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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
starry knight [DDD]
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2023 17:32:14 GMT
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Trees fall all around the clearing as they're cut down one by one. The sound they make overshadows the noises coming out from the movie projected on the screen and with each thud one brings a shake to the earth that knocks down a chair. As the Roserade throws its leaves and vines all around the makeshift outdoor cinema Kaz watches the movie play out before him. Even if this was one of his favorites he knew that it was all just fictional. It was still an inspiring piece to say the least.

"Not sure hero is what I'd call myself nowadays." He watched and heard about others who were doing much more than he was doing and he had to wonder; was there still a place for him around here? It was a question that he was more than happy to wait for an answer too if he was going to be honest. A part of him was still scared to find out if he would even like the answer to it so no need to rush about it.

All that needed doing was taking down this little dream and returning back to reality. So as he watched the movie reach its climax he walked up to the projector screen and gripped it with one hand. Then he pulled on it. He pulled harder and harder until an audible rip could be heard as he tore it off its hinges and down the whole sheet came down as the film projected onto inky blackness as the sky above them started to go out, stars disappearing and even the moon fading into nothing but pure darkness as it swallowed them hole.

@birth by sleep

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2023 6:30:02 GMT
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"Ho ho ho~"

The laughter helped masked the hairs standing up on the back of his neck at the mention of the Superhero. It was fine if the populace knew but the fact that a Rocket knew? No less a Rocket Beast? There was definitely cause for some kind of concern there. Unfortunately the alcohol was being a little devil on his shoulder and was telling him otherwise.

"Sorry I just like to make an informed purchase." He gets off his seat and walks up to the Beast and leans against the counter and looks him over. There's a bit of a boost to his...whatever kind of mood he finds himself in when he's reminded that he's slightly taller than the Beast. "After all, had a lot of trouble with you so, not sure if its even worth my time. But..." He takes another sip of his drink. "Can't say ya give me lots of fun. Lobo~"

-yes i used this as a way to bullshit an advent calendar prompt shut up.

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Kazimir Wynter
hazard trigger [m]
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 15:33:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A son screeches at his mother again as she crashes into her son.

A king roars as two rebels stand up to his authority.

An angel and its champion watch with intensity.

Giri Giri tumbles in the dirty with Lizzy and he can tell that he is probably not going to win this fight with his own mother. She was more experienced than the younger dragon. She could probably see his moves coming a mile away. So what was called was for some safety and distance for himself and as he swung his tail it shed from his body to act as a distraction as it was thrown against his mom's face as he scrambled on his tire and feet to try and get away from her. Cursing her in their native tongue as he went to look for a hole to hide in.

The strength of two dragons against one was great, much greater than Tyramigo could handle in his weakened state so even as he took Arthur's fist with a stoic look it was Navy's ball of concentrated fighting spirit that finally broke him. It sent him to his side on the ground with a roar and the king found himself struggling to get back to his feet. The two dragons might have just managed to get him against the ropes.

Two bad there were more than just one or two problems left to deal with. A thundershock fell onto the fighting dragon Kommo-o as the angel of the deep sea let out what could only be describe as some kind of scream as it jabbed its tentacles at the dragon, more and more bolts of lightning leaving the tips aiming to fry the beast.

"You're a helluva guy!" Was the reply to the sheriff's question as Kaz dashed forward. His eyes were wild, his smile crazed, and his posture hungry to tear into the other man. Kaz always wondered if Navy had it, the one thing that might separate the two of them to be other than just warriors. Pride. Pride in his strength to take down this man who would come down to fight against a god and its messengers. A man like that did earn Kaz's respect, as well as the dropkick coming his way from the big man.

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 6:31:27 GMT
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There was one design already in his head that he knew he could use, something that he never got to implement when he was a fellow Elite 4 member for a short while. No sense in letting it be a simple thought in the head as this little piece of virtual heaven was giving him free reign on creative mode. "So I gotta ask..." He turned towards the Top Champ who decided to come with him into this little digital dive as the world around them slowly started to change.

"If you were ever a gym leader, what'd be your theme man?" If he remembered right there were arcade machines in his old chambers the last time Kaz was there. Unlike the lush woods that sprouted around them as training dummies dotted the ground and a marble floor was carved out into a square arena. "Weren't you like, an Electric type specialist for a while?"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 6:26:54 GMT
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[attr="class","itemcolname"]pokemon event
[attr="class","itemcolname2"]RKS SIMULATION


[attr="class","itemcoltexttit"]GYM LEADER 1

[attr="class","itemcoltext"]You suddenly find yourselves within a white void. In the middle, a TERA CRYSTAL can be seen. Beneath it, you see the instructions: "create a pokemon gym of your dreams! let your imagination run wild! be quick, a gym inspection is coming!"[break][break]

As soon as you begin to conjure ideas of what your gym may look like, the world around you shifts. The TERA CRYSTAL glows as it creates a gym for you, including a badge, gym trainers, challengers.[break][break]

What does your character's dream gym look like?

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Design.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Receive 50 RKS POINTS

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 6:26:21 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

was probably one of the few last people he thought he'd be doing these sort of simulations with. The two didn't really have a history with one another but they were both from the wonderful region of Galar. It sort of was nice to have two guys from the same foreign land work together on a puzzle like this. At the very least Remiel was probably the smarter of the two. So for now he'd follow his lead.

"Probably. It is a Pokegear. What else are we gonna use it for? Make a call?" Who would even answer on the opposite side if they did? Unless it was programmed to do so in this virtual simulation. "Well I'll look for parts, you try to put it back together. Should be a piece of cake that way."

Receive 50 RKS POINTS.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 20:29:46 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz's leg was jerked to freedom and the giant only growled as he eyed the strange crystal beast in front of him. Him running into creatures like this seemed to be almost his forte at this point, first in Ultra Deep Sea and now here? Whatever it was he had to be quick in either driving it off or getting to stay still. He doubt he was going to be lucky and bring it with him back to Ever Grande for study or even halfway there. "Knightmare use A-"

The words of the trainer were cut off just like the light around them. Well more specifically the whole world around them went pitch black as solid darkness ate anything within its radius including the bright sun giving them both light and hope. Both warriors backed up to one another almost jumping out of their skins when they actually touched each other's backs. Feeling the familiarity of their bodies though they stared into nothing ready for whatever could be coming their way. "Ok let's just get-"

Words were not going to escape him. He was not going to escape this beast. Several spots in his body were replaced with hardened crystals that punctured him from his abdomen to even his torso. Arms and legs didn't fair any better as the only thing that could leave Kazimir was silent gasps and blood trickling down from his new holes. Through his gasps he stumbled back taking his body off of the spikes and falling backwards nearly landing on his Armarouge who managed to sidestep him at the last second and feel his trainer's body on his foot. Along the Pokemon's ankles he could also feel it, warm blood. "Blink..."

It was one word but one that the Fire Warrior knew instantly. A strategy that had been weeks in the making; so the warrior blinked out of existence and from Kaz's belt an Arcanine was pulled out thanks to an Ally Switch. The dog was taken back by the darkness surrounding it but the smell of blood and sound of heavy breathing at its feet brought its focus and a few worried whines as the dog leaned in to lick at Kaz's face. "Bl...blin...k"

Kaz was fading and fast. His word almost didn't come out but the dog let out a bark of acknowledgement and grabbed the man's shirt with his teeth and shut its eyes. With a Teleport the two of them vanished in a true blink out of existence to parts unknown.

Just as long as it was far away from the darkness and its harbinger.

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maybe it's delibird(ed) [safari]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 17:31:59 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Watching the little bundle of white really gave him a strange craving for some milk and cookies and he couldn't explain why. Maybe its soft fur looked pretty milky but where did the cookies come from? Maybe he was just feeling a little peckish, after all he was feeding a lot of the Pokemon here treats themselves than giving himself his own little treat. Now he was just feeling a little jealous. "Alright, your coming with me. YOu can help me make some cookies when we get back home little gremlin."

Unfortunately he was unaware that these things could actually bake it was still the thought of it all that counted. "Let's go!" he yelled as he threw a ball at the tumbling creature and watched it vanish in a flash of light.

@catching shiny g!darukama

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
paparazzi parade [c]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 17:17:21 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Fair enough." He was right. Even the all star Top Champion might not get out of here with some serious bruises and scars even if he did have a whole army of strong Pokemon at his side. If there was one thing he would give Rocket it seemed like their Avatars had a much better handling on the powers given to them by their patrons than the League did. Although Chui...was probably the odd one out as they mentioned that it leaving wasn't the only thing that left them.

"Friends huh?" He didn't want to admit it but, "I getcha. We both loved Zac and he went off to greener pastures. Never did get to find out what you assholes did to Balder so...I'm being optimistic that he managed to get out of your clutches. Two more people left that kinda left us with a whale of a problem which I probably should have seen coming..." He loved the two Nautica s.o.b couple so much but them being distant should have clued him into them leaving. IT was probably in the cards way before they were brought into the League's hands.

"And someone I loved got done in by those Dark Triad bastards. Still haven't managed to pay them back in anyway for that. Seems like everyone in life is just leaving me behind. Even the new buddies I make all seem to have other people they'd rather hang out with." He wanted to be happy for them but it also meant sacrificing a tiny bit of his own to do so. It hurt.

"Guess that means...we'll just have to keep an eye on each other?" Even he would agree that what they had was barely a friendship at best but it was probably much more stable than their other relationships. The thought of it gave him a chuckle. "Listen to me, comforting an ex rocket boss. Times must be changing."

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
prideful racer [secret santa]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 6:14:56 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

What up ! Hope you enjoy riding this bad boy up and down the race track! Feel free to change the name cause uh :eyes: you might be asking for trouble!

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 6:08:31 GMT
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There wasn't much for celebration as their attack did hit the mark but revealed a new problem. Their little robot wasn't exactly a robot but a...ghost? Could robots become ghosts? These were all questions for later as they had to find this sneaky little beast and finally put an end to this. "Alright then...what should we..."

As he pondered his options he watched as 's Kommo-o was on the offensive breaking the ground. "Mind if I join in?" Kaz asked as he got to his feet and rubbed up against the smaller man as he reached out his hand and struck a pose in his tighty witheys as a golden aura surrounded him and flew into his Incineroar as it jumped into the air.

"MAX MALICIOUS MOONSAULT!" He yelled out as the large cat came crashing down into the ground in a blaze of fire breaking through the ground to drive out the ghost.

- time to double team this ghost temp!
- kaz uses the z-move max malicous moonsault...
- to break the ground!

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