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Kazimir Wynter
SMOG: kaz & razz
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 5:53:09 GMT
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Kazimir Wynter has gone missing.

Many had been reported MIA or worse during these battles so what was one more body lost to the horrors of war some might say. At the very least one might say that due to credentials Kazimir was someone who's skills would be missed should he ever leave them. Others would do it out of a sense of comradery they had with the man. Another might say that they couldn't let Pokkenger disappear otherwise the people of Hoenn would lose another well of hope for them.

Either way the man had a knack for getting out of trouble so hearing him up and vanish in the middle of a fight did not seem like a normal consequence. Something must have happened to him and so was called to try and see if he could locate him. The two of them were both part of the Rangers and he was close by Kaz's last known location, if anyone could have the highest chance of success of finding it Razz was one of the few that could be counted on.

The only problem was the other reports coming in about that same location. Last known communication Kaz had with anybody was that he spotted interdream mist gathering and went to inspect it. This combined with his disappearance did not paint the prettiest picture so hope needed to be held out for the man. Otherwise they were going to be left down a person in this fight.


mp: 70 [post + mission start + dream mist]
Mp total: 70

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starfall [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 5:12:47 GMT
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The weather channel had said that there was a good chance of a meteor shower happening tonight of all nights and after hearing that Kaz got everything he needed to camp out under it. A meteor shower meant that there was a good chance of Minior falling down from the sky and crashing down into the earth, as if they were ripe for the picking. The little space rocks had been something of a personal fave that Kazimir always liked to collect outside of various fighting types. If asked whatever reason for it was always replied by a simple "I like the surprise of finding what color I'll get" treating them like little blind bags that were very charming.
The last thing he ever expected to run into other than falling stars on his little trip was someone with a box of wine and a tablet they were scribbling away on. Drawing he could at least understand, the scenery around this region was still a sight to take in despite all the battles that happen around here. Drinking wine though? Well there were probably worse things to drink on a nice night like this one, although Kaz himself never really considered himself a drinker. "Uh yeah, if ya don't mind me pouring some for myself." It was still rude to refuse when offered no?
Taking a cup for himself he pours himself a glass half empty. Even if he was going to drink he didn't want to have too much of a good thing. Especially if he was going to go hunting later on. "So whatcha drawing? Hey aren't those..." He can recognize them in an instant as he leans against the thinner man to get a clearer view. Falling stars. Falling Pokemon. "You hoping to catch a view of them tonight? They do make a hell of a light show."


NOTES — fire/rock duo wild!



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Kazimir Wynter
SMOG: Kaz & Nikita
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 2:51:24 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The mist was starting to thicken all around making it hard to even see shapes through it. Usually that meant something bad when it came to this pink mist, or so he's heard. That meant that whoever was still in here was probably in trouble, the sound of his foot stepping into something liquid and seeing that it was red was not making him feel great. Something had already happened here and he wondered if he was too late or not.

He wouldn't get the chance to even try and find the source of it when someone wearing a mask and on top a gravely ghost dog suddenly approached him with a warning about him shouting. "Hey I'm just-" He didn't get a chance to defend himself as an Iron Jugulus suddenly flew in from the mist and aimed bright lights at the duo. Kazimir was quick to reach for a ball and out came a similar beast to the Paradox Pokemon; Iron Hands, "Punch their lights out."

The cyborg sumo wrestler clenched its large hands as they started to glow and sparked to life with electricity and swing a thunder punch right at the robotic dragon. "Yeah and this is why I was even in here, trying to get people away from this thing!" Who knows how many victims it might have already claimed.

MP: 45 [post + interdream mist + paradox pokemon use]

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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 6:58:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Nah, us Wynter boys are just naturally big." Pride laced his words as he felt Kouji's limbs wrap around him and try to turn him over. Instead Kazimir just pushes more onto Kouji's shoulders and digs his toes into the sand. He wanted to used his entire weight to keep Kouji in place and stop him from getting any sort of ground on him. He was giving him one hell of a fun time but he was still on the clock sadly, so letting this drag on wasn't the best plan of action.

So he needed to break this Rocket and send him crashing. So moving one hand from his shoulder Kaz balled it into a fist and started to aim a few punches right into Kouji's ribs. "Now give up or I'll break ya every way possible man! And that's a promise!" And Kazimir was someone who did his best to keep his promises.



MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 245

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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & kyle
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 6:32:44 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"...Kyle?" Kaz blinked as the Champ called out to him. The mask threw him off for a bit but the way he talked confirmed that it was indeed Mr Hoenn himself Kyle. Was he trying to make a new fashion statement or something though?

"Y'know...I don't know if a mask suits you. Anyway how's about helping me break into a Rocket camp and stealing their diaries or something, sound fun enough for you?" The enthusiasm was clear as day as Kaz gestured his Lycanroc over and reached into his pocket to pull out...

A sock.

He shot a glance at Kyle that only had one message plain on his face. "Don't ask." Wiggling it in front of its trusty smell sniffer the dog went off being a real odor sleuth with his snoot planted on the ground as he walked away leading the duo to their target. "Y'know, dogs are alright. I think I get why you love them so much. C'mon we don't want them to finish up before we raid them." He winked as he followed his pooch.


MP: 10 [post]

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Kazimir Wynter
Let's Start A Riot
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 7:23:16 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As an iron dragon emerged from the woman's grasp it started to literally wreck shop as its destruction had no rhyme or reason, only to break and crush. The only thing that could be heard other than the screams of the strange robotic creature was the screams of people who did their best to take cover any way they could. Their nightmare only growing by the second and Kazimir himself didn't have an answer for it as dust and dirt obscured both him and his vision.

Even his Charizard got lost in all the chaos despite landing a clean hit on the large bug and watched it retreat. The only thing it could see through everything was the shape of people coming down from the second floor escalator and making their way for the exit. The dragon only roared at them to hurry up and leave the scene thinking that they were people trying to evacuate, unbeknownst to him they were the looters who managed to make off with whatever they could have grab. Even the woman who started this mess made her escape with them.

As the dust settled it revealed both Kaz and his Dragalge hovering over a small group of people protecting them from a few pieces of debris and shopping displays that fell on top of them before shoving everything off and Kaz lending out a hand to help them up to their feet. "Ok, everyone alright? Good. C'mon now let's get outta here and get yourselves somewhere safer and get checked up." As his Pokemon group together to help escort people out of the building Kaz took out his phone and started to dial, looking around at the mess that was left behind as the phone rang.

"Hey this is Kaz. We kinda got a mess over here and need some clean up. I'll do what I can but ya better get over here. And fast."


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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & kyle
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 6:36:01 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The moon was especially bright out tonight giving the whole world its own little bit of light to illuminate the night. It was almost soothing in a cold sort of way and it really helped ease the nerves of a couple of folks out tonight. One of them was waiting to meet up with another and that person in question was Kazimir. While he waited for one more to join him he let his Lycanroc out to enjoy the moonlight and watched as it rolled around in the dirt to coat its fur in dust and dirt.

"Y'know we're just gonna give you a wash when we get home." Ever since it was a pup Hachiko had always liked getting itself dirty no matter where they go. When it grew up into an orange beast of a dog it never left that little quirk of its behind. It was almost endearing and brought a smile to Kaz's face as he checked his phone and that smile shrunk a little bit as he thought out loud. "Where is that fugger?"


MP: 60 [mission start + post]

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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & yuina
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 5:46:10 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the light faded one of the snakes was on the ground not even moving an inch while its partner was slithering its way right at Kaz and his Ceruledge. "Take him out!" One little snake wasn't a challenge for them! So his Ceruledge raised its sword arm and swiped as it glowed a ghastly purple and brought down a shadow claw onto the Seviper.

That would have been the end of it if it didn't side step the strike.

Instead it moved past both the sword pokemon and Kazimir and set its sights on Yuina. Its tail began to glow once more as it hissed at the woman and brought its tail around to stab her with a poison jab to try and take her out. "Yuina! Move!" She was right, if either one of them was separated they couldn't complete their mission. Still he would sacrifice the job if it meant that she wasn't about to be skewered yet all he could do to help was reach out to her and watch as his Ceruledge did its best to race after the snake with its blades drawn.


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]

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Kazimir Wynter
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 4:55:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kazimir gave a thumbs up when he heard June yell at him about scaring the absolute crap out of her. He would tell her he's survived and gone through worse and she would either not believe him or call him crazy. Or maybe both? Stuff like that could wait once they were out of this mess and for a moment it seemed like that was the case until a flash of blue suddenly streaked past June and struck the Aerodatcyl's tail causing the beast to scream and jostle Kazimir around as he looked up to see the beast's tail suddenly encased in ice.

"Crap, they're gonna try and drop us!" Freezing them solid in mid air was a surefire way to end up more than just swimming with the fishes considering where they were. They were almost free and now this, what more could be done to ensure their safety? It seemed like Kaz's rocky dragon had an idea as it started to slow down till it was right next to June and her Talonflame and screeched at the bird to communicate one thing and one thing only to it.


The Aerodatcly tossed Kaz towards the Talonflame despite the man screaming as it did, luckily Kaz reached out to at least grab onto the orange bird's legs to try and keep himself from plummeting into the blue abyss below. Turning on a dime the rocky dragon sped back towards the group of pursuing Rockets firing off a Hyper Beam to send two of them to their doom as the others fired off Ice Beam after Ice Beam at him making ice grow all along his body until he was a frozen solid chunk of ice that dropped out of the sky, breaking apart as it hit rocks along the way down giving his life for his comrades.

Kaz could only look away once he heard the crunching sound of his Pokemon's demise and took in a deep breath, "Keep going! He bought us some time so let's use it!"

MP: 210 [post + pokemon death]

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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 4:33:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Urshifu were pretty incredible creatures, always striving for perfection of their art and honing their bodies yet they always pushed what was their upper limit each and every time. It was pretty inspirational in some sense. It gave Kazimir a sense of wanting to be the best and then breaking through the ceiling to try and reach even higher heights that not even he can see. Of course such a path was always laid with obstacles from time to time and right now one of them was named Kouji.

He brought his arms up to try and block the man's frontal attack when he saw him jump, at least that's what he thought was happening but he was slow on the take when the man switched it up on him. Instead he felt a leg slam right into his ribs. It hurt a little more than what he was expecting and he could swear he felt something go wrong inside of his own body as he was suddenly on the floor rolling on the ground.

Despite the pain he used the momentum to push himself up to his hands and feet in a low crouch. Blue eyes trained themselves onto Kouji and the larger man rushed in for a tackle, hoping to shove him onto the ground and mount him with all of his weight on him to pin him down onto the ground. He needed to try and restrain him somehow otherwise he'd be walking away from this fight with more than just simple bruises.



MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 235

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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 12:56:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Domon lets out a roar of victory as soon as he sees his fellow Urshifu return back to normal as they lay there still in the sand. Another triumph under his belt that was hard earned was something that he was thankful for and showed that thanks by bowing to the fallen bear. That's when his ears detected the sound of shifting sand and he looked over to see his Trainer managed to send his opponent to the ground but also saw them suddenly jump back up. The fight between him and Qing might be over the but war between him and his Trainer's enemies was still going on and as a partners he wasn't going to let that get his trainer.

So before Kouji could land his uppercut on Kazimir Domon was quick to shove him out of the way and take the uppercut for himself. Normally the Urshifu could handle humans trying to attack them, most Pokemon could if they were built like him, but the wounds and exhaustion from his battle had already taken too much from him and the human's fist was just enough to wipe out the last of his energy as he fell over limp as his whole body went still from exhaustion.

Kaz watched in shock from seeing his Urshifu taken out by a person of all things. He was his buddy, his partner, no way was he going to let some guy just take him out with a punch like that. Even if it was for protecting Kazimir's sake. "Big dumb lug... I can handle myself!" His words betrayed the feeling of appreciation he did have for the gesture. So he retaliated with a left haymaker right to Kouji's face.



MP: 60 [post in RT Mission + own pokemon KO]
MP Total: 225

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 12:02:54 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He could feel the water start to seep into his costume making the whole thing feel a little bit heavier the more he stayed in the water. It was a signal to try and end this fight as quickly as they could. Easier said than done though as the cyborg was proving to be a real challenge. The strange fish creature that they sent out hit his samurai bug with a bite that it managed to block with its own arm. Then the sound of a sickening crunch and the feeling of something oozing out of his arm broke the confidence that the Golisopod had.

The beast had managed to break though his exoskeleton and the mighty shogun just let out a yell as it as it took its other arm and chopped through its arm before it suddenly turned into a mass of light and made an emergency exit where everything save its missing arm went back into its ball on Kazimir's belt. "It matters when there is a larger threat and we're still at each other's throats. Not even once could we have put aside our differences for the sake of stopping that meteor, instead we fought over the ways to deal with it. Is that what your bosses told you to do?"

He tossed out another ball that opened up into his Feraligatr who let out a roar to show off that the Dracovish wasn't the only one with a large jaw. "Punch out its lights Kaiju!" He calls out as he hangs onto the back spines of the large gator as it swam forward at the messed up fossil pokemon and swing an ice punch at it. "Cause don't forget everyone includes you."


- Emergency Exit triggers!
- Golisopod swaps with Feraligatr!
- Feraligatr uses Ice Punch!

MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 180

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 10:58:10 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The mystery of the poison would probably be worked on once they were done with searching for this beast so Kazimir followed his Ninetails further in and soon came across the swamp as he could feel his foot suddenly dip into the water. As he tried to get his bearings and not fall into murky waters a strong scent hit his nose. It was familiar in a way, something he knows but hasn't smelled in a very good while. It smelled like death.

Then the swamp around him was illuminated with light and sure enough Kaz's hunch was correct, though he really wish he was wrong about it. Before him lay bodies strewn about floating about in the water looking like they were just dumped here by the number of them that he could spot. "Holy..." They were bound to find bodies at some point or another but this wasn't exactly something he thought they'd come across. After all this many bodies in one place looked like some sort of dump site.

He moved further into the swamp as his Ninetails returned to his side but stayed where they wouldn't be swimming in bodies like Kazimir was as he walked through them. It wasn't long till he came across two that struck a sense of familiarity to not just him but it seemed like a few others as more and more people found their way to the swamp. "It looks like our couple. Kinda hard to tell a little..." There was one way to check but handling dead bodies wasn't something he was too keen on had to be done, so Kaz turned over the corpses as and joined him.

As his heart sinks the sound of heavy footsteps keeps it from going into an abyss.

His head snaps around and sees a beast resembling a bear suddenly charge through the swamp at full speed. Its charge alone pushes a few of the bodies away and Kaz is quick to extend a hand and a whistle towards it as his mind switches priority. "Storm! Slow that thing down!" the ninetails barks as small orbs of fire suddenly ignite around it and the will-o-wisps are sent flying towards the charging bear to burn it and keep it from moving any further as well as tell it to keep its distance from them.


    * uh oh! corpses!
    * joins in on examining junichi's(?) and minako's(?) corpses
    * stormbringer uses will-o-wisp on the bloodmoon ursaluna!


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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 9:25:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

20 years...

There was that time frame he mentioned. It scratched an area in the back of Kazimir's mind that had been itchy ever since the ordeal with Zacian and the strange bowl deer. Yet he couldn't quite place why it was itchy until now. Now that he was with someone who could confirm that it wasn't just some crazy dream he's been having over the past few weeks.

"Yeah I guess your right. Sorry Aqua just seems to want to have a monopoly on whatever legendaries are showing themselves around it seems. Don't disagree that we should keep an eye on them but sometimes it feels like they're ready to put the leash on anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them." The last few meetings he attended had some talk similar to that that rubbed him the wrong way. As the rest of the Rockets were lined up and ready for Doug's magic Kaz figured it was now or never to scratch that itch once again.

"Hey Doug, those 20 years your talking about. That was when we fought over some treasure with some nasty beasts right? Was...was that not just a dream? Cause I keep having this dream about people we know living it up in Galar like heroes or something but when I try to think back to it...I just can't remember a damn thing."


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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 9:10:05 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

An eyebrow was raised when the Fighter mentioned something about the Royal keeping up an illusion and Kaz wondered if it had to do with how he was acting when he was making fun of his height. Guess the Royal son of a gun wasn't all that put together as he liked, that would come in handy if they crossed paths once again. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me." He winked at the fighter and held a finger to his mouth to signify he would keep the secret...until it was needed.

When the question was brought up about what he would change about himself it broke the confidence that was held up a moment ago. Kaz lingered on the question and thought. What could he change about himself? He liked to think that he was a capable person. He was sort of happy with himself as a person but maybe there was something else that could change. Maybe something related to his "hero" work? Ability didn't feel like an issue to him so maybe... "I wish I could...I don't know. I wish I could be more inspiring to people. I fight to help people and make them smile and give them peace, but I worry I'm nothing but a fool to people. At least that's what I could change but that sounds kinda selfish don't it?"


[kaz gets...maybe a bit too real and vunerable?]

[fights against the Fighter!]

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RPG Unlimited
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Swords Clashing