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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 17:26:51 GMT
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"have we met before? eh no matter. to a good match then!" kazimir was sure he had seen this guy somewhere before but there was very little time to focus on that. now was the time to focus on the fight before them and he and his incineroar was ready to take down their next opponent. As the abomasnow charged right at them his incineroar only gleefully smiled and cracked his knuckles as the blonde elite four trainer jumped up and yelled out, "go with a thunder punch!"

mimicking the yeti crab's movements the large cat reared back on one leg while raising a fist that suddenly sparked alive with electricity before rushing right at his opponent to match his punch with his in a test of strength to see whose fist was more tougher, his or theirs?



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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 21:10:39 GMT
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"not in my old home too! waaaaaaah!" when news about another one of these strange distortions came to him he was almost ready to just let it happen until he heard where it was happening. that place was one of the sites that had a lot of strange stuff happening to it and he couldn't leave it be, especially not when a good friend was probably still there for the time being. of course these things always have a way of making the area around them full of strange and aggressive pokemon, one of which was a school of basculins chasing after him and his own.

the two were trapped in one of the streams being chased by them until they found themselves in a hard decision, go over a waterfall or face down the school of fish. unfortunately there was little actual choice given to them as one of the strange basculin swam up and crashed into kazimir sending him over and his own fish chasing after him. closing his eyes and hoping that his pokemon would be fine without him the muscular blonde squeezed his eyes shut to brace himself, meaning he wasn't aware of his basculin changing shape and becoming bigger and suddenly grab his shirt and use itself as a cushion as they hit the water below them.

the two of them were under the water for a moment for bubbles to come up from where they were until both of them came exploding out of the water and swam down the surface. aside from soaking wet kazimir was fine but as he looked down at his basculin he noticed wasn't really much of a basculin anymore. instead it looked...much, much different. as if it...evolved or something.


    * basculin (white stripe) -> basculegion

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2022 0:15:46 GMT
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as death rained down on everyone it seemed like kazimir and his team managed to evade another round of burials on their side. others were still not as lucky and kazimir couldn't help but feel guilt well up in his throat as he heard various cries of pokemon all around him falling for the final time. if only there was something he could do about that disgusting filthy giant black creature that loomed over them all. if only he had something as big as his buzzwole but...bigger!

if only he had something like that to take it down...

sometimes it seemed like there was an ancient being ready to grant wishes at the opportune of times around hoenn, because his wish soon came true as the strange bird they found themselves in its shadow began to grow, but it wasn't just that one. one by one different pokemon belonging to different people that gathered up by the yvetal suddenly began to grow in size nearly matching the size of the strange necrozma that was facing them. it was only kazimir's buzzwole that probably came close to matching it in height if not more due to already natural size as the large beast found itself growing to giant proportions.

"hey! don't leave us down here alone!" kaz said as he suddenly grabbed onto the growing finger of the buzzwole with his growlithe hopping onto his back and digging his claws into his clothes to hang on as the two of them were suddenly lifted into the air. luckily his buzzwole managed to snatch them up into its large hand and set them back on the ground and told them to wait by placing its large hand in front of them. as it stopped growing the ultra beast took a moment to flex its muscles to let everyone around it gaze in its awesome new giant body, it mainly got a roll of the eyes from kazimir as he lifted up the growlithe and aimed it at the necrozma wondering why it didn't grow as well. "no time to really think about that, let's show them how we wreck shit up boys!"

kaz squeezed his growlithe who let out a yelp and a ball of shadow fire at the necrozma as it seemed to have some kind of negative effect on the creature when it first emerged. his buzzwole went off on its own rushing right at the necrozma with its fist reared back before jumping forward at it with a large fist aimed right at its face as it came in for a lunge against the demonic beast.


    * giant buzzwole, the world is not ready.
    * has shadow growlithe use shadow fire on necromza!
    * dynamax buzzwole uses lunge on necrozma!

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 6:14:40 GMT
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a shower of raining lights suddenly came down on them as the giant beast that came out of the tree looked to get its revenge on the masses underneath them. without even thinking about it kazimir's aggron threw himself in between kazimir and his growlithe as the beams pierced through his body leaving him nothing but an empty shell as the large pokemon fell over. there was hardly time to relish in the praise that gave him or his pokemon's sacrifice as the beams still found their way to his surroundings and sent the man flying onto his stomach as they exploded all around him. whatever this creature was it wasn't messing around and if kazimir did any of the same he was probably going to find himself like his two late pokemon.

"c'mon! we gotta get to safety!" he called out to his growlithe as he stumbled back onto his feet only to trip over himself as he felt a pain shoot up through his ankles. as he let out a faint curse his growlithe came over to lick his face as it tried to get under him to hide from the lasers still coming down. it seemed that his growlithe was a sort of good luck charm as it managed to keep the beams away from them for a bit just be being close to kazimir, who didn't really question it as he was too busy looking for a ball on his belt that he could click open. from inside of it came out the hulking form of his buzzwole who took one look at kazimir before picking both him and the growlithe up into its arms and using its powerful legs to make a mad dash towards some kind of safety.

"head to over there! with that large red and black bird!" kaz called out aiming a finger at the yvetal flying about as the buzzwole made a mad dash over to the bird jumping out of any harms way that came towards it. even if it was a big target it sure as hell never skipped leg day and was going to make sure those glutes of its would save a life this day.


    * rip aggron
    * growlithe is fine cause its part shadow???
    * kazimir gets fucked up
    * kazimir brings out buzzwole and has him carry him to yvetal

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2022 5:06:46 GMT
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muscles once again proved to be the ultimate defense in this fight as the attack seemed to stopped thanks to his incineroar's amazing physique. still there was no proof that it stopped it completely as the large cat did seem to have a bit of wind knocked out of his sail. that just meant that the two of them would have to try harder, especially since a familiar strategy was coming right for them.

"ya gotta learn a few better moves than that buddy! dual chop!" the incineroar practically ran on all fours to meet the combusken head on once again, only now he jumped up to meet the flare blitz with a dual chop as his hands began to burn a great purple glow as he brought each hand down into a chop on the flaming chicken.


147 torpor points

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 14:11:43 GMT
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while the combusken did managed to prove itself the better fighter in this last clash it wasn't a heavy blow to the incineroar or his pride. it was still going to leave a sting that he let them through his own power to strike at them and it seemed like they weren't about to let up either. he saw the blaze kick coming his way and puffed out his chest like he was giving them a free shot at him to try and prove that he can still take their punishment. "hey why don't ya show them just how bulky you can be tiggs!"

hearing the cry of his trainer from the sidelines the cat mentally slapped himself for not realizing he could pull this move out before. as he puffed out his chest he also flexed as the kick came right at him, showing off just how he could really bulk up in muscle and show that those muscles weren't just for show. no this cat made sure that his body was treated like the temple it was to prove that even in the most grueling of fights he wasn't so easy to knock out.


147 torpor points

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2022 16:21:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"uh-shadows?" there was little time for kazimir to register what was talking about, only that he seemed to react with his two pokemon using some strange moves that he knew they didn't normally know. that was the least of his worries however as his proud golurk suddenly fell on its side, unmoving as its body began to change. "gutsman?!"

as the elite four was ready to rush over to his pokemon's side the tree before them all suddenly...changed as well. it was a more drastic change than his golurk in a sense. as the tree changed into a cluster of black crystal it seemed to also come alive with its "eyes" glaring down at the people and pokemon around it. that's when all hell broke even more loose than it already had as pokemon started to sling attacks at the creature including the giant purple bird above seeming to take offense to it.

not wanting to lose all of his cards in his hand he took out a ball and returned his vulpix and cupped his hands together, "deva! give us some support! growlie! let's burn this guy's spores off!" his aggron managed to hear his words and ran from its charge to come to kazimir's side and fire off a stone edge at the strange creature known as "Necrozma". in the same vein his growlithe aimed its shadow fire right at the protrusions growing around as kazimir gave him a thumbs up. "A little hot i know but don't worry man, ain't gonna let someone get turned into...that..." he said as he looked over to what he can only conclude was his late golurk. no way he was going to let that happen to someone else if he could stop it.


    * rip golurk
    * is real close to gavin so hears about "the shadows"
    * calls back deva the aggron to his side, recalls the vulpix
    * has his growlithe use shadow fire on 's spores
    * has his aggron use stone edge on necrozma

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
tarnished pride
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2022 22:06:03 GMT
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when he's asked the question about seeing his own head get lopped off his shoulders he raised a hand to his neck. he still remembered that pretty gruesomely as it wasn't easy seeing yourself get decapitated and even knowing the fact it was some other version of himself wasn't making it any easier to accept. it was still his face that he saw after all, it was haunting in a sense that he couldn't quite put into words but he was willing to try for the councilman.

"terrible. when it happened i swore i had a feeling like my own head was coming off my neck, like the blood in my neck ran cold. when i think about it i still get that feeling. i know it was another me but was still me in a sense. kinda crazy he sort of got killed by our hands, if they weren't trying to kill us at the time man...that'd be a press nightmare wouldn't it." he wanted to play off the grim retelling of it all with a joke but...he wasn't laughing or even chuckling about it. just thinking back to how one second his other self was there one minute and in the next was just gone like that.

would that be him sometime in the future?


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2022 21:29:23 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the contest of fire resulted in his incineroar proving that he was indeed the strongest of the two in that regards as he sent the combusken flying. still it was too soon to celebrate as the fire chicken got back to its feet and came at them once again. this time with the same move as before, now they could try and prove that such a move was their specialty but who ever said it was always good to focus on one thing? "tigger go in and give them a good wake up shock!"

the incineroar reared its fist back as it charged up with electricity all along his arms length and he waited for the charging combusken to get closer. onice it was a few steps away the fire cat jumped up to try and land his thunder punch right on its beak. fire may be its prominent feature but a good fighter always knew how to counter on the spot after all.


151 torpor points

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2022 20:03:18 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the elite four member was always down for some good competition and hearing about this tournament happening was just what he needed in life. he always wanted a good excuse to stretch out his muscles and practice a few moves although the person that wanted it more than him was his incineroar who was the one that egged him to bring him along as his pokemon to use for this tourney. guess it made sense, the urshifu that had become synonymous with kaz's name tended to see the most action out of anyone of his pokemon, so he should have expected some members of his team would feel a little left out.

"if ya win this i'll buy ya a whole box of poffins to chow down on tiggs. now hit them with a flare blitz!"

the promise of tasty snacks was the cherry on top for the incineroar as he wanted nothing more than to take down strong foes, and so far the chicken in front of them was one such foe. matching them move for move the incineroar charged forward coated in flames as he aimed to clash against the combusken and see which of them had the stronger stat in strength, or perhaps shot of luck was what would decide the outcome? who could say?


151 torpor points

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 5:18:43 GMT
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kaz watches as the fire his vulpix produced managed to do more to the spores than his zarude's healing, burning them away and even melting the few that stuck to him letting him breathe a little bit better now. there was little time to question what was going on just that he knew he had to act and act fast. "i'm leaving you guys to take out the tree, but not without some help alright?" he says to and as he swaps out his zarude for a hulking aggron that hovers over them while erecting a protect to follow them around with to act as their shield. with everything that was happening around them it didn't hurt to play it safe.

taking off in a mad dash kazimir and his vulpix kept their eyes on the large tree ahead of them with kaz looking around at the field to try and get a good grasp of the entire situation. that's when he saw it, a familiar white with polka dotted head flying above the sky.

crap baskets

"hit the deck!" was what he shouted to everyone in particular that could hear him as he reached out and threw a ball that erupted into a golurk that scooped him and his vulpix up into its arms before slamming into the ground and melting into it via a dark portal to escape the light that was the barcelona lighting up the area around them in a large explosion. there was a beat before the portal reopened and kaz and his pokemon tumbled out nearly at the feet of who Kaz didn't really pay attention to, only know that there was someone here calling pokemon to strike at the tree as he saw the large...lugia? a purple lugia. firing off a familiar looking attack at the tree and what caught him off guard the most was the walking corpse of chui.

talk about walking into the oven.

"look man you got the right idea taking out the tree, but i don't think that's gonna be enough." he told the other blond as he searched around his belt for a ball and released a strange looking arcanine that he breed earlier this month. he knew it was special in more ways than one and aimed his hand at the direction of the tree and the walking chui zombie in front of them. "burn down the tree, and try to keep...chui on his toes over there, give them some of that special sauce boys!"

his vulpix look towards the tree and spouted some shadow fire in its direction to at least singe its bark if it couldn't set the damn thing on fire while the growlithe turned it eyes onto @chui and fired off its own shadow fire at the strange corpse to surround it in purple flames and block any advance it might try to make. kaz had his doubts about it holding it back for very long but every second counted when it was the end of the world after all.


    * notices the strange fire taking out the spores
    * decides to make it to the tree, swaps out zarude with deva the aggron with and , aggron uses protect to protect them
    * sees the barcelona head and monkas
    * brings out gutsman the golurk, uses phantom force to hide in the darkness to avoid jester's demise
    * reappears next to and backs him up
    * brings out a hisuian growlithe, both growlithe and vulpix use shadow fire, vulpix on the tree, and growlithe to block chui(?)
    * updated map

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2022 19:49:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

he wasn't quite sure how to break the news that wasn't going to come back anytime soon. it was great that he was going out for greener pastures in this world but at the same time Kaz missed his charja cola buddy. So now it was up to him alone to try and keep Xantho company, which should be easy as he brought along a few critters that might help ease his curiosity.

"alright, ya wanted to see a mega evolution again right? well hereeeeeee goes!" taking the glove onto his hand the stone embedded into it started to shine as kazimir lifted his fist up into the air. strands of energy erupted from the glove and found their way coiling around the appltun as the creature let out a cry that morphed along with its shape as its whole body became enveloped a bright light and morphed into a large apple once the light faded. the apple quivered as the head of the appltun, now looking a bit different, popped out of it as well as a tail from its behind both of them covered in sticky juices of the apple, becoming a mega appltun in the process. "mega appltun! pretty cute ain't he? and like ya asked before they can change back if i just..." removing the glove the appltun suddenly shrunk down and morphed back into its original size as the energy that entered its body flowed back in from the pokemon to the stone on the glove.

"that's not all, did you know some pokemon can evolve into different things depending on what you do to them? like say...." taking out two pokeballs kaz released a pair of applins that looked up curiously at the megalopolan with interest before it was taken by kazimir as he took out two small apples, one red and one green, from his backpack and held them up. "one sour apple, and one sweet apple, feed either to an applin like these and you'll get..." setting them down the little dragon apples got to work munching on the apples only to suddenly glow as their bodies morphed, from eating a red sweet apple one of them turned into another appltun, as thick and juicy as its bretheren. on the other side the one that ate a green sour apple turned into a strange reptilian creature still wearing pieces of an apple around its body like a pair of wings and some armor otherwise known as a flapple,

"tada! give one a sweet apple and you get an appltun, give one a sour apple and you get a flapple! two different pokemon from the same one, all cause you gave them something different to eat. ain't that something?!" kaz said, channeling his inner to add some oomph to the presentation.

"ain't pokemon the most coolest and curious things ever?!"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2022 17:13:20 GMT
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Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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Kazimir Wynter
processed shop
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 19:43:51 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X applunite megastone (using three shards 4-3 = 1 shard left)

"Won by Kazimir during a pie baking contest where he won using a homemade recipie for smolive applin wine cider pie"

1X type 3 evo (applin (gerber) evolves to flapple)

1X type 3 evo (applin (cider) evolves to appltun)


do come again!

00 PD
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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 18:57:45 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

around him kazimir manages to find himself in a group of people he doesn't really recognize himself save for who he waves over to, "hey Angey, some serious shit's going on, ya ok yourself?" he asks as he looks around to notice the strange spores coming down from above everyone. Only it was a little too late to notice them as one of them landed on his cheek and dug into his skin as a wave of fatigue suddenly came over him, it was so sudden and strong that he almost fell over as his knee felt like giving out yet he caught himself before he could hurt himself.

his joltik wasn't so luck as despite its size spores still clung to it and the little pokemon looked to be like it was falling fast asleep within seconds. "what's...why am i...damn..." returning his small spider to its pokeball he looked up to the sky and the fading tree of life. he had no idea what was going on but he knew that he would have to clear these spores somehow to try and save people like and who were near him and Angelo. "everyone get down, gonna try and give us some here."

taking out two pokeballs he sent out a vulpix and his zarude who immeditely got struck by the spores and were arledy out of breath despite being fresh on the field. "damn...ok kerchak kong let's get some healing up, vulpix lets burn these spores away!" the trainer called out to his two pokemon who got to work.

the vulpix looked up into the dark sky and raised its tails up to signal some kind of drought that would bring in sunlight to brighten up their day. even then it took in a breath before unleashing a tongue of shadow fire above it to burn away any more spores in the air that would try to come into contact with anyone or anything else. the zarude on the other hand got to work slamming his hands onto the ground as vines erupted from his back and dug into the dirt around him and began to glow, from the looks of it it seemed like something pumped from his body into the ground as the glow covered the area under him and anyone close by including his allies and trainer as his jungle healing skills went to work to try and relieve people of their fatigue.

"hey does anyone know what's happening exactly? it looks like that tree of theirs is going nuts or something, or am i just seeing things?" kaz asks as he keeps his focus on the tree before him wondering if there was something he could do, because becoming a lumberjack was starting to seem like the best option right now.



    * affected by spores
    * recalls joltik, swaps out for zarude and (shaodow hatched) vulpix
    * vulpix ability drought triggers, vulpix uses shadow fire to burn away spores
    * zarude uses jungle healing on allies and surrounding area to heal health and status conditions
    * kaz keeps his focus on the tree, looking for more signs of trouble or changes.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing