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Kazimir Wynter
breakthrough [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 21:11:52 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz grinned at Navy's enthusiasm, something that was contagious as the gigner giant couldn't help but share in the same feelings. While on paper they might be at different heights it didn't mean that such places can't be traded in an instant. At his go ahead Kaz and Domon were quick to take the offensive as the Urshifu took a single step before jumping into a leap at the opposing bear.

"At least you were warned! TATSUMAKI DRIVER!"

As Domon flew at Shuwen he twisted his body around to bring his leg with his turning into a spinning roundhouse aerial ace. Just as Kaz was giving verbal warning to his opponent Domon would do the same to his. The only difference was that his method was more of a demonstration than simple words. That's how a real warrior does things.


[*] Domon uses aerial ace!

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
breakthrough [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 7:05:43 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the two pairs make their way down to the beach Domon can't keep their eyes off of the other Urshifu walking alongside him. Inside were a mix of feelings that were trying to process. Wanting to show its strength against its own brethren and test their skills one another as well as get to know another of its kind a little better. It knew that once they were on the battlefield these feelings would be laid bare for one another to see, after all that's what their kind did as warriors.

"Well, simple answer is cause someone had to." Although something told him a simple answer wouldn't do, Navy didn't deserve that, "Real answer was I couldn't sit on the sidelines anymore. Plus the League can't do everything so I figure I help them pick up the slack."

As they reach the sandy field they were fighting on both Kazimir and Domon got into position with the both of them mirroring each other as they cracked their knuckles and necks. "Now I get to ask, ya sure you want to pit your Kung Fu Panda against mine? Cause I'll warn ya right now, we're not exactly your average pair."


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
breakthrough [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 14:52:42 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Oi! Someone better call the sheriff! Cause there's gonna be a murder in this here gym!"

Just as his voice boomed throughout the lobby so did Kaz as he walked in swinging the door wide open and almost off its hinges as he entered with someone in tow. That someone was an Urshifu who's stern face never seemed to break even when accompanying Kaz through his antics. It was why it was considered one of his trusted partners, always willing to go along with the joke. Today was no joking matter however as today they were ready to put their skills to the test against someone who was tough enough to be a gym leader.

"Cause we're here to wreck up his gym challenge! Ain't that right?"

A single fist was raised up and met with a bump of his Urshifu's fist. Despite the two having looks that would scream that they were opposites the thrill of a good fight was what tied them together. Something that Navy was in store for.


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
Booty Bump: Kazimir vs Yuina
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2023 19:30:02 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The screech was the one move that was needed to be the final decider of this match as it made Kaz stop for just a second. Just a single second of him getting caught off guard by the noise coming from the smaller croc pokemon was all that Yuina needed to send herself right into Kazimir. Since he wasn't paying close attention to what was around him his guard wasn't up and soon he found himself crashing right into the water with Kaiju just staring dumbfounded at his trainer as the red giant was splashing around in the water.

"Wow! Okay...looks like ya got some beginners luck with ya! Good match!" He called out as he stabled himself in the water and gave her a thumbs up as he bobbed in the water. "Or maybe ya have some hidden skills after all! Gonna need a rematch after this contest is over!" His feraligatr just shook its head at those words knowing that somehow Kaz would try to do this sometime again if not in the future.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
santa's workshop [sw]
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2023 11:49:53 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Construction was always a noisy business so when a Mamoswine showed up in a fit of rage Kaz couldn't blame it. It was a little odd to see one roaming around this deep in this winter wonderland and so mad at them. Still they were busy workers so distractions like this weren't really needed. "'Stella! Show them the door!" All it took was a single heavy slam from one of the giant arms of the Ultra Beast to knock the large mammoth away and cause it to turn back with its tail between its legs while the pair went back to work.


[solo wild]
skipping spawn...

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Booty Bump: Kazimir vs Yuina
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2023 11:24:53 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Alls fair in love and booty bumping!" Was the response he gave with a smug grin on his face and his Feraligatr growling in agreement. This was a fight to prove which of them had the better skills and assets to make it to the top. One had to make the use of all that they had in order to reach the top! Or it could be Kazimir was just a bit too competitive when it came to competition and was always ready to go all out.

He did have to give the girl props though as so far she was getting in some good hits so he would need to try a little bit harder. As Kaiju gave a bit of inspiration with a Dragon Dance to raise his spirits the large man went in for another attack, throwing his whole weight into the next attack.


+2 with bonus!


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 7:29:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The sound of the ghostly chuckle sent both a shiver down his spine and a flaring sensation in his nostrils. The next time he sees that "Ruler" he was going to have a few choice words for him. Unfortunately words for this Marshadow Imposter's words were a bit more difficult to find. It did raise some fair questions that Kazimir himself never really considered now that he thought back about it. Its been so long that he was just always sure he would see it again and something might happen.

But what if that was just some blind optimism?

"I...guess I'd just try to improve myself my own way. Maybe at least use some of the stuff I learned from it before as a base?" They didn't sound like smart words but they were still words that he could think of. Hearing it leave his mouth did make it seem like he was just trying to find it...because he was just trying to find it. Or maybe he was just walking without directions.

"I'd at least try to convince it. If it couldn't teach me anything...huh... I guess i'd just look somewhere else. Lots of things you can learn from lots of different places and people." Not that he wouldn't appreciate at least seeing the ghostly mentor one more time at the very least to properly thank it. "Heck, I guess you could say i'm learning to not be so trusting while I chase after that ruler guy. Right?"


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
santa's workshop [sw]
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 6:51:58 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Loud and thundering slams could be heard across the frozen wasteland, the silence that they once brought broken as a towering beast stood out among the frozen sculptures of Pokemon and other such structures. The creature in question was a Celesteela who's arms had been banging against the cold icy ground over and over again. Its steel rollers seemingly having little to no luck in cracking the ice, all the while Kazimir was on the sidelines watching the whole thing. He had come out here to try and see if he could do something about the ice today but it seemed like the plan of using brute force wasn't giving them much more results. "Let's try it for a little bit longer! We gotta make some kind of dent eventually..."


[solo wild]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
Booty Bump: Kazimir vs Yuina
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 5:03:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaiju grinned at the little Crocanaw for its quick thinking and not wanting to be outdone by its junior it slammed its own tail into the water with a Superpower. The resulting splash created a geyser of water that sprinkled all around the platform as Kazimir himself gave charge once more. While the floor was slippery it also allowed him to slightly skate around in a weave to try and keep his opponent from guessing his moves before he swung around again to throw his buns right at the girl once again. "that's the spirit!"




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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2023 13:57:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A voice rings out to him as he feels his body lifted and propped up. Taking a look at his would be savior the masked hero couldn't help but stare at him, there was something familiar about that face but at the same time something different. It looked almost like it belonged too... "Dougie?" A question was all he could get out before his body tensed up from the pain and his train of thought was derailed.

"Yeah...not my best work. Was hunting some Rocket guys carrying stolen artifacts. Ran them off the road but I guess I went a bit crazy trying to keep them all in one place." He was sure that a few of them even got away during the whole scuffle.

"No one else is hurt right? I...think I have...a bit of help." Moving a free arm slowly down to his belt he clicked on one of his Pokeballs to let out a happily chirping Blissey. Their smile persisting even as they noticed all the people and even Pokkenger on the floor as it took out a soft boiled egg to share with them all.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Booty Bump: Kazimir vs Yuina
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2023 4:22:31 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kazimir couldn't help but raise an eyebrow with his grin when he saw his opponent for this little part of the competition and one of the first things that came out of her mouth was an observation of how big he was. "I get that a lot." It might even be considered a bit of a one sided match up between the two of them. When Kaz signed up for this little fun game he really wanted to be a good sport about it, unfortunately he always tends to forget that his size sort of puts him on a separate level than the average person. Still he had to be a good sport nonetheless...

"Aw c'mon! Ya already here ya might as well give it all ya got! Right Kaiju?" He bumped elbows with the Feraligatr standing tall next to him while it eyed the smaller Crocanaw in front of it. The large gator only let out a huff before bumping its own scaly large butt with Kazimir's as a sign of acknowledgement and intimidation. The two of them were monsters in their own right, and they were gonna prove it.

"But hey if you insist, don't just tumble out of the ring on the first move!" Kaz was quick to make the first move and rush Yuina, turning around on his heel like a dime as his thunder bottom came swerving around to try and knock her around towards the edge.




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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2023 22:13:02 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kazimir didn't go very far until he felt a chill on his arm all of a sudden making the hairs running along it suddenly stand up. When he turned around though he didn't see anything that could have touched him. At first at least as the sound of something hitting the floor below him and before him was Deimos once again. "Where...where the heck did you come from man?!" His sudden appearance startled Kaz enough to take a few steps back and almost fall onto his own butt as he tried to take in what just happened.

Still the urge to find the logic in what just happened was swatted away when Kaz noticed all the red that was all over Deimos' arm plus the shimmering form of something standing over him. On instinct Kaz reached down and threw out a pokeball that released his Blissey who rushed towards Deimos side. "Heal pulse, keep him steady." Simple words that the Pokemon understood completely as a pink glow formed between its hands and started to heal Dei's arm alongside Josh's Jolteon to provide some immediate help.

As Josh rejoined them he seemed to recognize the specter that was before them. Some kind of fellow trainer who worked for him and was killed by the sound of what Josh was saying. Kaz couldn't help but give an apologetic look at the ghost, maybe if he was there he could have helped in some way. "Don't feel great about just up and leaving but with Dei here getting an arm like that its probably for the best."

Kaz then walked over to help Dei up to his feet and wrap one of his arms around his neck to hold him up. "Let's just try not to have a bumpy ride out of here. Don't want that pretty face of Dei's to get messed up as well."


sending out scrambles the blissey with heal pulse!
[@deimos] []
[mission dossier]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2023 21:02:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the trio manage to find themselves on the other side of the chasm the bridge they traveled on disappeared before their very eyes. Leaving zero trace that it was even connecting both cliff sides to one another as if it had never existed to begin with. "At least we're all in one piece right-" Almost like the universe, or this strange realm, wanted to prove them wrong as soon as the words left Kaz's mouth he heard @deimos suddenly cry out and turned to him only to find that the man wasn't there at all. Just the Pokemon he rode on.

"Wasn't...wasn't Dei right behind us? I coulda sworn he..." He was sure that he saw him cross as well so how could he disappear in an instant like that? Josh was already up to task in looking for him by ascending to the air and Kaz figured he might as well search on the ground. Taking the reigns on his ride Pokemon he set started to search the area around them while shouting out to see if he could get a response. "HEY DEIMOS! ANSWER US MAN! WHERE'D YA GO?!"


let's go deimos hunting!
[@deimos] []
[mission dossier]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing