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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 5:58:09 GMT
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"Hey wait!" Before he could actually get an answer from the sheriff he turns his attention to Hoenn's little sister and the woman of his dreams. With the attention gone from Kazimir the giant man feels like a ghost in this whole crowd. He's not one to interrupt a meeting between lovebirds so he slumps against the counter of the bar and sips from his glass as he watches the party move on by itself.

's little announcement catches his interest. The man was never one for these sort of astrological things but the novelty of it all was always so fun to partake in. As he straightened himself up he was stopped by , a man who he did not recognize at all. Their apology was all he could take in as suddenly their lips touched with one another and he was pulled into a kiss. When they broke apart his only reaction was when he mentioned mistletoe. "Huh?"

Looking up he did see the Minior holding the little sprig before flying off to go terrorize another couple. "Uh...yeah...Sorry I...gotta..." He pulls away with a half hearted smile as he tries to distance himself. He was probably the rudest person right now at this party for doing that and makes his way over to to place his hand on the podium. He needed a distraction and this seemed like a good one. Again sorry .

Taking a look through the telescope he could see the constellation that belonged to him, Dragapault. Not the one he was expecting but he couldn't lie they were fascinating Pokemon. Sort of reminded him of his fathers back home in some weird way. " about a reading about TRUTH? Or honesty I guess?"

@mega social
- kaz gets left alone :c
- but pog luci comes to save the day?
- oh no! trhe wild kaz got scared and ran away!
- kaz does a reading with about TRUTH!

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
maybe it's delibird(ed) [safari]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 5:44:55 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Sorry little guy. Don't got anymore treats on me at the moment." Kaz apologized to the little bug and all it did was just look offended by the fact he couldn't actually give it anything. So it just turned away, showing its bug and wagging it at Kazimir before hopping away back into the forest. Kaz just looked dumbfounded. "Uh...ok. Sorry again..." Was he just...dissed by a Pokemon? A bug pokemon no less?

@skipping burmy

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Kazimir Wynter
raging monke [m]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 1:10:09 GMT
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Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"You got it Kouji!" He took out a glove with a similar gemstone embedded into it as the one on Kouji's knife and slipped it on. With a simple touch of the finger on the stone its energies flew into his Urshifu who roared at the new wellspring of energy he found himself with as his own body started to change. Despite undergoing this transformation before the King of Fighters was never quite going to get used to feeling this sudden surge as his fur stood up on edge and changed to a crimson color as his eyes went white.

Another roar signaled the completion of the transformation and a challenge at the Primape to come right at it.

The angry monkey took that challenged and charged right at the bear with a Drain Punch aimed right at the Urshifu's forehead. Yet before contact could be made the bear suddenly vanished in a blur making the punch miss and hit nothing but air. A surprised Primeape wouldn't have seen the King of Fighters suddenly appear behind him and elbow its back to send it flying right into the dirt, a well timed aerial ace finding its target. "Finale's all yours Kouji!"

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Kazimir Wynter
paparazzi parade [c]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 0:34:02 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Right and we'll just bang on the wall too to make it more convincing." Not even one of the heads of Rocket would walk in on one of their own doing some business right?

It still didn't stop Kaz from trying to sneak a peek out of the window that had a bit of the house next door and he swore he could see who Chui was talking about. Smaller fella than him but looks could be deceiving after all.

"Well it wasn't like I was planning on running in here and fighting all of Rocket or even the head honchos. If i wanted to do that I would have done so during that whole treasure island fight." Reports of others fighting them did reach his ears and he wasn't sure if he was lucky he didn't come across them or not. Or if he was even jealous that some buddies of his managed to make it out alive.

"Besides I could have at least outran them. You know I was an Elite Four right? And formally of AQUA. I'm no slouch." Yet that's why he was even here wasn't it? To prove that he could still be of some use. Part of that could be gleamed from the bit of venom that his words carried as if he resented being known as a former elite. Something that hadn't begun to bother him till now.

"All I was doing was some recon. Not many back in the League wanna touch this place with a twenty foot pole even for some scouting. Yet I managed to get in here without little problem."

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 0:25:02 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"The hell...are you?" Seeing the stars that shone in the night was supposed to be a comfortable experience. This was different. All he felt was a shiver going down his spine as he looked deep into the bright lights before him before trying to pull his leg free from its grasp. A haunting feeling of deja vu was creeping up on him but this thing was already causing much more panic in him than a strange feeling of nostalgia.

"Knightmare! Light us up!" Was all he commanded his Armarouge who took his eyes off the small shadow and aimed his cannon upward. They were fighting blind here so a sunny day was called from the knight as a bright sun was shot into the sky and gave them all a moment of light to properly see their foes.

The being that held Kaz's leg was something straight out of a horror movie. It didn't look either human or Pokemon. It was..."You're a real monster huh?"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 6:08:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

might claim that Dewford was the hidden gem along Hoenn's coast but he didn't really know about this small hamlet on the sea. In fact not a lot of people seemed to know about it. A town built on the water probably didn't get a lot of people moving in and wanting to get more intimate with the sea. Kaz couldn't blame them, the small town didn't have much to offer even as a small rest stop for someone passing through.

After the whole mess with the resurfaced island he needed to enjoy some good rest and relaxation. Although not many would call hitting up a dive bar be good R&R it was still something.

As Kaz sat on one end of the counter he let the bartender hand him an open bottle and he slowly took a sip. Normally he wasn't one for alcohol but after a dream of Galar he found himself suddenly a fan of the stuff. It still didn't keep him from being a bit of a lightweight and when he looked over his eyes locked on something.

Or rather someone.

Someone he was sure he remembered...and didn't quite like. So he sat there, scowling at the Rocket Beast.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
maybe it's delibird(ed) [safari]
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 4:57:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

If it had been white then maybe this little Staryu could make a very nice Christmas Tree decoration. Alas that wasn't the case here, but what it would make was a nice addition to his team. He was almost certain he used to own one before but untimely luck came for it. He should really be more careful about his Pokemon in the future. They were his partners after all. Even if he was their trainer he could still be a shield for them. "alright then. Let's try and start this off right first. Introductions later. Hyah!"

So he chucked the ball, wondering what kind of trouble he could protect this little star from.

@catching staryu

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 2:36:13 GMT
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"We don't run from a fight. Right Josh?" Even if it was a game he could somewhat feel the spirit of the actual man through the screen. Some people may call him a fanatic but Kaz had some respect for Josh's drive and his dream. Most would avoid legendaries or even harm them if they were getting in their way. Josh though? He was probably one of the few that would treat them with respect. Something that Kaz had only seen a few times while here on Hoenn. "So let's rumble."

"Advance alongside Josh and follow his lead"


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
maybe it's delibird(ed) [safari]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 2:25:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It seems leaving out some pepperment treats really was a good idea as they attracted a bird perfect for the season. And he wasn't talking about the kind that you would eat too. "There's more where that came from if ya come with me." Kaz pleaded as he twirled a ball in his hands while looking at the Delibird muching on treats. The bird only tilted its head before giving a thumbs up in agreement. With that Kaz grinned and lobbed the ball at the bird's head and watched as it vanished into its new home.


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 2:12:42 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Flames heat the metal body of the giant as it stumbles backwards smashing into suits of armor that line the walls and join the piles of scrap of fallen soldiers. A roar comes from the entrance as the Urhisfu manages to catch up with the group and his fists are already tight in his hands. He wastes no time in throwing a drain punch right at the Melmetal as it gets back to its feet. No it doesn't even reach its knees before Domon sends it flying even farther and feels its energy leave its metallic body and enter his even if its nothing but surplus.

"Yeah I think...I think I'm ok." The ginger giant mumbles as he sits back up with the help of Mint and hisses when he feels the man's hand on his back. Nothing is punctured but the stinging pain isn't going away anytime soon. "Way more resilient than most guys. But...what the heck is that thing." He looks over at their Pokemon fighting against the metal titan.

While its made of steel it certainly doesn't look like any of the other automatons that they've ran into. Instead it looks more like its entire body is made out of some kind of malleable metal than other pieces of it. It looks almost out of place in this kingdom.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 0:54:11 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The flames from the Armarouge lit up the streets for only a moment but it was long enough to see the Marshadow get sent flying away. The light left behind managed to show the faint shape of it coming right back and the Fire Warrior was a bit to slow to draw his cannon once more as he felt the toxic fist dig itself into his torso. With a simple touch toxins spread throughout its body as it took aim once more and fired off another Armor Cannon, this time looking to fire point blank since the little shadow was nice enough to get in right into his face for its counterattack.

Kaz could only faintly see the battle from where he was standing but the sounds of it were still too familiar for him to ignore. Just like the sound of crunching snow slowly approaching from behind.

Instinct took over as his leg suddenly shot out behind him in a kick right at whatever was coming up behind him. After so many recent fights with Rocket he wasn't going to take chances letting them sneak up on him so easily.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 6:27:51 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


As 's Pokemon flew off to fight against the sea god it simply roared at them meeting their challenge with a taunt of its own. On Kazimir's end he was almost convinced what this masked man was saying was a taunt itself. Was he being serious? Teaming up they might have a chance to beat back Kyogre sure but...but what he was asking him-

"Are you for real? Like, for real." That last statement wasn't a question. Was this guy actually crazy to ask him to join up with Team Rocket? "Why would I ever join you guys?" He was almost certain it would be the complete opposite, that Rocket would try to kill him on site if they ever come across him, or he shows up on their doorstep, so why was this guy different?

The sea god stirred up a large surf on the waters and pushed it towards Xenon's team as the humongous wave looked to swallow them up whole. Its sound reached Kazimir's ears as he turned around and quickly reached out to his two Ultra Beasts, "Hey! Give us some cover!" The Celesteela simple moves to in front of the boat and hugs its two arms close to each other to form a wall that the waters bash against instead of the boat. The Naganandel doing its best to act as support as it pushed against the Celesteela lest the waves capsize the large Ultra Beast somehow. With Kyogre that was almost possible.

"Look! I'll take your help in stopping this thing but you guys aren't getting it, not on my watch!" That was probably the best compromise on the spot Kaz could give while he was trying to keep them all alive.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
Rehearsal [M]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 6:14:04 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz opened his door and looked down the street at the source of the ruckus that was keeping him from enjoying a good meowth nap after a long morning of working out. It wasn't hard to figure out where it was coming from but that made it all the more surprising as he stomped over to the town's sheriff humble abode. Floating behind him was a Rotom that had grown curious about what its trainer was up to when it saw the anger in his face as he left the house. "Alright...what the hell is he doing now."

The noise seems to come from the garage and while the door is closed it isn't locked so Kaz digs his hand underneath it, a bit of space small enough for his fingers to fit and he lifts up the door with one hand letting the light of afternoon spill into the room. Inside wasn't a truck, a boat, or even a snowmobile but a pair of Toxitricties and . He wasn't sure if this was better than finding in here or not.

Then again he seemed more like a country type of guy than rock. Something about him just gave off that vibe.

" what the hell are you doing now? And is Navy here so I can file a noise complaint?" The Rotom just floats behind him waving at the two Pokemon and giving a thumbs up at their performance.

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 7:20:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Do or die time Tiggs! We're gonna but this bot down!. SMOKE 'IM!" The incineroar roared to life as it charged forward and flames started to swirl around its whole body. This was probably its last move before it gets hit by a caboose, and not in the fun way either. Still it was something, so he gave ine last war cry.

"ROOOOOAAAAAR!" Hopefully everyone else would feel the fires of a good fight coming off the cat. Maybe a bit of warmth was all they needed to pull through.

- mobile post
- flare blitz that bird tigger!

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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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