sooty situation [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
sooty situation [m]
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 17:36:21 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar

Alola had plenty of volcanoes and twisting fiery routes -- the notorious Akala Volcano could be seen on the horizon from Paniola Town, and the Ashbaker family had dealt with its fair share of soot carried on the wind -- but dear god, the elemental power of Hoenn's Mt. Chimney was truly on another level. Especially now, as brutal winds chock-full of black ash pummeled him and Whiskey from all angles, Faolan bitterly thought that he'd rather withstand the heat of Wela Volcano Park over this any day of the week.

However, despite his obvious discomfort, one could not deny the mission at hand, especially as the wailing cry of a distressed Pokemon bellowed upwards from a newly formed fissure. With a hand shielding his eyes, Faolan inched his way to the edge of the jagged crack, peering down into it to assess the severity of the situation. Though it was shallow enough to clamber in and out of with a rope, it was still deep enough that a sizable Pokemon could be easily injured by a fall if unable to see through the soot storm -- and that seemed to be exactly what had happened. At the bottom of the fissure laid a Sawsbuck, the once-impressive foliage on its antlers having been singed off by the heat to almost nothing. One of its hind legs sat at an awkward angle -- perhaps not broken, but almost certainly dislocated. It's dull eyes lit up at the sight of the young ranger's face, and it let out another warbling, pleading howl.

Brows knitting together in a look of concern, Faolan turned to look at the fellow ranger that had accompanied him on the mission -- from what he had heard, she was a rather impressive figure with a rich backstory, though as curious as he was, now was hardly the time for such casual conversation. More than anything, he was petrified of looking like a fool in front of her, as was evident by his clear vice grip on Whiskey to prevent himself from losing balance. Though the Pokemon's rescue was undeniably the top priority, also high on Faolan's list was making a good impression. The last thing he wanted was for the Hoenn rangers to view him with as little respect as his parents...

"How did a Sawsbuck get all the way up here?" Faolan wondered aloud, idly wiping sweat and soot from his forehead, "This hardly seems the place for one to live. Maybe it was abandoned here." He cringed at the thought, glancing back down at the Pokemon from the fissure's edge. "What do you suggest we do?"
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,902 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
sooty situation [m]
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 19:22:38 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]

The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




Mt. Chimney was the least habitable place that a Pokemon like a Sawsbuck would be in. Elise knows that much since Sawsbuck and their Deerling young would frequent forested areas than a sooty place like this mountain. Fortunately, her ranger partner would be helping her with the rescue of the poor Sawsbuck and even Faolan’s good with rescuing Pokemon. [break][break]

“If we can get down to where the Sawsbuck is, I can help treat its injuries alongside Charles.” She responds to the other ranger while the shard of Calyrex looks down from the edge of the fissure. The solution to the problem was that they could use the rope to get down if the distance itself was not that deep. “Or a flying Pokemon that’s large enough can handle the carry… My Dragonite should be a decent choice.”


♔ notes here


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played by


November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
12 posts
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TAG WITH @faolan
faolan ashbaker
sooty situation [m]
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 1:49:52 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar

To say Faolan was intimidated by the presence of the Calyrex would be barely scratching the surface. Being Galarian on his father's side, he'd heard plenty of stories centered around the fabled creature in his childhood, and to see it in person was like seeing a celebrity. He was putting in tremendous effort to restrain his childish gawking. Did the trainers in Hoenn often lug around legendary Pokemon like this? 

However, Faolan was no stranger to the stories of Calyrex, and thus he knew well of it's exceptional healing prowess. To mend this Sawsbuck's wounds would surely be no more than a flick of the wrist. In response to his comrade's words, he gave a quick nod of affirmation. A rope was equipped to his belt for these sort of situations, and he unraveled one end of it before handing it over to Whiskey, who took it into her tightly clamped jaws. "Let's make our way down, then," Faolan said, suddenly brimming with an invigorating, newfound confidence. 

Gripping the rope in his hands, he made his way to the edge of the fissure before gradually making his descent. It was near impossible to see through the wind and soot for any footholds, but miraculously, he successfully made his way to the bottom without issue. Whiskey continued to hold the rope, should Elise need it, while Faolan dropped to one knee beside the Sawsbuck to inspect it's injury. Judging by it's rather emaciated frame, it had been stuck down here -- or at least roaming the barren slopes of Mt. Chimney -- for quite some time. A sympathetic frown crossed his features, and he cautiously reached a hand forward to give the deer a reassuring pat between the ears, which it accepted gratefully. It was clear this Pokemon wasn't wild -- Faolan could only wonder why it had been left here.
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