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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
Tea Time! [c]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 22:19:01 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
The Galarian royal's acceptance of the invitation sends a thrill of excitement through Ana. She claps her hands, bouncing on the balls of her feet with enthusiasm, her smile widening into a grin. "Of course I remember you! The lady in the painting! I remember now!" Ana remarks, the realization hitting her as her eyes widen. She remembers it all so clearly now, the portrait of the princess, Elise Calcifet, with its vivid colors and delicate brushwork, hung prominently in her mother's workshop while she was in the midst of finalizing it.

"I can't believe you're actually here, in Hoenn! What are the chances?" Ana wonders, shaking her head in amused disbelief. She gestures eagerly for the group to join the circle around the tea party spread.

Old Whiskers, still curled up beside the platter of pastries, watches the proceedings with a soft, muted purr. Madame Creme and Mrs. Floss seem to warm to the new arrivals, the former lowering her head to delicately sniff at the newcomers while the latter nearly vibrates with glee, cotton candy fur puffing out with each wiggly movement.

Ana flops back onto her cross-legged position on the ground, reaching for the teapot and beginning to pour. "Anastasia, yeah! I prefer Ana though," the girl chirps in response as she finishes pouring Elise a cup of tea. "You really think my mom's painting is lovely? That's so cool, my mom would be thrilled to know you loved it! What brings you to Hoenn?"

Evidently, Ana is not caught up on any local news.

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21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
Paint in Water
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 22:13:42 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
Hoenn's... dangerous, these days.

Anastasia has grown up on tales of adventure, and she has lived them through a paintbrush's width of separation. She also knows the stories about Hoenn, too, and the danger lurking in its waters—Rocket, meteors, war. A thrill of danger excites her, though—a call to adventure! Something daring and new, but...

Not like this. She doesn't know what to do with herself when he says it, the truth of it ringing through clear as crystal. For the first time since the conversation began, she's silent. Even her hands still in their furious fidgeting, pressing together like birds flying south.

And then he says the part about Hoenn being a place for her, and she can't help the smile that follows. "Thank you! I really hope so!"

Then he declines her discount, and though it makes her heart strings ache a little, there's a new kind of warmth in her chest—pride, gratitude, excitement at a piece sold for full price, she's not really sure, but she does know it's welcome all the same.

She smiles again, this one brighter than the first.

"It's Anastasia Harmon. Ana!" she adds with a cheerful little hiccup in her words. "I like it better that way. What's your name?"

"And, hmmm..." She bites her lip, thinking hard for a moment. What is the painting even worth? She's unsure. She had offered a discount without even being certain of the full price. "I'll take... three hundred for it!"

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
Tea Time! [c]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 3:35:11 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
The sound of quick footsteps approaching the impromptu tea party catches Ana's attention, and she turns to see a young woman with striking pink eyes and a rather fancy outfit - not to mention an entourage of Pokémon, including a tiny green cat and what looks like an actual ghost! - hurrying towards her with concern etched on her features.

Ana's initial instinct is to feel slightly guilty for any perceived disturbance, but that quickly melts into curiosity. She's always eager to make new friends and see what the world has to offer.

"Hi, hi!" Ana greets warmly, pushing to her feet and brushing off the seat of her shorts. She gives a broad, exuberant smile, her orange eyes sparking with interest as she takes in the group before her. "Yes, my very own Pokemon tea party! You wanna join? You wanna? Please, please, join us!"

Ana's Miltank and Swirlix both shuffle slightly closer to Ana, clearly intrigued by the newcomers but still somewhat shy. Old Whiskers blinks sagely at the pink-eyed woman, his expression unreadable as always. Ana turns her gaze back to the stranger, tilting her head inquisitively.

"Hmm, you're, like, super familiar!" Ana remarks with a narrowing of her eyes as she presses a finger to her chin. "Where have I seen you before...?"

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
The Art Of Keeping Cool [dw]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 3:23:46 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
The sun beats down on Ana as she strolls along Route 116, her trusty companion Old Whiskers trotting beside her. The Espeon is in fine form, his graying muzzle twitching occasionally with a content purr. He seems to enjoy the open road as much as she does.

The path stretches out before Ana, an inviting road winding through tall grasses, overgrown with rustling plants and scattered rocks. Ana's eyes shine with curiosity as she surveys the scenery. Who knows what kinds of Pokémon might be hiding here, ready to be befriended?

She pulls out her sketchbook from her satchel, flipping through the pages idly. "Should we draw something today, Whiskers? Maybe one of those cute yanmegas hovering overhead?" Her fingers trace the edge of a page, contemplating. "Or another landscape? Find something with interesting composition?"

Old Whiskers glances up at her and blinks slowly, as if to say: who's the artist here?

Then, Ana nods, as if she has gathered some great, immortal truth from the depths of his eyes. "Ooh, great idea, Whiskers! We should definitely explore! We should explore everywhere!"

Ana picks up the pace, and Whiskers follows closely after her.

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
In Search of Snacks [c]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 3:00:04 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
The intoxicating scent of warm pastries and sweet glazes wafts through the air as Ana pushes open the door to Kingsley Confections, her eyes widening with delight at the display before her. Rows upon rows of delicate macarons, towering croissants, and colorful jellies stretch out as far as the eye can see, a feast fit for a queen. And to Ana, this is like entering the gates of paradise.

"What am I feeling?" she asks, leaning in close to to the display as Old Whiskers noses around the base of a display stand. "Sugar. Bliss. Pure, undiluted joy." She swears the aging Espeon nods in agreement, blinking slow at her from near her feet.

The store is quiet, Ana notes as she glances around. Even so, she can almost hear her mother's stern voice in her ear, warning her not to act like an animal, but Ana pays it no mind. She might as well be on vacation, after all. And vacations are for indulging in the finer things.

She turns her attention back to the case, her gaze raking over the sweet delights. "So many choices..." Ana sighs, tapping a manicured finger against her chin. "But how to choose when everything looks so goooood?"

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
Tea Time! [c]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 2:50:15 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
On a soft, worn path cutting through the outskirts of Oldale, Ana sits cross-legged, surrounded by an eclectic group of her Pokémon friends. Before her, she has laid out a simple checked cloth, upon which rests a small teapot, a mismatched assortment of teacups and saucers, and an overflowing platter of pastries she'd picked up from a nearby bakery.

The sun is warm and gentle on her face, dappled through the leaves of the overhanging trees. It's a perfect day for a tea party, according to Ana, and who is she to argue with herself?

"Now, you all know the drill," Ana says in a hushed tone to her companions, as if they are in on some grand secret. "Tea parties are serious business, and I expect nothing but the utmost propriety."

She leans in, her voice dropping even lower. "And by propriety, I mean we eat all the pastries quickly and immediately, because it would be rude not to."

Old Whiskers, her faithful Espeon companion with a distinguished graying muzzle, blinks up at her in a knowing manner that Ana chooses to interpret as enthusiastic agreement. Beside him, her Swirlix - Mrs. Floss - bounces on the spot, her fluffy exterior quivering with excitement. The Miltank, Madame Creme, is less enthused, but Ana chooses to believe that's just her refined, discerning taste at work.

"So, without further ado, let us begin!" Ana claps her hands together, her eyes sparkling with merriment.

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
Paint in Water
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 2:32:05 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
She, evidently, had not expected the compliment, and it quickly and summarily breaks her amusement, like a knife through cake.

Well, now she's really gone and done it. The moment she lays eyes on the genuine wonder in her customer's expression, her heart does a little flip in her chest. It isn't the excitement of making a sale (though admittedly, her stomach does flutter a little at that thought as well), but more the absolute euphoria that comes from knowing someone truly understands her work, can appreciate it for what it is.

He asks her about it, and she doesn't think she can contain her enthusiasm even if she tries.

"Well," she begins, clasping her hands behind her back and practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. "It's from the Sky Tower island, looking out over the rest of Hoenn!"

Her eyes grow misty. "It was the first thing I painted when I got in Hoenn! I wanted to find the perfect spot! Whenever I go to a new place, painting it makes me feel... like a part of it! Rather than an outsider, you know?"

"Really though, this is one of my favorites," she admits, tracing a finger just a hair shy of the edge of the frame, eyeing it fondly like it's an old friend. "I think I really did find the perfect spot!"

She is silent for a moment, mind racing with the euphoria of painting her own introduction to a completely new land. Then, Old Whiskers, finally sensing his human's genuine enthusiasm, rises slowly from his spot, his gaze fixed on Howard with a gentle curiosity. He wanders over to the man, and rubs against his leg once, a clear indication of his approval.

"Oh," Ana laughs, "if Whiskers likes you, I like you too! I'll give you a discount if you reallllllly want it!"

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
Paint in Water
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 9:09:22 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
She, evidently, had not expected the compliment, and it quickly and summarily breaks her amusement, like a knife through cake.

"Aw, really? Thank you so much!" She grins, shifting to stand on her toes for just a moment as if the praise alone were enough to lift her off her feet. "I'm so glad you think my stuff is cool! I work really hard on it, you know? Well... sometimes!"

Surreptitiously, but not very sneakily, Ana kicks some extremely low effort caricatures out of view of her decidedly rugged looking customer, and discards her crude sketch. Near these pieces, Old Whiskers rouses, his whiskers twitching as he glances up at the Aerodactyl nearing him. Then, deciding the situation isn't worth his wakefulness, he promptly dozes off once more.

As for a recommended piece, Ana spends a moment with her finger on her chin, eyes lifted to the sky, in search of the perfect piece to show a potential buyer—rare these days, what with... well, all of the terrible stuff that happens in Hoenn. She would never look a gift Rapidash in the mouth, though.

Then, she looks back down, eyes sparkling. One can practically see the lightbulb over her head. "Ah, I have just the thing!"

She ducks down behind the table, rummaging around until she pops back up with a large canvas wrapped in paper. She lays the canvas on the table and unwraps it slowly, dramatic flourish included. It's a serene landscape, mountains and forests with a vibrant, glowing sky. The sun has been painted with meticulous care, rays of light stretching out to seemingly touch the viewer. She has obviously been classically trained, as the technique is reminiscent of many old, romantic masters, a style that contrasts in an odd, finicky way with the excitable girl that now presents it.

"Ta-dah!" she exclaims. "Being in a fancy-pants office all day sounds boring and icky. You need something beautiful to brighten your morning!"

Ana grins up at Howard expectantly, eager for his reaction to her prized piece. "You like? I like! Well. I liked painting it, at least!"

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
In Search Of Fun [c]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 8:54:36 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
Ana hums softly to herself as she wanders through winding pathways of grass and stone, her satchel of painting supplies bumping gently against her side with each step. The wilds of Hoenn are nothing like the manicured gardens and noble estates she had grown up with in Galar—here, the world feels alive, untamed, and filled with endless possibilities. The very same environment her mother warned her to never mess around with.

Well, Ana never was all that good at following directions.

"What do you think, Whiskers? Should we find something beautiful to paint today?" she asks aloud, glancing down at her ever-present companion, Old Whiskers. The aging Espeon pads along at her side, his tail swishing in a slow, thoughtful rhythm as if considering her words.

The day is bright, and the sun casts a warm glow over the landscape. Ana can't help but feel an excited flutter in her chest, like a butterfree is trapped somewhere inside. She loves days like this—where the air is filled with the hum of distant yanmegas and the rustling of wind through the trees. Somewhere, hidden just beyond the next hill or behind a cluster of wildflowers, there must be something picturesque enough for Ana to consider putting it to paper.

"Maybe a stream?" Ana muses, letting her thoughts drift as she follows the path deeper into distant glades. "Or a grove of flowers? Or maybe..." Her voice trails off as the monologue continues in her head, listing off every beautiful landscape feature she can imagine. Lakes, mountains, rock formations, you name it, she'll try to capture it!

She's certain her mom could do it better, though.

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
Soooo Fluffy! [c]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 8:41:25 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
"Mister mister whisker whisker~!" sings the young lady as she tromps through tall grass and uneven terrain with reckless abandon, accompanied by an Espeon with a smattering of gray fur around his mouth. "How I love youuuuu~!

For Ana, this brisk walk through pleasantly warm Verdanturf proves to be yet another adventure. She has yet to discover precisely what the day will hold for her, but she knows that she can handle anything with Old Whiskers at her side. As if aware that her thoughts had drifted to him, the Espeon lets a yawn curl his lips.

The air smells faintly of wildflowers and sun-warmed earth, a comfort she’s grown to adore since arriving in Hoenn. Verdanturf is so different from the stone streets of Hammerlocke, with its open spaces and rolling fields, and Ana feels alive here, as if every new turn brings a secret waiting to be uncovered.

"What do you think we’ll find today, Whiskers?" she muses, glancing down at her faithful companion. Old Whiskers simply blinks in response, his eyes half-lidded with what Ana imagines is endless wisdom. He probably knows exactly where they’re going, even if she doesn’t.

As the pair crests a small hill, Ana’s eyes widen at the sight before her: a sprawling ranch with bright red barns and green pastures. But more importantly, it is filled with Pokémon. Not just any Pokémon—Audino, gentle and pink, milling about near the fence, and several massive, fluffy Arcanine resting beneath a tree.

"Oh!" Ana gasps, her hands clasping together in sheer delight. "Look, Whiskers! They’re so fluffy! I have to go meet them!"

Without waiting for a response, Ana takes off, her feet flying across the soft grass as she races toward the Pokémon. Her heart is already filled with excitement, her mind set on one thing—cuddling the Arcanine. They look so soft, like living pillows, and Ana can hardly contain herself.

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
Paint in Water
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 8:26:46 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar

Ana holds a piece of newsprint paper up in the air, positioned in such a way to look like it is balancing precariously atop the head of a nearby stall owner in her view. It must be a humorous sight, because she begins laughing as soon as as she gets the position just right. On the ground, at her side, lies a purring Espeon with more than a few gray hairs on his muzzle, dozing off in the warm, mid-afternoon sun.

Ana, of course, jolts back into reality when movement appears in the corner of her eye.

"Oh my gosh, hey!" Ana gasps, her orange eyes sparkling as she turns in her seat to fully face the man in front of her stall. "Are you into art? Or just browsing? I got all sorts of cool stuff here. It's all mine, too!"

Then, as if afflicted by an ailment that prevents her from staying on any given topic for more than just a fleeting moment, Ana stands and leans in to Howard. "Oh, look at this." She extends the newsprint paper again, positioning it once more atop the head of the vase seller, in such a way so that Howard can finally see the sketch drawn onto it: the very same Espeon at her side, sketched so that it looks like he is...

Well, in Ana's words: taking a dump on some talentless hack.

Though she presses her lips together, Ana can't help the giggles already bubbling out.

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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
ana's pc
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 7:46:33 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar




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   ♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[break]
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pokémon for trade




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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
harmon, anastasia
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 5:31:06 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



nameanastasia harmon
agetwenty-one years old
played bymiilchka

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]OCCUPATION civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM amber from genshin impact

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




The daughter of a prestigious artist, on an exhaustive quest to find her dad!


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The Shula Region
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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP