison, her frown hardening as she stands next to him.

Her heels giving extra height over his crouched body, she looks down at him judgingly. Giving a once over of his outfit, she scrunches her nose with distaste.

Is this what engineers wore nowadays?

“I did. Am I to believe you are trying to help the situation, or are you the culprit behind this?” she folds her arms across her chest, impatient and dissatisfied.

notes: mission | outfit | hair

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
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Alison Everly
obstruction introduction
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2024 7:15:48 GMT
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“I’m not – ” before she can finish her sentence, a shove in her back makes her knees buckle and she slams into the first panel.

“What are you – ”

The VOLTORB below rattles, and Alison barely has time to react before it begins to SELF-DESTRUCT. She scrambles onto her feet, jumping to the next panel as the VOLTORB behind her implodes. With every panel she leaps onto, she misses the previous SELF-DESTRUCT by seconds, her body and breath shaky from the sudden rush of adrenaline.

Not daring to look back, she focuses on her feet as she pushes forward. She knew she needed to complete it this time. If he was willing to kick her onto the course, whose to say what other measures he would take next?

Before she could register how much she had traversed, she reaches the final panels, her heart racing. Stumbling slightly at the realisation, Alison takes a breath as anxiety builds. What if she didn’t make it again? Looking at the panel beneath her, the familiar sight of static curls around her feet, and she knew she had no time to overthink. Just jump. Jump!

Leaping forward, she misses the SELF-DESTRUCT by a hair’s breadth, the explosion catching her ankles and leaving a sharp burn on her skin. Gritting her teeth, she leaps again. And again. And again. And–

She falls to the floor with a thud. Coughing and wheezing a little from the smoke she’s inhaled, Alison drags her body across the floor with her elbows. With a final exhale, she slumps onto her side, exhausted.

She’d... Done it?

She looks over at Theo with narrowed eyes, her voice barely audible.


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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
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Alison Everly
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 18:12:54 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison regretted every word she had uttered.

The sweetness he had shown her turned sour within seconds, and any smile from her face was wiped clean in an instant. Her mouth slightly agape, she took a shallow breath to calm her nerves when she saw his hand move towards his belt – towards a pokeball.

“I – I apologise” Her widened eyes said more than she could muster. “I didn’t mean to – It was just – I’m – ”

As ZORUA disappeared, DHELMISE’s appearance made her stomach drop. Not an illusion. The real DHELMISE. Her mouth felt dry. She had only heard rumours about his Pokémon, but she knew this one had caused more suffering than most.

As its ‘eye’ caught hers, she backed up. One hand instinctively raised to protect her body, the other hovering over her own pokeballs, her limbs trembling with an anxiety she struggled to hide.

How she wished she had accepted that stupid interview. Better that then the peril she now faced.

“I didn’t mean to offend you,” she continued, hating how she felt she had to beg. “I'm sorry. Please – don’t.”

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
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Alison Everly
Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 17:40:50 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison bit the ends of her acrylic nails, staring at Grigori with unblinking eyes. Even with her continuous outbursts of confidence, every sentence he uttered made her doubt herself. Was this truly what she needed? She wanted comeuppance – yes – to hunt down the culprits of her trauma and string them up in the name of justice. Yet, with every scenario he alluded to, her reasoning sounded misconstrued – delusional.

An inner conflict roared behind her eyes, fear and grief consuming her. She felt like two separate people, fighting back and forth between right and wrong, good and bad. For a moment she felt bitter and self-assured, confident in the vengeance she sought; but in the next, her breathing wavered and she had to try not to curl into a ball.

Grigori was right to question her. Did she even understand what revenge meant?

Alison watched his body hunch in defeat, a wave of uncertainty settling in her stomach at the motion. She suddenly felt alone, her big words and spiteful persona diminishing to the unbridled terror of a little girl. The man before her had given up, and Alison realised she was to him what she had never wanted to be – a lost cause.

But even if Grigori’s words sang true, she felt she had thrown herself in too deep to be able to get out of the water now.

Somehow, she felt like she was letting him down.

“What other choice do I have?” she spoke quietly, smiling through her words with a humourless laugh. While a question, her tone was hopeless, metaphorical hands tied and tugged down a path she believed she wanted to take – that she had to take.

“I am in so much pain and I am scared. I need to know the truth and I was promised help. I have to do this – it is only way I can finally have peace. I don’t know how else to let go until I have answers.”
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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
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Alison Everly
Equal and Equidistant [M]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 11:52:50 GMT
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Alison made an ‘ah’ shape with her mouth, her eyebrows raising with faked shock and recognition.

“Delilah Silph? Oh wow, what a pleasure. I should have known it was you – you look stunning, as always.

Alison’s silver nails shimmered as they interlocked with the similar, manicured hand of Delilah.

“Alison. Everly.” Alison couldn’t help her gaze drifting to the Delilah’s nail varnish, to her elegantly flowing dress, to her hair cascading over the shoulders like ebony satin. God, it was nice to finally be around someone who also cared about their appearance. Too often she was surrounded by people with no affinity for fashion, for beauty. And since joining Rocket, it had become even worse. But Delilah’s perfectly powdered complexion, charm, and beautiful choice of dress was a sight for her sore eyes.

It was a shame who Delilah was affiliated with.

As guests began to move and mingle, Alison couldn’t help noticing Delilah’s gaze on her. Her look swam with a familiarity that she couldn’t quite place, a memory faded from too many years of attending events, of learning too many names. Alison wasn’t surprised she didn’t remember her, but she couldn’t help feeling a little butthurt.

“You might remember me from the Kalos Queen competitions,” she stated, a sly smile creeping up onto her lips. “I believe we actually met a few years ago at one of the showcases. I can barely remember it myself, it was so long ago, but I do remember you attending.”

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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5'11" / 180 CM height
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Alison Everly
bridging the gap [m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 19:48:05 GMT
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Alison nodded at her words, her eyebrows furrowing as she listened. She often forgot she had entered Team Rocket at a perilous time. It was unfortunate, really. With a war looming over the horizon, it was practically guaranteed she would be called upon to fight. No matter how terrifying the thought, she knew hiding in a dressing room wouldn’t help her.

And hearing Ameena note her skills may be of use, Alison hoped she wouldn’t be as weak as she thought herself to be when the time came.

At her question, Alison paused for a beat, her gaze fixated to the floor. Memories flashed across her vision – feelings of anger, upset, frustration, vengeance – before dissipating like a thin veil of smoke. There was so much she hoped to achieve. Too much.

“There are people who need to be brought to justice” she responded, her tone sharp – hurt, “People I hope to one day hurt as they have hurt me. But I need to be stronger before I can do that. I need to be more than just a performer if I am to make them regret their decisions.”

She ruffles her fringe with her hands, smiling at Ameena as if her previous sentences hadn’t been uttered.

I appreciate all that you offer. Any opportunities to gain more, Pokémon, build a team, and become stronger I am happy to try. What do you have in mind?”

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
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Alison Everly
stop the music
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 18:56:05 GMT
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She hadn’t had the luxury of trying this restaurant he was referencing since being in Hoenn, but Paldean food was one she had become particularly fond of from her travels. Seeing how keen Sevastian was to take her, she was excited to try it, and more interested to see how it differed from the authentic cuisine.

She smiled as his words trailed off from the interruption.

“That sound’s perfect," she reassured him.

As her somewhat obvious tactic of getting to stay was noticed, her smile deepened into a cheeky smirk. 

“Well, if you insist. I’ll try not to be too picky.” She was half-joking.

Alison watched from the sidelines by the crew as he rejoined his peers, quickly getting into position. Her eyes ran over the models as her brows furrowed with focus, settling on Sevastian after a prolonged stare at one of the girl’s haircuts. Even if she wanted to be nit-picky – which in a way, she did – it felt impossible. He was a natural. Every movement was fluid, every expression perfect, every pose practised. She folded her arms with mild frustration, a pang of jealousy radiating across her chest. Somehow, she kept her expression controlled.

When he finished, the crew beginning to disassemble the set, she clapped her hands slowly as he walked back towards her.

“Well done. Ugh, look at you! It’s ridiculous how easy you make it look. Can I get your autograph now before you make headlines next year?” her jest is sweet, friendly, despite her own inner conflict.

“I am,” she responds, restyling her fringe with a quick brush of her hand. “Please, lead the way. I'm absolutely famished.”

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
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Alison Everly
Outage at the Recital [M]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 15:01:13 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
For the third time that day, just as the crescendo of the performance hits, the lights go out.

Alison stands on the practice stage with a face of thunder, throwing her hands into the air with exasperation as she turns to the director standing to the side. Dressed in her full-get up for the upcoming performance – a ruffled dark blue princess dress, silver kitten heels and an outrageously elaborate up-do hairstyle – her patience was beginning to wear thin.

“Jane, this is the hundredth time this has happened today. What is going on?

Jane scribbles on her board without looking up, pushing her glasses up her face with disinterest.

“I don’t know, Miss Everly. I’m not an electrician,” She clicks her pen. “I’m sure it’ll come back on in a minute.”

Alison tuts loudly. Pulling her dress up to her knees, she steps down from the stage, her Mismagius and Ninetales exchanging a look before following closely behind her. Shooting Jane a sharp stare, she pushes the doors of the theatre open with a bang.

Fine, I’ll find out what’s going on myself.”

Her low heels click on the floor as she marches through the hallways, a frown etched into her heavily made-up face. Quickly approaching the backdoor of the complex, she swings it open, her hairs rising from the blow of cold air that hits her. Holding her arms for warmth, she scours the area for what she understands an electrical issue might look like. At a first glance, she notices nothing. It was silent.

Then, faint but abrupt, a sudden sizzling noise catches her attention. Hurriedly, Alison turns around a corner to the noise. Stopping a few metres away, there, hunched over somewhat conspiratorially by a sparking generator, she sees a man.

“Hey! Excuse me!” She yells, hands cupped around her mouth, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

notes: mission | outfit | hair

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
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Alison Everly
obstruction introduction
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 21:14:23 GMT
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“I’ll repress it until this is over. It’ll just – make it harder otherwise.”

It felt strange to hear a man she believed to be phlegmatic and ruthless offer support in response to her anxiety. While seemingly in good faith, she couldn’t help feeling uneasy. Training with a side of a therapy with an underboss? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

“You say that, but performing doesn’t usually include traversing across exploding Voltorb,” she responds coolly, shooting him a sharp look. Performing, while difficult, didn't normally leave her seared.

Remembering who she was talking to, Alison quickly turns to look back at the course, regaining her composure. Stretching out her fingertips pressed into the floor, she waits patiently for his next words, anticipating kicking off once more. 

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Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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