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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
Let's Start A Riot
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 21:32:59 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As he rode the elevator down to the bottom floor Kaz looked over the ferry tickets to 's JOYLAND that just opened up he was a little oblivious to the racket that was happening until he reached the floor and saw the woman with her Pokemon coming in through a pile of broken glass. Stuffing his ticket back into his pocket and let out a sigh as he wondered in his mind if he could still make his boat in time as he reached down to his belt and removed a pair of Pokeballs into his hands and approached the woman, "Well looks like someone's having fun! Bit too much fun honestly!"

Opening the balls up a wispy Dragalge and a burly Incineroar appeared by his side eyeing the other Pokemon with a hunger for battle. All the while Kaz just had his hands on his hips and eyed the woman up top to bottom with a look of disapproval on his face as he did. "Seriously lady looks like someone ought to teach ya how to curb that enthusiasm. How about me and you head over to that new theme park Joyland for some fun if that's what your looking for?"


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 21:13:08 GMT
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While from the surface it seemed like the strange bulbs weren't doing anything reports of them using some kind of corrosion ability on steel structures around them caused a bit of worry. Because of that Pokkenger deployed himself onto the field to try and disperse them or thin out their numbers somehow. They weren't hard to find as they stuck out like a sore thumb but the stench of oleander was really hard to ignore the closer he got to a whole herd of them just...floating around. He had to wonder if there were others in different places around the region and if that was the case then he might as well hurry up and get done here before sprinting off to find more. So taking out a Pokeball he tossed it at the herd to try and see if he could catch something.



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Kazimir Wynter
processed shop
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 20:52:57 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X premium safari ticket (50 PD)

2X gachapon ticket (100 PD)

1X premium gacha ticket {poison} (150 PD)

2X salac berry (100 PD)


do come again!

400 PD
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Kazimir Wynter
trip into the sewage [safari]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 20:50:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As Warden Roxie opened the doors for him to the park Kazimir was already off in a sprint into the park. He didn't have much of a target for today, he just felt like catching a bunch of Pokemon today. What he would run into was a mystery and that was a very charming point of this whole place. Plus for some reason or another he was somewhat lucky at times and finding oddly colored pokemon here way more often than in other places. What were they called again? Shinies? Wonder what kind would show up this time around if his luck was generous to him once again.


safari thread!

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Kazimir Wynter
making an incision [sw]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 20:14:15 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Luckily, Pokkenger is always prepared...for the worst." He mumbled to himself with a silent chuckle as he sprayed some of the leftover antidote he carried with himself onto his Blastoise, curing him of the poison that the Swalot inflicted on him. His large turtle partner wasn't too keen on having it sprayed on him and constantly shifted around with Kaz spritzing him here and there. "Will ya sit still? Or you can just go running around feeling like trash till we get to a Center."

Still if he was going to be such a handful then maybe he should make him suffer and carry him back to a Center in his ball. As a Flareon was crossing their path the Blastoise let out a ferocious growl as the two of them made eye contact and sent it scampering away. That was the final straw for Kazimir as he held up Jolly's Pokeball and returned him back into it with little resistance and gave it a little spray of antidote as a last laugh before continuing his way out of this path.


skipping spawn!
[solo wild]

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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 7:09:47 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Well at least I'll have help on this quest." He commented when the stranger mentioned that he wouldn't be alone in going after this name thief in his quest for revenge. The more the merrier and all that, what he wasn't expecting was this "fairy" to resemble a very familiar friend of his back home. It almost took him a minute or two to even respond to seeing the creature walk up to him and curtsy right at him.

"Buttermilk?" The fairy was indeed the spitting image of the Alcremie that waited for him back at home. Even right down to the small decorations that only he would have put on her were spot on. Still he had to keep it real, or fictional, this wasn't his own Pokemon but some kind of character meant to guide him through this story. So it was probably best to play along. Still it was kind of hard to resist the fact that it was a very cute Pokemon-Fairy. "Uh, guess we're partners for now. Nice to work with ya."

He and the fairy exchanged a handshake before waving back at the stranger as the two of them dashed into a jog towards the kingdom which was right in their sights. No way he was going to let some bratty royal keep him here by taking his name like that, his name was important!


[alcremie shall be the fairy!]

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Kazimir Wynter
making an incision [sw]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 5:15:44 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the jog came to a stop when poison gas started to erupt from a corner right in front of him. kaz reached down to his belt and let out his blastoise who's large frame shielded him from the gas as he took cover. it didn't help the large turtle however as he inhaled some of the gas and immediately felt nauseous. "Let's blow this blob outta here. Before it suffocates us!"

the blastoise was quick on the draw as it ran to the corner with its cannons drawn and aimed at the source of the gasm, a swalot. it wasted no time using a powerful hydro pump on the pokemon to send it flying backwards with pressurized water until it wasn't moving any longer.


skipping spawn!
[solo wild]

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
making an incision [sw]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 12:31:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

he made his way down to the fiery pass for a bit of a change of scenery for his morning jogs. although taking one where the temperature was at a very humid state was probably not the best routes to take he did enjoy the sweating that he doing. besides he knew that once this was over he could just hop into one of the nearby hot springs and clean himself up and let his tired body enjoy a nice bit of relaxation. it was a win win situation in his head even as he was starting to breathe heavily as more and more of his stamina was slowly draining from his body. hopefully his own body would not quit on him before he ran at least a few more miles.


[solo wild]

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 6:39:46 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As @deimos helps him to his feet Kaz just shoots him a thankful smile as he watches prepare a whole team of trusty steeds for them to ride throughout these lands. It would make the trip faster than they were going on foot but as he approached them a thought occurred to him. One that he couldn't help but voice out loud by happenstance. "Hey I'm not too big for these guys am I?"

To him its a valid question as he looks over the Pokemon and then to himself. He's big but the right one should be able to carry him, and that's when he spots a Zeraora of all things among their ranks. Being rather familiar with that species he approaches it and scratches behind its ear and it seemed to somewhat appreciate it. He carefully placed himself on its back and hold on tightly as it trotted around with him on it as he turned to his two other companions with his eyes focused on Deimos, "Looks like there's only room for one, guess we'll have to take a rain check on a nice horseback date eh? Don't fall behind now."

He lead his steed to the front of the group and was the first to take off at a quick pace. Whatever Josh fed them was really working their magic as Kaz felt the wind blow against his hair as he rode. There was no set path for them to follow but he knew he couldn't stray too far otherwise so he did his best to curb the excitement he felt riding through this strange land. It wasn't until he came across something that he came to a stopped and hollered back to his companions. "Hey! Think I found something!"

What laid before them was a cliff with another opposite of them connected by some kind of transparent crystal road that had seen better days. Just looking at them one could tell that they weren't really made out of any physical material, instead they looked like nothing more than a bunch of the surrounding fog gathering together. It gave Kazimir a small smile at the sight of it all as he turned back to his buddies, "Last one over is a rotten Eggxecute!"

With that exclamation he suddenly urged his steed to walk onto the bridge and suddenly sprint forward as with each step it earned them a creak from their ethereal passageway.


snagged prompt *31 encounter spiritual bridges that are slowly breaking apart, as if they are being stretched...*
[@deimos] []
[mission dossier]

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 20:31:54 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Wynter is coming!

Its a phrase that brings both joy and dread to the fields of battle as time marches on. Kaz continues the fight to protect his new home with his fellow men at his side. As he gets older he does grow frustrated with his companions telling him to stay out of the fight, that he's not needed. Of course its out of a sense that even a single knight he's personally trained is worth ten men all on their own. He knew that they alone could care for the safety of the city without needing him to be present. Not being needed wasn't the problem, it was just a symptom. Kaz needed to stretch his body and move the aging bones before they finally gave out.

As he aged some compared him to a large arcanine; elegant and handsome in waiting, ferocious and wild in battle, and playful and cuddly in private. It was during these private times that he fought against common sense. He knew that he and the others would find their way home so setting roots here was probably advised against. Some disregarded it as time went on and Kaz liked to think of himself as one of the few who managed to go on the longest.

Still slowly his inhibitions became a little looser and he did have a handful of people approach him each year and there were times where it all broke down. It didn't take long for him to dabble in a bit of gardening and becoming successful enough that it became a joke that he could grow things in the winter time slowly spread around town. He sort of wished that they didn't refer his efforts as "Wynter Season Bastards", the word play of it could use some work.

Pokkenger? That knight of old?

As the world opens up before them and the cities are able to reconnect with one another Kaz takes this opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. He aides 's heartache over the passing of his "other" loved one by distracting him with training to grow his body to distract from the broken heart. He welcomes the messenger like a Rockruff fetching the paper, egging him for info about the world and places that need a few helping hands. He does his best to reunite with his "fugger" brethern and even for a boys night out. He even invites with them if only to try and convince her and her husband the wonder of having small bundles of joy running around biting at their ankles.

He visits for help in forging a new set of armor based on an image of an old memory of his. While the armor is knew the name he gives himself while traveling with it is not. In fact it is an old name probably remembered by those who came from a land far off from Galar.


What caused the large man to adopt this name once more is a mystery but still he holds it as he travels the lands in his free time aiding those who are out of the reach of Hammerlocke or the other cities. It is his noble deeds of being a warrior of hope that mix his figure with that of the prophecy told to them of a black knight. They mix with the stories of 's own deeds to create a fairy tale of the black knight who watches over the land as it sleeps, hiding among the darkness of the night sky with the guiding fairy Pokkenger leading it to where ever it is needed, or so the stories say.

Have you seen those titans? Doesn't one remind of you of the Knight-Captain?

When he finds himself at home one can find Kaz spending his days near the old stadium, a place that he has turned into a training ground for his order of knights as well as the general public. One training regimen that he provides is the mastering of Dynamaxing in order to get every one ready for the coming battles ahead of them. As giant Pokemon fill the stadium on occasion to spar with one another one that stands out is Kaz's shadow, Domon the Urshifu. While many of Kaz's other Pokemon have retired over the ages his ever steadfast partner sticks to him like glue and offers itself as one of the first few to test out the strange transformation. Something about it allows the beast to take to the power fairly easy even if Kaz himself denies it ever coming into contact with similar energy. Perhaps a power that it already possessed? Or just the fact that its own body is so honed that the strain is very minimal?

Whatever the case may be this "King of Fighters" among the ranks of Hammerlocke's own Pokemon proves himself to be a warrior ready for any challenge that comes its way.


-[location] HAMMERLOCKE
- may or may not have sired a few kids around the whole city
- fuggers night out medevil style when?
- becomes pokkenger (final form?) again
- pokkenger is now a fairytale maybe?
- mini spotlight for his urshifu training with dyna max


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 14:44:49 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Man, this place gives me the creeps." Just looking out towards the mountains alone filled one up with both a sense of wonder and dread. The hairs on the back of his head slowly started to rise up the longer he looked out into the expanse. As his eyes gazed down towards the bottom of this land where nothing but clouds loomed over he couldn't help but feel a strange pull just looking at them. He starts taking a step forward right then and there, hearing the call of something or someone to come join them at the bottom of this otherworldly void. Their voices are the only thing that fill his ears and even this thoughts as he continues to take slow steps.

It isn't until he takes one step off a cliff and his weight manages to knock him off balance that survival instincts kick in. Practically throwing himself backwards so that his size and weight pulls him back and right onto his ass shake him out of his trance. His chest heaving at the shock of it all. " uh, don't stare at those clouds down there too long." He warns his two other companions as he turns to face them, anxiety washed all over his face thanks to the close encounter with death.


snagged prompt *feel a throbbing temptation to pass through the border to the afterlife.
[@deimos] []
[mission dossier]

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Kazimir Wynter
unlimited solar blade works [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 5:39:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Nice catch." He had to admit catching his sword was a good move. He watched as the smaller swordsman moved their arms and guided his sword along with them and threw it to the side. Kaz could only imagine doing so would lead to one thing and as he did his best to step back in time his worry was confirmed as he saw them move. Two blades came down on him and while they managed to miss him by a hair's length his large body gave them a large target leave their mark.

That mark being a large hole in his shirt where the skin underneath could be seen peeking through. The sight of it gave Kaz a good chuckle. "Well, looks like ya owe me a shirt. Or I could take your head." The difference in their builds was apparent and while it gave his opponent an advantage of maneuverability Kaz's strength thanks to his was...well his strength. He managed to grab his sword with both hands and swing back from the left across the other's chest slicing through the air with insane force that it was almost audible.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 5:01:21 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He takes in the scenery of the kingdom that laid before him. It was almost something out of a picture book that told the story of a fairy tale. Curiosity rose up within him as he wanted to explore the whole place just to see what kind of magical things this fake world could come up with. Before that though the fairy man stopped him and told him to prepare. "Prepare for what-"

Before he could finish his question the man turned into a swarm of butterflies that flew off. His words were a bit lost on Kazimir as he reached out towards the fleeing swarm until the voice of another creature reached out to him. Turning around he was met with the owner of the voice, this one more creaturesque than the man. When they mentioned him still having his name Kaz could only tilt his head. What did they mean by that? Still have his name?

"Uh yeah, my name's _____"

He blinked.

"It's ____" A hand reached up to his throat to gently rub it. Was his voice going out? Everything seemed fine till he tried to say his name, "____"

This time his hand was starting to rub his throat with a rough massage. He felt his jaw move, his lips form the words, but nothing came out. Not even the sound of a breath. Could...could he not even say his own name?! Eyes darted towards the creature before him, were its words more than just a fancy riddle? Cause so far it was coming true like a prophecy. "Hey did that guy actually steal it? Did he steal my name?!" He asked the creature as he jerked a thumb back towards the fading speck that was the swarm of butterflies, "How the heck do I get it back?!"


[shocked reaction]

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 4:32:56 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"huh. Go Melody." Even if he was unsure of the outcome he had to give props to for going through with this and he had to wonder if their reasons were aligned. She always seemed real confident about herself whenever they ran into each other that it was hard to imagine. Then again if it was because of the job then he could understand somewhat. The stress got to him a little bit too if he was going to be honest. Just another small part of why he was even doing this interview in the first place.

He wondered for a second if he should include that into his answer for Callan. "Well, I guess we gotta go back a bit. When I was on the Elite Four I...well I guess I didn't do much did I? I gave challenges, I was a stepping stone for other trainers, but was that all I was? Even after that you guys managed to make waves while I'm splashing around in a puddle."

He didn't want to admit to jealousy even if it was as plain as the eye could see, "It feels like when I try to do something I just run on a treadmill, and everyone else is running the whole dang mile. does that make sense?"

Probably not, he's been at the gym for way longer than he normally is trying to wipe away these feelings with sweat and a good pump.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing