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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 14
Slateport City
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @casper
casper linton
where the water tastes like wine
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 3:26:11 GMT
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Casper cracks his knuckles, finding himself in a good mood as he watches the overtly pink and vivacious avatar on his screen approach his own, the way a cat watches a mouse. His own avatar, perfectly crafted bait to attract this kind of attention, is a sleek and shadowy rogue named "ShadowBlade99."

He laughs softly into his knuckles at the message he receives from her. This had to be the person he'd been on the lookout for. He'd been watching her activity for a while and honestly, did people really fall for this? Enjoying himself far too much, Casper may have included one too many emojis in response.

ShadowBlade99: HIIIII Dionisia! ♡ A party for the new raid dungeon?! That sounds like a blast! 😄😄😄 It's such a shame no one has helped you yet, but maybe it’s fate that brought us together. 😉😏 I’m a bit of a raid expert myself.

I’ve actually been experimenting with some advanced strategies. What’s your usual approach? Do you prefer going all-out offense, or do you like to hang back and support? I’d love to hear your tips.

Casper had to remind himself to relax, the real fun was yet to come.

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May 14
Slateport City
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @casper
casper linton
Disrupt the Disrupter
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 20:39:37 GMT
casper linton Avatar
Casper sucked in a breath. He didn't recognize this woman and that was never a good sign. Someone might have had a loose tongue or purposely sold information on him and his associates. It didn't much matter now. A chill ran down his spine, a poor omen that seemed to suggest he wouldn't be able to talk his way out of this. In any case, he'd be damned if he didn't try.

He attempted to use picking up his dropped items as a moment to gather his composure. He turned his gaze to the brow of the woman in front of him, hoping a bit of false confidence would cover for how unsettled he truly felt.

"Sorry, I think I've got the wrong room, and you've got the wrong person." Casper pretended to scroll through his phone, "Ah, yeah. I'm in 116," he cleared his throat, "I'll just be going then."

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May 14
Slateport City
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @casper
casper linton
Disrupt the Disrupter
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 8:02:40 GMT
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The atmosphere in the hotel was subdued. Not unusual for the time, 2AM wasn't exactly peak roaming hours. Still, Casper had expected more people to be celebrating victories, nursing bruised egos, or staggering in after late seminars from the CFT event at the nearby convention center. The multi-day gathering drew in a good crowd and he expected that at least a third of the rooms booked in the hotel that night were hackers like him.

He topped his categories, of course, the name Prometheus would hold claim to some notoriety, but he'd been still hungry for more of a challenge. Bug-bounty money was consistent at least, and messing with Rocket kept him entertained, but he was feeling a desperate need to test his wit. The message had come at the perfect time, perfectly encrypted. Room 109.

It wasn't uncommon for some less ethical hacking to take place under the cover of the larger event. Over time Casper and a few trusted names built up a circle that would compete with each other in disrupting a renowned organization, without malicious intention, even if the law didn't agree with their idea of good-natured fun.

He expected a server set up specific to their purpose behind the door. But he couldn't help but hesitate, hand on the knob of the propped open door. The lights were off inside. Even if he was the first there, it was too quiet. He heard no shuffling from hotel patrons down the hall, or weary cleaners rolling equipment over carpet. He hadn't kept his identity secret for so long by not being cautious. Casper turned on his heel, but even though his mind was ready for a fast getaway, his body hadn't been. His stumbled over his own foot and dropped his laptop bag with a thump that seemed to echo against the walls. "Shit."

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played by


May 14
Slateport City
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3 posts
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TAG WITH @casper
casper linton
Linton, Casper
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 5:36:21 GMT
casper linton Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



nameCasper Linton
played bypopcorn

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM Kenma Kozume from HAIKYUU!!

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



"You've got talent, kid. Why are you wasting it?" He probably heard it a thousand times, a thousand different ways. At least, it felt as though he'd shrugged, smirked, or made some other cryptic gesture a thousand times in answer. He preferred being on the fringes, responsible only for himself and his Pokémon. Besides, suits would hardly consider his hobby of trolling Team Rocket's cybersecurity an appropriate use of his time, so they would always fundamentally disagree.
But the last praising of his talents, his identity unmasked- anonymity in smithereens, this one carried an entirely too thinly-veiled threat. He was sure greater men than him had been rendered frozen under 's glare, and with his real name on her lips, he became nothing more than a rabbit caught in her trap. More accurately, her shiny new tool.
Sigh. There were certainly worse fates and aligning with the HBIC would bring on new challenges...
He figured he might as well go along with things, roll the dice, gain more knowledge... though he'd actually fight someone if forced to wear a suit.


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