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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
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Desmond King
Coffee with the right amount of sugar [s/c]
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2024 2:59:41 GMT
Desmond King Avatar

Desmond could only crack a smirk at how casually Airi blew off the entire ordeal. It made it even easier for him to push his awkward display behind him for good. And so, he did, after all, mulling over it would only add undue stress and if Airi was only getting good vibes then he’d do his best to keep it that way. Now it was time to lean on the bit of charisma he hoped he had and try to leave the best impression on Airi as he could. [break][break]
Watching her cheeks redden was- well, adorable. It was nice to see someone’s passions shine through was always a nice bit of humanity to catch and seeing her equal apologies because of it only added on to the feeling. “No need to apologize Airi, it’s appreciated honesty.” He’d smile. “I only ever buy on sale tea bags; couldn’t say I really knew it got that in depth. So, thanks for that little lesson.” He added. A bit of an embarrassment to say what he usually drinks but so far, Airi's been welcome company. He could take the tease from that too. Not like it'll be a habit that changes anytime soon.[break][break]
It took him a moment to realize why Airi was thanking him as he pulled out her chair. A raised eyebrow showing a bit of confusion. Instead of trying to dig deeper into the reason for praise he’d just reply. “Thanks for meeting with me.” The safest reason. Customs were different between regions and his habits might come off as courtesies, and if it did, why question it?[break][break]
“Wow, a native of Hoenn, huh?” he’d chuckle, thinking on the sweltering few days he’s had trying to adjust to Hoenn’s tropical climate. “Gotta say, coming from a cooler place, it’s pretty crazy how hot your summers are here.” He’d pull another draw from his cool drink. “Yeah, really good. The cool drink I needed today.” He told. [break][break]
“What brings me here, huh?” He thought on it before shrugging. “I can’t say I really have a good reason. I’ve always been in my neighborhood or my family’s farm outside Circhester in Galar.” He put a bit more thought into his next few words. “Let’s say I wanted to go the furthest I could from home.” He stirred his drink. “A nice, but hot, change in scenery.” [break][break]
With another question answered, it was his turn again to ask. Now that he knew she was born and raised here, the next question was obvious. “So, what do you do here to cool off on Summers like this?” he asked, thankful to be under a shaded patio during this Summer morning. “I can’t imagine you are at cafes like this all the time picking up iced coffees.” [break][break]




Coffee Date



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10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
Coffee with the right amount of sugar [s/c]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 2:40:29 GMT
Desmond King Avatar

Desmond did everything he could to stop his internal screams from reaching the outside when Airi’s verbal jab hit him. Could he deny it? No, not with how the past few minutes turned out. Ignore it? Well that’d be an easy way to sour the mood. No, the only thing he could really do was, “No- I mean, yes! Not a single creep here. No ma’am.” He’d blush out. He couldn’t stop the sigh this time, thankfully it let him calm himself after Airi’s bullseye tease. “Definitely not my finest work.” [break][break]
Desmond could only chuckle hearing her so excitedly ramble off suggestions. “I gotta say. I was expecting you would know a thing or two about this menu, but I wasn’t quite expecting that.” It was simultaneously impressive and adorable, and a nice thing to learn about his new acquaintance. He’d watch her order and think about his for a bit since she thankfully knew exactly what she wanted. He looked back at the menu, rolled his head from side to side, and thought back on her words before saying to the teller, “I’ll have a Chocolate Nuzleaf as well.” Was it partly because she ordered it? Absolutely. Was it mainly because Hoenn climate has been harder to adjust to than he thought, and he couldn’t stomach anything hot? Just as much. [break][break]
He’d pay the teller for the drinks and watch as the barista went to work. Giving him some time to mull over a conversation starter. Once they were handed their drinks, Desmond would lead back outside to one of the patio tables, pull a seat out for Airi and wait for her to sit before sitting across from her. “So Airi." he'd announce hoping to get her attention. Just now noticing the vibrant color of her eyes. "Is Hoenn a place on your travel bucket list or has it been home for a while now?” He asked before taking a draw from his drink. “Oh, that’s good.” [break][break]




Coffee Date



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played by


10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
Coffee with the right amount of sugar [s/c]
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 4:02:31 GMT
Desmond King Avatar

With the little time he had to himself, his habit got him getting ready to bother one of his siblings. Or a check up as he'd call it. Thankfully, when he heard his name called he practically jumped to attention. It felt like forever and a day since he'd heard someone else call him by his first name with no honorifics or declarations. He couldn't help but let out the alert "Yes!" before even looking in the direction of the person who called him. Looking in the direction, he couldn't stop the blush from creeping its way to his cheeks.
"Wow." He tried his best to suppress a gulp. Desmond always pegged himself as the type to always look respectful, and when that pang of guilt hit him, he shook himself from the trance that visually drinking in Airi's beauty caused. He lectured himself to play it cool, the last thing he wanted was to come off as a pervert. "Sorry about that. It's just not every day you see someone look even more beautiful than the picture let on." he chuckled, hoping to laugh off the embarrassing moment. Still stiff after his poor display, he'd extend his hand for a shake. "Well, thanks for meeting with me Airi." Saying the name to commit it to memory.
Once greetings were out of the way, Desmond would open the door to the cafe open. Gesturing for Airi to head in first with an, "After you." Getting the moment to compose himself, he could only kick himself even more with how casually put together he was while Airi's- well what she is! It wasn't everyday you found someone who knew exactly what to wear and how to wear it. And damn, does she know how to wear it. He wasn't about to let those primal urges dictate anything though, not when he's just meeting this person for the first time. He knew he needed to get to know her first and hopefully, he'd do just that. Moving to the counter Des would ask, "So, from a coffee drinker to a tea drinker, what would you recommend I get?" Of course he saw all types of trendy drinks and teas he could see himself enjoying but why not try something new? When in Hoenn after all.



Coffee Date



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played by


10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
Coffee with the right amount of sugar [s/c]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 17:22:18 GMT
Desmond King Avatar
[attr="class","desmond king"]

Hoenn has been full of surprises so far. He’d seen the news of course. The whole world has been in tumultuous times for a while now. He’d always felt fortunate that it wasn’t really something he’s had to worry about. Even with Hoenn being the hot bed for all types of issues, the people here didn’t really show it. At least, not to him. Hell, he’d even been told about a new, trendy app here as soon as he made landfall. Figuring there was no harm in it, he’d download the app and grab whatever pictures he could find on his phone to fill out the profile. Struggle for the next few hours or so figuring out what to even type to fill out the profile.[break][break]
Desmond never saw himself as a pursuant man, especially when it came to people who only had a vague blurb about their personality and interests. He’d always felt he was the more physical type- that he’d be the man of few words he normally is, even online. Hell, this Trainer’s Eye thing was the first social media account he’s ever made. So, he’d color himself surprised when he found himself asking for a meetup with a woman whose profile just brought the words out of him.[break][break]
He'd walk through the city, glancing down at his phone when there were no passersby. His need to be prepared was kicking in, he had the name ‘Rustboro’ burned into his mind but would still find himself flicking through screens to go back to her profile and confirm that this city was her location. He did this more times than he’d like to admit, almost obsessively checking to make sure he wasn’t wrong.[break][break]
He would hold in a sigh before looking back at the quaint coffee shop. Fitting the name of the city it was rather rustic, but eye-catchingly so. Unique enough to catch his eye. Once he was finally convinced with himself, he’d flip out his phone once more, swipe to the right screen and start tapping away. Erasing. Starting over and erasing again until he’d finally decided.[break][break]
“Gonna send my location. Hopefully this spot isn’t a tourist trap.”[break][break]
He’d look down at his get up. He wore the cleanest loose black shirt he’d brought with him. A pair of worn, faded, yellow pants and white sneakers that he spent a good amount of time cleaning before heading out for the day. “’Lotta work to do Des.” He’d berate himself, already hearing his little sister in his head chewing him out for not looking his best. [break][break]



Coffee Date [break]




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[googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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played by


10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
Desmond's Gachapon
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 13:25:13 GMT
Desmond King Avatar
I'll be taking the Toxel
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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played by


10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 5:21:00 GMT
Desmond King Avatar




[attr="class","fa fa-check-circle pos icon"]



[attr="class","fa fa-heart"]

Hey, I gotta have some mystery to me. If I went and just had every pic of me smiling here how would I have gotten that swipe back? Tell you what. How about we both try and earn some smiles over coffee, maybe?

[newclass=".hoeapp b"] font:bold 12px/11px 'Poppins'; } .hoeapp i { letter-spacing:0.5px; color:#a9a9a9; border-bottom:1px dotted; [/newclass]

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played by


10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 4:35:02 GMT
Desmond King Avatar

[attr="class","fa fa-check-circle pos icon"]


[attr="class","fa fa-heart"]

Wow. You have one of those types of pics that make people stop and say something. Respectfully.

[newclass=".hoeapp b"] font:bold 12px/11px 'Poppins'; } .hoeapp i { letter-spacing:0.5px; color:#a9a9a9; border-bottom:1px dotted; [/newclass]
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played by


10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
Desmond King | APP
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 4:22:12 GMT
Desmond King Avatar





[attr="class","fas fa-thumbtack"]
HOENN [break]



Not sure what people put in these things. Short, sweet, and to the point or autobiography? Could go listing and keep you guessing. Might even ramble on a bit to catch some folks off guard. Galarian big brother out of his neighborhood. Hoenn suns are hot. Berries are everywhere here. Nice mix up from home. Missing family but not at the same time. Easily confused and just as easy to blush. Smiling's not hard, I'm just not smiling. Looking for the next best tall joke. Amateur photographer in a photogenic region. Keep first aid kits on you. You get hurt just like your Pokémon. No, I don't lecture all the time.

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[attr="class","fa fa-check-circle pos icon"]

[attr="class","fa fa-times-circle neg icon"]

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10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
Desmond's Gachapon
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 3:39:32 GMT
Desmond King Avatar
I'm here to spin the wheel.
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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played by


10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
Desmond's PC
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 3:30:59 GMT
Desmond King Avatar



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played by


10 29
Circhester, Galar
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
Desmond King DOLLARS
part of
Desmond King
King, Desmond
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 7:00:31 GMT
Desmond King Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x




nameDesmond King
played byPap

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION League

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK Civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM Ryan Kinkade from Voltron

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




Desmond is the taller sort. Standing in at six feet and four inches tall and fitting that height is an equally broad frame. He's always been a larger kid and unfortunately, he's laughed at every giant joke that comes his way. Unintentionally. Thankfully, he's been able to make good use of the long limbs and musculature gifted to him by genetics as the family farm outside of the city was constantly in need of extra hands. It's kept him in shape and with a few more pokedollars in his pockets. He's never really focused on the vanity side of things, and he dresses like it. Preferring more loose and comfortable clothes rather than form fitting and eye catching. [break][break]

Desmond has always, and will always have a hard time telling anyone "No." Maybe, it's from him being the oldest child in the family with three other siblings. He could have just been the easiest one for his sisters and brother to talk to. It could also be the fact that he's always embraced responsibility. After all, when the boss wants to toss more work your way it has to lead to a bonus or raise, right? Easy questions, that he can appease himself with instead of facing the truth that he'd rather not fix. Desmond has a bleeding heart. Debatably to a fault. If someone he cares for is in need of help, he'll drop everything in order to make sure that they are okay. For him, other's happiness is his happiness, so whenever it comes time to be selfish and do things for himself he has a hard time figuring out exactly what he wants. [break][break]
If he were to ask for anything, it'd be a quiet moment. He remembers the days of just being alone while the family was out doing who knows what. Leaving him all alone with the family Boltund and having all the stress just melt from his body as he read a book. As much as he loves, the stress of worrying about everyone around him can get a bit heavy- even for his shoulders. The time away from everything gives him that time to just exist away from it all. He treasures that.[break][break]
That's what more than likely brought him to Hoenn. As far as he knew, there was no family in the area and he never really got to do the whole "travel the world" thing that his friends always raved about. Sure, he made every excuse in the world as to why he couldn't go. Using every family member that frequently asked for his help to validate his trepidation. But, when even they were all for him leaving home, there was nothing else to stop him. He'd gather his things, message his friends and family his goodbyes, and board the next flight. He's never been one to easily excite, but this was definitely an exciting moment. [break][break]


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