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Kazimir Wynter
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2023 20:58:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Seeing the extra added hands brought out brought a smile to Kazimir's face as he watched them get to work and help out his own Pokemon with this little job. It only took a few minutes and already it looked like everything was progressing twice as fast. His Mudsdale was very much appreciative of the constant stream of Life Dew to help keeps its energy up that it started to hang a bit closer to the Togekiss to maximize the effects of it. "C'mon Big Mac! Its cool we got friends helping us but that doesn't mean ya get to slack off alright?!"

The Mudsdale lowered his head to hide the blush of embarrassment on its face as it got back to kicking down boulders and pushing them into place. As that was happening Kazimir just turned to the newcomer and gave a small smile and extended a hand out towards them. "Think we'll be able to finish this pretty soon, so I really gotta thank ya. Name's Kaz by the way, and uh...can't offer much other than thanks. Well...that and maybe some lunch. All this work does kinda build an appetite."



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Char.Bat.EXE [m]
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2023 13:55:38 GMT
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Kaz stares at Razz in wonder alongside the other Charcadet as they see Razz create a small ball of flame in his hand to impress the little Pokemon. The junior Ranger then crossed his fingers over his chest to let his senior know that he would keep his little secret with him. He wasn't sure when Razz must have gotten this power but he was at least happy to know that they had a bit more capable strength on the League's side. Unfortunately that meant that when Kaz's own little fire soldier wanted to play by mimicking its brethren Kaz couldn't help but feel a bit upstaged.

It wanted to see if Kaz could do something similar and Kaz sort of shared its feelings, he always felt like he was a bit out of place in their little team aqua due to the nature of it all even if he wasn't technically alone in that regard. Still...there was something he knew he could probably do that wasn't easy for others the more he thought about it. So he took out a ball and let out his trusty Falinks who gathered around his feet in a circle as they saluted to the Charcadet. "Ain't as cool as Mr. Firebender buuut... Me and my guys can do a lot together."

Standing up straight the ginger raised up his arms only to suddenly strike a pose punching the air as a yellow aura suddenly surrounded him before attaching itself to the Falinks as he took out a deep breath. "These hands of ours are burning bright! ALL OUT PUMMELING!" Each soldier of the Falinks sent out an orb into the air as it turned into the shape of a fist and repeatedly punched the air above them. As they finished the little Charcadet couldn't help but really let its flames grow as it seemed to almost jump for joy at the sight of it all, earning a bit of a smile from Kaz.


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Kazimir Wynter
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2023 13:37:20 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The sound of someone's voice suddenly gives Kaz's body a jolt as he whips around with his fists up as if he's ready to go on the defensive. What he sees instead eases him up a little bit as there stands a person with a cane waving at him. Kaz lowers his guard and waves back, keeping at least his free hand still loosely balled into a fist as his nerves were a bit slow to die down completely, "Actually yeah. You in here to help out around here? We're trying to close up this hole here but uh..."

He looks back to see his Mudsdale try and kick at another boulder only to have its feet slip and slam onto the ground with a mighty clop. The horse let out an annoyed huff as it started to paw at the rock in anger, repeatedly tapping at it like he was trying to chip some of it off to make this a little easier on himself. Kaz couldn't help but weakly grin at the attempt before turning back to the newcomer, "Yeah with just the two of us its kinda taking a bit too long. And wearing us down too much. Don't suppose you got experience in demolition? Cause we'd appreciate the help."


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2023 13:31:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

There was probably something to be said about Kaz and his method of directly attacking people during a fight. Not that it wasn't a sound strategy most of the time. In this instance however it was probably the wrong choice as he soon felt himself unable to pull his leg away and felt something grab onto it from the other man's own stomach. The hairs on the back of his neck told him to run, his brain kept flashing gruesome imagery of a messed up knee to tell him to run, his body kept trying to pull itself away to run. Instead the masked hero grabbed onto this creatures shoulder to hold himself up and so that he could deliver a right hook right into this thing's skull.

The Blastoise managed to free itself from its hold as it blasted away the mushroom but still kept its sight set on it. As it recoiled the large turtle began to charge forward, waddling through the cave not noticing the pollen that was coming from his opponent before it was too late. One touch of it was enough to send signal of pain rushing through his whole body. The Blastoise just grunted as he tucked his body inside to minimize contact as much as possible but to also start spinning and sending himself crashing into the Shiinotic with a Rapid Spin.


[*] Kazimir counters with right hook!
[*] Blastoise uses Rapid Spin on Shiinotic!

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Kazimir Wynter
Cian vs Kazimir (BBC)
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2023 13:34:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Just hold out Igknight! Show them that armor isn't just for show!"

Still it was being ganged up on so it was probably best to turn their strategy against them. With that the Lopunny went to the aid of its friend with another Quick Attack against the Larvitar feeling the grass under its feet helping it with its speed. On the other hand the Ceruledge saw its partner rush after one of their opponents and followed after it once the barrage of attacks made their mark. Raising its blades up and dashing after its partner it readied another Bitter Blade and swiped at the Larvitar this time.


[*] Ceruledge takes both attacks [-795 Hp]
[*] Lopunny uses Quick Attack on Lavitar [40 HP]
[*] Quick Attack turns into a Grass Type Move!
[*] Grass Type moves gain 25 atk due to terrain bonus!
[*] Grass Type moves gain 50 atk due to weather bonus!

[*] Ceruledge uses Bitter Blade on Lavitar [90 HP]
[*] Fire Type moves gain 50 atk due to weather bonus!
[*] Fire Type moves gain 25 atk due to terrain bonus!

Lopunny: 1000/1000 HP
Ceruledge: 670/1000 HP

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Kazimir Wynter
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 18:23:16 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Damn can this job get any dustier?" The complaint about dust could have been avoided if what he was doing didn't require kicking up so much of it. That was going to be hard to do however as working with pure stone and earth just naturally brought that stuff to the surface. Even so inhaling a little bit of it wasn't going to stop Kaz from doing his job here and that was to make sure that no one would be able to use this rift to jump in and get themselves into a whole heap of trouble. His solution? Just block the whole thing off.

It was easier said than done though as the only Pokemon he had on him was a Mudsdale that was kicking down wall after wall to bury one of these rifts under a pile of rock. It was strong enough to do it but not fast enough to get it done on time. The more they sat here the more likely they were going to run into something or someone trying to look for it. Oh well that was a bridge that was something they would cross when they needed to. Hopefully no one was already in the process of sneaking up on them...


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 22:12:21 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Your loss." How he hoped those words had a double meaning to them. Hearing the sound of a pokeball made his body tense up as long arms suddenly shot out from the dark and wrapped around his blastoise restraining him. Then out came...him. His comment about unsanitary uniform seemed to be more spot on than he realized.

He could see the blade on its arm faintly glint and nearly jumped to the side avoiding it. His armor was tough but he didn't even want to consider what his odds are that a costume would stop something like that. Still defense was one thing, offense was another and Kaz brought his knee to strike at the man's gut to retaliate.

His blastoise wouldn't fair as successful as he could feel his strength being drained by fungal opponent. Still it did mean that they were locked together so the large turtle bent forward and opened up his cannons to train them on the Shiinotic. The sound of something shimmering could faintly be heard from within as a flash cannon erupted from the Blastoise and aimed to strike the Shiinotic dead in the center of its body.


[*] Kazimir dodges the knife attack!
[*] Kazimir counters with knee attack!
[*] Blastoise's attack decreased!
[*] Blastoise uses Flash Cannon on Shiinotic!

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 17:24:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Well it seemed like fate was just not on his side as peeking into the cove made him come face to face with someone who seemed to recognize him. He didn't recognize them back. That could only mean a few things and a lot of them skewed to bad news. "Yeah, I am. And I take it your someone like me. Someone who really shouldn't be here." Diplomacy was off the table but he wanted to try and see if he could at least tip things in his favor, somehow. "So why don't you come along with me or...Jolly!"

Hearing his name caused the Blastoise to suddenly spin on a dime and come sauntering at a jog to the costumed hero's side with a glare on its face as it peered into the darkness, the scent of something strange keeping it on guard. "Or my buddy's here gonna give a nice shower, cause buddy, whatever your wearing does not look sanitary." It really was hard to get the details from the darkness partially obscuring him, but the man's faint silhouette did not convey the shape of a regular man.


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 21:19:23 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"And now let's get our hands dirty!" The enthusiasm that Kaz displayed wasn't quite shared with his Mudsdale as it pulled the plough behind it. While it didn't display it doing some hard work was something that the horse had plenty of pride for. And so it decided to show that pride off with each step of its rototiller as both plough and hoof dug up the soil underneath it. Churning it over so that the flowers that the rest of the group and botanists could plant and bring some life back into this field.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 21:10:38 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The sound of waves reached outside of the portal, almost like a lure. That was the last thing Kaz really remembered about them before he found himself on the other side where he was greeted by a shore full of colorful stones and white sand. While he lacked a personal Sygna Suit for himself the old emerald costume of the Pokkenger was more than enough protection for himself if he was going to survive his time in here. Against the colors of the sea he almost stood out unlike his Blastoise who took to patrolling their immediate perimeter inspecting nearby coves for anything that could be hiding within. With both cannons drawn out and ready to blast away anyone they deemed in league with Rocket they were ready for just about anything.

That was the hope anyway. He's only been on one foray into these Ultra Wild spaces and even then the one he visited had a much more ethereal environment around it. This space felt all too familiar as he recalled a certain set of people who would probably thrive in this land. Suddenly he gripped his shoulder and gave it a squeeze as he felt the pressure suddenly agitate him and from under the mask he let out a sigh. "Come on, don't let nerves get to ya, we got a job to do." With that he joined his Blastoise's side to inspect one of the coves as it slowly flooded with water thanks to the incoming tide, getting their feet wet in this strange land.


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Kazimir Wynter
episode one
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2023 6:07:25 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz couldn't help but feel a smidge jealous as Josh recounted his tale about riding that green serpent Raquayza. Lots of encounters with legendaries he had encountered were ones where he was facing off against them instead of spending some fantastical moment with them. He could think of one or two times where he had a good time with one of them, but it was a very skewed ratio if he looked back at it. "Well it seems like we all have some amazing luck to run into these powerful Pokemon yeah? Maybe our next encounter could be one where we help one instead of them trying to gobble us up or something."

He gave a chuckle as it was time to finish up and when asked to give his final closing words he could help but smile, "I'm with Josh, stick me on that waitlist for your gym. Having a battle sounds like a great time, especially since I don't wanna get rusty with my skills."


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2023 6:49:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar



CHARACTER: [break]
DO YOU WANT A BATTLE LARGER THAN A 1v1?: sure, fine with not too big tho.[break]
POKEMON TEAM (6 MAX): listed below[break]
NOTES/COMMENTS: 7/10 too much water[break]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2023 20:25:21 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A question with an answer that while he would have honestly answered it it didn't feel right in this situation. This guy didn't scream "justice" to him. He did scream powerful though, and that was something that Kaz knew that while he had a bit of it he couldn't help but feel like he was starting to fall behind. He could do things that others couldn't true but others were much more reliable than he was. They were more proactive. They were more "competent" than he was. His teeth started to grind together as he selected his next best option.


's route

"To become powerful like you"

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2023 20:21:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Fuck...why they'd have to make him so charming. I think my hearts actually fluttering." Kaz was never a sucker for words but the guy radiated such intensity with them that it was hard to tune him out. They were like hooks that dug right into Kaz's heart and threatened to tear it to shreds. Lucky for him that didn't seem like an issue as the guy was going to fall into the volcano as his "sacrifice" for Kaz's love. "Whoa whoa whoa! Dude that's love but intense love holy-!" For a moment he forgot that he was playing a game and did the most sensible thing he could think of, and jump right in.



"Sacrifice yourself with him"

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2023 20:09:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Well, that was the million dollar question wasn't it? It was sort of hard to decide on what really was more dangerous but if he had to was definitely the tears in time and space that were wrecking stuff. So if that was the case then... Well he's already gone through a few too many rifts himself to disagree with one of the majority votes.


NISA HOLO's route

"primal rifts"

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing