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Kazimir Wynter
Extraction: Eris & Kaz
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2023 6:52:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar




[attr="class","itemcolname"]league - ultra deep sea


[attr="class","itemcoltexttit"]STAGE: PREPARATION

[attr="class","itemcoltext"]After surviving a journey to the deepest extremities of Ultra Deep Sea, you find yourselves in a chamber with a glowing, magenta organ pulsing in its center. It's a gargantuan core that continuously emits energy. Terrifyingly, the radiation it spreads seemingly distorts space and time around it.[break][break]

Around you, Poison Tera Crystals, minerals imbued with Dynamax Energy, and more exist for you to mine, harvest, and gather.[break][break]

To overcome the energy's paranoia or hallucinogenic effects, designate someone who will take the brunt of the core's radiation.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Designate one character.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Receive 50 RKS POINTS.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Take the brunt equally.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Receive 50 RKS POINTS.

[newclass=".itemcolbkg"]color:#EEEEEE;background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #2c343b, #282828);[/newclass]
[newclass=".itemcolstr"]background: url("");[/newclass]
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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2023 8:26:11 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As they made their way further in they were greeted by an all too familiar face as well as a new one that was making the hairs on the back of Kaz's neck tingle. He was surprised to run into him so soon again but that just meant that he could get this over with much much faster. And if he had to tussle with his "friend" then that was just a bonus to the giant man. He was ready for a fight as he made his quest so actually getting to use his brawn was just proof that he was on the right path.

The mention of the Imposter's words being false did make him hesitate on being full on aggressive. He really didn't want to believe something wearing a familiar face would just lie to him but he was stuck in a world where some snooty royal took his goddamn name. Anything was possible. It all just meant that he would need to make that gamble and make due with what he got.

"Tricked? Please I was just chatting with an old buddy is all. Why would they lie to me? Though I am sad that our time was cut a little short. It was probably for the best cause I wanted to make sure I took my time to see how you measured up once I found your prissy butt." Word play may not have been his forte but Kaz felt like the words were just coming to him the more he thought about punching the royal in the face.

"As for your buddy there...well if you think some extra muscle is gonna help then throwing it at me might be fun it sure ain't gonna be help to you. Y'know unless you add some muscles to those legs of your and maybe gain an inch down there. So yeah, what exactly were ya gonna do to me?"


[makes fun of the royal's height]
[hopes that imposter's words were true

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POSTED ON Sept 1, 2023 8:25:34 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Damn, was kind of hoping for something a little more helpful like flying...or like galavantula powers or something. Regen factor might be pretty cool though." He joked with John as he did as he was asked and started to remove some of his armor. He had trust in him to not actively try and hurt him, it was his medicine that he wasn't so trustworthy of. If the rumors about that particular Tapu were to be believed then maybe injecting it into his body was worth a second opinion.

Too bad for Kaz that second opinion would never come as he felt something sharp go right into his back. A silent yelp could only escape his mouth as he did his best to not squirm. Instead he focused on his Blissey who was going around tending to the wounded. One even got a soft boiled egg fed to him by the pink angel.

What a lucky bastard.

"Arceus! Ya coulda told me it'd be cold too!" Being pricked by a needle was nothing, but the feeling of this strange new solution entering his body wasn't quite what he was expecting. He also wasn't expecting his whole body suddenly feel a little lighter. Like he could actually lift them up even with the pain he was feeling and could sit himself upright proper as he took in a few deep breaths. "Well...I think its numbing the pain at least. That's good right?"


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2023 8:24:21 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As a few guards made their way to the front of the doors the sound of whistling greeted them from all around them. As they looked around they started to rub their eyes and begin to yawn as the whistling was a real soothing tune. Enough to lull someone to sleep, or keep them drowsy enough to not see a pair of figures jump from the roof and land on two of the guards before tackling the others to the ground and knocking them out with a few punches to the face.

Another handful of guards came out only to be met with a spray of magical leaves that cut into their legs and pinned a few against the doors of the laundromat. The few that were still standing were suddenly tackled down to the ground by a large mass that barrelled through the doors. Once inside the grunts were present in front of a costumed person that didn't waste any time throwing their fists to the closet grunt that looked in their direction.

Behind them trailed a Roserade who managed to provide back up by assaulting the other grunts who tried to get close to their trainer with the help of a few kicks and punches of its own. "Nice work Captain! Looks like this place is gonna get some great business cleaning the blood from these guy's uniforms!"


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2023 5:20:37 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar



EXPEDITION #: kazimir (second time), robin (first time)
SELECTED PROMPT #s: 06, 07, 11, 16, 21
NOTES: kazimir; ultra burst, mega evolution, z-moves, legendary & mythical pokemon, tattered instruction manual, king of fighters title

robin; pkmn ranger, ghost pkmn specialist
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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
breakthrough [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 16:55:31 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

There's shock on Shuwen's face, Domon can see and revel in it as the two of them match blows for blows once again. Tsunami meets tsunami as they clash and inside his heart Kaz's fighting spirit is getting its fuel. The fire within ready to burst into an inferno ready to engulf everything around it as he moves his body to prepare. For a second it seems like he's striking some kind of pose as a faint glow covers his body, but as the clash between warriors comes to an end it fades as he sees Shuwen go down.

As Kaz stands there blinking Domon himself is heaving as he looks down at his opponent before letting out a victory roar that riles up the crowd. Kaz let's out a sigh then smiles as he approaches his partner and raises a hand that's met with a hearty slap from his Urshifu as they congratulate one another on a fight well done. "Wish it wasn't so over so soon. Both of ya got us really fired up." Deep down that burning fire of his was still craving more fuel for its flames. It wanted to burn.

Still the duo knew how to keep it under control for the most part as Domon reached down and pulled Shuwen back to its feet, wrapping its arm around the victor's shoulder to hold it up while Kazimir held out a hand towards the gym leader with a smile and a wink. "If your ever looking for a rematch, ya know how to find us. Or we'll find you."


[*] Ultra Burst!Domon wins!
[*] A sneak peak of Z-Pose Power?! :monkas:

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
breakthrough [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 4:01:12 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Boom goes the fist.

Boom Boom goes the next pair of fists.

Boom Boom Boom goes crowd stomping their feet at the sight of it all.

As Domon feels the first fist connect with his face he's quick to bring up his arm to defend against the next one. Shuwen's hands are faster than his however and the other Urshifu manages to land hit after hit. While each one doesn't hurt as much as his own fist Domon couldn't deny that all of them together were stronger than his own. With the last hit landing square in his chest the Urshifu was sent flying back, only this one was crashing into his own trainer as Kaz's eyes went wide and his arms spread out to try and catch him.

As the both of them flew back onto the sand the crowd cheered, the back and forth that the two of them showed off just now was exhilarating! It was heart stopping! Two great warriors giving them a show that no one would forget!

As the two downed fighters stirred the slowly used their arms to prop themselves up and looked at each other. Their eyes met and a small fire was starting to burn in each of their gazes. They didn't need to exchange words with one another because they were of the same mind as grins formed on each other faces.

"We gotta take these two down."

A silent promise between them as they got back up, dusting one another off. "Hey Navy! You said that Kyle told you about Domon being crowned King of Fighters right?!" The ginger called out with a look of reassurance on his face, "Cause we'll show you how he got that name!"

As Domon got to his feet he took in a deep breath and slowly spread his legs and got into his stance once again. There was a slight difference as he raised his arms. Instead of the rigid stance he normally held his new stance was more loose and his features seemed more relaxed as he raise his arms up to mirror the same style of stance that Shuwen normally held.

"Just who the hell do you think we are?" Domon rushed forward as water suddenly exploded around his fists as it turned into currents of surging strikes flying against their opponent. After all one doesn't become King without some merit and Domon aimed to prove that his was being the better warrior.


[*] Domon undergoes ultra burst! swaps to rapid style!
[*] Domon uses surging strikes!

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 6:05:37 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Slateport. Oceanic." Those two words were probably more than enough to answer Doug's first question. Why they would steal from there was a question that not even Kaz had the answer to. He just showed up to the scene of the crime and managed to stop them from skipping town. "Don't know what they took, isn't' that place more of a maritime place full of ships and subs?" It was never a destination on Kaz's itinerary whenever he stopped by the city.

Well they were dealt with now so he could find out later once they were all wrapped up for apprehending. Right now it was more important that he tend to his injuries, or rather Doug, which did beg the question. "So... I'm gonna be your gieuna spoink. That's fine, just...look I need to know."

And this was the most important question ever.

"Am I going to mutate and get super powers if you do? Douggie I need to know please." There was a bit of a dramatic flair as he gave a "weak" thumbs up to the nurse giving him his consent to sprinkle weird pixie dust all over him.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
breakthrough [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 4:55:43 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

While the elder Urshifu gave his war cry as he flexed his muscles Domon himself just stayed quiet. The younger warrior might have had a similar fiery spirit burning inside of him it was more controlled, sitting in a nice little fireplace. It was instead his trainer that spoke for him in his own boisterous way, saying the words that the Urshifu could not. "Nice muscles! Yours sure ain't no slouch, just what we'd expect from a rival huh Domon?"

The King just grunted in agreement as he continued to strike pose after pose to show off his body. It was a mix of intimidation and a search for approval from his rival warrior. Yet even Domon knew that simply showing off was not the way to get the full message across. Not for warriors for them so he hoped that Shuwen would forgive him for the next part of this showcase. After all showing how big one's muscles wasn't enough, to get true appreciation for them one would have to feel them up close.

That's when Domon suddenly took a step forward, his face inches away from Shuwen's and his fist cocked back, "So let's see how much that body can take." Suddenly a wicked blow was launched right at the elder Urshifu's solar plexus to break through its fantastic body.


[*] Domon uses detect!

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
breakthrough [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 6:13:24 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The flurry of punches was a bit much for Domon to properly defend against. The best the younger Urshifu could do was raise his arms up to block any that he could while a few of them still struck his body. With each hit it felt like one punch after another was filled with more energy than the last. Knowing the same move he knew that if this kept up then the other bear would be quick to catch a second wind. That was still a few moves far off however.

"Not bad, but don't think we don't got a good defense." Domon grunted as the muscles under his fur began to ripple and flex. He dropped his guard to take the blows head on as he puffed out his chest and showed off just how much more bulked up he was compared to Shuwen. It was a risky move but the warrior knew that taking one or two could lead to victory in the long run. He would just have to make sure this show of intimidation played out how he wanted.


[*] Domon uses bulk up! atk + def up!

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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 21:50:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The Blissey saluted and went to attend to any more injured and try to corral them together with her eggs. Meanwhile that left Kazimir to be both interrogated and patched up by John about how him and these Rockets even crossed paths. "Got a tip about them. Just that they were seen hanging around a museum and one of my eyes and ears recognized them when they hit the place after closing."

Bringing his fingers to his lips he let out a whistle and from above them floated down a shimmering violet Minior that greeted them with a happy cry. "These guys help me keep an eye on things when I'm in town. Cast a big enough net and your bound to catch something." As he exposed his fisherman logic he couldn't help but notice the bottle that seemed to be filled with not actual medicine but decorative glitter.

" bring the wrong bag Douggie? Kinda need bandages, not an arts and crafts project. Unless you know how to fix costumes." He tugged at the under suit of his Pokkenger outfit where a few tears could be seen and stained by bruising and a bit of blood.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 20:52:38 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the fake Marshadow moved out of the way for him to continue on his quest Kazimir took a moment to look at the road ahead of them and then look back at the Imposter Shadow. While he couldn't think of any more words to say to it he did give it a smile at least. If only as a sort of silent thanks for letting him see it one more time. Its words did ring within his head as a question did pop into his head, as it said an unquestioning mind is risky in this place so...

" last thing. This royal i'm after. There wouldn't happen to be anything that he hates? Like bad jokes or something? Cause when I find him i'm itching to give him a little bit of payback for taking my name." He'd give the shadow a bit of a pause to answer before waving farewell to it and nearly going into a sprint across the way to continue his search in his strange kingdom of familiar faces.


[asks about the royal's dislikes...]
[continues his way forward...]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
santa's workshop [sw]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 20:36:48 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"alright i think we can call that a day now!" he shouted up to the Celesteela who with a chirp slowed down its stomping to a standstill before letting itself rest. they still had the journey home to make and its arms were feeling a bit sore from all the work they had done if one could believe an Ultra Beast could feel tired from that.

approaching where his Pokemon had just finished working he admired the site. It didn't seem like they had really done much to the ice, not even crack it a significant amount. that led to a sigh escaping his mouth as he rubbed his hands together to get a little bit warmer but to also crack some frustration in the form of cracking his knuckles. seemed like this was a bust.

as he turned to leave he noticed something, barreling towards them letting out what sounded like hoarse laughter. it was a sealeo who was rolling on its side until it came to a stop in front of the Celesteela and looked up at the beast. then it started to clap, was it giving it applause? that was the thought at first until it started to slap at the ground with some force while still looking up at the Ultra Beast with a smile. Was it saying it was a fan of what they were doing and wanted to join in?

"Well...we're kinda done for the day but...hell maybe we can come back another day to do that yeah?" the seal clapped its hands at the suggestion. "Well in that case..." taking out a pokeball kaz held it up to the pokemon who took a sniff of it before pressing its nose against the button and being sucked into the ball. as he held it he couldn't help but think about something that the large pokemon made him feel.

why did looking at it make him feel nostalgic?


[solo wild]
catching sealeo!

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
breakthrough [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 20:15:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As Shuwen takes a few steps back to gather itself Domon keeps his guard up even as he lands back onto the soft sand. His stance ready for any retaliation that his foe might throw at him. Yet in his eyes there's a gleam of appreciation in them as he keeps them trained on the other Urshifu. He wasn't expecting his fellow warrior to go down in one hit but he did have to give him some silent praise for how well he took the attack. It meant that Shuwen's skills would probably give it a good sweat by the end of this fight.

Then the opponent Urshifu launched its attack. "Dewford's style's nice...but," Despite the effort put into the attack Domon himself was still well trained enough to detect the right moment of the attack and swerve his head out of the way of the punch, "But its gonna take a bit more than that to shake us."

As Domon's body moved with his head he used one of his powerful legs to jump back and put a bit of distance between him and Shuwen, readying his stance for the next attack raising a hand and gesturing his fingers beckoning his opponent to try again. For a brief moment there was a hint of a grin on his face.


[*] Domon uses detect!

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
santa's workshop [sw]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 21:36:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"let's try a different approach now! try smashing that ice like a hammer!" The celesteela let out a loud chirp as its arms came to a stop and slowly rose up into the air gently. behind them a jynx had taken notice at the commotion they were making and approached from behind. something about these strapping fellows doing their work was almost alluring and the Human Shape Pokemon was looking to get a closer look. then came the heavy slam that the celesteela did with its arms slamming down into the ice. the shock and force was enough to make Kaz do a little hop in place while the Jynx was completely thrown off balance and landed face first on the ground and slowly slide away from Kaz. Hearing the squeaking sound of sliding Kaz turned around only to be met with more icy tundra before shrugging his shoulders and turning back to watch his Ultra Beast at work.


[solo wild]
skipping spawn...

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing