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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 13:58:50 GMT
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'chronologically' this happened before the Krampus one. At least, chronologically according to Alex!

He’d been sent to investigate something at the bottom of the Shoal Cave, and he was going with another fellow League member. Unlike the other instance where they had to keep an eye out for fossils at a freshly-discovered excavation site, this time another band of archeologists accompanied by geologists and scientists from nearby Mossdeep had insisted that there were lots of valuable minerals worth their weight in ‘scientific gold’, so to speak.

They’d also been instructed to investigate the cave at low tide, since that was when the lower levels of the Shoal Cave would be exposed and open for further exploration. He’d only ever seen the inside of the cave proper when the tides were high, and had tried fishing up some Water-types he’d spotted frolicking not too far away—to no avail. He knew that there were wild Pokémon there, but as it was now, he was ill-equipped to acquire any of them at the present time.

And then there was a reputation for the Shoal Cave causing technology of all kinds to stop functioning in it. No wonder he’d been asked to bring along torches as well as to wait for his companion outside the cave. Did he get here too early again, just like before? Or was his partner for the day already exploring nearby and he’d arrived there late?

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Thomas Benoit
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 14:11:30 GMT
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Thomas had heard that there was possibly some sort of treasure tucked away at the Shoal Cave. While he had never had the chance to explore the place, having only recently been assigned to the Region, he still took the mission. After all, it was a good chance to explore the caves when they were at their most accessible, while having the benefit of backup. The idea of claiming whatever resources the cave had to offer, rather than letting them fall into the hands of Team Rocket, also appealed to the Agent.

Not long after his partner arrived, he would spot a man flying in on a Hydreigon. The dark dragon seemed to be flying in with purpose, the man on its back clearly visible even from the horizon. Finally, the dragon would land, hovering above the sands leading into the cave. The tall, brown-haired man would give the Hydreigon an affectionate pat on the head after deftly sliding off the back of the dragon. He would then recall the Hydreigon, and turn to face the blonde.

"Alexei, right? I'm Agent Striker. I'm your partner."

The International Police Agent was dressed in durable clothing that was well suited for exploring caves, covering his body and acting as light protection. Otherwise, he carried a light bag that contained some rudimentary gear for the cave, in preparation for the fact that Shoal Cave allegedly caused pieces of technology to malfunction. While he wasn't the first to arrive, his timing at least ensured they had time to explore the cave before high tide kicked in.

notes: Thomas arrives via Hydreigon

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 15:18:53 GMT
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shall we get going? owo

“That would be me, yes,” he said, letting out a minute sigh of relief. So he was just a little early to the party, after all. The first thing he’d noticed right away was the fact that his companion had a Hydreigon—one of the true ‘dragons’ of his home region—and knew somehow, that his companion for the day was a man of exceptional taste when it came to Dragon-types.

“Let’s go? We only have like, three hours at the most before high tide comes in,” he added a few moments later, passing the other a torch from his own supplies that he’d brought along. “I’d want to know what this is all about, myself… seeing as the people who forwarded the request were pretty adamant that we find whatever it is and get there first before anyone else does. By anyone else, they meant Rocket…”

Hoping that they wouldn’t run into too much trouble, he then squared his shoulders before stretching his arms up high above his head.

“Hopefully what we find down there isn’t going to be a big fat waste of our time…”

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October 31
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Thomas Benoit
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 11:09:20 GMT
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In all honesty, Thomas lamented the fact that he couldn't get to the caves earlier, when low tide had effectively kicked in. But then, considering what his day consisted of beforehand, it was a miracle that he got to Shoal Cave at the midway point. As Alexei offered him a flashlight, Thomas would gesture to decline, before pulling out his own flashlight from his bag. The flashlight itself was a long and heavy model that was typically issued to law enforcement, with some modifications, chiefly a panel on the bottom that allowed it to absorb electricity from Electric-types to charge.

"Can you really blame them, at this point? After what those scumbags did to the Kanto Region, and to Slateport, I'd be scrambling to get my hands on as many vital or otherwise potentially valuable resources as possible, before Rocket could get their hands on them.", he would state in response to Alexei.

Thomas would nod in response to Alexei's last statement, before venturing into the cave with the native Unovan. As Thomas entered the cave, he would take note to just how large the place was. If anything, the sight of the interior of the cave made him want to come back later, to see for himself what Shoal Cave is like during High Tide.

"So which way we headed?", he'd ask his partner.

notes: Thomas enters with Alexei, and allows him to take the lead

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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 11:31:25 GMT
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*cue the cheesy-af Arabian Nights bgm*

Oh, he knew about what had gone down in Slateport. The thing was, at the time it had happened he wasn’t exactly available to help due to the fact he’d been confined in a hospital when shit went down in the port city; despite the ‘all hands on deck’ call issued for League members at the time.

“To be fair, I haven’t seen anything of the sort go down where I came from… it was peaceful, on the most part. But I did hear rumors about people just willingly setting their Pokémon companions loose after they were approached by some really shadily-dressed people. Dunno what they wanted, but I’m glad I cleared out of there,” he shared, keeping the second flashlight and slinging the first one through his right wrist before digging out a map from the pocket of his jacket.

Following the other as he stepped inside, he scrambled to keep up—thankfully, on the first level there was still enough natural light coming in from the cave entrance, providing illumination as far as possibly the second level. He looked around and saw that there were pockets of pools in some places; had he misjudged the time? Maybe they had even less time than he initially thought…

Looking down at the map, he then began tracing the route from the entrance, looking up ever-so-often before squinting ahead; there were three possible paths to take. The map he had explicitly labeled them to take the central way, and so he looked up one more time before pointing ahead.

“Straight ahead… those two other entrances are only accessible during high tide, it seems,” he began, walking forward and making his way over to the tunnel that led deeper. Waiting a few moments so the other caught up to him, he then turned on his flashlight as he charged through the tunnel, eventually coming out to another section of the cavern.

While dimly lit, there were still several paths, and after scanning the slightly damp floor he knew that searching for footprints was useless. He then veered off to the left, pointing silently at the path. Continuing down the narrower location, he kept walking—at least until his flashlight beam came upon what appeared to be a collapsed section of path.

“Well, shit,” he continued, a frown furrowing his brows as he looked at the wall. “Last time they were here this path was clear… the way deeper is beyond this…

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Thomas Benoit
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 14:31:27 GMT
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While Thomas was familiar with what went down in Slateport, he was unable to reach the fallen city in time to help out. At the time of the attack, he was dealing with a fugitive hiding out in Lilycove City, a dangerous one at that. Considering he was the only person pursuing the criminal, and that dropping the pursuit would guarantee he'd continue to elude police for Arceus knows how long, Thomas had to maintain the pursuit. After a tense hostage situation, Thomas finally managed to capture the criminal, at the cost of precious time.

Realistically, his presence at the battle would've made a negligible difference in the grand scheme of things, but the Interpol Agent couldn't help but be saddled with guilt over not being there to assist in defending Slateport from the invading forces.

"Yes, I've actually encountered those clowns. I still cannot wrap my mind around how they successfully managed to convince entire congregations of people to release their Pokemon, even as their Pokemon were pleading with them not to do it.", Thomas remarked with a disgusted scoff, his free hand balling up into a tight fist at the thought of what went on in Unova all that time ago. Of course, he had quite a history with that group, including witnessing their rank and file commit abuses against wild Pokemon themselves. It was one of their operations involving stealing Pokemon to "liberate them" that caused his path to cross with that detective from the International Police, bringing him to where he is now.

Thomas remained silent as Alexei would go through the route, before leading him down the path. Thomas was not too far behind his partner, and would pull out his own flashlight as Alexei did, the beam of the flashlight projecting a bright beam of light, fitting for a tool trusted by law enforcement across League territories.

As they came across the blockade, Thomas would walk up to it, and begin to scan it with his flashlight. It was then that he flashed a quick smirk. "Stand back, this will get messy.", he told Alexei, before stepping back himself, plucking a Pokeball from his belt. A large Scizor would emerge from the capsule. "Ripper, I need you to bust down that rubble!", Thomas told the Scizor, who nodded, and started to pound at the rubble blocking the path.

The steely pincers of the Scizor managed to smash apart the rocks forming the wall with ease. Broken down pieces of rock and dust would fly around the Scizor in the process. Within moments, Ripper had smashed through the rocky blockade, opening the way for the trio to proceed along the path.

"Good work, Ripper.", Thomas told the large Scizor.

notes: Ripper smashes down the rubble blocking the way

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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 6:04:49 GMT
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male / infiltrator[break]
poison fang / air cutter / leech life / haze / venoshock / supersonic


the golbat bare their fangs with no fear. instead, emboldened by the appearance of new 'prey' they dive downward toward the trainers and their pokemon, ready to strike with their toxic teeth.[break][break][break]


feel free to determine how many golbat there are, but there's a ton!![break][break]

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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 15:50:55 GMT
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not Golbats. Noooope

While he did have a Braviary and a Salamence, neither of them were built to knock rocks out of their way… well, he could try incinerating them courtesy of his draconid partner, but fat load of good it would do since rocks still stood despite superheated fire (unless of course, the flames were magma). Taking a few steps back, he watched as his companion unballed a Scizor, before said Scizor busted down the wall of fallen rocks in front of them.

“Stand back, indeed,” he hummed lightly as the wall of rubble was picked apart by the dual-type’s heavy-duty jaw-like pincers. In moments, the way was clear—but not for long. The low cries of wild Pokémon echoed from beyond the opening the moment the way had been cleared, and without thinking he plucked one of the two marbles he had with him; popping it to full size and sending out his Salamence.

Letting out a roar at whatever was headed its way, the draconid then flew forward, breathing out a stream of Flamethrower at the incoming horde of Golbat that came flying out of the opening. “Switch to Thunder Fang!” he called out, and the stream of flames abruptly halted before the draconid flew further ahead, biting and snapping at the Golbat that were now trying to drive away the intruder on their territory.

“Why did it have to be a flock of Golbat…” he groaned as he followed the Salamence forward, hearing the sounds of electrified snapping echoing here and there. At the same time he felt the ground rumble, before looking over to Thomas. “Look out behind you!” he called out, seeing that there was a dust cloud headed in the Agent’s direction.

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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
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Thomas Benoit
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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2018 16:07:40 GMT
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After having busted down the wall of debris blocking their way, the cries of several Pokemon, all of a familiar species to the Agent, filled the cave, somewhat distant at first, before the cries got louder as the Golbat got closer. "Shit!", Thomas called out. The poisonous bats were clearly attempting to get a free meal out of the two humans, with one of them diving down towards Thomas, only for the trainer to quickly lean back, and grab the Golbat, before chucking it back at another one that was coming at him.

Thomas would grab another Pokeball off of his belt. Unleashing the creature within, a Flygon. Kiryu, the Flygon, would immediately perform a Dragon Dance, in order to raise his strength and speed, before flying in to meet the horde of Golbat head-on, raking them with his Dragon Claw. While it managed to inflict harm to the Golbat, the claws of the Flygon would fail to knock the bats out, resulting in them just flying back at him and attempting to get a meal out of the encounter.

As his partner alerted him to something coming up from behind, Thoms would turn around to see a large cloud of dust kicking up towards him. The trainer would quickly roll out of the path at the last moment, narrowly avoiding the Onix that would emerge from the ground with a roar. Ripper looked up to the tall rock serpent, reinforcing his body with Iron Defense, before delivering a Bullet Punch to the Onix., The steely pincers of the Scizor would smash right into the head of the Onix, causing it to cry out in agony.

In retaliation, the Onix would slam down his tail, causing a light Rock Slide to come crashing down on Thomas and Ripper. While Thomas found himself dodging the falling debris, Ripper merely took the attack, which thanks to reinforcing his defenses moments earlier, barely did anything to phase the insect. Ripper would go in for yet another Bullet Punch, once again smashing his pincer into the head of the Onix, this time causing cracks on its head to form, before it would fall into unconsciousness.

With the Onix having been brought down, Thomas looked around, seeing that the Golbat were still coming, and didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. While Kiryu had done an admirable job in holding them off, thanks to his enhanced speed allowing him maneuver quicker than they could, their sheer numbers threatened to overwhelm him quickly, if something wasn't done to either get out, or take out more of them with more efficiency.

Thomas would quickly fish out a pair of high quality ear plugs from his bag, and toss them to Alexei. "Plug those in. Kiryu's gonna use Boomburst on my command, to stun these Golbat, maybe knock some out in the process. After that, we make a run for the chamber. If we do this right, we can take more of them out while on the run.", Thomas would tell his partner. "Sound good?", he asked quickly, watching his Flygon swat back the Golbat with his claws, so far managing to wound five of them with his attack.

notes: Ripper takes out the Onix. Flygon sent out to fight off Golbat. Thomas hands Alexei high quality earplugs, and has a plan.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2018 18:05:10 GMT
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the Golbats never seem to stop coming!!!

While it was incredibly ironic that he liked Crobat, it was their pre-evolutions he detested more than anything—having encountered way too many of them lurking around in caves and dark, nighttime forests back when he was traveling around Unova. And there were even more of them here!

Thankfully the warning didn’t fall on deaf ears as an Onix literally rose up from the ground and engaged in a battle with the Scizor; before he turned his attention to the roaring up ahead that was his Salamence. “Gabe! Switch out to Flamethrower and shoot them out of the air!” he called out, before pulling out a Friend Ball, popping it to full size and chucking his Braviary out.

As the avian emerged from the beam of red light, even more Golbat came crashing in, trying to sink their poisonous fangs into the ‘new meal’ that had walked right in. Tailwind, go!” he said in the Flying-type’s direction; soon enough a blast of wind ripped through the passageway, boosting not just his party’s speed, but also of his partner’s. At the same time, another couple of Golbat came shrieking, dive-bombing form the ceiling and attempting to use Leech Life on the Braviary.

“Swat ‘em down! Aerial Ace!” he added a few moments later, and the Braviary then slammed his body into the pair that were trying to sink their fangs into the feathery plumes. A few moments later, rocks began clattering and tumbling down as he caught sight of what he recognized to be a Flygon causing a low-powered Rock Slide to shake the cave—but they wouldn’t. Stop. Coming.

“What the hell? Just how many of them are down here?! he exclaimed, holding his hands up and whistling loudly at the Braviary’s direction. “Kyou, it’s going to hurt, but it’s the best shot we got! Smack as many as you can out of the way with your Brave Bird move!”

A loud screech came from the red-plumed avian, suddenly veering low and literally hurling himself at the stream of incoming Golbat—knocking several (around four? Five?) out of the way—yet they still kept on coming!

“What in the name of—“ he began, before seeing something flying in his direction. Fumbling for a few moments, he then caught them, before his eyes widened at what the other was about to do. “Oh, crap,” was all he had time for, plugging his ears and whistling sharply again at the Braviary, before pointing up ahead—a signal to move forward and help the Salamence.

This the Braviary did, charging ahead—despite having taken some damage due to the reckless attack—and joining the Salamence who was now playing a game of ‘let’s shoot down all the Golbat with Flamethrower’, bursts of flame continuously erupting from its maw.

Back at where Alexei was, once he’d plugged his ears out, he then signaled to the other with a thumbs-up that he was ready; and braced himself for impact…


Braviary now out on the field, whips up a Tailwind to boost all friendly Pokémon’s speed; before lashing out with an Aerial Ace at a pair of Golbat that dive-bombed from the ceiling. Switches tactics at a sharp whistling command, before charging forward like a battering ram with Brave Bird. Eventually flies forward to join the Salamence, who’s playing some twisted target practice game with Flamethrower at the mess of Golbat that wont. Stop. Spawning.

Alexei braces for the Boomburst impact!

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Shalour City, Kalos
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Thomas Benoit
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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2018 16:34:17 GMT
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The boost provided by the Tailwind provided Kiryu with some extra mobility needed to weave through the barrage of Golbat coming at him, batting them back and slashing into their bodies with Dragon Claw. Despite this, he found himself eventually getting surrounded by the horde of oncoming Golbat, all of them getting ready to feast on the green dragon.

With Ripper being free from the skirmish with the Onix, the Scizor would turn his attention to the Golbat horde coming at the two trainers and their Pokemon. Ripper would perform a Swords Dance to boost his strength. A Golbat would attempt to Leech Life from the Scizor, only to find its fangs chipping off upon biting the steely armor. With an annoyed look, Ripper delivered a Double Hit on the large bat, knocking it unconscious. As one was attempting to fly in on Thomas from behind, Ripper would rush in with a Bullet Punch, sending it flying back several feet.

"Thanks, Ripper.", Thomas told the Scizor, who gave him a grin and a nod, before continuing to fight more off.

Once Alexei had put in the earplugs, and was ready to roll, Thomas quickly plugged in his own earplugs, and had Ripper recalled back to his Pokeball, to spare him from what was to come.

"Now Kiryu, Boomburst!", called out Thomas. As he shouted this out, he got into a stance to ready himself for what was to come.

As multiple Golbat go in close to attempt to suck the blood of the dragon, Kiryu would immediately unleash a loud and powerful soundwave that send many of the Golbat flying, those wounded prior to the Boomburst would drop to the cave floor, falling unconscious to the attack. Those that would remain conscious would find themselves dazed and badly injured from being subjected to the Boomburst, their hearing ringing from the loud noise. And while Alexei's Salamence and Braviary were no doubt tougher than the Golbats, they would still feel the shock of such an attack.

While Thomas greatly disliked using such a move, especially with the implication that the Golbat might not rouse from their slumber in time to avoid drowning during high tide, Thomas knew he had to do it, if they were to make it to the chamber safely.

Thomas would gun it down the path with Alexei, with Kiryu trailing not far behind. While the attack may have done considerable work to thin out the herd, there would still be several Golbat that would recover from the shock of the attack, and continue their pursuit.

"You alright?", Thomas would ask Alexei as they made their run.

notes: Ripper takes out one Golbat, and wounds another. Thomas recalls Ripper, before having Flygon use Boomburst to attack the entire group, using ear protection to give him some protection from attack. After the Boomburst goes off, the wounded fall, and the rest of the Golbat become wounded. Thomas rushes down the path with Alexei, Flygon behind them

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Alex / Lexy
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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2018 15:35:56 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



and they still continue.

Despite the fact that both his Braviary and Salamence were up ahead, the effects of the Boomburst attack unleashed by the Flygon was rather…shattering, to say the least. The Golbats that the two Flying-types were dealing with were knocked every which way; some of them ended up collapsing after another blast of Flamethrower from the Salamence; while the Braviary had been picking off the other approaching Golbat with its Crush Claw attack.

Both fliers let out a surprised squawking noise as the effects of said Boomburst reached them; but nonetheless they were still airborne; while most of the Golbat that they were dealing with had dropped like flies to the cave floor. It didn’t take too long for both the avian and the draconid to hear a pair of footsteps running through the passageway, with one of them removing the earplugs and shaking his head to clear it of the ringing aftereffects.

“Thankfully. At least I now know to pack some earplugs when you use Boomburst in an enclosed space,” he began, shaking his head before hearing a distinct popping noise—now that his hearing had recovered, he looked down and eyed the collapsed Golbat. “Ironic I like the final evolution of their line, but I absolutely detest its younger forms, he continued, gesturing at the pile of fallen Golbat that lay passed-out at their feet.

Now that the danger had passed, he quickly pulled out a Friend Ball and popped it to full size, recalling the Braviary so he could rest; leaving the Salamence flying up ahead; calling their attention and pointing at something glowing at the end of the passageway with its tail.

“You… you see that? Want to take a look and find out what it is?” he asked his companion, following the Salamence.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
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Desiree Blooms
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Thomas Benoit
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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2018 10:35:58 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

As Thomas and Alexei would run, Thomas would take notice to just how many Golbat were dropping. He would take a moment longer before pulling out the earplugs himself, the familiar ringing from the aftermath setting in before his hearing would return to normal. At this stage, many of the Golbat were backing off, rather than continuing to attack after the assault. Many would continue on with their assault, flying after the group.

"Kiryu, Rock Slide, spaced out!", commanded Thomas.

The Flygon would call down a barrage of rocks on top of the pursuing Golbat, carefully spaced out so as to not clog up the cave passages. Rocks would drop on top of several of the pursuing Golbat, finishing what the Boomburst had started with them, causing them to join their fallen comrades. Whatever Golbat remained would see the Flygon threatening to go in for another round, and would summarily back off, not willing to deal with any of that.

"Thanks, Kiryu!", Thomas said, flashing a thumbs up to the green dragon, who would give a grin and a nod in return.

With the danger dealt with, Thomas would continue his way through Shoal Cave with Alexei, wasting no time in getting to this chamber. Thomas wouldn't recall his Flygon, making sure that he was covered, should more danger present itself. Thomas would spot the faint glow coming from a chamber that was within their sights, thanks to the Salamence pointing towards it with his tail. The Kalosian would respond with a nod to his partner's question, continuing his rush towards the chamber. Whether that chamber was their goal, or the den of yet more danger was yet to be seen.

notes: Flygon used Rock Slide carefully to knock out or drive off remaining pursuers. Thomas goes towards the chamber with Alexei.

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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 5:01:59 GMT
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within the depths of the cave, one egg rests in a shallow pool of water. it's a curious sight— and the mother is no where to be found. beyond the pool, one can see that a deeper body of water extends into the darkness of the cavern, presumably connecting the innards of the earth to the surrounding sea.[break][break]

aside from the egg, the two trainers will be able to find stashes of currency in aged chests, allowing the trainers to find old coins that total up to 200 poké. in other words, if the trainers were to split the rewards evenly, they would find 100 poké each (and gain 5 infamy!)[break][break]

if you would like to make any other posts, feel free / alex receives the egg as decided by both of you / the egg will hatch in one week (12/25) [break][break]

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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 1:20:55 GMT
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during the past week, alexei dedicated much care for the mysterious blue egg. occasionally, he has seen it shift, the membrane firm but wobbly, like a thick water balloon. he has learned to douse it occasionally with warm water to prevent the egg's "skin" from drying out, resulting in many sleepless nights over its condition.[break][break]

however, his motherly nurturance has finally rewarded him. as the egg hatches, alexei watches as brine courses over its long flipper like arms. in the center of its small form, a red gem gleams brilliantly.[break][break][break]

genderless / hydration[break]
tail glow / whirlpool / aqua ring / water pulse / rain dance / acid armor

alexei had found a phione egg.

the phione immediately spreads its affection to the trainer, clumsily adapting to its new environment as it makes its way to alexei. each one of its cries resonates within its new home— and recalls another in its watery tones.[break][break][break]

pm me for any questions / enjoy and stay tuned *winkyface [break][break]
