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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 15:58:14 GMT
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Though it led us to a new today
Scars of pain can only fade away
Healing winds are blowing through

The tides of war turn in their favor as fighting back the crazed Pokemon proves successful. With their strength combined they all managed to save this ruined city from destruction. The people cheered and sang their praises and even crowned a few of them as royalty to watch over their land. Kaz had always searched for glory yet did his best to keep himself humble when Pokkenger went about keeping the peace. Yet he couldn't help but recall to a "king" he knew he once was, even if that reign came to a bloody end. He had to wonder, what did that "person" do to become king? What did they have that made them "royals" that he lacked?

They were questions for another time, for now the masked hero went back to doing what he did best. Protect the people and Pokemon that were hurting around him. This land was still hurting and he wanted to mend that hurt a little bit.

Night of shadows cast reminding us
Of heroes seen in dreams of past again
Advise us with wise counsel and acumen

In the following month the Calyrex they had met graces them with not just its presence but a prophecy of the future filled with strife that awaited them. While Kaz couldn't make heads or tails of it himself he could discern something about the tapestries that hung in Hammerlocke's vault. They depicted what seemed to be a battle between a skeletal beast and a dark knight, the two beings that the lost high king told them about. Yet it was something else that caught the man's attention; a shining dragon that appeared in this fight all of a sudden. While he had no idea what the creature was he knew that its form was eerily familiar.

He knew he had seen an image just like it before, back when he spoke with an old friend about strange creatures from other worlds. While he could connect the dots the bigger picture still wasn't forming in his head, so for now he would just have to sit back do what he could. Maybe with the passage of time the puzzle could become a whole lot clearer.

Heroes are slumbering
Flames are flickering
In this ruined world
A promise to uphold, will you remember me?

A year goes by and while Kazimir isn't a king like his sea faring other he still shows talent in leadership. Those from the same time and world as he was from do their part in fending off the dangers that spill from the poison outside the walls or even from within the Power Spot, so Kazimir does the same and join them. The slight difference that separates him from the rest is a passion that comes to the surface when he's asking for other brave souls to join him and follow him on these excursions. Its almost infectious among the common folk as he soon finds himself surrounded by others that walk hand in hand with one another under the same banner.

This tight knit group became known as the order of THE EMERALD KNIGHTS who would be the first on the scene at the sign of any danger that dared to threaten their home. At the forefront Kaz would be seen leading them off into battle with his call, shrouded in a familiar mask that slowly began to be chipped away at with each battle.

Under the shrouded moon,
Silver gleams anew
Clouds are soaring high
Summon words across the sky, heed our call!

As the end of a decade inches closer the band of brave warriors that were once a handful turned into one of Hammerlocke's most prominent fighting force with a Machamp of a man leading them. Now dubbed as Knight Captain Kazimir had grown into a man who's face was a mask all on its own. His features grew more sharp and grizzled making him appear to be a man hardened by battle. Yet those who knew him well knew that he was the same energetic man as he was all those years ago especially when he dons his new mask. While the hero of hoenn didn't exist in this world any longer the brave soul in Kaz didn't stop burning and so he replaced his uniform with one that resembled a familiar sight. A strong canine that once fought off a ruinous creature that he saw long ago, a hero that was still sleeping somewhere in this world and had yet to waken up. Its visage inspired Kaz's new uniform and many would say that once he donned the new look it was like he was a feral arcanine as he ravaged the battlefield with inspiring words and a strong sword arm.

Bonds of love, emboldened
When the Heroes have woken
But the face is in the mirror
Twin reflections growing clearer

Necrozma soon descends on the land and brings one of the most grueling battles in the history of Hammerlocke. Kazimir and his knights share the losses that many do in this fight but are a source of inspiration to keep pushing against the Black Knight and send it back where it came from. Once the battle comes to an end they all spare not even a second tending to the care of the wounded and the destruction the battle had brought with it. Meanwhile Kaz reflected on the prophesy and decided to arm himself and his crew with even more strength to give them better chances against the Skeleton that was still to arrive.

Taking some of the fragments with him to a trusted blacksmith he had them forged into a large greatsword that he could wield with one hand thanks to his years of strength training. In the following days of recovery many seemed to take notice of how the blade had a ceaseless edge to it when swung, leaving behind black splinters familiar to Necrozma's body in every cut it made.

Bonds of light to lead us
A new dawn to greet us
Dynastone as red as ruby
You and I for all eternity


-[location] HAMMERLOCKE
-forms a group of knights with attitude who protect the city - year 1
-becomes captain of a whole order of knights, swaps his pokkenger clothes for zacian inspiried armor - year 10
-creates a greatsword from necrozma bits with the move Ceaseless Edge on it - weapon
-anyone who gets the ballad reference gets to be an honorary emerald knight


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 8:27:03 GMT
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"Uh what? Did you not feel that?" He asked with a confused look on his face as he gathered his bearings. As he kept staring at her he couldn't help but notice something off about her. A look in her eyes that sent a chill down Kazimir's spine. It looked like she was hungry, but not for any actual food, well food in the regular sense anyway. It looked like she was some wild Pokemon locking onto future prey or something.

With how this place was giving him all kind of shivers maybe he was just being too sensitive about it? "Well whatever, maybe we should go then. Staying around here is giving me way too many creeps." He brushed past her, almost bumping elbows with her while doing so. This place was probably playing tricks on the guy, messing up his senses in all kind of ways. He didn't want to think of it that way due to the ghosts and spirits of people he "helped" that he ran into earlier...

But previous experience of traveling to different pockets of space meant that standing around too long was bound to lead to trouble. "And by go maybe get out of here? If we stick around any longer we might also become with this place. If ya know what I mean." Even the though of saying it out loud was starting to feel uncomfortable as he made his way from out of the chamber and into the open.


* kaz side eyes

* kaz walks out of the cave out of fear [also maybe the thread?]


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 21:58:26 GMT
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For a moment there's a sense of relief as the power spot is finally cleared of its poison and reveals a small tunnel underneath. With their work done Kaz was almost tempted to jump into the hole with until hell broke loose. In a literal fashion on the phrase something crawled up from the depths of the tunnel before them, a charizard who only seemed to grow with energy and in size as it breached the surface, its whole body caked with poison splotches and blisters as it roared to new life as a giant.

Others were quick to attack or come to the scene of the fight and kazimir was no different. Even his armarouge was gearing up for another attack as it aimed its cannon hands right at the large beast. "Don't let up everyone! Let's make this showy and blast him away like fireworks!" with those words echoing through the stadium and even any comms that could pick him up the armored knight aimed high and unleashed an aura sphere right up into the dragon's face to try and blind it even for a moment. whatever advantage they could get on this thing was needed if they wanted to beat it back down from where it came.

-[location] HAMMERLOCKE
-happy with a job well done
-too soon to celebrate tho pog
-yells to encourage everyone!
-uses aura sphere against the poisoned gigantamax charizard to blind its eye

f8x13A7c +15

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Kazimir Wynter
Crawl (Mission)
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2023 21:31:31 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Or we die trying." It was always a risk doing this kind of work after all. Something the both of them probably had an encounter with more than once before or were rather very intimate with it. Still it was worth it in the end. Even if they had to do it in the name of the poison chalice that was the league. There was still good there it just needed some spit and shine to really make it glow as brightly as people want it to.

On the other hand was Rocket which spread their poison everywhere they could reach. Maybe not everyone was there by choice but one way or another taking down Rocket was going to leave them without somewhere to be so he would need to make sure they didn't fall through the cracks. That would probably be a bridge he would have to cross in the future however, right now he just needed to build himself back up a little bit before going off with more heroics.

"So what do ya plan to do next once ya can get back to your feet? Personally I might hop back into those Wilds, see if I can't turn up with something useful. Either info or Pokemon-er Ultra Beast, anything to get an advantage y'know?"


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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2023 21:06:00 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It felt like he blinked with how fast he went from a simple room in a gym to an almost otherworldly forest. It was impressive in its own right and as he listened to 's voice he took a few steps to take it all in. That was until he was stopped by some kind of fairy prince of sorts who asked for his name before taking to "a kingdom".

Kaz took a second to think of his choice before taking a slight bow, if this was a storybook adventure then he might as well play along. "The name's Kazimir Wynter good sir. Can't thank you enough for the aide. This whole forest has me turned around for an entire day and I fear I may never find my way out. I hope my presence won't be too much trouble in this kingdom you speak of."


[share your name]

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 4:50:31 GMT
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KODIAK'S endeavors


    make an ic-post within the event period.
    • x3 pokeball

    complete a thread within the event period
    • x1 shard

    participate in any forum game thread
    • x1 rainbow shard

    involve a poison-type move in an ic-post
    • x1 type 1 evo

    cure the poison status condition in an ic-post
    • x1 type 2 evo

    teach your pokémon a poison-type move
    • x1 type 3 evo

    involve one of the following pokémon abilities in a post:
    liquid ooze, stench, corrosion. can be a npc/wild pokémon
    • x1 sparkling dust

    capture or defeat a poison-type pokémon in a wild, safari, gacha
    (no trades/gifts)
    • x1 level tutor

    complete a solo/duo wild or safari thread
    • x1 tm/tr

    participate in 1 blight & bane swarm
    • x1 move tutor

    publish an ic-post in your exhibit or garden
    • x1 move tutor

    reference another character by tagging them in an ic-post
    • x1 egg tutor

    use a gif or image that features a poison-type pokemon in your post
    • x1 egg tutor

    include music in an ic-post (link or the player code)
    • x1 tm/tr

    use one of these names in a post in any capacity:
    koga, janine, roxie, plumeria, klara, melli, atticus
    • x1 incense

    use one of the following words in an ic-post:
    curare, hemlock, wolfsbane, plague
    • x1 ability capsule

    use the idiomatic noun "poisoned chalice" in an ic-post
    • x1 starf berry

    complete 1 blight & bane mission
    • x1 gachapon ticket

    complete 2 blight & bane missions
    • x1 gachapon ticket

    complete 3 blight & bane missions
    • x1 premium gachapon

    post in a communication thread or comment on an hnn article
    • x1 level tutor

    post in a plotter or wanted ad thread with a genuine plotting idea, affirmation of a relationship, or a compliment
    • x1 ability capsule

    sell a pokémon to the black market
    • x1 form change

    reference any of the organizations listed in the local hoenn guidebook thread, or any on-site player-led business
    • x1 mega shard

    complete a thread that features a conflict of any kind with a character in the opposite faction
    • x1 salac berry

    use mega evolution or terastallization in an ic-post
    • x1 devolution stone

    use a z-move in an ic-post
    • x1 honey

    use a sygna suit in an ic-post
    • x1 level tutor

MILESTONE endeavors


    complete 3 total endeavors.
    • x1 elixir of miasma

    complete 5 total endeavors.
    • x1 poison tera shard

    complete 10 total endeavors.
    • x1 legendary candy

    complete 15 total endeavors.
    • x1 mega stone

    complete 20 total endeavors.
    • x1 paradox pokémon



    x3 pokeball
    x1 rainbow shard
    x1 type 1 evo
    x1 type 2 evo
    x1 type 3 evo
    x1 sparkling dust
    x1 level tutor
    x1 tm/tr
    x1 move tutor
    x1 move tutor
    x1 egg tutor
    x1 egg tutor
    x1 tm/tr
    x1 incense
    x1 ability capsule
    x1 starf berry
    x1 gachapon ticket
    x1 gachapon ticket
    x1 premium gachapon
    x1 level tutor
    x1 ability capsule
    x1 form change
    x1 mega shard
    x1 salac berry
    x1 devolution stone
    x1 honey
    x1 level tutor
    x1 elixir of miasma
    x1 poison tera shard
    x1 legendary candy
    x1 mega stone
    x1 paradox pokémon

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Kazimir Wynter
Char.Bat.EXE [m]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 17:27:55 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"That's...fair..." It was something that he felt like was almost a forgotten art when it came to Pokemon. The Rangers did indeed help Pokemon themselves but it always seemed like it was more of just aiding them than connecting with them. Then again one could say that was the job of a Pokemon Trainer instead of a Ranger but they also used Pokemon themselves to do so. How strong was the connection between Pokemon and people?

Seeing Razz he was reminded of the connection between him and Reshiram, so maybe it worked a little something like that only on a smaller scale? These were all questions Kaz himself didn't have the answers too and would just hurt his head thinking about them now. So for now he would just enjoy the company he did have at present. Speaking of which their little play date became interrupted by the appearance of a Ceruledge approaching them with a small Charcadet in tow.

As Kaz stared at the knightly Pokemon it exchanged looks with the red head man and then back towards the little cadet Pokemon hiding behind it and nudging it forward. The little cadet looked up at Kaz and outstretched its arms as if asking for him to pick it up. As he reached down the little cadet let out a cry and waved its arms again, this time pointing them right at Kazimir's belt, his large frame holding it higher up than the average person, where a line of Pokeballs were strapped to it. The little cadet then pointed at itself, then the confused Falinks, and then at the equally confused Kazimir before letting out another cry. Something that Kaz was fairly familiar with but was still trying to process.

"You...wanna come along with me?" Was it impressed with his display over Razz's? He looked back to the Ceruledge who seemed to only stare at him with a firm eye, one that almost seemed to ooze trust in it, "I...I think you might have been onto something Razzy, though I don't think this is what ya meant exactly right?" He turned to his Ranger friend with a befuddled look on him as if pleading for some sort of advice on what he should do. Being asked to be taken in even with its parent right there was a new one for Kaz and he was at a lost of what his next action should be.


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 6:23:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He finds himself in a grand city after the interview with this region's "high king" is over. All the information given to them takes a little time to process and so the masked hero takes to the streets to let it all sink in. The walk doesn't help as the state the whole city is in is something that also fights to be in the forefront of his mind the more he sees it. He's almost sick of the color purple the longer he stares at it.

Then a yell catches his attention and already his legs are carrying him as fast as they can carry him. Popping a ball from his belt and letting his Armarouge run right behind him as they soon come across a sight that sends a mix of emotions through both trainer and pokemon's hearts. Before them lay a young woman clutching an eevee surrounded by the strange skeleton hands that were swiping at her and her pokemon. Quickly a pair of them grabbed her by the arm and leg and lifted her up as she clutched her mewling pet with one arm while pleading with the strange appendages to let her down.

"RIDE ON!!!"

The Fire Warrior Pokemon's pauldrons slide down to its hands to form a single sphere that launches a powerful psyshock that rips through the hands tearing them into two and letting the woman and Pokemon fall. Before she hits the ground however she feels something catch her and is met face to face with a mask looking right at her as someone wearing green armor sets her down on her feet. "Get to safety, we'll cover ya!" With those words the green suited figure jumps into the fray as more hands sprouted up and were shot down by the Armarouge all the same and even a few were kicked out by Pokkenger's own strength.

What felt like almost an hour of fighting came to a stop as the area was clear of the poison that sprouted the hands and left with scorch marks from the Armarouge as it returned its hands to normal and looked around with Kaz for the woman and the eevee they saved. It seemed like she had taken his advice and ran as the pair couldn't find a hair or trace of them which did give them a bit of relief. "C'mon. Let's do a little cleaning."

Their patrol takes them to the Castle-Stadium where walking along its outside walls lead to the discovery of a POWER SPOT where more and more poison was spilling through. The source of this poison got the attention of Kaz and his Armarouge who used its psyshock to blow away the poison and crack the exterior of the power spot. Maybe if they dug deep enough they could clog it up at the very least.

-takes a tour of the city with Armarouge
-saves a citizen on the way from the skeleton hands
-reaches the power spot and chips away at it with psyshock -> PRIMARY ACTION

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 27, 2023 6:56:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Wait I'm the second?" He only knew a handful of people that were former elite four members with him included so he had to wonder; who was it? A question for another time as he was given the run down of how this interview worked. He was also asked why he even wanted to take this interview in the first place. It was a fair question as he figured before, he was probably overqualified in the first place to even have a need to do this.

"Part of me was real curious about it. Wanted to see how something like this would even go down. Another part is that...well I guess I want to know for certain of how qualified I am. I guess you could say i'm doing this for reassurement." He sort of hoped that he wouldn't look...weak or something for admitting that. He knew it wasn't a great look on someone like him but lately his confidence felt hard to build to a peak as of late. This could probably be what he needs to get over this mental block of his.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON May 27, 2023 6:04:39 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

When he came face to face with the young leader he was taken aback a little bit as he laid eyes on him. Sure he was aware that he was a kid but seeing the boy up close definitely didn't feel real in a sense. He really had to give him props for getting to this position then after this challenge. Speaking of which, "Oh I just like escape rooms."

He chuckled as he was lead into the room and just scratched the side of his cheek, better give a serious answer. "Nah nah i'm joking. Truth be told it did sound like a fun time. Always up for a good adventure and escaping from a whole kingdom full of fairies sounds like a nice spin on one. Can't wait to be hunted down by Jigglypuffs and a Clefable or something."


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Kazimir Wynter
unlimited solar blade works [mission]
POSTED ON May 27, 2023 5:23:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As she got her blades ready kaz motioned for his honedge to come join him at his side. His ceruledge stepped to the side to act as the judge for this little spar and as the honedge got closer it held out its ribbon for kaz to weave his whole arm around it before gripping its hilt tightly. "alright then..." while it may seemed like the girl would have the advantage having one extra blade with her but kaz had the same confidence on his face as she did.

"just be sure your grip is tight!" His sword quickly falls only to come back up in an upward swing right at her middle section.


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Kazimir Wynter
Crawl (Mission)
POSTED ON May 27, 2023 4:51:54 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As Thomas spilled his guts out Kazimir couldn't help but feel like he was looking at a hazy reflection. To say he didn't have some regrets like his would be a little white lie. As he felt the feeler touch his hand he instinctively held onto it with his fingers rubbing it between his large digits and it grounded him in reality. "Hey man. I can relate. Shit sucks."

He starts to twirl the feeler around his finger. "Sometimes I wonder if even I'm strong enough to make changes. I've got experience sure but sometimes I think I lack a bit of talent to change. I've lost people and a few Pokemon, some who just disappeared or...worse. I wasn't even there with a few of them so I know its not my fault but...maybe if I could be by them I could have stopped it. But..."

There was something that a few of them would probably say to him, deep down he knew.

"I know I can't just give up. Not without giving every thing I have. I wouldn't be the guy they believed in then if I did. And if its trust that your feeling like your lacking." He held out his hand towards Thomas with one hand holding the audino up with his other large arm and still playing with its feeler, "Then i'll put my trust in you. Everyone needs a buddy to count on after all."


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 27, 2023 4:15:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

After the two vigilantes managed to reconvene with one another the noise around them was silence by the arrival of two pokemon; a horse similar to Glastrier and its rider. As the two of them approached the trough and ate from the offerings the rider Pokemon then went and seemed to speak through the bodies of four other people who were suddenly lifted into the air. On instinct Kaz was ready to jump in and try to bring them down until this "high king" introduced himself and gave his plea.

Putting the pieces together it seemed that strange dog with the sword that was fighting is hiding in wait licking its wounds. In order to help it they would need to weave heroic stories to try and coax her out of her hiding place. He had to guess it worked like how a Legendaries picked their avatars, maybe something they resonated with would bring them out. Either way if they did draw it out then it was important that they keep it safe till this was over.

When it was time to choose where to go to try and find this "hero" Kaz took a second to think about the choices. One of them was his hometown and he was sure that his time spent in the forests would be helpful in trying to find the heroic canine. It was shouting out Hammerlocke's name that drew his attention. He didn't want to abandon the guy and leave his kindred spirit buddy on his lonesome so he also shouted out, "Hammerlocke for me!"

Still there was the matter of a question.

What could he even ask?

"Will we see you again after this?"

There were still questions he himself had but most were already asked and now was not the time for a quiz. Still leaving this royal here by his lonesome was leaving a pit in his stomach. Maybe it was the fact that it was asking a lot of them as a plea that got Kaz feeling like this.

-decides to go to hammerlocke
-asks when can i see you again to calyrex
- uses 1x salac!

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing