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Kazimir Wynter
hunting is an aquired skill [safari]
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 8:30:56 GMT
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it was a familiar sight seeing the blade out in the wild gently floating through the air. It reminded him of times long ago when he used to play with his old Honedge and would find it just wandering around in his backyard. Kaz was starting to feel a little nostalgic so he let out a whistle to get the ghost blade's attention. When it turned to face him and blinked its single eye Kaz was already throwing a Pokeball right at it, adding one more to his paltry collection couldn't hurt right? Plus...he was going to need sharp blades in the future. He just knew it.

catching honedge!

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Kazimir Wynter
Crawl (Mission)
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 20:38:53 GMT
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There was a raised eyebrow and a sly grin at the mention of a girlfriend. If there was someone who took an interest on the guy he only wished them the best. "Alright alright just Tom it is then."

His mind thought back to the topic of infighting in the leauge and the clearest he could remember was the night of the Blacephelon attack and how that lead to two different parties searching Ultra Space for one man. The fact that they couldn't all go together because of 's outburst reminded Kaz how the man seemed to hate the league right after that. "I think the infighting's just a sympton but its bad in of itself."

His hand rubs behind the Audino's ears as he leans against one of the house's walls as his mind delves into his memories. "It just feels like there's no...camaraderie in the league. Yeah i know it sounds dumb out loud, but did you ever get the feeling that there's not a lot of trust there? No that doesn't sound too right."

It sounded a bit too harsh but it was the best way he could describe it. Something about meetings within team aqua at least tended to devolve into a few light arguments here and there. It wasn't anything serious but if he had to put it into words... "Sometimes it feels like everyone's kinda challenging everyone. I know the league wants to protect people and all that but it feels like staying on the same page is a little tough."


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 19:26:36 GMT
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People would probably tell him this wasn't something that he needed to do, that he proved himself to be considered Champion level in terms of being a trainer as well as a person. They were all probably very true. Still Kaz was doing this for his own sense of fulfillment. To see if it wasn't a fluke on his end and just a bit of luck to get himself where he was or if it was his own ability. Maybe he was just making a mountain out of a molehill but he still wanted to know.

As he walked into the room the atmosphere of the whole place did feel a bit stifling. Maybe that was on purpose? Sitting down he settled himself into his seat to make sure that he was more relaxed in it. "Well, what kind of questions you got lined up for me today?" Even if his heart was feeling weighed down he didn't want to show it and just gave a smile as he sat.


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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 18:43:31 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It was time to hit the grind again and challenging a gym was the best way to see how well his skills were measuring up. Hearing about a new one that opened up that had an interesting premise did catch his fancy as the man made his way through the doors. The other fun fact about this gym was that its leader leaned towards the younger side of things, like really young if he recalled. Kaz just had to see what kind of skill someone like that had to have to make it this far in the world.

Well if he was looking to evaluate people like some of the other higher ups in the league. In truth he just wanted to flex his muscles a little bit and have a bit of a fun and a challenge. What more could a trainer ask for in honing their skills?


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Kazimir Wynter
hunting is an aquired skill [safari]
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 9:02:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

two warriors stared down the other at opposite ends of the path. Kazimir gripped the rock and pokeball in his hands while the bird gripped its giant leak. the eye contact between them never even broke ever since the two of them crossed one another's path. it was like it was a trainer battle of sorts, lock eyes with each other and jump into a brawl. the bird let out a squawk as it charged swinging its leek at Kazimir who only jumped over the leek with a push of his legs against the ground. The bird only looked on in awe before getting a face full of rock followed by a ball that slammed into its forehead and sucked up the fighting feathered foe into itself.

catching g!farfetch'd

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 15:55:23 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It seemed like hurting much less provoking the damn ruinous creature did nothing at all as Kaz watch it just take hit after hit without a hint of itself even flinching. He couldn't help but feel a bit impressed with it but it didn't stir a lot of confidence in the masked hero either. Whatever this beast was was going to take a lot to even get it on its knees by the looks of it.

As he was about to issue a command to his Lucario a furry blur rushed by him and jumped at his Lucario who saw it coming but was two slow to properly counter. For each fist it managed to block from the prehistoric looking Larvesta two more fists would find their target on the Aura Pokemon's body. Each hit felt like a brick hitting the Lucario as it found itself on one knee as its attacker stopped its assault to back off.

Before a counter attack could even be considered both Pokkenger and his Lucario found themselves pulled to the ground as a ringing blasted through the sky. What felt like gravity made it hard for either of them to even lift a limb to prop themselves up and even if they tried the sense of dread that Kaz felt before would wash over their bodies. It was almost like some sort of warning that doing anything would spell disaster and their instincts wanted to run. Yet they couldn't even if they wanted too.

Instead they found themselves subjected to the earth beneath them rumbling and spires of it broke through the surface to cage not only them but a few other unfortunate souls. As a tomb of earth was built around them both Pokemon and Trainer could feel their bodies be pierced by the earth as it moved, either grazing their bodies in various places or in the poor Lucario's case piercing one of its paws that brought about a howl of pain from the Pokemon. "Dammnit!"

That was the last word Kaz could utter before the world went dark.

Kazimir felt something crunch underneath him as his eyes slowly opened up and he woke up to the sight of grey particles falling from a clouded sky. Sitting up he saw that his surroundings had changed, no longer were they in Hoenn but an all too familiar place. "Wyndon?" The stadium was a place that held some meaning to Kaz as he had grown up in Galar, a place where contests between trainers were held and a place that he promised himself when he was younger that he would grace its battleground with his presence. He sort of wished it didn't happen like this however.

Looking around he noticed that it wasn't just him that was teleported here but that the whole stadium itself was completely ravaged. What caught his attention more was the whimpering of the Lucario only a few inches away from him holding its paw. Immediately ripping off the tattered scarf of his costume he wrapped it around the dog's hand and returned it to its Pokeball, "Just hold tight. We'll get out of this soon."

His heart was already heavy no thanks to whatever that bowl wearing Pokemon did to them now it was even heavier knowing one of his own was out of the fight for a bit. It only felt lighter when a familiar voice rang out to him. "Tom? Hey!" It didn't take long for him to spot from a crowd and race over to him. On his way he took notice of the strange monument people were gathered around and vaguely recognizing the horse that stood upon it. Once he ran up to his fellow vigilante he was nearly out of breath already.

"What...the hell happened? How'd we get all the way to Galar?! And...what happened to this place? Looks like a ghost town even if it was in trouble months ago."


-suffers thx bad roll and ting-lu
-returns an injured lucario
-meets up with thomas benoit

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Kazimir Wynter
Char.Bat.EXE [m]
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 8:28:17 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The ginger giant let out a tired sigh as he let his whole body relax and his Falinks each fell onto their bottoms as the energy of their Z-Move left them. Even if it was used for just showing off it still took a lot out of the duo. Sadly this seemed to anger the little Charcadet who simply let out a small cry as it stomped at the ground and let the flame on its head flare up. Razz luckily saved Kaz by showing off more of his flames as they burned brighter than before.

It was enough to catch the other Charcadet's attention as it joined its brother in watching Razz play with fire. The both of them seemed jump with happy cries at the mere sight of it. "Damn, ok I think you got me beat this time Razzy. Looks like they like playing with fire than little fire works like mine." Congratulatory words spoken as Kaz joined his Falinks in sitting down and watching the man conjure even larger flames.


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Kazimir Wynter
hunting is an aquired skill [safari]
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 7:53:23 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

as the nincada bursts from underground it climbs out of its tunnel and shakes its whole body to shake off the dirt from its body. after spending the night underground it looked to a brighter day as the sun shone down on it and it took in its delightful rays. then a large shadow came over the little bug catching it off guard. looking up it saw the face of Kazimir with a smile on his face as he held up a pokeball and dropped a ball of mud on the bug's head, disorienting it as the ball followed and landed on the Nincada's head before opening it up and sucking up the Pokemon inside.


catching nincada

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
unlimited solar blade works [mission]
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 21:48:49 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz couldn't keep his gaze off of those two and his Ceruledge seemed to be the same. The ghostly pair of swords must have been very important to the girl and he couldn't help but feel a bit touched knowing that. He could appreciate the Pokemon trying to act tough but he had to wonder if it was up to the task. Perhaps there was something that he could do for them then...

"Well then how about this, since we took a break from training how about ya join us? Luckily for you I think we're the best people to come to miles of here when it comes to sword fighting, wouldn't ya fellas agree?" Both the Honedge and Ceruledge looked back with a nod as they raised their blades and let the glimmer off of them speak for itself on their experience.

"So how about it? Maybe wanna go a round and see just how you two measure up? Nothing better than real experience after all."


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
hunting is an aquired skill [safari]
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 5:48:21 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

kaz watched as the little dragon waded in some muddy puddles getting his scales dirty with grime and muck. Seeing how happy it was did put a smile on his face as he looked down at the pokeball in his hand. Switching his gaze between it and the Axew he shrugged his shoulders and walked away back onto the path he was on before. At times he would glance back at the little Pokemon seeing it continue to get messy and play around, he didn't have the heart in him in the moment to break that child like innocence just yet.


skipping axew

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 8:17:42 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

One step onto the battlefield and already he could feel dread sweep across his whole body as he and his Lucario stopped their advance and looked at each other. Despite wearing his Pokkenger garb the Lucario could see the aura of its trainer turn a cold blue before a reassuring nod was given to the dog. Even if every hair on the back of his neck and arm were standing up Kaz knew that he needed to keep a level head in this.

Pokkenger feared nothing after all.

Even if Kazimir Wynter did he needed to be as strong as a Tauros for everyone's sake. That included the poor dog fighting for its dear life in all of this mess. "Heal 'im up Skywalker, and don't leave his side!" The masked hero called out and instantly his Lucario was on the war path with the vigilante in tow.

The aura reading dog was faster and more agile and able to make its way to Zacian's side where it placed a life dew above itself to heal the legendary hero pooch and soothe its wounds the best it could. Kaz managed to barrel his way to put Zacian behind him in case the deer tried to charge at it again. Seeing its visage sent even more fear more potent than the earlier sensation down his spine but the hero knew he had to be strong in the face of adversary. So he just pointed at the ruinous Pokemon. "Pick on someone your own size you walking toilet bowl!"


-feels the fear instantly.
-sends his lucario out to use life dew on zacian
-puts himself between zacian and ting-lu
-calls out ting-lu's yeye ass haircut

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
hunting is an aquired skill [safari]
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 7:35:58 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

speaking of early birds it seemed that waking up early was able to give him a stroke of luck with his first find. a cute little rookidee that was hopping around on the park's grassy floor that seemed to be busy looking for breakfast. that's when kaz reached into his pack and took out a small pouch of pokemon food and opened it up, waving the smell that arose from the open slit towards the little bird. as the bird's head perked up and it turned towards kaz's general direction a pokeball was already flying through the air to smack right into its face as it opened up and sucked up the rookidee into it.



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