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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 19:58:57 GMT
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he flicks the lights on, revealing the plain battlefield that is his elite four chamber.

"all the stuff i got for 'decoration'-" kyle puts up air quotes for the word. "-are over there."

kyle points over to the observatory that overhangs by the wall, covered with tinted glass to protect spectators from the elements of the battle. it looks out of place when official elite four challenges usually don't have spectators as they're recorded as per protocol, though no one had questioned its existence anyways.

in it was a plethora of gaming consoles, both old and new, alongside classics such as arcade machines and the like. in a way, it's much cheaper than the ever complicated technicalities that overzealous gym leaders have on their gyms, especially if one counts the fact that they only last a month or so.

"i apparently need to make this place look way cooler since mine pales in comparison to others' rooms. do you have any ideas? i'm not getting any of my consoles down here, by the way."

he turns to mateo, who he brought in here today to remodel his elite four chamber. it's not like he had anything better to do anyways, so he brought him in.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 20:07:57 GMT
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[attr="class","light"]"isn't your chamber suppose to represent who you are as an 'elite' trainer?" that's how they had it done back in johto. it brought a smile to his face. he was proud of kyle actually taking this seriously. "alright, well, your arena is suppose to be an extension of yourself. it's like..." mateo would think on his comparison.

"a frontier brain!"

he'd never challenged them before, but he read up on their venue. "frontier brains are pretty cool, they're no different from a gym leader or elite four. if there's one thing you're good at it's battling, kyle." especially with pokemon able to stand up against even the tallest and biggest of pokemon. "you have a full-fledged team of what people keep as house pets. your personality is nonchalant..." and he liked games. a hand was brought to mateo's chin as he thought long and hard.

"when i think about it 's gym is pretty bland. what's wrong with just a regular arena?" that seemed more of kyle's style anyway. anything flashy or 'special' would really deviate from who he is as an elite four member.

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 3:05:07 GMT
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he nods with every point that mateo makes, absorbing all of them as he awaits for a conclusive suggestion from him.

"that's what i told them too," in response to bland gyms being fine, "but that kinda gives people the vibes that they have to be serious. i like it better when people take it easy."

there's something intimidating when everything is plain and boring, although that might just be kyle projecting and overanalyzing a situation. he definitely had a different experience on other gyms compared to fernando's, though there's a chance that the reason behind it isn't about the interior nor the streamlined process of registering for a challenge.

"you've challenge fern before, right?" he asks mateo. "is that more fun than, let's say, your gym back at blackthorn?"

kyle's personal answer would be no.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 3:21:36 GMT
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[attr="class","light"]"well, the battle was definitely fun cause of the pokemon he used."

it was a tough cookie, but there was hope in taking it down. he got the packaged experience. "my loss was a gain at the same time," he'd say, "there's something fun about losing in a battle with a guy and a pokemon like that." the more he thought about it the more he could see the contrast between fernando's gym and his gym.

"my gym is all about action and fighting to the fullest, 'nando's is all about that calculative bullshit." at least from mateo's perspective. "fun is subjective in the end," mateo replied. he'd then proceed to return back to kyle's previous statement. "and can you really call someone worthy of challenging the elite four because they can't adapt or ignore the atmosphere to fit their needs?" raising one finger, as though he were a teacher, he'd add, "intimidation leads to growth. if anything, you should build your gym based on your comfortability not the challengers."

they weren't the ones stuck here challenging people and sending them back home all day. "pokemon are an extension of yourself. this entire place should be like a second mancave for you. it should be a venue that's basically screaming what sort of person you are!" and if there's one thing that screamed kyle, it was either dogs and video games. "you like mightyena's and youlike games, why not try decorating something that intertwines'em?"

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 5:58:40 GMT
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a pokemon like that?

"did you...?" kyle takes a deep breath as he quickly pieces information together and decides to just casually confront mateo about it. "you don't even have anything that fits the prerequisite for that challenge..."

he lets the topic die down in favor of the main thing they're doing. as mateo goes off on a tangent about taking his mancave into the gym itself, kyle starts to walk towards the stairs that lead to the supposed spectator's area and jerks his head for him to follow.

he leads the way from the spiraling staircase to the entrance of the observatory desk. "you mean like this?"

inside the room would be what mateo probably had expected. there's flashing lights, dark backdrops and an assortment of game consoles in front of giant screens. shelves line an entire wall, all of them housing games and manga, with the recently used books stacked on a pile by the carpeted floor.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 6:22:41 GMT
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[attr="class","light"]that was a topic they’d have to revisit later. he totally had a pokemon that met the prerequisite. no matter what anyone said, his sceptile was special. ”yeah, exactly like that!” he responded. this was a good start.

mateo examined the room to get a feel of the atmosphere. it was cozy and warm, very inviting. ”wait, aren’t you trying to decorate the place you’re gonna be fightin’ your challengers?” he just wanted to double check and make sure that they had the right idea on the topic at hand.

”i think you should have it look like a doggy cafe, but with a mixture of games, toys, and manga laying about.” it described him pretty well, but then mateo would think over what he had just said. shaking his head, he’d prefer to scratch the idea. ”why not just fill it up with arcade games all over the place?” even after saying that mateo still wasn’t feeling it. this was really hard when it came to someone as normal as kyle.

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 17:04:05 GMT
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"cause those break. have you seen what hoenn's best trainers are these days? their preferred moves are big area-of-effect moves instead of precise strikes! i don't want my consoles to be collateral damage."

mateo was one of them. the champion was too. the last skirmish from the three-day war also showed majority fit the description. it would be foolish not to future proof his room if the alternative was to sacrifice his precious collection.

kyle scratches his head. "i also mostly use electric-types, i guess, so there's more chances of it breaking if they get exposed during a match," he confesses.

regardless of his whining, he decides to go for what mateo had suggested. he would never be able to go anywhere if he kept on finding what's wrong with things and then discarding the entire idea afterwards.

"what do doggy cafes even have?" he asks, "like should i have tables on the edge of the arena, or...?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 19:12:49 GMT
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[attr="class","light"]"maybe that's asking a bit too much then, haha."

so the arcade was out and mateo wasn't too keen on the "dog cafe" idea. "well, when i think of you, you remind me of an arcanine." they were considered 'legendary' pokemon, guardians, and playful pups when they're growlithes. "you remind of the arcanine you gave me. strong, bold, and playful, if i had to name this chamber..." a hand would be brought to his chin, "i'd call it the playground chamber for starters." and now to lead in with his next idea.

"when i think of a canine pokemon, i think of a cage. you sort of have to put them behind a cage when they become too playful, like an arcanine, mightyena, or even a houndour." he continued to ponder on the thought aloud as it slowly came to him, "they're dangerous pokemon, but they're no different from a dragon-type. you want a battlefield that's not intimidating, but invigorating..." mateo continued to think harder. pinching the bridge of his nose.

"oh! why not build something like a cage!? y'know, those things that they have in wrestling? a cage match of sorts!" he wanted exciting, so why not? "think about it," he'd place an arm over kyle only to bring him in closer, "a large circular cage, half which unlocks and flings open as the player enters below. a walkway rises to form a staircase up to the platform shaped like the lower half of a poké ball. as the player reaches the top of the stairs, kyle descends on a platform shaped like a poké ball's top half to complete the design; dressed to impress and kill on sight!"

note: totally didn't copy and paste marshal's chamber from pokemon black and white 2.

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 19:49:01 GMT
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"you lost me when you said my pokemon deserve to be caged."

he maintains a straight-laced face before he breaks down snickering. his image of the room kept on changing the more that mateo tried to describe his vision for kyle's elite four chamber. he swore he never took mateo seriously when his rambles turn into idealistic versions of his imagination.

"let's see what we can do about that, then." he creates a frame with his thumbs and index fingers and pans the view to the rest of the room. "i'll do my best to visualize all that."

his arms drop as soon as he gives up on trying to think about it. "d-do you have a plan b in case i get give up on designing it halfway? maybe something easier?" he already knows he doesn't have the patience to supervise the construction of such intricate design.

that, or he's exploring options that would be less work for him.

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 20:28:56 GMT
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[attr="class","light"]"could always paint it?"

hey, painting was easy, fast, and simple! just pay some artist to paint something on the walls and call it a day. with a pat upon his shoulder, mateo would confidently say with a beam, "don't mind, don't mind! we'll get there, how hard is it to design anyway?" very, but there was no stopping mateo and his wild imaginations. "we'll figure it out, chin up!"

in all honesty, just painting the walls sounded more in the realm of possibility. "we should really consider painting these walls and callin' it a day." that was the best option he could think of right now. "anyway, i'm hungry! let's talk more about this over steak!" he'd pat his stomach. waving a wallet in the air, he'd add, "my treat!"

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POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 4:26:05 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


