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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2024 15:52:02 GMT
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"Wait Galarian?" Wasn't there someone high up in Rocket who went by that name? Was he remembering wrong? And how and why did he end up in the middle of a group of some of Rocket's craziest big hitters as he found himself surrounded by not only , but and @shredzepplin!

Still that probably meant that they had a chance to make the dragon bleed even more as it started to tear the earth under their feet apart and the familiar beam from an ice titan fills his spirit up with an odd form of hope. "Fine then! Just don't fall into the ground alright? Camelot put 'em to sleep!"

The Palossand managed to shift itself to one side of the fissure and caught the words of its trainer and began to wiggle its twin towers on its body. Aiming them at the giant dragon as if they were a Blastoise waves of psychic energy blasted forth at the white beast. Maybe it was too big and too angry for a simple hypnosis to work its magic completely but it was worth a shot. Even if he wasn't aiming to make it bleed making it easier for others to do that job was still important.

@dragon's decree
tl;dr -
    - oh no kaz is trapped by rockets!
    - so he decides to help with a hypnosis

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Kazimir Wynter
hazard trigger [m]
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2024 0:07:20 GMT
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As the sheriff falls to the ground Kaz approaches like a Lycanroc ready to finish off a Deerling it had managed to wound and ready to enjoy a delicious meal. Licking a bit of purple ooze that found its way onto his jaw only added to the image as he stood over Navy and giving the man a chance to gain the upper hand on the giant ginger as Kaz was too slow to notice him moving.

Teeth gnash together as the uppercut makes contact with his chin and his jaw aches as he stumbles back rubbing his jaw and giving out a small chuckle. "Shoulda seen that coming." What was it that Navy called it? Thug style? His promise to get Kaz back to his senses did scream a bit of a thug, no more of a punk with a heart of gold, which was fine by Kaz.

He loved the opponents with spirit in them.

"Don't make promises ya can't keep Navy. Hear that from a lot of folks I take on in the ring. Takes a bit more than wearing me out to win." A hand reaches down and rips at the shirt as it comes off with a tear as he pulls it off of him revealing the temple that was his body built with muscle pack with muscle on it. With a flex that went down to every muscle on his body the giant ginger ran forward aiming a fast haymaker right at Navy's head to make the sheriff see some real stars than the one he wore on his uniform.

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Kazimir Wynter
swing and a miss [s]
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2024 23:52:26 GMT
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"Kazimir, just call me Kaz." As he introduced himself he also let out a chuckle at the question about why he wanted to learn about the sword. It was true that even by looks alone Kaz seemed like the type able to handle himself in a fight. With his muscles and training handling himself wasn't really an issue so when he was faced with the question he really had to think.

After all the first time he tried using the sword was cause it was...

"Family tradition. I'm from Galar and my family has a history of raising Honedges so we like to train with them by using them as actual swords. Don't worry they seem to enjoy it." There was a stigma against using the ghostly blades in such a manner due to the fact that they were infamous for stealing lives from people by simple touch, yet his family managed to find a secret to avoiding that from happening, after all they were Pokemon. Fighting was in their blood, and a promise to bring combat to them usually did the trick.

"Used to have a Aegislash I did that with until they passed away a few years back. Recently I came into more Honedge and a few Pokemon that kind of inspired me to at least get back into fighting with one again. But I've been focusing on my body a lot more so I'm a bit rusty. Was kinda hoping your school could help me refresh my muscle memory." Plus there was one other reason he could give that started him on such a path years ago,

"Plus having a lot more options to handle myself in a fight will help. Can't rely on my fists all the time to keep myself and my friends safe."


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2024 23:19:44 GMT
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"Defeat or catch? On it." He struggles to push himself up to his feet as he watches the two Pokemon fight against the creature. Fist and flame seem to do more than their fair share against it. Considering where they were it was probably no surprise what kind of Pokemon it was if he followed some basic logic. "Domon! Punch its lights out!"

The Urshifu lets out a roar as it aims one final Drain Punch right into the sternum of the beast and sends it stumbling back into a wall. With that Kaz whips out a Pokeball and throws it at the metal titan and watches as it gets absorbed into the capsule and falls to the ground moving back and forth. Once it stops the Urshifu grabs it and holds it up letting out a cry of victory as Kaz slumps against the wall and gives a smile to and a thumbs up to the Urshifu and Flareon. "Well...that's over. Maybe we should call it a day...and get outta here. Could use...a nice day at the docs haha....urgh."

Despite the optimism he still holds his side as he tries to fight through the pain.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2024 23:03:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The Fairy hides behind Kaz's leg as they enter the throne room and the sight of the Fae Royal makes his eye twitch on instinct as a mixture of feelings surge through his whole body. Yet he also remembers what he has learned through this journey and lets his emotions run too wild.

With the question he was asked having a cool head was the best way to handle it, although the answer he was about to give was probably the opposite of level headed. It still came from the heart. "Why would I want it back? Its just a name after all. I don't need it to do what I gotta do. Which is help people. I can just make a new name for myself that way. So go ahead and keep it!"

[kaz...does nothing?]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2024 22:45:22 GMT
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Despite its firepower the ice overwhelmed the little Rotom and the ghostly toaster found itself stuck in a block of ice. Kaz only cursed himself in his head as it was proof that he let another Pokemon of his down. Yet 's words did give him a little bit of hope. It didn't look like it was frozen just like the ones in the rest of the Silent Icelands. So maybe not all hope was lost.

"Camelot! Let's break down some ice!" Kaz yells out as he sends out a Palossand that rushes off away from their group sending out Earth Power to throw the ice dragon off its feet. With Kaz following it he doesn't realize how far he gets from everyone till he runs across a familiar face, or mask, belonging to one . "You! Dammit, how about another truce to try and fight back this thing?"

@dragon's decree
tl;dr -
    - rip pyro jack
    - no more toaster pizzas
    - Let's use some earth power!
    - is that mr admin howard slayte?!?!
    - aqua reroll!

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 22:28:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The likes of coming to aid them brings relief. Guy was dependable in a good pinch so his strength was appreciated. The help from was also welcome. The more the merrier and all that. Maybe with more and more people piling on this beast will think twice before trying to extend the cold season.

"But before that! Give 'em a chill too Pyro Jack!" The door to an appliance opens once again but instead of heat or electricity a ghostly wind escapes the Rotom's stomach. It's cold as ice yet the eerie vibes it carries is hopefully enough to edge the Kyurem closer to defeat.

@dragon's decree
tl;dr -
    - thankful for the thomas and violet help!
    - Let's use some ominious wind
    - aqua reroll!

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 10:40:06 GMT
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"Hey! Over here!" Seeing was both reassuring and nerve racking all in one. She looked to be able to handle herself in this tense situation, hell a lot of people could. Yet at the same time he heard 's name leave her mouth and worry started to settle in. He remembered the chat long ago of how the guy was really down about losing one woman in his life before, Kaz would be damned before he let that happen to the man again.

Still it was better to keep his distance and keep his focus on the monster at hand. "Thomas! Don't hold anything back!" He shouted both over comms and the roaring flames that surrounded the beast. "Pyro Jack! Heat it up!" Deciding now was a good time to add to the fire the Rotom opened its door and a great flame spewed forth. HOpefully this blaze could melt the ice around the Dragon instead of leaving it totally unscathed. They needed a way to melt this Never-Melt-Ice somehow!

@dragon's decree
tl;dr -
    - calls out to Desiree and Thomas!
    - Let's use some overheat

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
Historically Hotblooded Heavyweight [m]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 10:04:11 GMT
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Kaz turns towards the crowd to let out a roar for them as he holds up his arms to flex his biceps. He could really get roped into the showmanship of the sport a little too much that it took his attention away from the fight. If he was paying attention he'd notice the chair get slipped into the ring. Who did it was a mystery as they were quick to hide under the ring. A ref perhaps? Maybe a fellow wrestler from Howard's stable? A disgruntled fan? Who could say, all that was important was that it found itself into Howard's hand for him to use.

Meanwhile the Pokemon battle seemed to be going much better in terms of focus as the Iron Hands saw his chance to pin his opponent once and for all. As the bear rolled onto its back the robot reared its hand back once more to unleash a force palm when the world around it suddenly went red. It gave the robot sumo pause as it looked around trying to find the source of it all only to find a single red orb hovering above them and catching its attention.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 9:34:20 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

What was it about the masked man's words that seemed to resonate with Kaz. The year was coming to a close and what did he have to show for it?


Maybe it was time for a change for him. Joining Rocket however? Was that really the choice he wanted to make because of it? He couldn't lie that they did have ways of making their goals a reality and he...

Did he really have any goals himself?

Well one he did have right now was to fight off Kyogre with their help and seeing the man bring out a titan of ice did give Kaz a bit of confidence. It also made him do a double take as he looked over at the masked man and then to the Regice. Rocket did have a way of attracting strong Pokemon to their side, Kaz had to admit that at the very least.

Seeing the guy beg for help despite the Hyper Beam finding its mark on the leviathan and 's assault chipping away at it did leave the Ex-Elite Four with some feelings he couldn't sort out. "Alright alright. Right now I'll help ya out." And maybe in the future he'll do the same again. "Stella! Tox! Let's send this big whale back to the depths!"

He wasn't one to try and actually kill a Legendary. He's seen so many up close and he didn't quite buy into the grandiose praise many gave them. Even he himself never practiced it much with his Urshifu. So as the two Ultra Bursts fired off a seed bomb and a shock wave at the sea beast Kaz only hoped that it would see how determined they all were to fight against it and send it fleeing back into the depths. There were always more days in the future to fight.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2024 21:35:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

seems to have picked Kaz as the spear to go forward and pierce right through Kyurem. Seeing her Charizard undergo a metamorphosis Kaz wasn't going to let that wish waste itself. Everyone else was busy trying to keep the path open by lighting it with fire. Now was the time to try and give this fight a good jolt. "On it. Pyro Jack let's give them the shivers!"

The Rotom opens its door as sparks start to discharge about and shoot out towards the white dragon. In the middle of all of the flames around them it may have not have been an intimidating sight but one could never assume when faced with the bravery that everyone was showing here. They were giving it their all and Kyurem was about to find out just how serious they all were.

@dragon's decree
tl;dr -
    - Uses Discharge to give Kyurem a good shock.

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2024 20:48:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Things were heating up once again in Hoenn and not because of the inferno that a group of brave souls were building. What was that phenomenon called again? Freezer burn? With the dragon that created the Silent Icelands reinvigorated with new power it was probably looking to turn another part of this region into its home or whatever. Honestly Kaz didn't pay too much attention to the details just knew that they had to stop this thing in its tracks or they were all done for.

Seeing the beast that called its patron fly overhead gave him a weird sense of relief. Knowing that even Team Rocket was on the same page as they were meant that their chances were greater than if they were fighting. Now he just needed to do his part in helping out even if it was small compared to his muscles.

"You guys make a path, I'll make sure the big guy thinks twice about making us into popcicles! Pyro Jack! Confuse 'em!" The big man shouted from behind the group of league elite as the little toaster oven got done heating up everyone's feet and let out a screeching confuse ray at the rampaging white beast. Even if it wasn't anything effective getting its attention focused on them and off the likes of and was better than nothing.

@dragon's decree
tl;dr -
    - Kaz runs in with his Heat Rotom!
    - Uses Confuse Ray to daze the dragon!
    - Rolling twice cause former aqua

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
starry knight [DDD]
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2024 6:21:05 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A familiar darkness engulfed him as he finds himself in front of a familiar tree and a familiar figure standing before it. It's @chui. Yet at the same time the memories come flooding back into Kaz and he remembers, "You're not really him."

Not at the time at least. No instead it was a different creature that decided to use his body as a coat or new vessel like some twisted avatar. He thought he was once done with this sort of creature already, though looking back perhaps the encounter with was proof that it wasn't gone just quite yet. Part of it still lingered in Hoenn and just like here he was powerless to even put up a decent fight.

The body of a friend once gone charged at him and all Kaz could do was raise his arms up in defense as he saw the flash of black crystals formed into a giant claw rise above him before coming down. Yet as he expected crushed bones instead he found himself in further shadows as one was cast over him. Looking up from his arms he could see a familiar shape holding back the claw with two rock hard hands, the hands belonging to a Golurk.

And not just any Golurk.


The mighty golem pushes the claw back and Kaz wastes no time running up to its side and placing a hand on its torso. Its real and solid, and despite being both a ghost and a chunk of living stone he can feel its heartbeat deep inside. The golem looked down at the man and gave a thumbs up before turning back to the corpse of Chui. Kaz just smiled at the resolve it had even back then, back then when it gave his life for him even as he tried to fight the impossible.

"Alright I get it. You want a rematch then. Well then let's do it. I'll show ya I'm a whole lot better than before, so I'll keep you..." He looks over at the shell of a man he can call friend in a strange capacity, "and him safe. Let's go." As another claw was raised to fall upon them the two brave souls rushed in to both protect and fight once more side by side.

@birth by sleep

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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Kazimir Wynter
maybe it's delibird(ed) [safari]
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 22:00:25 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The large beast walked along the ground, crunching a light layer of snow underneath its feet with each step. As Kaz watched it gobble up the small plate of treats he managed to find and "borrow" he kept his eye on the thing. It somehow reminded him of the beast Kyurem that turned a small bit of Hoenn into a frozen wasteland. Maybe it was just the way it walked. Still having such a beast with him might prove useful in the long run. After all each Pokemon had its niches in the world, maybe the same was here and he just had to be patient.

So he took out a ball and tossed it, watching the large titan baby looked in his direction as the ball hit its mark.

@catching cetoddle

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