New Fighter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
307 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
New Fighter
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 1:11:31 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Sparkles of electricity sparkled from the Pawmo's paws as he clashed against the Primeape, that oinked and kept a firm ground, waiting for the younger Pokémon to approach.[break][break]

"Hammy, you can't let Zeus rest. You are faster than him, you need to take advantage of it!" Thea suggested to the younger one, and the little Pawmo took a couple of quick jumps before darting forward, trying to overwhelm Zeus with a flurry of Arm Thrusts. However, the Primeape was experient at the fight enough to wait for the right time, and as soon as an opening appeared, he hooked an arm under the Pawmo's, Seismic Tossing him against the tatami.[break][break]

The small Pawmo groaned at the strike, admiting the defeat and letting the Primeape help him to get back to his feet. The Minccino that was watching from the sides quickly approached the fighting duo as soon as it was done, squeaking and checking the two of them, to see if any of them were hurt. "Don't worry about them, Belle. They are top notch! It was a good fight, both of you!" She grinned, ruffling Zeus and Hammy's head.[break][break]

Meanwhile the Wigglytuff, that was watching from the sides, twitched her ear and peeked at the direction of the dojo's entrance, noticing someone approaching. She quickly rolled backward, only halting her roll when she was laying in front of the newcomer, looking at them from bellow.[break][break]



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[newclass=".theapost .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

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21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
24 posts
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TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
New Fighter
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 4:35:02 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
"Oh, that's so cute!" Ana can't help but squeal as she spots the Wigglytuff rolling towards her. She crouches down to greet the Pokémon at eye level, reaching out to boop its nose playfully. "Aren't you just the most adorable little puffball? Yes you are! Yes you are!"

Old Whiskers watches from nearby, his tails swishing back and forth in amusement as he keeps a keen eye on the proceedings. His ears twitch at the sound of battle coming from inside the dojo, a distant look in his eyes as if lost in memories of his own.

Ana glances up from the Wigglytuff to see if she can spot its trainer—which she does! A girl with striking blonde hair. "Is this your dojo? I've heard so many great things about the stuff that goes on here! I was hoping to learn a thing or two myself—my Pokémon and I are still pretty new to battling."

She grins, her eyes sparkling with barely contained excitement. The prospect of learning to fight alongside her partner, to forge the kind of bond she's heard so much about... it's almost too much for her to handle.

"I'm Ana, by the way!" she adds, realizing she's been prattling on without even introducing herself. "Ana Harmon, artist and adventurer extraordinaire! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

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played by


April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
307 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
New Fighter
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 10:00:03 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

The Wigglytuff squeaked like a balloon and slipped a giggle while wiggling at the nose boop, soon rolling to squish her fluffy body against Ana, nuzzling her hand and ruffling the tuft on her forehead against the newcomer's arm.[break][break]

Thea's attention was caught by the commotion, both at the Wigglytuff noises and at the voice of the girl. Turning to give her full attention, even Thea's Pokémons stopped to look at her, approaching from behind while Thea moved to meet the girl face to face. "This is my father's. The Naito's dojo!" She declared, with a smile growing on her lips as the girl introduced herself and her experience.[break][break]

Offering a hand, if the girl took it, she would place another hand on top of it for a firm and reassuring handshake. "It is great to meet you, Ana! My name is Thea, Thea Naito!" Her eyebrows quirked up in curiosity. "An adventurer that is also an artist, sounds like a fun combination! I'm a bit of an adventurer myself." Thea snickered, letting Ana's hand go before looking at the Pokémon that was accompanying her. "Oh! What a cutie~ And they look very focused too."[break][break]

Her gaze returned to Ana's eyes. "So you want to practice some battling, huh? I'm sure your Pokémon at least know a bit of how to fight, but what about you?" She inquired, leaning in to look at Ana closely. "How much do you know about some martial arts?"[break][break]






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[newclass=".theapost .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".theapost .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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played by


21 years old
july 14th
hammerlocke, galar
travelling artist
easy breezy!
flying solo
5'2" height
5'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
24 posts
part of
TAG WITH @miilchka1
Anastasia Harmon
New Fighter
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 16:45:58 GMT
Anastasia Harmon Avatar
"Oh, you know, just a bit here and there," Ana replies with a grin, trying to play it cool. In reality, her knowledge of martial arts could probably fit inside a Pokéball with room to spare. But hey, that's what she's here to learn, right?

She reaches down to scratch Old Whiskers behind the ears, the Espeon's eyes narrowing contentedly at the attention. "This here's my partner, Old Whiskers. He's been with me since... well, since before I can remember!"

Ana straightens up, clapping her hands together with an eager smile. "Honestly, I don't know all that much about battling or martial arts or anything like that. But I want to learn! There's so much out there to discover, and I want to see it all! And if I'm gonna do that, I need to be able to hold my own in a fight."

Her eyes grow distant. A very short time ago, an odd man told her that Hoenn is dangerous, and she believes him. His words solidified her need to learn how to defend herself. Thea's dojo seems like a great first step to Ana! She refocuses on the girl in front of her with a grin, and her excitement is once more palpable, a barely contained storm of energy just waiting to be unleashed. "Can you teach me how to fight like that? I promise I'm a quick learner!"

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played by


April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
307 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
New Fighter
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2024 9:52:13 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

"Old Whiskers, he is lovely. It is nice to meet you, Old Whiskers!" Thea follows the motion of lowering her posture to give Old Whiskers him a gentle caress on the head and ears. When standing back, Thea gestured to her Pokémons. "These are my partners. Gominha, Zeus, Belle and Hammy~" She introduced the Wigglytuff, the Primeape, the Minccion and the Pawmo, respectively. Gominha squeaked, Zeus bowed to the two of them, Hammy simply raised his paw in a greeting gesture before peeking at Gominha that nodded in approval. Belle stood behind Hammy, peeking her head out and swaying her tail before finally overcoming her shyness and approaching the Espeon, turning her back and offering her tail for a 'tailshake'.[break][break]

"My oldest one is Gominha, and Zeus. Hammy is still our newest member, so I'm trying to train him more. So you coming here is the perfect chance to get him to work too~" She grinned, and upon listening to the girls words and desire to learn how to fight, Thea chuckled and nodded.[break][break]

"Don't worry. Even if you aren't a quick learner, as long as you come here to try to learn, I will be with you to make you the best fighter ever. If I don't become the best one first!" She winked, gesturing for the girl to follow.[break][break]

"But first, let's not harm your pretty clothes, what you need is a gi, and we have some spares at the locker room." She guided the girl to the locker room, opening the door for her. "It is the red locker, if you aren't sure of what to pick or how to tie your obi, I will help you." She reassured.[break][break]






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[newclass=".theapost .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

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it's a long life full of long nights

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