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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 10
paniola town, alola
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
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POSTED ON May 26, 2024 2:20:45 GMT
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Blood. For some reason, part of Faolan had been expecting such a gruesome answer, and yet it still amplified the sensation of freezing dread in his core. The cries of the gargantuan beast beneath the waves seemed to summon storm clouds on demand, rolling in from the horizon to blanket the sky overhead. He glanced upward, squinting as fat droplets began to fall. It was obvious this wasn't your run-of-the-mill Pokemon, but it was a Pokemon nonetheless. Protecting them was the duty he'd been given, right? He wasn't particularly knowledgeable when it came to creatures of legend and myth...but he couldn't idly stand by as this guy paddled off with an ancient blood sample. What did this citizen want with such a thing, anyway? Unless...

"...You're from Team Rocket, aren't you?" As the words left Faolan's mouth, another bellowing cry split the air, thick with fury and unprecedented power. The ranger felt his knees weaken. This was his first encounter with someone of the famed terrorist organization, and he wasn't backed up by his superiors. He was truly, utterly alone, and with a furious predator circling beneath his was a true nightmare scenario.

As the man called back his dogs, Faolan stood himself almost protectively in front of his own. Bourbon was visibly confused at the disappearance of the newfound company, while Brandy sheltered herself behind her trainer's legs. The new ranger gripped Whiskey's ball, still fastened to his belt -- she was his strongest partner, and if things were to escalate, he knew he could rely on her strength...but he really was not a fighter by nature. Perhaps he could take a different approach.

"...You need to hand that over." Faolan's voice of authority was shaky and weak, his confidence clearly wavering amidst this rather frightening predicament, "You've clearly made it upset! It's going to attack us both...or the people in Lilycove!" At the mention of his boat, he glanced briefly over at it as it rode the waves rather pathetically, water splashing along the edges and filling the inside. It was true that he wasn't going anywhere in this weather. The Pokemon churning the storm needed to be calmed. "Please...j-just do the right thing and give it to me. We can both make it out of this."

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November 10
paniola town, alola
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 25, 2024 16:45:25 GMT
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As Josh released his impressive array of Pokemon from their balls, Faolan gaped particularly at Genbu's towering form, dwarfing even Whiskey. He nodded stiffly in acknowledgement of the other ranger's words. It felt strange to ride on the back of a Pokemon that wasn't his, but as he clambered onto the Blastoise's shell, he was struck with a sensation of rather childlike excitement for the mission at hand. As simple and straightforward as it was, it was more of an adventure than he'd ever gotten back home.

As Genbu began to wade through the water in pursuit of Josh, Faolan glanced back at Whiskey, who stared at her trainer almost sadly from the shore. It was clear she wanted to take part, rather than just sit and wait for their return. "You can still scout from the shoreline, Whiskey!" he told his Stoutland, "Keep an eye out for the gleaming eyes, remember?"

He didn't get to see Whiskey's response before the Blastoise he rode upon had suddenly tripled in speed, skimming the surface of the river with the composed elegance of an experienced water-type Pokemon. Faolan was gripping for dear life as he attempted to shake off the disorientation, glancing along the shoreline for signs of the potentially beached fish. Despite the overwhelming brightness of the Wishiwashi's panic signal, it would be hard to see it from the surface with the reflective sun beating down on the water. Hopefully, the search would be short...
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
the first leap [m]
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 16:18:20 GMT
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Faolan was visibly mesmerized by the transition of the Pokemon from the digital realm into the physical, manifesting as balls neatly aligned on Josh's belt. It was no surprise that the gym leader had such an array of powerful Pokemon, and the young ranger could only fantasize about the day that his own Pokemon would be of such impressive standing. So caught up in his own thoughts he was that he barely noticed when Josh suddenly took off on his Greninja, and with a partially stifled gasp, Faolan clambered back into the saddle of his Stoutland, who also seemed a bit stunned by the speed at which the frog was moving. Together, they struggled to keep pace with Josh as they returned to the shoreline.

As they once more arrived at the rescue site, poor Whiskey's flanks were heaving from the exertion -- even for a Pokemon bred as a mount, she'd never been made to run so fast in her life. As Faolan hopped off her back, he gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Stoutlands weren't particularly fast Pokemon, but they were known for their limitless stamina -- perhaps one day, she'd be able to rival Josh's lineup.

But now was hardly the time for thoughts of friendly competition -- there was a Wishiwashi in dire need of rescue. Faolan looked over at his mentor. "I...can't say I'm in any position for diving at the moment," he admitted, glancing down at his dry uniform, "Maybe you can have your Pokemon look for the gleam of the Wishiwashi's eyes, and once it's out, we can take care of any wounds it has together?"
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
sooty sinuses [m]
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 3:58:06 GMT
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Nodding slowly as he took in Ever's words, Faolan redirected his attention to the nearby Pokemon Center. The iconic red roof was barely visible beneath the thick layers of ash -- it was a rather grim sight, to say the least. Hopefully it was well air-conditioned.

"I, uh...I've got an idea of what to do," he told the older ranger, shuffling his way to the building, "I was in charge of healing up my family's Lillipups back home. I imagine first aid isn't much different on a person." Only difference was that typical Pokemon potions and medicine didn't really work on humans. Eh, maybe it was more different than he thought. He shook his head.

Faolan walked a short distance ahead of Ever, his pace fairly quick as his eagerness to get inside rose like the late morning sun overhead. The Pokemon Center's automatic doors slid apart at his arrival, and the resulting blast of cool air was extremely welcomed. Less welcoming was the heavy crowd packed into the building's lobby, with both Pokemon and people either lined up at the desk or seated by the walls. Faolan inwardly grimaced as he noticed a sizable burn on the flank of a nearby Servine. It was clear that they had their work cut out for them.
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
the first leap [m]
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 18:12:36 GMT
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At first, as he was processing what was happening, Faolan could only blink in disbelief. However, as the seconds ticked by, the young ranger began to feel his apprehension gradually melt away , a lighthearted smile twitching at the corners of his mouth as he looked at his mentor.

"Don't worry about it," he assured him, wiping remnants of nervous sweat from his forehead, "I'll come with you."

As the two made their brief retreat back to Mauville City, Faolan basked in the glowing sensation of relief that filled him. These people were capable of making mistakes, and that was an immense comfort to him. Watching as Josh swapped out his Pokemon, Faolan curiously eyed up the various Pokeballs. With his nerves feeling significantly less frayed, he figured it wouldn't hurt to strike up some light conversation while they were here, right?

"What sorts of water types do you have? Can they all surf?"
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
the first leap [m]
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 2:16:08 GMT
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Whatever was emanating from the Sylveon's feelers seemed to damper Faolan's flaring nerves, though only briefly. As Josh promptly reminded him of the existence of the RangerNet app, hot embarrassment shot through him like an electric current -- far too many thoughts were cramped into his mind at this moment, and he'd already forgotten the root of the basic training. "N-No, I remember, I just-" Faolan's excuse died off as he frantically fumbled with his phone, nearly dropping it as he struggled to get the app open through shaking fingers. He could feel not only the expectant stare of Whiskey burning into him, but approximately nine others in his immediate surroundings. Why had Josh brought so many Pokemon?! It was as if an audience had been curated specifically to watch him make a fool of himself on day one.

Trying to dismiss the thoughts of pessimism, Faolan tightly clenched his jaw as he navigated his way through the app, eventually coming across the information he'd been looking for. Squinting through the sunlight to see the text, he began to read: ", there have been multiple reports of a lone Wishiwashi that had apparently been separated from it's school in what was likely a predator attack. It seems to have extensive injuries that have left it unable to swim, and it has instead taken shelter in the plants beneath the water in the river's mouth." He glanced upward, eyes darting across the surface of the water. "I-I know a bit about Wishiwashi. My neighbor back home had a few of them that he kept in a big pond behind his house. Whenever there was trouble, their eyes would light up real bright to attract the others of it's kind." He looked over at Josh. "I'll bet this Wishiwashi is doing the same thing. If we look below the surface, we should be able to find it that way. Only..." Faolan sheepishly looked down at Whiskey, who tilted her head inquisitively. "Whiskey here probably isn't the best for swimming. Or diving."
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
sooty situation [m]
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 1:49:52 GMT
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To say Faolan was intimidated by the presence of the Calyrex would be barely scratching the surface. Being Galarian on his father's side, he'd heard plenty of stories centered around the fabled creature in his childhood, and to see it in person was like seeing a celebrity. He was putting in tremendous effort to restrain his childish gawking. Did the trainers in Hoenn often lug around legendary Pokemon like this? 

However, Faolan was no stranger to the stories of Calyrex, and thus he knew well of it's exceptional healing prowess. To mend this Sawsbuck's wounds would surely be no more than a flick of the wrist. In response to his comrade's words, he gave a quick nod of affirmation. A rope was equipped to his belt for these sort of situations, and he unraveled one end of it before handing it over to Whiskey, who took it into her tightly clamped jaws. "Let's make our way down, then," Faolan said, suddenly brimming with an invigorating, newfound confidence. 

Gripping the rope in his hands, he made his way to the edge of the fissure before gradually making his descent. It was near impossible to see through the wind and soot for any footholds, but miraculously, he successfully made his way to the bottom without issue. Whiskey continued to hold the rope, should Elise need it, while Faolan dropped to one knee beside the Sawsbuck to inspect it's injury. Judging by it's rather emaciated frame, it had been stuck down here -- or at least roaming the barren slopes of Mt. Chimney -- for quite some time. A sympathetic frown crossed his features, and he cautiously reached a hand forward to give the deer a reassuring pat between the ears, which it accepted gratefully. It was clear this Pokemon wasn't wild -- Faolan could only wonder why it had been left here.
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
close encounters [m]
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 1:19:06 GMT
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Adrenaline surging through his bloodstream in the way that it was, Faolan hadn't even noticed the small group of dogs on the little outcropping until he had sloppily parked his rowboat. With frantic urgency, he tossed the terror-paralyzed Brandy ashore before scrambling out himself, Bourbon tagging close behind. With drenched clothes uncomfortably plastered to his skin, he watched the shadow beneath the water as it circled menacingly around the little island, as if honing in on unsuspecting prey. He was being targeted.

Bourbon, with his one-track mind, seemed to disregard the imminent danger in pursuit of the newfound company. With a broad, doggish grin stretched across his face, the Yamper approached the Dachsbun with a furiously wagging tail. His nose was nearly pressed against the other's as he sniffed in a curious and enthusiastic greeting, eventually nabbing the attention of both Brandy and his trainer. The Fidough in particular was quick to rush to Bourbon's flank with a drooping tail, as if convinced the little dog could protect her. Faolan was puzzled as to how these Pokemon got here -- clearly well-fed and pampered, they were anything but wild. Not only that, but they seemed...unusually calm. Was their trainer nearby? Maybe-

His train of thought was abruptly cut short when the Sharpedo emerged from the water, casting waves against the rocks and splashing up onto his already-soaked uniform. Wiping saltwater from his eyes, Faolan gawked in stupid disbelief at the man surfing on top of the sizable Pokemon.

"I-I should be asking you the same! You don't look like a ranger!" he exclaimed over the roar of the waves, silently noting the rather...tacky wetsuit. "We should both get out of here! There's something in the-"

Faolan trailed off as he noticed the syringe in the man's hand, filled with something he couldn't put a name to. Despite this, a sense of dread seemed to envelop him at the sight of it. At the same time, an enraged, earth-shattering screech -- similar to a Wailord's cry, but higher pitched and infinitely more formidable -- rose up from the water as if heralding an imminent doom. His brow narrowed as he tried to push past his ever-growing panic, trying to keep his gaze fixed on the man ahead of him.

"...What are you holding?!" His tone was shaky but accusatory -- it was obvious that he was young and inexperienced, but still trying to put on a brave face with great effort. "Do you know something about that creature?!"
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
close encounters [m]
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 18:41:29 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar

Even prior to his arrival in Hoenn, Faolan rarely had the pleasure of any off time. It felt wrong to just rest when a world of opportunities, once completely closed off to him, sprawled out ahead of him like the vast ocean. With no missions currently assigned to his name, the young ranger figured he would take this chance to patrol some of the areas he had yet to visit, taking time to really immerse himself in his new environment. He really wasn't one for city life, and so he had been quick to escape the rather suffocating confines of Lilycove City after arriving there. Route 124 was a seemingly immeasurable mass of saltwater and jutting crags, and it simply called to Faolan despite his lack of a surfing Pokemon. In one's place, he'd borrowed a rather shoddy rowboat from Lilycove -- he had no intentions of going out too far, but just enough to satisfy his cravings for a little ocean outing.

With him were Bourbon and Brandy, who were small and light enough to not make much of a difference on the boat. Though Brandy was exceptionally well-behaved and calm in the face of such adventure, plopped down at Faolan's side while sweeping the ocean with a brilliantly curious and awe-struck gaze, Bourbon was unable to keep himself still. The little Yamper raced from one end of the boat to the next, bright bouts of electricity sparking from the end of his tail. Half of Faolan's time was occupied with restraining the little dog by the scruff to keep him from leaping into the water and quite possibly killing them all with the electric current he would surely send jolting through the boat.

So hyper-focused was Faolan on Bourbon that he failed to notice the dark shadow forming beneath the water -- and it was dangerously close. The one who did notice, however, was Brandy, whose little body began to puff up with obvious fear and the dreadful sight. A pitiful whimper escaped the young Fidough, and she shrunk closer to her trainer, who had finally wrangled the happily panting and completely oblivious Bourbon into his arms. Faolan, huffing from the effort, glanced down at Brandy with mild concern, but before he could even open his mouth to question her, something emerged from the water.

Faolan barely got a glimpse of it. To say it was massive was a horrible understatement, it's gigantic bulk casting a dark shadow over the group as it arced through the air. Brilliantly glowing rings adorned its broad fins and underbelly, making it obvious that it wasn't just some oddly energetic Wailord. Before Faolan could process the sight enough to start making guesses on what exactly it was, the incredible splash resulting from the creature re-entering the water sent the boat rocketing backward. The way it endured blasting wave after wave, it was a miracle that it stayed upright. However, the ranger and his two Pokemon were now absolutely drenched to the bone, though in the aftermath of what they'd just seen, it went almost completely unnoticed.

Bourbon stood at the edge of the boat, barking incessantly as his eyes followed the slow-moving shadow beneath the waves. Faolan, rattled both physically and emotionally, knew he was clearly in no position to battle the creature. Swallowing a lump in his throat, the ranger promptly began to row his boat to one of the nearby rocky outcroppings, hoping that getting his feet onto land would give him a better perspective of the situation.
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November 10
paniola town, alola
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
sooty sinuses [m]
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 17:58:38 GMT
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Faolan was unsure why he was being dispatched to the most bitterly hot corners of Hoenn for his earliest missions, but as someone who much rather preferred the tropical climate of the regions lower altitudes, he wasn't exactly in his comfort zone. Though, he was quickly learning that comfort wasn't exactly a priority for the Pokemon rangers -- in order to properly protect Hoenn's various populations, one needed to be willing to take any measures necessary.

Lavaridge Town, with earth drier than bone and air thick with moisture from the nearby hot springs, reminded him somewhat of his hometown. Though he was used to the occasional bouts of ash spitting from the peak of Akala Volcano, the way that this town was absolutely caked in inches of soot was on an entirely different level. Faolan had heard that this settlement was not often without at least a thin layer of ash, though it had considerably worsened with the recent wind and climate shifts, and those residents who hadn't evacuated were not faring too well.

The young ranger carried a rather hefty sack of medical supplies -- he looked a little ridiculous trying to lug it around, but he was pretty eager to prove what existed of his physical strength to his partner for this mission. They had been tasked with providing medical treatment to the Pokemon living in and around the town, as those who weren't built for breathing in such high levels of ash were in dire need of it. Faolan glanced over at Ever, sweat dripping from his temples in the blistering heat. "Ugh...where do you think we should start?"
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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faolan ashbaker
sooty situation [m]
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 17:36:21 GMT
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Alola had plenty of volcanoes and twisting fiery routes -- the notorious Akala Volcano could be seen on the horizon from Paniola Town, and the Ashbaker family had dealt with its fair share of soot carried on the wind -- but dear god, the elemental power of Hoenn's Mt. Chimney was truly on another level. Especially now, as brutal winds chock-full of black ash pummeled him and Whiskey from all angles, Faolan bitterly thought that he'd rather withstand the heat of Wela Volcano Park over this any day of the week.

However, despite his obvious discomfort, one could not deny the mission at hand, especially as the wailing cry of a distressed Pokemon bellowed upwards from a newly formed fissure. With a hand shielding his eyes, Faolan inched his way to the edge of the jagged crack, peering down into it to assess the severity of the situation. Though it was shallow enough to clamber in and out of with a rope, it was still deep enough that a sizable Pokemon could be easily injured by a fall if unable to see through the soot storm -- and that seemed to be exactly what had happened. At the bottom of the fissure laid a Sawsbuck, the once-impressive foliage on its antlers having been singed off by the heat to almost nothing. One of its hind legs sat at an awkward angle -- perhaps not broken, but almost certainly dislocated. It's dull eyes lit up at the sight of the young ranger's face, and it let out another warbling, pleading howl.

Brows knitting together in a look of concern, Faolan turned to look at the fellow ranger that had accompanied him on the mission -- from what he had heard, she was a rather impressive figure with a rich backstory, though as curious as he was, now was hardly the time for such casual conversation. More than anything, he was petrified of looking like a fool in front of her, as was evident by his clear vice grip on Whiskey to prevent himself from losing balance. Though the Pokemon's rescue was undeniably the top priority, also high on Faolan's list was making a good impression. The last thing he wanted was for the Hoenn rangers to view him with as little respect as his parents...

"How did a Sawsbuck get all the way up here?" Faolan wondered aloud, idly wiping sweat and soot from his forehead, "This hardly seems the place for one to live. Maybe it was abandoned here." He cringed at the thought, glancing back down at the Pokemon from the fissure's edge. "What do you suggest we do?"
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