the first leap [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 10
paniola town, alola
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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faolan ashbaker
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POSTED ON May 16, 2024 16:43:55 GMT
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Only a few days had passed since his initial arrival at the Mauville airport, and already Faolan felt like he'd been simmering there for ages. To jump so abruptly from eighteen years worth of sheltered, small town life to the bustling vibrancy of city living felt like an earth-leveling change. Mauville City felt so vast and so cramped at the same time, hosting opportunities for exploration flanked on all sides by advertisements and various other desperate attempts at fishing coin from one's wallet. Luckily, the promise of material possessions didn't particularly tempt him -- if anything, it just added to his stress. After successfully signing up for the rangers, he was more than eager to bid Mauville City adieu, pushing his way into the unfamiliar but much more bearable Hoenn wilderness on what would become his first mission.

Faolan was from a drier part of Alola, but he wasn't unfamiliar with humidity and the general presence of water. He felt almost at home here on the path of Route 118, and as Whiskey carried him to the edge of the shoreline, the sparkling mouth of the river that fed into the stretching ocean filled him with a welcomed sense of tranquility -- something he hadn't felt in weeks. Finally he was here, and he was ready to prove to the world that he was more than just an overlooked ranch-hand. Young and naive as he was, he hadn't yet fully realized the dangers that being part of the league brought him, but for now, he lived in blissful ignorance.

He'd suspected that he'd be paired up with a mentor during his earlier ranger missions, though what he hadn't expected was to be paired with Mauville's gym leader. Faolan liked to consider himself the cool and collected type, at least outwardly, but the truth was that everyone could sense his silent panic. To say he was intimidated was a vast understatement, and all the boy could think about was ultimately disappointing this impressive figure. As they stood at the shoreline, Whiskey turned her head and offered her trainer a look of mixed worry and sympathy, though Faolan promptly ignored her attempts at reassurance. With his lips tightly pressed, Faolan glanced over at Josh with what he thought was a blank expression, though it really looked more like he was in terrible pain.

"So...there were, uh...reports of an injured Pokemon here?" At least his tone sounded fairly normal, if a little forced. He swept the expanse of the water with his eyes, though he noticed nothing but the rippling surface. How would they seek this Pokemon out, if it hadn't already been devoured by an opportunistic predator?
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON May 16, 2024 23:23:27 GMT
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The grasslands, sandy beaches, and waves of Route 118 were Josh's playground away from Mauville Gym. Today, though, he wouldn't be at play; he would be at work. He and the eight saddle-wearing Eeveelutions near him. They were gigantic for their kind, comparable to a Ponyta or a small Rapidash. Though it was clear they could only seat one person at a time, the Jolteon's seat covering most of her back, they all seemed adept, moving around in their gear like they had done so for months. The sweet-looking, blue-hued Sylveon stretched her feelers toward Faolan.

"That's correct, Faolan," Josh confirmed as Kairi, the Vaporeon he was astride, slapped her tail back and forth to shoo away a Wartortle getting a bit too close for comfort. "You don't remember how to access briefings in RangerNet?" he asked the new recruit. "Might be a good idea to confirm what we're trying to rescue and any other information that was in the briefing before we continue on."

{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Kairi         Vaporeon       Good
Blinky        Jolteon        Good
Clyde         Flareon        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
Kamuy         Umbreon        Good
Basil         Leafeon        Good
Inky          Glaceon        Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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faolan ashbaker
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POSTED ON May 17, 2024 2:16:08 GMT
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Whatever was emanating from the Sylveon's feelers seemed to damper Faolan's flaring nerves, though only briefly. As Josh promptly reminded him of the existence of the RangerNet app, hot embarrassment shot through him like an electric current -- far too many thoughts were cramped into his mind at this moment, and he'd already forgotten the root of the basic training. "N-No, I remember, I just-" Faolan's excuse died off as he frantically fumbled with his phone, nearly dropping it as he struggled to get the app open through shaking fingers. He could feel not only the expectant stare of Whiskey burning into him, but approximately nine others in his immediate surroundings. Why had Josh brought so many Pokemon?! It was as if an audience had been curated specifically to watch him make a fool of himself on day one.

Trying to dismiss the thoughts of pessimism, Faolan tightly clenched his jaw as he navigated his way through the app, eventually coming across the information he'd been looking for. Squinting through the sunlight to see the text, he began to read: ", there have been multiple reports of a lone Wishiwashi that had apparently been separated from it's school in what was likely a predator attack. It seems to have extensive injuries that have left it unable to swim, and it has instead taken shelter in the plants beneath the water in the river's mouth." He glanced upward, eyes darting across the surface of the water. "I-I know a bit about Wishiwashi. My neighbor back home had a few of them that he kept in a big pond behind his house. Whenever there was trouble, their eyes would light up real bright to attract the others of it's kind." He looked over at Josh. "I'll bet this Wishiwashi is doing the same thing. If we look below the surface, we should be able to find it that way. Only..." Faolan sheepishly looked down at Whiskey, who tilted her head inquisitively. "Whiskey here probably isn't the best for swimming. Or diving."
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON May 17, 2024 4:54:21 GMT
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As Josh listened to Faolan's reading of the briefing, he realized that he had made his own embarrassing mistake. There was a very similar-looking ticket submitted at almost the same time, for the same Route, but for the rescue of a Shinx instead.

He had pulled up the wrong ticket in the system!

"I am so very sorry, Faolan!" Josh blurted out, Inky and Clyde laughing at him for his mishap. "I was looking at the wrong ticket when I came out here! Not to ignore you, but can we take a quick detour to the Pokémon Center on the east side of Mauville?" he asked. "I'll even give you a ride on one of my Pokémon once we get back to the bay."

Provided Faolan would agree to the trip, Josh would call his secretary at Mauville Gym. "Hello, Shelly? It's Josh. Can you upload Snacker, Genbu, Ecco, Illumina, and Winky into the PSS, please? I brought the wrong Pokémon with me and need to swap teams. Thanks. Bye."

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Kairi         Vaporeon       Good
Blinky        Jolteon        Good
Clyde         Flareon        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
Kamuy         Umbreon        Good
Basil         Leafeon        Good
Inky          Glaceon        Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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faolan ashbaker
the first leap [m]
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 18:12:36 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar

At first, as he was processing what was happening, Faolan could only blink in disbelief. However, as the seconds ticked by, the young ranger began to feel his apprehension gradually melt away , a lighthearted smile twitching at the corners of his mouth as he looked at his mentor.

"Don't worry about it," he assured him, wiping remnants of nervous sweat from his forehead, "I'll come with you."

As the two made their brief retreat back to Mauville City, Faolan basked in the glowing sensation of relief that filled him. These people were capable of making mistakes, and that was an immense comfort to him. Watching as Josh swapped out his Pokemon, Faolan curiously eyed up the various Pokeballs. With his nerves feeling significantly less frayed, he figured it wouldn't hurt to strike up some light conversation while they were here, right?

"What sorts of water types do you have? Can they all surf?"
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON May 19, 2024 1:52:31 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
After the two had arrived at Mauville's Pokémon Center near the east checkpoint, Faolan would be able to see Josh switching out his Pokémon team. Were he to look over the Gym Leader's shoulder, he would see a Sharpedo, Blastoise, Palafin, Lanturn, and Greninja make their way across the Internet and to Josh's belt.

"As Mauville's Gym Leader, I only catch Pokémon that one can ride on," he answered. While there were a few exceptions, such as Zaborg, the Shiny Zeraora that rode his other Pokémon, as well as Amp the Toxtricity behind running Josh's sound system at the Gym, it was true. He owned over a hundred saddled Pokémon, each capable of being half of a devastating cavalry unit specializing in blitzkrieg.

Once Josh had sent seven of his eight Eeveelutions back, he stepped outside and clicked open a Poké Ball containing... a Greninja that stood taller than he did? With a full set of riding gear strapped to her, it may have been hard to imagine the engineering work behind making the giant, blue frog both comfortable to ride and the Pokémon herself comfortable carrying him. Whether she hopped or she ran, she could put on some serious speed. "I bet this answers your question," the Gym Leader smirked as he took his place atop the dark-type. "Hope Whiskey can keep up!" he teased.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Winky         Greninja       Good
Kairi         Vaporeon       Good
Ecco          Palafin        Good
Genbu         Blastoise      Good
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
Illumina      Lanturn        Good
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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faolan ashbaker
the first leap [m]
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 16:18:20 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar

Faolan was visibly mesmerized by the transition of the Pokemon from the digital realm into the physical, manifesting as balls neatly aligned on Josh's belt. It was no surprise that the gym leader had such an array of powerful Pokemon, and the young ranger could only fantasize about the day that his own Pokemon would be of such impressive standing. So caught up in his own thoughts he was that he barely noticed when Josh suddenly took off on his Greninja, and with a partially stifled gasp, Faolan clambered back into the saddle of his Stoutland, who also seemed a bit stunned by the speed at which the frog was moving. Together, they struggled to keep pace with Josh as they returned to the shoreline.

As they once more arrived at the rescue site, poor Whiskey's flanks were heaving from the exertion -- even for a Pokemon bred as a mount, she'd never been made to run so fast in her life. As Faolan hopped off her back, he gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Stoutlands weren't particularly fast Pokemon, but they were known for their limitless stamina -- perhaps one day, she'd be able to rival Josh's lineup.

But now was hardly the time for thoughts of friendly competition -- there was a Wishiwashi in dire need of rescue. Faolan looked over at his mentor. "I...can't say I'm in any position for diving at the moment," he admitted, glancing down at his dry uniform, "Maybe you can have your Pokemon look for the gleam of the Wishiwashi's eyes, and once it's out, we can take care of any wounds it has together?"
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON May 21, 2024 21:56:13 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Stoutland had high stamina within a specific speed range. In excess of that range, even they could become short of breath, as was demonstrated by the heroic efforts the duo made to keep up with the buge frog. Faolan's concerns about diving were warranted; it seemed the Ranger wasn't prepared to submerge. Josh was, having done so with his Pokémon many times. "You don't have to dive! I was more thinking one of us on the surface, one of us beneath!"

As Josh waded into the shallows, he released the rest of the Pokémon on his belt from their Poké Balls. "Genbu will be able to keep you dry! Otherwise, you're welcome to just wait on the shore," he gestured toward the Blastoise as he switched rides to a much more comfortable Pokémon for aquatic travel. Ecco chattered loudly as his trainer mounted the Palafin. "Up to you, of course! Besides, it's possible the Wishiwashi, if it's that hurt, maybe it washed up on the nearby riverbank. Keep your eyes peeled and an open mind!"

With his pep talk over, the young man grabbed the dolphin Pokémon's reins and gently applied pressure to the sea creature's sides. Flipping his tail up and down with surprising strength, the Palafin slowly disappeared over the waves, the Gym Leader aboard him in search of the ailing Wishiwashi.

{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Winky         Greninja       Good
Kairi         Vaporeon       Good
Ecco          Palafin        Good
Genbu         Blastoise      Good
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
Illumina      Lanturn        Good
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November 10
paniola town, alola
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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faolan ashbaker
the first leap [m]
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 16:45:25 GMT
faolan ashbaker Avatar

As Josh released his impressive array of Pokemon from their balls, Faolan gaped particularly at Genbu's towering form, dwarfing even Whiskey. He nodded stiffly in acknowledgement of the other ranger's words. It felt strange to ride on the back of a Pokemon that wasn't his, but as he clambered onto the Blastoise's shell, he was struck with a sensation of rather childlike excitement for the mission at hand. As simple and straightforward as it was, it was more of an adventure than he'd ever gotten back home.

As Genbu began to wade through the water in pursuit of Josh, Faolan glanced back at Whiskey, who stared at her trainer almost sadly from the shore. It was clear she wanted to take part, rather than just sit and wait for their return. "You can still scout from the shoreline, Whiskey!" he told his Stoutland, "Keep an eye out for the gleaming eyes, remember?"

He didn't get to see Whiskey's response before the Blastoise he rode upon had suddenly tripled in speed, skimming the surface of the river with the composed elegance of an experienced water-type Pokemon. Faolan was gripping for dear life as he attempted to shake off the disorientation, glancing along the shoreline for signs of the potentially beached fish. Despite the overwhelming brightness of the Wishiwashi's panic signal, it would be hard to see it from the surface with the reflective sun beating down on the water. Hopefully, the search would be short...
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON May 26, 2024 2:06:45 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Blastoise were faster than many trainers gave them credit for. By shifting their water cannons to their rear instead of their shoulders, they could use the high-pressure blasts as propellant. A Hydro Pump attack used this way could produce enough speed for their shells to skip across even the roughest waves imaginable.

Not to say Ecco wasn't capable of putting on great speed as well; the ramming attack that mimicked a JET PUNCH was faster than even a traditional Aqua Jet. "Alright, DIVE, Ecco!" Josh ordered, putting pressure on the skin in ftont of the blue Pokémon's steering fin: the nonverbal command to dive beneath the surface. The air bubble produced by the technique let Josh breathe while underwater. His eyes shifted between the riverbed and the surface, keeping an eye out for the missing Wishiwashi.

Perhaps would have better luck with his search aboard Genbu...

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Winky         Greninja       Good
Kairi         Vaporeon       Good
Ecco          Palafin        Good
Genbu         Blastoise      Good
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
Illumina      Lanturn        Good
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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 20:00:50 GMT
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