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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2024 9:05:48 GMT
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"Well...I did have something back when I was up with ya and the others." Now was probably the best time to do a little recycling of ideas.

Waving his hands around like he was directing an invisible symphony the world around them became a lot more green. A lush forest sprung up around them yet when looking closer what sprang up wasn't entirely trees. Wooden figures would sprout up sprinkled around and grow extra limbs to give them an almost human shape yet as they finished growing it soon became obvious what they were turning into.

Training dummies.

Along the ground stone started to unearth itself from the dirt and formed a large square in the middle of the dense forest full of trees and dummies. Right behind it sprang up what seemed like building with a large sign with words in some ancient language scrawled right on the board. If one was familiar with the style of it they would see it looked like some kind of dojo.

Together everything seemed to come together to form some kind of arena for fights. "Really wished I could have done this before leaving the big four. Better late than never eh?"

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2024 8:55:01 GMT
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The name doesn't quite ring a bell but it sure does sound ominous. Something about it doesn't sit right with Kazimir himself especially with the bit about someone probably watching them. With info about the DRK Triad always having some kind of eye on them then this was just another possible piece of the puzzle to figuring them out. Only more dives into this simulation would probably enlighten him to it all.

"Don't worry. Stuff like this you don't just leave behind. Plus I always wanted one of these before they went outta style." He couldn't remember just how many old relics he used to collect back in the day. This was no different as he picked up the Pokegear and brought it along with them. Though he had to wonder just what could they gain from taking it with them if this whole world was one big computer game. Eh it'll probably work itself out in the end.


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Kazimir Wynter
when a tree falls [s]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2024 8:27:41 GMT
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"Sometimes the worst times bring out the best of us. Ain't no shame in that." Kaz was probably never going to be seen as the type to take the grander conflict all that seriously or as deeply as others did. He was just a guy who came across the waters to come and help. Still he would never regret the decision to come here as it helped him discover a few things about himself, helped build him up, and make some encounters he could never imagine not happening ever now. For that he was grateful.

"So why don't we give our new buds here what we got fellas!" Even as the rain beat down on the forest it wasn't going to drown out the fire that burned in all of them. Tigger looked at the Shell Smash and just smirked as he raised his arms. Biceps bulged out as he started to pose showing off just how much muscle was hidden under his fur as he bulked up to show some intimidation on his opponent. Even with water all around this firey cat was ready for anything.

Kaiju didn't seem to fair that well despite the cool rain on his scales. In fact it made the electricity that spread across his body sting even more that he could help but let out a roar. Even with his pain being shouted to the heavens above this beast wasn't ready to just give up right before the fight even began so he lowered himself and lunged forward. As he approached he spun around swinging his tail right around to knock the sense out of them with a bit of superpower focused right on his large behind.

The dragon fought against the bear and stirred up a storm. Domon braced himself as he felt the wind whip around him and even cut into his fur yet his stoic face never changed. No matter what he faced he wouldn't show any bit of fear, instead what he showed was determination. With that feeling inside he bent his knees and pushed off the ground almost flying up to the dragon to deliver an iron headbutt right to its face. Even if it had wings the fighting legend would do his best to keep it as grounded as possible so he could get in close and personal.

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Kazimir Wynter
Rehearsal [M]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2024 7:57:29 GMT
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Eyes closed shut as if that would help with the sound of the mic peaking with her words as they filled the garage. She might have wanted to end Kazimir on the spot right then and there for his intrusion but the man was a hard one to take down. A statue that could brave the largest of tsunamis and earthquakes. The wrath of her soul could try though.

"I'm here to see why someone is screaming out their goddamn soul at nine in the morning. Didn't think it'd come from Navy's little deputy but...why the heck are ya'll doing this? You couldn't go out and do this in like...Granite Cave or something?" The Rotom didn't seem to share its trainer's struggles with the noise, in fact it was going around inspecting all the equipment with interest.

How Navy puts up with this he'll never know, he's a stronger man than Kaz in that regard. "But...ya kinda weren't half bad. Lyrics could use a bit of work." Kaz added, not wanting to come off as a total killjoy. He was just tired.

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Kazimir Wynter
VCT: Kazimir vs Doug
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2024 15:49:00 GMT
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"And is that Doctor D?!" The enthusiasm is shared by the giant as Domon the Urshifu makes his way to the field ready for more battle. Even after their recent fight they were still ready for more and Kaz was ready to reap some sweet vitals, even if it meant taking down a good fugger.

"Gentlemen? Please Duggie, you know I don't do that. We like to really tussle out here. But i'll be a good gentlemen and let ya have the first move!"

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2024 15:35:05 GMT
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Sometimes Kaz can only be both amazed and terrified of his partner's strength. He knew the muscles underneath the bear weren't just for show and they share a bond through working out and training with one another but a Pokemon has strength that a human would never have. Some moments it was awe inspiring and sometimes it was "Scary. But let's show them why you're a king partner!"

The Electro Ball flies across the sand and the bear puts his hands together to fire off an Aura Sphere to match it. Range for range, he was grateful for his Trainer pushing him to break one of his limits and let him learn this move. In the battles to come rushing in close to the enemy may not be the best move so he needed some way to put distance between him and them.

As the two moves just miss each other and slide against one another the Urshifu braces himself as he feels jolts dance through his body and bring him down to one knee.



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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2024 7:25:27 GMT
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Wow this was getting tense. "Awesome." He did feel a little bad for Josh's...character? NPC? It was still a game but the fact that he still saw the Gym Leader didn't make this any less painful to watch. Dude was a big fan of the big tiger and it wasn't being cooperative at all. "Alright buddy. I'll take it from here." So the choice is made, time for a hero of Hoenn to do his thing.

"Protect Josh by taking his place in the battle"


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2024 7:11:40 GMT
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The sting of static gets to the Urshifu and sends shivers down the spine. Despite his tingling bones he still fights through the pain and meets the sparks with a wicked blow. This up close and personal it was bound to really leave its mark on the little mouse either internally or externally.

"Yo Domon don't go too hard! We're here to have fun!" The words would probably fall on empty ears though, Kaz knew better than anyone his partner really did get into the thrill of battle. One hundred and thirty percent was always given and he wouldn't have it any other way.



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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2024 7:00:13 GMT
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The sting of static gets to the Urshifu and sends shivers down the spine. Despite his tingling bones he still fights through the pain and meets the sparks with a wicked blow. This up close and personal it was bound to really leave its mark on the little mouse either internally or externally.

"Yo Domon don't go too hard! We're here to have fun!" The words would probably fall on empty ears though, Kaz knew better than anyone his partner really did get into the thrill of battle. One hundred and thirty percent was always given and he wouldn't have it any other way.



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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2024 6:24:58 GMT
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He nearly spits out the water he's drinking when he feels the hand slap against his back and looks up. Its his boss. Kinda? He was still a Ranger on paper so he still reported to Ollie but like. When was the last time he actually did Ranger work?

That was probably a bad thing to reflect on uh...

"We kinda just started so not a lot of wins. But plenty of battles right Domon?" Kaz slaps the back of the Urshifu making it nearly spit out the water it was drinking as it glared at its Trainer and just nodded along while giving a neutral glance at the Head Ranger and a nod to the Pikachu. "What about you boss? You racking up wins?"

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Nov. 25
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Kazimir Wynter
starry knight [DDD]
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2024 6:10:56 GMT
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The world is ending around them and all he has is a little tag to play around with. He couldn't tell if this was a cool set piece for the new year or just some really bad bug. Or the developers were really mad their game wasn't that great and just wanted a big reset and wanted to make a spectacle with it. That would be pretty based thing to do in an MMO like this, though did this whole experience count as an MMO? This was all sort of a dream so...shit what did that actually say?

Was this just a bunch of nonsense his own mind was making up?

"Ok...that's...a little bit much. Let's just..." He pulls up another screen and starts to type. If its asking him for one final wish then he might as well do it. If anything just because.

To be a strong protector

He was already one if he asked the right people but he knew there was always something more to gain. One didn't stop growing, they only chose to stop growing. Once he finishes typing he swore he saw the Pokeball containing the Roserade that accompanied him give a little shake. Maybe it just wanted to get out of this dying game now. Couldn't blame him, seeing the countdown tick down was giving him a sense of dread. Like time was running out for something and it was gonna spell bad news if it reached zero.

Guess it was just time to ride things out then.

@birth by sleep

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2024 5:30:47 GMT
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The ground beneath them all starts to open up as the white dragon has more than itself to throw at everyone as rings start to appear all over the battlefield. Fists fly and strike whoever they can that are unlucky enough to stand before them. All Kaz could do was watch as he tried to keep himself on his own two feet as the ground shook. "Camelot come back!"

The sandcastle was trying its best to not fall into the cracks underneath it and soon found sanctuary inside its Pokeball and out came Ryusei, a Minior who found no problem flying above the troubles of those on foot. "Ryusei help lift-" Before he could even finish Kaz fell through a crack that opened under him and the flying rock only watched as its trainer was almost swallowed up before it.

That's when the sound of a whinny broke through all the chaos. A flash of blue raced over Kaz and soon the man found himself on top of a small horse like creature as it jumped around the crumbling earth. Unfortunately even with its speed it couldn't keep up and even as it jumped a small chasm it only grew as more earth fell into itself and both the horse and Kaz watched as their doom awaited them, that was if not for his Minior.

Ryusei used its telekinesis to carry the pair to safety and with the Helping Hand the horse gave it carrying the weight of the two was made that much easier. Once they were on relatively flat land Kaz got onto his feet and gave the horse a pat on the head as he watched it gallop away. Probably off to go help more people.

Then it turned its head back towards him and the man just gave it a thumbs up. "Good luck out there."

@dragon's decree

    - aqua reroll!

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2024 15:21:53 GMT
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"You said it not me." Another sip from his glass starts to break him down even more. It lets more confidence slip in as he looses track of what he's doing. He just knows that was probably right. Things can be pretty quick and short during these harsh times, and its not like the only other people he would have spilled his heart out to were coming back anytime soon.

Why not have a little fun?

"But ya must be a little cheap to come out to this place for a drink. Not many travelers swing by this town after all, but hey, that just means they miss out on some..." He eyes the man up and down, a weird feeling welling up inside. They were always at each others throats and yet he had to admit, the dude was easy on the eyes. "Treasure this place can offer."

By then he's already sitting on the seat right next to the wolf, leaning his back against the counter with a grin on his face as he takes another sip. "But since ya asked...ya offering?"

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Kazimir Wynter
Eddie's Plotter
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2024 15:09:39 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Two himbos unite!

With Kaz always being the passing through muscle head that he is around Hoenn he's more than welcome to bring Eddie along with him to see the sights around the region even if he isn't a native. He's lived here long enough to know some fun nooks and crannies of Hoenn. There's also the fact that these guys are a bit two peas in a pod being physically active as Kaz also likes to do a bit of outdoorsing from camping to hiking and all that plus a bit of being a gym rat and budding pro wrestler when he has the free time. They could probably hit things off pretty well.

Though I can also see them being so alike that they can butt heads pretty often yet Kaz would probably never let Eddie feel abandoned or lonely if he can help it even if they got done with a screaming match with one another. With a sense of helping out and reaching out to people the two of them would probably be an inseparable pair should they get along that tightly.

Though unfortunately Kaz currently lives in Dewford so while not a neighbor he's more than willing to just show up on Eddie's doorstep asap when called. He does it a lot just ask his neighbors.
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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2024 14:45:27 GMT
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"Two down!" The pair of Cyclizar fell as the steel blade of an Aegislash ripped right through them. As Giri Giri skidded into a donut to see his fellow dragons fall he let out a victorious roar as Kaz kicked his heel against the dragon's side. "Easy. We aren't done here yet. Lots of other racers to take down in this race buddy." It was like an extreme case of kirby air ride where they had to try and batter their fellow racers to try and gain the upper hand. Luckily his new Aegislash was ready and willing to fight some dragons and go along with its trainer's crazy ideas. "Dozen more to go! Let's get it guys!"

As the Cyclizar reved up its engines and the Aegislash steadied its blade the trio set off to strike down some more dragons and maybe even hunt a few of them down.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing