Supply Chain (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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January 20
Pokemon Thief
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3 posts
Kyo Kiwami DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kiwami
Kyo Kiwami
Supply Chain (M)
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 2:49:04 GMT
Kyo Kiwami Avatar

Cries of various Pokemon could be heard flooding the inside of a truck.

"Pipe down, or I'll give you something to whimper about!", the white-haired man snapped into the truck. His outburst would be punctuated by the harsh, whipping winds of ice generated by his Galarian Ninetales. The 'mini Blizzard' was more of a warning shot, a show of force to the various Pokemon trapped within the cages lining the walls of the truck.

Kyo Kiwami, and his Galarian Ninetales, hopped out of the back of the truck, before proceeding to seal it up. With a sigh, Kyo checked his watch. "Where are they!?", Kyo grumbled in clear irritation. The fact that he had to load the truck himself was already bad enough. But the longer they were out here, the greater the chance an interloper would come in and try to claim his prize.

tags: @open
notes: Mission - Poke-Trafficking