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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
the first leap [m]
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 16:43:55 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar

Only a few days had passed since his initial arrival at the Mauville airport, and already Faolan felt like he'd been simmering there for ages. To jump so abruptly from eighteen years worth of sheltered, small town life to the bustling vibrancy of city living felt like an earth-leveling change. Mauville City felt so vast and so cramped at the same time, hosting opportunities for exploration flanked on all sides by advertisements and various other desperate attempts at fishing coin from one's wallet. Luckily, the promise of material possessions didn't particularly tempt him -- if anything, it just added to his stress. After successfully signing up for the rangers, he was more than eager to bid Mauville City adieu, pushing his way into the unfamiliar but much more bearable Hoenn wilderness on what would become his first mission.

Faolan was from a drier part of Alola, but he wasn't unfamiliar with humidity and the general presence of water. He felt almost at home here on the path of Route 118, and as Whiskey carried him to the edge of the shoreline, the sparkling mouth of the river that fed into the stretching ocean filled him with a welcomed sense of tranquility -- something he hadn't felt in weeks. Finally he was here, and he was ready to prove to the world that he was more than just an overlooked ranch-hand. Young and naive as he was, he hadn't yet fully realized the dangers that being part of the league brought him, but for now, he lived in blissful ignorance.

He'd suspected that he'd be paired up with a mentor during his earlier ranger missions, though what he hadn't expected was to be paired with Mauville's gym leader. Faolan liked to consider himself the cool and collected type, at least outwardly, but the truth was that everyone could sense his silent panic. To say he was intimidated was a vast understatement, and all the boy could think about was ultimately disappointing this impressive figure. As they stood at the shoreline, Whiskey turned her head and offered her trainer a look of mixed worry and sympathy, though Faolan promptly ignored her attempts at reassurance. With his lips tightly pressed, Faolan glanced over at Josh with what he thought was a blank expression, though it really looked more like he was in terrible pain.

"So...there were, uh...reports of an injured Pokemon here?" At least his tone sounded fairly normal, if a little forced. He swept the expanse of the water with his eyes, though he noticed nothing but the rippling surface. How would they seek this Pokemon out, if it hadn't already been devoured by an opportunistic predator?
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
12 posts
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
faolan's pc
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 1:34:46 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar






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played by


November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
12 posts
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
faolan's pc
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 0:51:06 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar



current party



♀ intimidate[break]
crunch, fire fang, ice fang[break] thunder fang, play rough, roar


♂ ball fetch[break]
crunch, play rough, charge[break] spark, wild charge, nuzzle


♀ own tempo[break]
crunch, play rough, charm[break] lick, work up, covet



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played by


November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
12 posts
part of
TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
ashbaker, faolan
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 1:34:37 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x


namefaolan ashbaker
played bytybaxel

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK cadet

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM leo (fullmetal alchemist)
[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



young faolan has always felt like he was living in the shadow of his twin sister, sloane, who lit up the streets of their down-to-earth hometown of paniola with her joyous presence and illuminating smile. faolan, on the other hand, was quiet, reclusive, and ever so compliant, making him the unofficial errand boy of the town when he wasn't busy with his work on the ranch. his family was notorious for breeding their notorious working line of short-haired lillipups, trained specifically as mounts due to their popularity as such throughout the alola region. from a young age, he was tasked with taking care of the little dogs, which he grew extremely fond of over the years. one in particular, a female he called whiskey, became his treasured partner, and the two were almost never seen apart. though his sister tried many times to strengthen their bond as siblings -- one that should have been even stronger, perhaps, due to being twins -- faolan just couldn't bring himself to accept her, hindered by a feeling of bitterness and jealousy that would continue to fester as he reached adolescence. he was more happy in the company of pokemon than anything else, and was content keeping things that way.
the violent happenings in the hoenn region were truly of no concern to the majority of the ashbaker family -- just another bloodstain on this war-torn world's colorful history. poor faolan, with his empathetic heart, wished dearly that there was something he could have done to help, but being locked in an occupation he had no route out of made his wishes impossible. that was, until sloane decided to do the unthinkable -- defying her parents' wishes, she decided to travel to johto and start her own journey as a pokemon trainer. if faolan's envy of his sister wasn't already red-hot, it certainly was now, watching her simply leave as if without a care in the world for anything she left behind...especially not for him. for a while longer, faolan continued his duties...but one day, something in him snapped. hell, he was an adult, and he could choose his own path. how could he let his parents hold him back when they didn't even respect him?
that's when faolan left. he took whiskey's ball and vanished from the alola region, gracing his parents with not even a word of farewell. he promptly made his way to hoenn, where he signed up as a ranger and immediately took to work protecting the region and its pokemon from the imminent threats that loomed from all sides. he just wishes sloane could see him now.
starter pokemon
whiskey ♀ - stoutland
[intimidate - crunch, fire fang, ice fang, thunder fang, play rough, roar]
whiskey is faolan's trusted companion who he raised from a lillipup. they've been together since both of them were very young, and they rely on each other heavily. whiskey herself is a very calm and gentle-natured pokemon, though possesses plenty of energy and a thrill for adventure. despite having been bred as a mount rather than a battle partner, she has managed to juggle both roles efficiently and will go to great lengths to protect her partner.[break][break]
bourbon ♂ - yamper
[ball fetch - crunch, play rough, charge, spark, wild charge, nuzzle]
bourbon is an energetic and exuberant young pokemon that followed faolan for miles as he made his way to the coast of akala island. though he isn't sure where the pup came from, it felt wrong leaving him behind when it came time to fly out of the region, and so bourbon was captured and taken to hoenn. bourbon's optimism and enthusiasm for life seems to sharply counter faolan's dreary nature, but the two get along surprisingly well. faolan has faith that the yamper will make an excellent partner on his ranger missions.
brandy ♀ - fidough
[own tempo - crunch, play rough, charm, lick, work up, covet]
shortly after arriving in hoenn, faolan was handed brandy's ball by a woman who simply stated she could no longer care for the pokemon, and fled. feeling sympathy for the creature, faolan added her to his small team. brandy is exceptionally curious about the world, navigating it with wonder and enthusiasm as if she'd never seen grass or the sky once in her life. she isn't particularly strong at the moment, but with her warm and kind personality, she serves as a comforting presence for faolan and the rest of his pokemon.
(fidough sprite by ezerart)


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